Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Inglewood Police Association Announces Support for Alan Jackson for LA County DA

Los Angeles, October 5th –

Today the Inglewood Police Association announced their endorsement of Alan Jackson to become the next District Attorney of LA County. This is yet another testament to Jackson’s strength and staunch support from the rank and file law enforcement community. As District Attorney Jackson intends to build upon his rock solid reputation as a cop’s prosecutor to protect our families and children across the county.

“We’re certain that your knowledge of the law, leadership skills, strong work ethic and the experience you have gained as a Deputy District Attorney will serve you well and be a tremendous benefit to everyone who resides or works in the County of Los Angeles. We also feel that you are a role model and set a fine example that other attorneys should follow,” stated Detective Loyd Waters, President of Inglewood PA.

Deputy DA Alan Jackson said, “I am proud to have earned the support of the Inglewood PA. Their support is impactful to my candidacy and emboldens my determination and resolve to work tirelessly to become the next LA County DA. As DA I look forward to partnering with law enforcement all over the county to put criminals behind bars and keep our streets safe.”

Waters continued, “While you were assigned to the Inglewood Superior Court, many of our officers commented on your compassion and empathy toward victims as well as your impartialness and fairness toward defendants. Although your goal was to convict criminals for the crimes they committed, you were also respectful of their rights when dealing with them.”

Deputy DA Alan Jackson has earned strong support from other public officials such as County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, State Senator Tony Strickland, Los Angeles City Councilmember Dennis Zine, Long Beach City Attorney Robert Shannon, former La Cañada-Flintridge Mayor and current City Councilmember Steve Del Guercio, San Gabriel City Councilman Mario De La Torre, Honorary Mayor of San Pedro Anthony Misetich, and El Monte Chiefs of Police Bill Ankeny, Tom Armstrong, Wayne Clayton and Ken Weldon.

For more information, please visit Alan Jackson’s campaign website at


shari said...

wish i were in cali. so i could vote for him......good man, integrity and good lawyering skills. Bravo and good luck to him