Kelly Soo Park, in custody 2010
6:30 AM
The jury enters their fifth day of deliberations in the Kelly Soo Park murder trial. The jury will resume deliberations at 9:00 AM today in Dept. 109 of the Clara Shortridge-Foltz Criminal Justice Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Late yesterday evening, there was a comment that stated some inaccurate information. I have not said that the jury is hung. The jury has not sent a note out and said they are hung. All we know is that they are still deliberating. The same comment left the impression that when the Santa Monica forensic specialist put the latent print cards in her locker, that was not according to procedure. I believe that is incorrect. I am not remembering any testimony that stated the evidence custody methods the forensic specialist followed were not according to procedure.
I've not toured the Santa Monica crime lab, but I have had a tour of the Hertzberg-Davis Criminal Justice Center. This is the crime lab facility shared by Los Angeles County and the LAPD that is located on the campus of California State University, Los Angeles. This is what I know of evidence custody procedures at an ASCLD certified lab.
In that crime lab, evidence is booked into a central location. After it is booked, criminalists will be assigned an item or items of evidence in a case. The criminalists will log out evidence items into their personal custody so they can start their analysis. Those items are not returned to the central evidence location at the end of each day. They have personal lockers where evidence is kept while they are performing tests.
A big thank you, again, to everyone who has made a donation to cover my expenses for reporting on this trial. It's very much appreciated. Yesterday, T&T had the highest visitor and page view numbers since the conviction of Stephanie Lazarus. Thank you all for reading and supporting T&T.
8:42 AM
I'm inside the courtroom on the 9th floor. The camera crew are setting up. The only people who are here are DDA Okun-Wiese, Detective Thompson, Patricia and Greg Redding and the individual whom I believe is the Redding's son. This group is chatting with Judge Kennedy's bailiff in the gallery where the family usually sits.
Park and her husband Tom Chronister, were about 1/2 block behind me on Temple Street when I was walking towards the courthouse from the parking lot.
Answering questions.
Judge Kennedy ruled that cameras were not allowed to film testimony. Cameras filmed opening statements and closing arguments. The cameras are in the courtroom ready to film the reading of the verdict, when one is reached.
Bond. It is my understanding that family and friends paid a fee to the bail bondsman. I was not at the hearing that disclosed that back in 2010. Park's bank accounts showed payments from Dr. Uwaydah's businesses to bank accounts in Park's name.
Latent fingerprint card. I believe you are misunderstanding what the lockers are. They are not 'personal' lockers where they keep their purse and other items. They are evidence lockers where they keep items that they have signed out of the central evidence location so the item can be analyzed.
8:52 AM
An older black woman enters, sees the camera crew and is puzzled. I explain to her that the cameras are not here for a different case. That they are waiting on a verdict. The bailiff addresses her, "Mam, what are you here for?" She gives him a name. The bailiff responds, "You're in the right place. Have a seat." A single juror enters and heads for the jury room.
8:53 AM
Park, Chronister, and several of her supporters arrive and take a seat in the second and back rows. More jurors file in. A bit earlier, a young, eager looking male clerk with the DA's office joined the conversation with DDA Okun-Wiese and Detective Thompson.
8:56 AM
People are reading newspapers and magazines.
8:57 AM
The jurors enter the courtroom like everyone else does, from the main hallway entrance. The young man with Patricia and Greg Redding appears to be in his 20's. He has short black hair, and to me, resembles Greg Redding.
8:59 AM
I hear a defense attorney tell the woman who entered earlier that "He will be sentenced today." So we will have sentencing in another case.
9:05 AM
The courtroom is unbelievably quiet at the moment. The clock on the back wall of the courtroom ticks loudly every minute. The typing of my keyboard appears to make more noise than usual.
9:07 AM
Two women enter the courtroom. One heads over to speak to the court reporter at the court clerk's desk. The other is a pretty young reporter who takes a seat beside me.
9:09 AM
I don't know when he entered, but there is a DDA sitting at the prosecution table. He is most likely here for the sentencing case. A young woman I've never seen before enters and sits beside DDA Okun-Wises's clerk.
9:11 AM
Ah. the woman who spoke to the court reporter, I believe she is a reporter with ABC. She has brown hair down to her shoulder blades, model tall with sleek long legs.
9:17 AM
More of Juliana's family members enter. Detective Thompson gets up from the end of the bench row to let them sit beside the Reddings. Thompson exchanges a smile, hug and a cheek kiss with one of the older women as they take a seat.
9:19 AM
I will not publish comments that include hidden name calling, or are outright calling other commenters names. Sorry.
