Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Holidays
All of us at T&T, donchais, ritanita, CaliGirl9 and myself, we would like to thank all our readers for making T&T what it is today.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Defense motion heard in Dr. William Ayres retrial
I did not attend, but Deep Sounding, the owner of the William Ayres Watch blog, and a survivor of Ayres’ fine doctoring (note sarcasm), did. He has written a very detailed account of the proceedings and offered a candid analysis. Please read his excellent entry and offer him your opinion at his blog. It is one of his most passionate entries since a mistrial was declared on July 27, 2009.
The retrial is scheduled for April 12, 2010 unless McDougall figures out a way to keep the delay, delay, delay tactic that Weinberg so successfully employed, managing to have the date of Ayres 1.0 re-scheduled four times.
Last month it was revealed that Boston police are looking for victims of Ayres who may have been treated at the Judge Baker Guidance Center between 1959 to 1963. Unlike California, Massachusetts has no statute of limitations on child molestation allegations and has successfully prosecuted cases of molestation by priests that occurred in the 1950s.
I do plan on attending as much of Ayres 2.0 as my personal economics and physical abilities permit.
November 17th Criminal Trial Motions Hearing
Defense wants jury IDs in molestation mistrial
T & T’s coverage of Ayres case
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Christian-Newsom Torture Murder Case: Third Trial Set to Begin
Thank you so much David, for all your hard work in covering this horrific case. Sprocket.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Casey Anthony's Defense Team: Slinging the Mud at Roy Kronk
This past week, articles kept cropping up about the fact that the deposition of Roy Kronk, the meter reader who discovered the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony would be taking place on Thursday, November 19. Then, on Wednesday, the day before the deposition, curious articles appeared in the local media.
WESH's headline read:
Anthonys Say They Only Want Truth From Kronk
The article stated that:
He is the man who brought the search for Caylee to a close last December. Sources said the defense for Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, has done a lot of digging, asking a lot of questions about Kronk's past.
Brad Conway is the messenger here:
The Anthonys' attorney said Kronk's personal life and the circumstances of discovering the remains are different things. George and Cindy Anthony's attorney said all they want is the truth from Kronk and not dirt about his past.
"They have been vilified unfairly. They know what it's like to be under a microscope unfairly and they don't want that to happen to someone who found their granddaughter," attorney Brad Conway said.
I was taken aback to read this. I recalled the interviews LE had with Cindy and George and how they were always trying to feed the authorities tidbits about Casey's friends. Jesse Grund, Amy Huizenga, Tony Lazarro, and Ricardo Morales all became suspicious collaborators in some grand scheme to frame their daughter for the murder of little Caylee. In recently released e-mails between Cindy Anthony and Dominic Casey, there were mentions of digging up dirt on Jesse Grund's father, the Rev. Richard Grund in terms of pornography and other evil doings.
Well, yesterday evening, I had my answer to the question of why these articles sent off an alert in my brain. The headlines read as follows:
From WKMG:
New Anthony Defense Team Member Seen
P.I. Looking Into Past Of Man Who Found Caylee's Remains
The man who found the remains of Caylee Anthony was deposed on Thursday by Casey Anthony's defense team, which has added a private investigator to its lineup....
A new member of the defense team was seen entering the courtroom on Thursday. Mort Smith is a Chicago-based private investigator who teaches at DePaul University, the same school where fellow defense team member Andrea Lyon teaches. Smith has been digging into Kronk's personal life for the past several months in an effort to uncover information that might discredit the former meter reader, or at least cast doubt on his story of how he found Caylee.
Anthony Motion Wants Kronk Treated As Suspect
Defense: Roy Kronk 'Ignored' As Suspect In Caylee's Death
Defense Says Kronk May Have Killed Caylee
Motion: Kronk Could Have Killed Caylee
Apparently, Mr. Smith has visited Kronk's ex-wives, child, ex-girlfriend and has come up with the requisite amount of dirt and the Baez Law Firm and Andrea Lyon want Judge Strickland to allow them to throw it at Mr. Kronk at trial.
