Misoprostol, 100 micrograms tablet
Tablets with the exact same appearance were seized in a search
warrant executed at Woodward's Los Angeles restaurant, Oct. 2009.
Monday December 9, 2013
The preliminary hearing of Joshua Woodward will resume today in Dept. 51, Judge Michael Pastor's courtroom. Woodward is charged with four counts of attempted murder on a 13 week-old fetus.
Dr. Jessica Kingston, an obstetrician from San Diego and one of three expert witnesses the prosecution has called, and Detective John Shafia who investigated the case are expected to complete their cross examination today.
I will have an update at the noon lunch break.
12:45 PM
During the morning session Dr. Kingston completed her cross examination testimony and she was excused. We heard cross examination testimony from Detective Shafia for about 15 minutes in the morning session. His testimony will continue in the afternoon session.
I will need to get a confirmation on this, but it appears the testimony by Detective's Shafia and Fairchild on November 18, was not part of the preliminary hearing, but part of a separate inquiry into how some prosecution discovery items were not turned over to the defense in a timely manner.
I will work on getting my notes up covering today's proceedings later tonight.
1:31 PM
I've confirmed that the testimony on November 18th was not part of the preliminary hearing, but just a discovery hearing.
4:15 PM
Cross examination of Detective Shafia is not complete. It will continue next Monday, Dec. 16 and could continue into Dec. 17.
Continued in Day 4, Part II...
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