9:23 AM
An Asian woman enters. She smiles at Park. Park stands, gives her a big smile back, and hugs her when she passes to sit in the back row. It's eerily quiet at the moment.
9:29 AM
Regarding comments. There will always be some who are unhappy with my decision not to post their comment(s). I'm sorry.
9:31 AM
DNA/evidence item collection. It's my understanding that the candle was not collected and placed into evidence. My guess on that would be, the criminalists did not feel it was worth collecting. Whomever lit the candle would not necessarily need to touch it to light it with a flame source.
We heard testimony about the tests conducted on Juliana's fingernails. That's standard evidence collection procedure by the coroner's criminalist. We heard testimony that the DNA under Juliana's fingernails was her own. If I'm remembering correctly, we heard testimony that states this is consistent with Juliana herself creating the scratching injuries on her neck trying to get her fingers under the manual grip around her neck.
I did not hear a buzz this morning that indicated deliberations started, but it's a good bet that they are deliberating. If there was a missing juror, I'm sure I would have heard the court clerk on the phone making inquiries.
9:41 AM
There is another case, that had a trial sometime prior, that reached a verdict. That case will be formally sentenced today.
A van. I don't know what was confiscated by Santa Monica police in the way of vehicles. Nothing from a vehicle was entered into evidence at the trial. There could be many reasons for that.
This is an old courthouse. It is 19 floors. It was built in the late 60's, early 70's. There are not separate entrances or hallways for jurors to wait. Jurors wait in the hallway like everyone else. Sometimes the hallway is packed with jurors. There are ten courtrooms on this floor, just as big as this courtroom.
Everyone knows to be quiet when jurors are around. That's pretty standard. You get to know the faces that are the jurors in the trial you are attending/following. And, all jurors in every courtroom are instructed to always wear their juror badge. It clearly identifies them as a juror.
I know that the media is quite careful not to speak around jurors. I have been following cases for several years, and people are aware that you are not allowed to interfere with a juror/jurors. Juliana's family and supporters wear pink ribbons on their clothing.
The jurors can see members of both families that have been in the courtroom during the trial, when everyone is waiting out in the hallway. I don't see a problem with this, and evidently the court staff don't either.
9:52 AM
A defendant is brought out from the jail holding area. He is in a brown jumpsuit. This is the first time I've seen the color brown on a defendant. Usually, it's blue or orange. Or, yellow tops with blue bottoms. There are a couple people in the gallery that are possibly here for this sentencing, but I don't think they are all family. Some could be defense attorney staff.
9:55 AM
We get the notice to turn our phones off. Judge Kennedy takes the bench. People v. Bailey (sp?). Here to conduct a court trial on prior proceedings. The people call a witness. This is someone who was sitting in the gallery. This is a fingerprint identification expert with the LAPD. The witness is speaking very fast. She's testified as an expert over 65 times.
9:58 AM
It is my understanding that John Gilmore has not attended the trial. I have not seen in court anyone who resembles him.
10:00 AM
I only started covering this trial since May 2011. There were many pretrial motions in this case that I did not attend. I do not know for a fact that Judge Kennedy "barred" the information commenters are asking about, from being presented as testimony. It could be that the people chose not to use all the evidence they have. That's trial strategy. I do not know what the prosecution's strategy was at trial, or why they did not put on more witnesses to present the evidence you are asking about. You will have to ask the DA's office.
10:05 AM
The people call another witness in the bench trail of the current case. Paralegal for the LA Co. DA's office. Experience in identifying prior convictions and "9690 V-packs." Also known as a prison package.
10:08 AM
I'm having trouble maintaining a connection. I step out of the courtroom to publish since Judge Kennedy is on the bench.
10:13 AM
The testimony of the other case is over. Judge Kennedy asks if there was any affirmative defense. No, but asks to present some argument. "Sure."
10:15 AM
No buzzes from the jury.
This current case before Judge Kennedy at the moment, I believe is a three strike case. She is not going to ignore a strike. Move to sentencing.
10:19 AM
Just a reminder, I cannot publish from inside the courtroom while Judge Kennedy is on the bench.
Judge Kennedy tells the prosecutor she doesn't understand his computation at all. Judge Kennedy explains the sentencing to the prosecutor. She says the 3 strikes changes a determinate sentence to an indeterminate sentence. The Romero motion is denied. Romero motions have to do with convincing the judge to eliminate a strike.
Sentencing over. The defendant wants to address the judge. "I just want to say, I didn't do the robbery (claim? charge?). .... That's all I wanted to say." Judge Kennedy thanks him. She's off the bench and the defendant is taken back into the holding cell area.