Now I am understanding the ominous foreshadowing of the Anthony family statement! It surely fits in with what the defense is trying to do. They want reasonable doubt. They have now decided that Mr. Kronk will be the next person to be thrown under the proverbial bus.
Late this evening, the Orlando Sentinel published a statement from Roy Kronk's attorney:
Following is the complete and unedited statement issued by Roy Kronk's attorney, David Evans, about allegations made by Casey Anthony's defense team. The statement was e-mailed shortly before 6:30 p.m. Thursday:
Today, the Casey Anthony defense team commenced, but did not complete, the deposition of Roy Kronk in the State v. Casey Anthony case. Shortly after adjourning the deposition, the Anthony defense team filed a Motion, Memorandum of Law, and accompanying materials suggesting that Roy Kronk, the individual who found Caylee Anthony's remains and repeatedly reported his find to law enforcement agencies, should be considered a suspect in the murder of Caylee Anthony.
Mr. Kronk is a witness, not a suspect. He voluntarily appeared today and truthfully responded to all questions asked by Anthony's attorney. He has cooperated fully with law enforcement from Day One. He has nothing to hide, and has hidden nothing.
It is the nature of criminal defense to attempt to find someone to blame for a crime other than the person charged. Mr. Kronk has understood from the beginning that the defense might attempt to cast suspicions in his direction--because that's what defense attorneys do. In their zeal to defend Casey Anthony, defense counsel has filed papers with the Court that are filled with allegations that have no basis in fact and falsely accuse Mr. Kronk of various types of bad behavior.
The State will respond to these papers in due course in the criminal proceedings. As for Mr. Kronk, he vehemently denies the allegations against him and is confident that he will be vindicated. In the meantime, as he stated early on in this case, no good deed goes unpunished.
David Evans,
Attorney for Roy Kronk
The motion and memorandum of law have been posted by Fox35, however, it is very blurry and I can't read it properly. I am hoping to have all the material together to read sometime tomorrow.
Memorandum of Law
In the meantime, please read the latest entry at THE HINKY METER. It's a fairly hilarious version of how Roy Kronk could be the culprit in this case.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Katfish Ponders Recognized by the MSM
Recently, a local mainstream media paper, The Zephyr, recognized katfish's efforts. The article appeared on the paper's front page on November 5th. Last week, the article appeared online so I can finally link to it.
Here is a small snippet from the article:
Before Sheley's arrest and the subsequent hearings in Knox County Circuit Court Fisher had never attended an actual court proceeding in person. She had watched hours upon hours of televised courtroom activity on Court TV until that cable channel redefined itself last year. It was then that she first began watching streaming video of courtroom action over the Internet, something that still captures much of her time. “There was nothing like the 'in the courtroom feel' of televised trials until I began attending real courtroom trials myself.” But almost no one has been a more dedicated attendee of the many various hearings regarding Sheley than Fisher.
“From the beginning family and friends of Ronald Randall have conscientiously attended hearings along with a number of regular newspaper, radio and television reporters. I have come to know all the principals involved in the Sheley case, his defense lawyers, the prosecuting attorneys, and the judges. I try to take meticulous notes in the courtroom and I have done a lot of legal research so I now feel pretty comfortable with the legal jargon. I want my blog to be an accurate and objective record of what goes on in court and to that end I try to keep my own feelings out of it as much as possible.”
T&T congratulates katfish on this well deserved recognition.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Nine Years Ago Today....

Lauren Sarene Key, late summer, 2000.
Nine years ago today, in the early afternoon of November 8th, four-year-old Lauren Sarene Key ended up dead at the bottom of Inspiration Point, a 120-foot sheer cliff face in Ranch Palos Verdes. That day, Lauren was on a court-ordered visitation with her father, Cameron Brown, who drove her to the Abalone Cove parking lot where they set out on an approximate one-mile hike. To this day, only two people know what really happened to cause Lauren to lose her life in such a dangerous place. Her father, Cameron Brown and Lauren.
