Sunday, August 4, 2019

Christian-Newsom Torture Murders - Eric Boyd Upcoming Trial

Christopher Newsom, Channon Christian

GUEST ENTRY by David in Tennessee!

Tomorrow (Monday) jury selection begins in the trial of Eric Boyd for his role in the torture-murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in Knoxville, Tennessee on January 7, 2007. 

Since my report last February, there have been two developments.

One, Knox County Criminal Court Judge Bob McGee rejected the bid by Boyd's attorney for a jury pool outside Knox County.

Two, George Thomas, a suspect already convicted in the case and sentenced to two life terms, is on the prosecution witness list. According to the sentence, Thomas would be eligible for parole after 50 years.

Knoxville News Sentinel reporter Jamie Satterfield wrote:
"Boyd has long denied he was anywhere near the Chipman Street home when Christian and Newsom were brought there, bound, blindfolded, and gagged, after they were kidnapped while preparing to  leave a North Knoxville apartment complex for a date."

"Thomas, on the other hand, admitted he was inside the home and saw what was going on, but he denied any active role in any of the crimes committed against the couple. A jury twice convicted him anyway. He has exhausted most of his appeals."

"It's not clear yet if the state has offered Thomas a reduction in his sentence in return for his testimony against Boyd. Newsom's parents, Hugh and Mary Newsom, had once hoped to convince another suspect--Letalvis Cobbins--to testify against Boyd, but he later refused after a plea deal fell through."
The other suspects have said Eric Boyd furnished the vehicle used in the kidnapping.

David in TN

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