10:29 AM
A few supporters on both sides left the courtroom. Detective Thompson is sitting in the first seating row on the end, diligently working on her laptop. I don't recall seeing glasses on her before, but they could be reading glasses, or, I'm just not remembering.
10:31 AM
I have not seen Park's defense attorney's today. If I'm remembering correctly, their offices are 20 minutes away.
10:35 AM
The courtroom is not very full at the moment. People come and go.
10:37 AM
The reporter sitting beside me brought a book to read. The court clerk makes a few phone calls then tells the bailiff she will be right back.
Detective Thompson moves to the side to let someone pass in the first seating row. When she moves, papers spill out of her thick 3-ring binder onto the floor. The court clerk returns with two reams of white paper.
10:45 AM
Buzz! Buzz! The clerk goes to investigate since the bailiff is out of the courtroom at the moment.
Several jurors leave the courtroom on a break.
10:51 AM
The jury has not sent a note out and said they are hung. So, I can't say they are. However, if the jury sends a note out and says they are hung, then the prosecution will most likely refile the case. Being out on bail will depend on what motions the prosecution and defense make. Judge Kennedy would make the final decision.
10:53 AM
Like I've said before, I never try to guess anything about a jury. In my opinion, juries are unpredictable. Juries will surprise you. The Stephanie Lazarus jury deliberated a total of 7 hours and 25 minutes. The second Phil Spector jury deliberated .... I can't find that at the moment. Will get back to that.
10:55 AM
Park's sister Kim enters with a friend. Hugs are exchanged between Kim, Park and Chronister.
In Spector, deliberations were spread over 9 days. I do know there were a few illnesses among some of the jurors and Judge Fidler ordered the jurors to stay home for several days. Spector's jury deliberated over 9 days, a total of 28 hours, 57 minutes.
At the most, there are a total of 5 hours and 45 minutes of deliberation time available each day, IF no breaks are taken.
Jurors file back into the jury room from break. I don't notice anything unusual about the expressions on jurors faces.
I have not kept track of the number of jury deliberation hours. That's because this jury is not buzzing each time they start and stop. And, there have been days when testimony has been read back. That time would not be considered deliberating. Yesterday, I believe they took a morning break and left at 4:00 PM. That equates to 5 hours and 15 minutes for one day.
11:09 AM
Previously, commenters have asked about cell phone records placing Park near the scene. If you read the Charging Document and Statement of Probable Cause, page 6, you will see that by the time Park was being investigated by Santa Monica PD, the cell tower records for her phone were no longer available. Park's location on the night/time of the murder could not be determined from cell tower pings.
11:19 AM
The courtroom gallery is about 3 quarters full.
11:38 AM
There's very little bustle in the courtroom.
11:48 AM
People are a little restless in the gallery. Some come and go.
11:51 AM
The courtroom clock ticks. I explain to Lonce how to take the train to 7th & Metro so she can get a charger for her phone. Camera crew staff come and go. People are reading books, magazines. Jury watch can be quite boring. The only noise is the opening and closing of the courtroom doors from people coming and going.
11:55 AM
Yes. I covered the closing statements for both sides. You can find them on THIS entry. The postings are in reverse time order, not in chronological.
11:59 AM The bailiff tells us that the jurors are going to lunch. In the afternoon they will have 65 jurors coming for another trial. There will not be any room for any of us. We watch the jurors file out.
12:05 PM
I asked the bailiff if Judge Kennedy would allow a single media seat inside the courtroom and he responded, "Absolutely not. I have 65 jurors coming in here."
1:23 PM
I'm in the hallway on the 9th floor. I will be here until a verdict is reached. If by chance a seat opens up in the courtroom I will ask if I can sit in that seat. It's all up to Judge Kennedy.
Like I said earlier, there is no evidence to show where Park's cell phone was at the time the prosecution and LE believe the crime occurred.
1:28 PM
I see the jurors being let into the courtroom.
1:30 PM
The 9th floor hallway is a bustle of activity with jurors being called to other courtrooms.
1:33 PM
I was standing in the ante chamber of the courtroom for a moment when I heard the single BUZZ! The jurors are deliberating again.
I heard the bailiff tell Park and Chronister that they "have to" be inside the courtroom, but he kicked out the reporters and camera crew that had plugged their cameras in.
1:47 PM
Everyone is allowed inside Dept. 109. I take a seat in the back row near the door.
I have a correction to make. The latent fingerprint cards were stored at the Santa Monica PD in what is called the Forensic's Section. The Forensic's Section is a security section, and not everyone can enter that unit. However, it is not like a big lab. It isn't even called a lab. Fingerprints that are collected at a crime scene are kept in the case file, in this section of the department.
