My Trials & Tribulations detailing my cancer journey.
I was recently diagnosed with metastatic urothelial carcinoma of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes.
04/26/21 Day 1: Day 1 of chemo. History from 2018-2020. Blood in urine.
05/01/21 Day 2-5: Day 2-5 of chemo. Medical history. Blood Type Diet. Cystostopy and CT Urogram. CNA Job.
05/07/21 Day 6-10: Day 6-10 of chemo. New job in hospice. Urologist calls. Pet Scan. Oncology referral.
05/11/21 Day 11: Day 11 of chemo. First oncologist appointment. Biopsy and tentative diagnosis.
02/02/23: I'm Still On The Planet, Catching Up.
04/22/23: My Cancer Journey Update: April 22, 2023
0612/23: Metastatic Urothelial Cancer (Bladder Cancer) Update June 12. 2023
10/03/24: My Personal Trials & Tribulations Update & Stephanie Lazarus