Much later that night back at the Sheriff's station, Brown was interviewed by LA Co. Sheriff's Homicide detectives for approximately three hours. According to Detective Jeffery Leslie, Brown gave three slightly different versions as to what happened to Lauren on the southeast section of Inspiration Point. That single interview would be the one and only time Brown cooperated with authorities investigating the death of his daughter.
Brown was arrested on first degree murder charges in 2003. Because of the special circumstances of lying-in-wait and murder for financial gain bail was denied. He's been in the custody of LA Co. Sheriff's ever since. Two hung juries later, (all jurors from both trials agreed that Brown was guilty of something, they just couldn't decide on what charge) Brown is still waiting to find out if DDA Craig Hum will bring this case to trial a third time.
On October 29th, Brown's defense team missed a court ordered date to file motions to argue for Brown to be released on bail and/or to have the case dismissed all together. Judge Michael Pastor ordered a new date of December 17th, 2009, for the filing of defense motions.
People who knew Lauren described her as a bright light who talked up a storm. She enjoyed going to church and being around other people. She was a very sociable child who enjoyed connecting with others. Lauren was a "girly-girl" who also enjoyed playing dress-up and playing with her dolls. She was not a tomboy who played rough-house with other children or knew how to swim. Supposedly, Lauren did not like to go on hikes. Please take a moment to light a candle in remembrance of little Lauren today.
Quick links to T&T's coverage of Brown's retrial.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
First Christian-Newsom Torture-Murder Trial on TruTV
On Monday, November 9, starting at 9 am ET, Tru TV's In Session will show the taped replay of the August trial of Letalvis Cobbins for the torture-murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Here is my first article outlining the case. It has an account of the Cobbins trial.
Thank you so much David, for keeping T&T readers up-to-date on the defendants trials in the Christian-Newsom murders. You coverage of these cases has been much appreciated. Sprocket.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Casey Anthony's Lawyers: Going through the motions, Newly Released Discovery
I promise I'll review them in more depth when a hearing date is set. I've also been collecting the motions for the fraud trial and will post my opinions about them prior to the newly rescheduled hearing on December 11.
Right now, though, I'd like to briefly discuss some aspects of the Motion To Dismiss Defective Indictment. The main argument that the defense makes is that the indictment lacks "facts" which says that it does not contain enough facts to formulate a defense.
To remind you, the Grand Jury met on October 14, 2008 and heard evidence from LE and George Anthony, her father. After 43 minutes of deliberation, they returned the indictment and Casey was arrested for the last time.
At that time, LE had no body. The testimony before the Grand Jury is secret and has only been released to the State's Attorneys due to the fact that there seem to be discrepancies in George Anthony's prior deposition and what he said to the Grand Jury. Obviously, these facts could not be included in the indictment.
As appendices to the motion, the defense included the indictment against Casey and a copy of the indictment against Patrick Gonzalez, Sr. for comparison. Of all the indictments available, the defense chose this case, probably because the whole crime was caught on videotape! If you read through the indictment, it does have more detailed information, but not much at all, certainly not enough to allow the defense to build their case on those facts.
Still wondering if this well written motion and brief, more than likely penned by Andrea Lyon, held any water,I went to the local TV stations. Both of their legal analysts blew the motion off.
Reading Hal Boedeker' s blog on November 3, 2009, I found the following quotes:
***The defense's claim that the indictment is defective is "laughable," WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said. "When is the defense ever going to get serious?" he asked.
***WKMG-Channel 6 anchor Erick Weber said: "Now the defense is attacking that criminal indictment, claiming the document is defective. According to Anthony's attorneys, the indictment does not include any specific facts about how the crime was committed. Without any facts to refute, Anthony cannot formulate a defense, her attorneys argue."