1:54 PM
Nothing anyone says in the comments will affect the jury. I know emotions are high right now and that people are on edge. I'm asking people to please keep it civil.
Even if another trial begins in this courtroom, that will not affect the jury deliberations that are going on right now. Once those three buzzes are heard, various parties (counsel) will be notified. The defense counsel would have to get here. Once they arrived then the new trial would stop. The jurors would be brought out and the verdict read.
2:00 PM
Earlier, DDA Okun-Wiese and Detective Thompson were in the courtroom. I looked up from typing and they are gone.
2:03 PM
The young man whom I believe is Juliana's brother, is leaning forward, his forehead resting on his hands on the wood bench in front of him.
2:04 PM
The bailiff enters the courtroom from the holding cell area.
Speculation about what's happening in the jury room is pointless. I don't have an opinion as to what's happening, and it would be irresponsible for me to even try to speculate. You can't use past jury trials as a template for this one. When people make up a jury, each one is a different entity, and like I've said many times, juries will surprise you.
2:13 PM
A friend of mine, a fellow writer came down to court to keep me company.
2:22 PM
Park gets up from her seat to go sit beside another supporter.
The courtoom is very quiet. Sound really echos when it's this quiet.
2:24 PM
The court clerk and the court reporter share a laugh at the court clerk's desk.
2:27 PM
Judge Kennedy comes out from chambers and speaks to her court clerk. Now, the bailiff leaves his desk to go speak to Judge Kennedy in the back office area.
2:32 PM
Now Judge Kennedy and the bailiff are chatting at the clerk's desk. People occasinally come and go.
2:37 PM
All we can say about the jury at this point is.... they are deliberating.
The bailiff is back at his desk and Judge Kennedy has gone back into chambers.
2:42 PM
I can hear footsteps echoing in the hallway as they approach Dept. 109. It's a young woman in heels, most likely a clerk with the DA's office. More footsteps approach. It's one of Juliana's supporters and Detective Thompson, who sits in the gallery. She pushes her large bag under the benches and puts her work briefcase on her lap.
2:51 PM
Detective Thompson opens her laptop, possibly to work. DDA Okun-Wiese enters the courtroom and sits in the front row. She turns around to chat with the family.
2:58 PM
People in the gallery yawn. I yawn. There are closing door noises somewhere in other courtrooms.
3:02 PM
Thank you everyone for your support and kind words regarding my trial reporting efforts. I don't particularly want a meal right now, but I sure would love some sleep when I get home tonight.
3:11 PM
Everyone can have an opinion here. Please be civil to each other in the comments. Just because someone doesn't see the case in the same way as you, doesn't diminish their opinion.
3:13 PM
Doors open, they close. People go back to reading their book or magazine.
3:14 PM
Earlier, I think some one asked about Juliana's parents, and how they are holding up. I have not spoken to them, and I cannot clearly see their faces from where I am siting.. They have several supporters here.
The silence of the room is broken by the court clerks jovial conversation on the phone.
3:19 PM
Park and her husband, Tom Chronister take a break outside the courtroom.
3:21 PM
I don't believe a specific time of death was presented at trial.
3:27 PM
Jurors. You have to understand that, when the jurors leave the courtroom, they leave first. We are told to wait until they leave the room. If someone approached them in the hallway, I believe they would inform the judge. Not to say it hasn't happened, but you have to understand that before court, and during the lunch break, there are a lot of jurors from various cases waiting for their courtrooms to open. The jurors are wearing a juror badge. If someone approached one of our jurors on this case, I believe someone would notice.
Before I choose a seat on a bench, I'm always watching to see if one of these 12 jurors is sitting on that bench. If they are, I find another seat. I believe criminal charges could be brought against someone for attempting to tamper with a jury.
3:33 PM
When waiting to get into the courtroom before the doors open in the morning and for the afternoon session, the jurors sit or stand where ever they like in the hallway. Often times, the hallway will be packed with attorneys, family members, jurors. It's a big mix.
3:45 PM
Here is the Kelly Soo Park Quick Links Page, with all the information about each day of trial. HERE is the witness list, and a link back to the day they testified.
I think there were four, or four and a half days of testimony. Although we are on day five of verdict
3:47 PM Buzz! Buzz! The bailiff is back in that area, but he could be in the restroom. The bailiff comes out with a paper, but the clerk tells him that the jurors buzzed. No question. The jury is going home.
3:49 PM
That's it for today. The jury files out passed us.
3:50 PM
The bailiff addresses the room. "Folks, 9:00 AM tomorrow. Come back if you want." People start to pack up and leave the courtroom.
