Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Los Angeles Press Club, 2011 Southern California Journalism Awards

UPDATE: July 2nd, 2012:  At the awards dinner on June 14th, 2012, Matthew McGough won in both categories for his Atlantic article, "The Lazarus File."  His article in Miller-McCune, "Not Forgotten," won third place. Sprocket.

The Los Angeles Press Club has announced the finalists that honor "... the best work in journalism for 2011".  I'm not on the list but my good friend Matthew McGough is a finalist.

Here's the short list:



* Radley Balko, Reason Magazine, The War on Cameras
* David Evans, Bloomberg Markets, “Benefits Denied”

* Matthew McGough, The Atlantic Magazine, “The Lazarus File”

* Matthew McGough, Miller-McCune Magazine, “Not Forgotten
* Daniel Miller, The Hollywood Reporter, “Scientology’s Hollywood Real Estate Empire”


* Tim Appelo, The Hollywood Reporter, "The Making of A Separation"
* Shikha Dalmia, Reason Magazine, "Bollywood v. Jihad: Which is the Bigger Threat to Fundamentalist Islam: the Pentagon or Mumbai?"

* Nick Gillespie & Veronique de Rugy, Reason Magazine, "The 19 Percent Solution: How to Balance the Budget Without Increasing Taxes"

* M.G. Lord, The Hollywood Reporter, "Elizabeth Taylor: How She Broke the Rules"

* Matthew McGough, The Atlantic Magazine, "The Lazarus File"

Did you see that?  Matthew has three nominations two categories!  He could go home with two statues when the winners are announced at the awards gala on June 24th, 2012.  Matthew, I'll be rooting for you!  Complete list of finalists can be found here.

(Miller-McCune was recently renamed Pacific Standard Magazine. Sprocket)


Anonymous said...

That is just fabulous about Matthew! Tonight I'm going to read again "The Lazarus File". We are so fortunate this case was one he was interested in writing about, even to the point of a book. Which I so look forward to reading and learning more details and levels of this awful human tragedy.