Saturday, October 13, 2007

Steve Huff: True Crime Weblog

On the Bookshelf: Tearing Down the Wall of Sound, by Mick Brown, & The Diana Chronicles, by Tina Brown. (I ususally read 2 or more books at once.)

On Sound: Jennifer Warnes sings Leonard Cohen. (Famous Blue Raincoat)Boy, do I have some catching up to do! Several months ago, Steve Huff stopped posting at his True Crime Blog, and went back to his roots of posting on a variety of topics at a new blog, Random Lunatic News. I read that blog faithfully. Imagine my surprise to realize today that Steve has been posting like mad about crime at a new url, True Crime Weblog for well over a month! Typing in his old blogspot url will redirect you to the new place.

If you are interested in following crime news on the net, and you don't know who Steve Huff is, you should. He is (imho), the best out there in blogging about crime, often the first to find Internet writings or MySpaces pages on a particular suspect or murdered victim in the news. I'll be reading Steve for the next week or more, catching up.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recommendation, Sprocket - I'll be reading Steve Huff's 'True Crime Weblog' as well!
Lindsey ~ LinZbee

Josh90004 said...

It's Jennifer Warnes and it is one of my favorite albums ever. (title is "Famous Blue Raincoat")

Sprocket said...

Thank you. I had a feeling I had the title wrong. I actually don't have the CD. I have a tape cassette recording that George Massenburg, ~who I believe worked on that album~ made for me from a master copy of the album. What I wrote as the title is what George had written on the blank cassette label, when he gave it to me.

Sprocket said...

And her name is spelled as you indicated, on my cassette. However, George's handwriting is very messy and difficult to read.

Josh90004 said...

lol I gotcha. You were just using the information you were given. I just checked Amazon and there is a 20th anniversary cd of Famous Blue Raincoat that recently came out. It is digitally remastered and includes 4 new tracks (including a live solo version of "Joan of Arc" featuring full orchestra and 2 choirs), so I'm excited about that. Thanks for inspiring me to look!

Sprocket said...

I could listen to Song of Bernadette for hours. It's just so beautiful the way she sings it.

Josh90004 said...

Yes omg, that is my favorite track. And she co-wrote that song with Cohen. Glad to see you have such good taste!