Park kisses her family supporters goodbye. The Redding family leaves. The DDA and Thompson leave. Judge Kennedy comes out and orders Park back tomorrow at 9:00 AM.
7:20 PM
I'm finally home. I stayed in downtown with my friend to visit and have dinner. I guess the judge could order them to stay until 4:15 PM, but I've never heard of that. Understand, if I'm remembering correctly, the jurors have gone home consistently at 4:00 PM except for the first day when they were in the jury room for about 15-20 minutes. I'll have to ask the Public Information Office about that when I get a chance.
Ronnie Case. When I was first covering the trial back in 2011, I believe he came to court a few times. I believe there was also another time, after Park and Chronister started dating where he came to court with them, but I'm not positive about that. As far as I know, Case has not been in the courtroom during the trial.
All I can say is, trust jury the process. The jurors have not said that they are hung. Until they say they are hung, they are still deliberating.
7:40 PM
Again, I want to thank everyone who has been so generous in making a donation to my court coverage costs. Mr. Sprocket and I are truly touched and grateful.
good morning so the card isn't supposed to be in the ladies locker or its okay
ReplyDeletehopefully today will be the day justice for Juliana!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think you can ever have closure on a child who dies a for a parent hopefully this will bring them some peace and some justice,when that guilty verdict is read today my prayers for the family
ReplyDeleteis it true that the doctor posted her bond or was it her family and friends or was it her is it true that the doctor made a big deposit in her account right after the murder ever find that out or how she made all that money ?
ReplyDeletehopefully we will reach a verdict today and put this evil woman away so she can't kill or hurt anybody else all the evidence I've seen so far point to her hopefully we don't put too much weight in on that fingerprint card because there's enough DNA all over her apartment and on Julianaplease justice for Juliana!!!
ReplyDeleteCome on jury please Have a verdict of guilty today !!!
ReplyDeletedo you know what trial you will be covering next ?
ReplyDeletehas a camera been in the courtroom since day one 48 hours Tape all witnesses
ReplyDeleteK s p is guilty!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis will end in a verdict today !!!
ReplyDeleteso let us know when the courtroom start filling up and his there I think the mood will be very solemn today I think it will be extra security today
ReplyDeletehave people start arriving at Kelly soo Park Court room
ReplyDeleteJustice for Juliana Redding
ReplyDeletelet us know who all is there in the courtroom today for Juliana
ReplyDelete28 minutes and they will start deliberating again ;I'm praying for guilty today !!!
ReplyDeletejustice for Juliana !!!! please have a verdict today
ReplyDeletedoes the jury come in the front door or do they have a separate entrance that they come in ?
ReplyDeletecan you describe what the person looks like that you think is the redding son ?
ReplyDeletedoes the jury walk into the courtroom and then go to the deliberating room or do they enter the deliberation room from a different entrance
ReplyDeleteI really hope that despite all of the emotions that are flying around,that an innocent woman does not get found guilty...I feel really bad for the Redding family and I could not imagine the pain that they are feeling right now... But I will tell you this... I have a very strong feeling that KSP did not do this
ReplyDeleteKsp is so guilty. let the verdict be read today guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty !!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteguilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty that's what I want to hear read today my prayers are with the jury for the right decision put her away she needs to pay the price for killing innocent woman
ReplyDeleteI hope the verdit comes out today.
ReplyDeleteis the jury deliberating did you hear a buzzing buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz come on let us hear a buzz buzz buzz buzz is a verdict right 3 buzz
ReplyDeleteinnocent? No its guilty or not guilty guilty or not guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty
ReplyDeletethere is no question, she reeks of guilt. She took the life of beautiful care free soul. I hope she will feel the same pain and fear she brought to our beloved friend. Shame on her, she makes me sick.
ReplyDeleteAgain to the person who state they feel strongly that KSP did not do this!! Please explain to all of us how her DNA was found all over Juliana's apartment??
ReplyDeleteLet me ask this...Why didn't they test for DNA off of the Candle? Was there any tests done on Ms Reddings finger nails? Where is this green van that everyone is talking about, that was allegedly at the scene of the crime? Can anyone locate this van that was allegedly confiscated from the police?
ReplyDeletelet the buzz is begin 3 Buzz's is a verdict let us hear that guilty verdict get this woman of the street to very dangerous
ReplyDeleteJust wondering, since the jurors come in the same door as everyone else, do you think they are influenced by the defendant or the parents of Juliana? In think they are not supposed to have contact with them right? I always thought they would come and go thru a seperate entrance or something so they wouldn't overhear anything or be swayed in any way...?
