Thursday, November 21, 2013

Det. Stephanie Lazarus - A Vintage Video

I promised T&T readers after the Stephanie Lazarus trial that I was working on additional stories related to her case. I’ve been busy covering other cases, and helping Mr. Sprocket with a long overdue project. However, I haven’t forgotten my promise to get back to the Lazarus case. This is the first of two stories. I hope to post the second before the holidays.

Not long ago, I heard an intriguing rumor about Stephanie Lazarus -- that sometime during her LAPD career, Lazarus had appeared in uniform on a TV game show. There was no mention of it during Lazarus' trial, or in any media reports I've seen. When I began my research, I wasn't sure if the rumor was true. Then I found this clip:

For those of you who haven't seen Lazarus' pre-arrest interrogation video, and may not recognize her, she is the officer holding the oversize check for charity.

I believe the episode aired on May 26, 1995. If so, Lazarus had just made detective. When this episode taped, nine years had passed since Sherri Rae Rasmussen's murder.

This clip is the only part of the episode I’ve been able to find. If someone has a complete copy of the episode, please contact me. T&T will honor all requests for confidentiality.

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