*** WESH-Channel 2's Bob Kealing highlighted this from the defense team: "The state's intention to seek the death penalty in order to gain a tactical advantage over the defense is in bad faith."
Kealing's take on what will happen to the motion: "It would seem pretty unlikely that the judge would just toss a grand jury indictment that was based, in part, on testimony of Casey's own father. But that's what [defense attorney Jose] Baez and company are asking."
I was still wondering, so I did something I rarely do. I contacted a lawyer. This guy is recently retired and has worked mostly in civil litigation. However, a number of years ago, he did take and pass the Florida Bar exam on a whim. At the present time, he's thinking of relocating to Florida to practice as a defense attorney, so he's been reviewing his Florida law. He knows absolutely nothing about this case, so I thought his opinion might be of help.
He called me back not long after I sent him a copy of the motion. His response was literally, "No way Jose" is this motion going anywhere!
At this point, I'd like to go back to the main complaint in the motion, that:
Without any facts to refute, Miss Anthony cannot formulate a defense.
Let's consider here. This case was placed in the hands of defense attorney Jose Baez all the way back in July, 2008. Between that time and the time of the indictment, Baez had stated to the press more than once that Casey had "compelling" reasons for not telling her story and that the facts would come out at trial. We kept hearing about "junk science" could not prove that there had really been a dead body in the trunk of Casey's abandoned car. George Anthony pointed out in one memorable clip that the "dead body in the car" was somebody else. Cindy Anthony kept claiming it was rotten pizza that caused the stench.
There are now plenty more facts out here in public with all the discovery that has been released due to the Florida Sunshine Laws. We had many pages released today with yet more "facts" that the defense can now refute.
The two main findings that will surely be "bombshells" in the case are the finding of chloroform in the Gatoraide bottle along with syringes as well as the discovery of coffin flies both on the paper towels in the trunk and on the remains.
Today, WESH reported the following:
The forensic report was dated Sept. 22, 2009. Inside the trunk and a trash bag from Anthony's car, investigators recovered a large number of so-called coffin flies, which are gnats that feed on human decomposition.
Forensic botanist Neal Haskell concluded that a large number of the insects found on paper towels inside a trash bag meant there was decompositional fluid on the towels.
"Given the association of the towels with the car, it seems most likely that the paper toweling was used in an attempt to clean the decompositional fluids purged from the remains in the trunk of the car," the report stated.
In addition Haskell said the insects found in Caylee's skeletanized remains and near the body indicated insects started colonizing there in late June or early July 2008.
WFTV reported that:
There was very damning evidence found at the scene where Caylee's remains were found inside a Disney bag, including a bottle of Cool Blue Gatorade, but when they opened it they found instead a substance containing chloroform and cleaning fluid and a syringe holding a substance containing the potentially deadly chloroform.
Records show the Gatorade bottle they found was partially full of a fluid that was later through testing determined to contain chloroform and cleaning fluid. Inside the bottle was a plastic pouch containing a syringe where investigators also found chloroform.
During earlier investigators, computer searches were found on Casey Anthony’s computer on how to make chloroform months before Caylee disappeared and investigators found a web page about chloroform in Casey's ex-boyfriend's computer, which he says she could have seen, months before investigators say she went online researching chloroform.
Mr. Baez, Ms. Lyon, Ms. Kenney-Baden, Mr. Macaluso, I think there are enough facts out there that you can use to build your defense.
Perhaps the problem is that none of the facts work to the defense's benefit. I suppose you expect the State to provide you with the defense.
As a final note, I'd like to mention Mr. Macaluso's statement last summer that he had PROOF that Caylee's remains were placed there by another party and that Casey was innocent. He now has until February to present his proof to the court. I'd like to remind people that it was Linda Drane-Burdick who recommended that date to the court. Ms. Burdick is giving the defense enough time to hang themselves on their own petard.