ReplyDeleteLets all try to show our appreciation & respect for Sprocket and exercise self control here. No need to go off on a rant. The jury has the responsibility to find KSP guily or not guilty. No amount of emotion expressed here is going to impact that.
ReplyDeletewow this waiting for a verdict is hard I'm on the edge of my seat ,I am just praying for justice for Juliana
ReplyDeleteThe green van that was confiscated by the police not from the police... My appologies
ReplyDeleteso the court room is full I'll bet you its quiet now you know there's another case least I'll take her mind off off Juliana for a minute what is the other case about ?does the court room full of people that usually aren't there for the other case ?
ReplyDeleteI am praying that the guilty comes in today what is Miss parks wearing for her hand cuffs today
ReplyDeleteHow does a perfectly round drop of blood, land on a plate that is vertical, and if the plate was found in the vertical position, why did the police look past collecting fingerprints from the plate? Where is the green Van?
ReplyDeletethis is great lots of comments lots of people in support of juliana thank you !!!!!
ReplyDeleteI found it interesting that JK would not allow the past History of KSP and RC to be admissible during the trial for the jury to hear but it was allowed for the Grand jury to hear during the indictment. Why is that? perhaps one of the legal readers could offer their opinion on this question.
Sprocket, for context, can you remind us how long the jury took to deliberate for Stephanie Lazarus?
ReplyDeleteis John Gilmore I think that's his name her her old boyfriend there in the courtroom ???
ReplyDeleteAll my fingernails are gone. I'm starting on my toes. Not pretty. Verdict soon please.
ReplyDeleteBrown signifies he has a medical condition
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anon at 9:49am. I don't understand why past history of KSP, RC and Dr U would not be allowed. Seems very relevant and would help the jury with their decision, especially since their pasts are shady.
any buzzes going off yet?
ReplyDeletePlease let the Redding family finally get some peace! Praying for them and the jury for a guilty verdict.
ReplyDeleteAre the defense attorneys for KSP in court today?
ReplyDeleteif you were to guess would you think verdict is today, tomorrow or next week. Just a guess based off your gut feeling.
ReplyDeleteQuestion....if its a hung jury, they do this all over again? And is KSP free on bail until the next trial starts...or can the State request she be put into custody until the next trial begins, especially if its weeks or months away?
ReplyDeleteI really am s suprised this is taking so long.
ReplyDeleteCan you tell if the jurors look frustrated or anything when they come out?
ReplyDeleteThis jury has deliberated what about 30 hours now? Or is that way off base...
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh I hope we do not have a hung jury
ReplyDeleteJuliana forever. JUSTICE
ReplyDeleteResponding to comment posted at 11:09 - there was proof stated by prosecution that the cell phone records of Ronnie Case (her then live in boyfriend) show he was in the area of julianas apt. THe calls were going to Parks cell phone and (incoming and outgoing)... THey had been calling julianas work (restaurant) to see where she was so they would time the house visit / murder at the right time. There is no reason they should have ever even been in the area of her apt given that they live way far away in camarillo or thousand oaks (or wherever)
ReplyDeleteKILLERS deserve to pay for the life they took - justice for juliana
I think it's funny how the defense always presents DNA as infallible evidence when it is exonerating someone. But when it is used as prosecution evidence, there are all these problems with it.
ReplyDeletethanks for all your blog updates. Great to have your live blogs keeping us at home informed.
ReplyDeleteagree with comment 11:27am
ReplyDeleteDid you ever post the closing statements for the defense and the prosecution or are you not allowed to do so. Thank you for all your postings.
ReplyDeleteagree with comment 11:27am also
ReplyDeleteOk people.. There is nothing funny about murder, and there is nothing funny about putting an innocent person on trial...
ReplyDeleteBy way of background, I am mistrustful of law enforcement and believe that innocent people are occasionally convicted. When I have been called for criminal jury service, I am routinely excused by the DDA because of these sentiments. In addition, my work history included an externship with the Public Defender's Office while I was attending law school. I would not vote to acquit in every criminal case. But if there is a legitimate debate between guilt or innocence, I am the type of juror which the defense would favor. I reviewed the daily summaries. I did not read any of the pretrial summaries which presumably reflect excluded evidence. Having done so, I would vote to convict Ms. Park of first degree murder. To be honest, I feel sorry for her and would like to find a reason to vote for acquittal. It was an easy call in favor of first degree. I thought it might be interesting to some of you to hear how someone with my background and sentiments viewed the evidence.
ReplyDeleteTo illustrate the above DNA comment:
ReplyDeleteAssume that the prosecution had an identifying witness placing "the Murderer" of Redding at the scene of the crime, and "the Murderer" was convicted.
