Saturday, December 1, 2012


Ka Pasasouk, 4/3/13 
Photo Credit: Daily News David Crane

People v. Ka Pasasouk, 31 Case # LA 071942
Prosecution: Daniel Akemon
Defense: James Goldstein

Teofilo Navales, 49
Robert Calabia, 34
Jennifer Kim, 26
Amanda Ghossein, 24

In the early morning hours of December 2nd, 2012, Ka Pasasouk, 31, is alleged to have murdered four individuals outside an illegal boarding house in Northridge, California. The house was divided up into individual units.

Allegedly, Pasasouk got into an argument with Navales, possibly a property dispute, outside the residence and shot him. Calabia, Kim and Ghossein were shot immediately after.

Pasasouk fled Los Angeles to Las Vegas with three other individuals (Howard Alcantra, 30, Christina Neal, 33, Donna Rabulan, 30), where all four were arrested.  Alcantra was charged with robbery and aiding a felon.  Neal and Rabulan were charged with aiding a felon.

The case is tragic because in September 2012, Pasasouk was before Van Nuys Couthouse Judge Jessica Silver on drug charges.  According to a December 20th, 2012 LA Times article:
The district attorney's office has said it erred in telling Silver that Pasasouk was eligible for a Proposition 36 drug review program, which allowed him to receive treatment rather than prison time.
The Los Angeles County Probation Department had urged that he be sent back to state prison for "long-term detention" because of his lengthy criminal record. But Silver followed the recommendation of the D.A.'s office and ordered him to drug treatment.
Less than three months later, four people ended up dead.

Related Cases:
Donnamae Rabulan, 30 - Case # PA 077037. - In custody.
Rearrested 5/24/13. Allegedly drove shooter to Las Vegas.

Maria Lourdes Pachejo, 28 - Case # PA 077036. - Out on bail.
Arrested 5/23/13. Allegedly destroyed evidence in homicide case.


Arraingnment Hearing Charging Documents


10/7/15 Ka Pasasouk Jury Selection Begins
11/20/15 Ka Pasasouk Convicted of Four Murders

Preliminary Hearing
7/29/13 Ka Pasasouk Preliminary Hearing
7/29/13 Ka Pasasouk Preliminary Hearing Day1, Part II
7/30/13 Preliminary Hearing Day 2
7/30/13 Preliminary Hearing Day 2, Part II 
7/31/13 Preliminary Hearing Day 3
7/31/13 Preliminary Hearing Day 3, Part II
7/31/13 Preliminary Hearing Day 3, Part III
7/31/13 Preliminary Hearing Day 3, Part IV

Preliminary Hearing WITNESS LIST

Mainstream Media Reports Timeline of Events & Photos of Victims
12/2/12 Huffington Post Northridge Shooting Four Bodies
12/2/12 Daily News Four People Found Shot in Northridge
12/3/12 ABC Local Homeowner, Victims Families Speak Out
12/4/12 ABC Local 4 Suspects Arrested in Las Vegas
12/6/12 LAT Shooting Victims Identified
12/11/12 DA's Office Accepts Blame for Not Locking Up Suspect
12/6/12 LA Weekly Suspect Lucked Out of Prison
12/20/12 LAT Shooting Victim's Family Angry
1/17/13 KPCC Alleged Shooter Could Face Death Penalty
1/18/13Daily News Suspect Threatened 5 Others With Gun
04/2/13 Daily News Widow Wants Death Penalty for Pasasouk
04/05/13 KTLA Suspect Pleads Not Guilty
06/03/12 Two Females Charged with Assessory in Northridge Murders
07/29/13 KPCC Preliminary Testimony Begins in Northridge Shooting Case
08/01/13 KPCC Pasasouk to Stand Trial for 4 Murders 
01/16/15 Daily News - Lawsuit on Shaky Ground

Ka Pasasouk Facebook Page 
Donations For Jennifer Kim (victim)
Amanda Ghossein Memorial Fund (victim)
Obituary Page for Teofilo Navales (victim aka JoJo Burbank)