Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

 "Bronze" turkey (Wikipedia)

UPDATE 11/29: clarity, accuracy of page load activity
T&T Gives Thanks
As we come closer to the end of 2013, Thanksgiving is a time where our nation looks back on the many things we have to be thankful for. I am thankful that T&T continues to be recognized as a respected news source for gavel to gavel trial coverage.

Within the next couple of days, T&T's page loads will pass the 2,550,000 mark.  It's been 22 months since Stephanie Lazarus was convicted, and almost 6 months since Kelly Soo Park was acquitted. However, those two cases still draw a considerable amount of T&T's traffic. Many thanks to T&T readers who continue to support and appreciate our work. 

Recently, I've been trying to put up more "Quick Links" archival pages of past cases that T&T contributors have covered. You can now find in one place (right side of the page), links to the complete coverage of all the high profile cases T&T has covered.  Quick Links pages that still need to be completed are Phil Spector 1, Casey Anthony, and Mark Jensen trial.

What's Ahead for Trials in 2014
It looks like the Gerhard Becker case will go to trial in early January 2014. Sources tell me this case could take as long as six to eight weeks and I don't know if I can devote that much time to the case. I plan on attending opening statements once a jury is selected.

From the last pretrial hearing in the Cameron Brown case, if there are no further bumps in the road, that case will start sometime in April 2014. The Brown case is my top priority case and the one I've been waiting on the longest.

The Michael Thomas Gargiulo case is most likely, a year away from trial. Once the prosecution has turned over all it's discovery, it will be interesting to see what motions Gargiulo files in the months ahead.

It appears the Ka Pasasouk case will go to trial faster than some of DDA Akemon's other cases I've been following (Gargiulo, Barnes & Bolden)

There are a couple of other interesting cases that I might pick up. The Alberd Tersargyan case and the Samuel Little case.

Future of T&T
For over five years, T&T has brought our readers unparalleled, advertising free, trial coverage from inside the courtroom. During the Lazarus trial, T&T put a donation link on the blog. The generous donations from T&T readers during the Lazarus and Park trials have helped to offset some of my travel and court expenses. However, Mr. Sprocket picks up the rest.

For 2014, T&T will be exploring other avenues to make T&T self supporting and profitable. Advertising and sponsorship are just some of the ideas that we will be looking at in the months ahead.

In closing, T&T would like to wish everyone a safe and memorable holiday season this year.

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