If later the Innocence Project found Defendant Park's DNA at the scene like it was in this case, "the Murderer" would be exonerated in a heartbeat.
In reality, we have the DNA evidence in the first place, and the jury is clearly hung up about something silly. Even if a lab technician violated protocol and kept a DNA sample in a locker, that does not show that the DNA is unreliable. That kind of stuff is classic defense fodder.
ReplyDeleteIf the phone calls were made by Kelly and Ronnie around Juliana's apartment area, why weren't they presented in the trial?
ReplyDeleteAgain, there is no time of death determined. Thus, the phone calls made on such date, don't have much meaning.
whatever was presented in trial has been said and done. Stop asking why things did or didnt get presented. Focus on being the best person you can be and life each day like its your last. Verdict please be guilty. She must pay for what she did. Jail for KSP.
ReplyDeletewhatever was presented in trial has been said and done. Stop asking why things did or didnt get presented. Focus on being the best person you can be and live life each day like its your last. Verdict please be guilty. She must pay for what she did. Jail for KSP.
ReplyDeleteIf a verdict is reached, will the 65 jurors be cleared out of the court room, so that family, press and others can get back in?
in your opinion do you think a verdict will be reached today?
ReplyDeletein your opinion do you think a verdict will be reached today?
ReplyDeleteWill the next court hearing that is going on this afternoon affect the verdit being read IF they come back with one? Where are you all sitting...the Park family and the Redding family?
ReplyDeleteJuliana.. forever in our hearts..
thank you. Sadly emotions have been high for the past 5 years. We've been patiently waiting for this trial to come. Emotions are high. KSP has been living life free and able to spend time with family. Juliana was killed 5 years ago. JUSTICE
ReplyDelete> GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY! Evidence says it all! TIME FOR THE TRUTH! KSP IS GUILTY OF MURDERING JULIANA REDDING in 2008! justice -- if evidence wasnt there then KSP would never be mentioned. But sorry KSP you got caught. Did you see the massive amounts of evidence the DA presented? Right,you did. Your fault and nobody else's. You did this to yourself. Not our fault you made the decision to kill an innocent girl.
May peace be with you when you admit the truth and beg forgiveness for the rest of your life.
I don't want to sound like a "Debbie Downer," but I don't have a good feeling about getting a guilty verdict! I know it's a murder trial and the jury needs to take their time deliberating. I am praying for them to make the right decision! Praying for peace for the Redding family and a big GUILTY verdict..
ReplyDeleteAgreeing with Anon@ 2:24...hoping justice is served but don't have a good feeling for the Prosecution.
ReplyDeleteJuries can take a long time for a lot of reasons. I've seen cases where the jury got along really well, and they were all getting paid for jury service. In that case, it took them 3 weeks to deliberate, but there was a verdict.
ReplyDeleteAs long as they are back there talking, that is a good thing. It's when they send the note to the judge saying they are deadlocked that you start to worry.
Even then, with evidence as compelling as this case, it is doubtful there will ever be a full acquittal. A hung jury is a hurdle, but it just mean the prosecution gets another crack at it. And in a case like this, the defense is not going to make it much better as it goes on.
Justice for Juliana. Patience is key.
its nice to know the jurors are taking their time discussing how to convict KSP. 25 years or 15 to life? I believe thats the topic of their discussion in the deliberation room. They are really hanging in there fighting for the truth! Thank you hard working jurors. Truth soon. Guilty verdict!!
ReplyDeleteAs a friend who is stuck in AZ during all of this, I just wanted to thank you for reporting on this case for everyone over here who wishes they could be in that courtroom showing support for the Redding family. Not a question about the case, but just - thank you.
ReplyDeleteKSP trying to portray herself as calm and nice businesslike...BUT shes nothing more than an average woman. All women are beautiful. The most important thing is having a good heart and being a good person. KSP clearly does not seem to care about whats right. Otherwise she would have not freaked out when cops questioned her. SHe knew her secret was out. The cops found her. DNA evidence.
ReplyDelete@ 2:45 PM:
ReplyDeleteThe jurors are instructed that they cannot discuss punishment on a case when deliberating. So if they are discussing potential sentences, they are committing misconduct. That, of course, does not mean it does not, in fact, enter discussions in some cases.
NOTE TO ALL. Lets let the blogger report whats going on and chill on the comments for a while ;)
ReplyDeletelife is good when you obey the law.
Well... there's no way to tell what is going on in the deliberation room. just be patient people.
Hi, just wondering how the Reddings seem...I know they must be on pins and needles, but just thought I'd ask.
ReplyDeleteHow does commenting either (a) prevent the blogger from blogging or (b) violate the law?
ReplyDeleteI think it is unanimous that we all appreciate all of Betsy's efforts and the style of her reporting. To recognize her contributions, I suggest that we take Betsy and her husband to dinner after the trial is over. We can all pay a little extra to cover the cost of the meal and beverages for Betsy and her husband. Nobody should ask her to disclose her opinions or sentiments which she chooses to remain private. This should not be an opportunity to grill Betsy about every detail of the case. It should simply be a warm gathering to say thank you to Betsy for giving up her time and caring so much about the accuracy of the subject matter.
ReplyDeleteSome of these comments sound like people just being honest and venting their frustrations etc. Put yourself in the shoes of the friends and family and people who work hard to protect us (police etc)who want justice for the innocent victim whos never coming back! ITS SO SAD. Comments like this have NOTHING to do with the great reporting that we are grateful to have. THANKS again for the up to date news. WE APPRECIATE YOUR REPORTING. THANK YOU--- We all appreciate you. You are wonderful! Make us feel like we are in court with you.
KSP guilty guilty guilty
The Reddings seem sad but you can tell they are strong. Seems they wait for justice with class, dignity and other well rounded looking individuals. They seem calm and composed. Seem to be patient and respectful of this long process.
ReplyDeleteEarlier a Blogger said they don't know the time of death. Actually, I think they have a pretty close guess. The incomplete 911 call and the screams heard by the neighbor were one minute apart.
ReplyDeleteAnother Blogger asked Betsy if she was going home when they kicked everyone out of the courtroom. Must be new to T&T. Betsy doesn't go home just because she doesn't have a seat. Betsy hangs in there 'til the sweet or bitter end and we're all so grateful.
I believe that it's critically important that a jury take time and careful consideration of all the evidence. That doesn't happen in 10 minutes. In so many cases, there has been a "rush to justice" that condemned innocent people. I have no opinion either way in this case - just glad they are deliberating all the evidence presented.
ReplyDeleteSo you've mentioned that when you all take breaks for lunch etc... the jurors enter and exit at the same time.. would it be possible for one of kelly soo parks supporters to approach one of them?
ReplyDeleteBetsy is the aka AmAZING! I'm Sitting here in Arizona anxiously waiting the verdict... I'm going to donate right now for all of her hard work. Thank Thank Thank you Betsy!
ReplyDeletep.s. Betsy does not get paid to do this but she accepts donations at the top right of the website. I'm sure every dollar counts and would be greatly appreciated by Betsy!
Betsy, how many days did the actual trial take after the jury was seated? It seemed to pass by very quickly which makes this extended jury watch seem even longer than it actually is.
ReplyDeleteThe jurors don't sit together on the bench?
ReplyDeleteALL who had a hand in this murder and/or knew anything about it should ALL pay. ALL involved, I hope, will see their time come. No one is above the law and your time will come. For now, I hope justice is served for this innocent young lady who lost her life.
ReplyDeleteToo much evidence...KSP GUILTY
Ronnie Case lives on the next street over from me and I saw when all the cops swarmed his house when they arrested him in camarillo I was wandering if he has ever been in the courtroom that you know of
ReplyDeleteIt looks like there is some doubt in the supporters of miss Redding...Shows that this case is bogus and it sounds like the court system is trying to pin this case on an innocent women... I am truly sorry for your loss to those who are friends and family of the Reddings... I hope we can find the real person who did these crimes
ReplyDeleteCan the jury request to leave 30 minutes early? (granted I added 2 minutes to that time if the judge ends court at 4:15 and you posted the buzz at 3:47) That's a good chunk of time that could be used to deliberate. Thanks for all of your updates. I would thank you in person if I was there. Much appreciated
ReplyDeletemy prayers go for you Juliana that you will be getting justice I'm so glad you're right they're reporting this its just like I'm sitting there with you
ReplyDeleteso did they use Ronnie case cell phone records for this case and you're right they should not have been in Julianas is neighborhood
ReplyDeletewow I don't think he has been in the courtroom Mr Ronnie case also I will see you tomorrow I think we had quite a comment day love this love you thank you
ReplyDeleteI will be praying all night all day tomorrow for a guilty verdict this is crazy how long its taking so maybe they're just being thorough you never know we can never figure out what Jerry's think or how long day debate
ReplyDeleteno doubt. just waiting for the truth to be final.guilty verdit! dna doesnt lie.
ReplyDeletejustice for juliana.
Since they went through the testimonies so quickly, I feel that they needed to review a lot of things to make sure a guilty verdict is one they can live with for the rest of their lives. They haven't requested anymore evidence to review, right? I think they are actually deliberating at this point since it seems like they've gone back,over evidence.