Thursday, June 30, 2011

Casey Anthony Murder Trial: Day 32

The prosecution sure had a good day yesterday. As the defense is supposed to rest today, probably after a River Cruz/Krystal Holloway performance, we should expect to see the State of Florida, henceforth referred to as the state, surgically rip apart the few shreds of the defense case that are left to shred.

Sometime before they rest, we will know if Cindy Anthony was at work on March 17 and March 21 in the early afternoon hours. We will learn if her Gentiva system had the "real" internet.

We will be hearing more from George Anthony and his suicide letter, or the prosecution can just enter it into evidence so the jury can read it. Perhaps Dr. Jan Garavaglia will come back to answer one question: Why didn't you open the skull? After that, who knows?

I was surprised that the defense team didn't show up for the phone-in hearing and left their client on her own. Also, Jose Baez was supposed to present his arguments as to why Jesse Grund's bit of information about what Casey told him years ago. It didn't happen and there was ample time after the motion hearing.

Let's hope that things run more smoothly for me today. Monday, the trial ended so late that I couldn't get the blog up at a decent hour. Tuesday, thunder storms burst out overhead the moment the trial ended. Yesterday, my keyboard quit at the end of the trial. Cross your fingers!

The Defense Rests

Court was in session at 8:50. Dorothy Sims indicated that she had a scheduling question concerning Ann Finnel.

Jose Baez said that he had just received work-related papers from Cindy Anthony's employer. They are a bunch of print-outs that he can't understand. He assumed they were about rebutting her testimony. He said that it was a discovery violation since they knew Cindy was going to testify in 2008. He hinted at a continuance. He said that they are only records for those days in question. Baez said he would like to have all the records.

Judge Perry said there would be time after 5 PM for depositions. He also pointed out that he knew what Ms. Anthony was going to testify to. The defense did have the time cards.

Jose Baez stated that his first witness for the day would be Krystal Holloway.

Baez began by asking her other name. She explained her father used to call her River and her mother's maiden name is Cruz.

She went through how she met George Anthony at the KidFinders tent where she went every day. She developed an intimate relationship with George Anthony. He came to her house about a dozen times. She was asked if she ever gave or loaned him money (objection/relevance/sustained)

Holloway claimed that George told her that Caylee's death that snowballed out of control She didn't ask anything further because his eyes were full of tears. This happened around Thanksgiving.

She said she thought the relationship ended the day of the 4th birthday balloon release.

Holloway said that she never went to the media after the relationship ended. The police contacted her two years later. She was asked if she knew George and if she had a relationship with him. They had several text messages from George. She provided the police with her phone and the letters he had written her. He then referred the text message she was holding and it was entered into evidence. It said, "Just thinking of you, I need you in my life" and was sent Tuesday, December 16 (no year).

The day of the memorial, he was supposed to come over to visit her and he was texting that he couldn't show up. Her sister texted him a message and he stopped.

Her name became exposed in the media. (objection/relevance/sustained/sidebar)

When the police first asked her about the affair, she denied it. She thought he would get in trouble. She was also in a relationship at the time. She eventually told the police she did have a relationship with him.

Holloway denied selling her story to a tabloid, but she dd an interview because she thought the media would turn the story into trash. Baez then brought up her twin sister. One of them got compensation for the interview.

She told Baez that she wanted to testify in court.

Jeff Ashton did the cross. He called her Ms. Cruz and indicated that the Anthony's were already in the news, insinuating that she put herself into the case. She received $4000 for the interview with the National Enquirer. She said that the National Enquirer would tell her story in a fair, non-sensational way. Ashton indicated the story was more sensational if she claimed to have an affair. She denied it.

Ashton moved on to the letters that George sent her. Ashton handed her a letter sent to her by George a few weeks after the previously read text message she read in court. Judge Perry read the letter. He then spoke to the lawyers at side bar. It was not admitted into evidence. George mentioned his attempts to contact her, including through her "husband" (boyfriend). In the letter, he referenced that it was from him and his wife.

The text was sent to her five days after the remains were found.

On February 17, 2010, she was placed under oath and said that she did not have a romantic relationship with George. The first time she told someone in the media or police was in February. She replied that her sister went to the media with it and she went and told the police the truth. (When I checked, the 17th was a Wednesday!)

Ashton led her through the series of event which began with the 17th of February, her sister went to the media with the story, and very quickly she herself went to the media (National Enquirer). She could not give the dates or order of the events. (From what she said, it was by the end of the week, which meant three or four days.) Ashton then asked why she gave the media interview. She said that she told the truth because it came out because of the media. Then, she said it was the same week that she told police. Holloway said she started discussions with the National Enquirer at the end of the same week. (That all may not make sense, but that’s what happened!)

Ashton went on to the statement she claimed George made to her. There was disagreement among the attorneys and there was a side bar.

The objection was withdrawn and Ashton read the statement she made to law enforcement. He then had her read it out loud.

The key part there was that he said that George Anthony believed it was and accident that snowballed out of control and she tried to cover it up.

Ashton pressed the issue that he didn't tell her that he was present when it occurred. George never said that he KNEW it or that Casey SAID it to him.

When Ashton tried to get into the statement that George had held Casey up against a wall, Baez objected/sustained/bench conference. Perry sustained the objection and Ashton had no more questions.

Baez got up to re-direct. He referred to the statement Ashton read and stressed the "believing it was an accident." Holloway said that the statement was taken out of context. The first statement was that George said "it WAS an accident that snowballed out of control" and she followed it up with the statement Ashton read.

Baez asked if George was still out making media appearances and telling the world that Caylee was missing when he made those statements to her.

Ashton then went back to the text message and she said that she was still in a relationship with him when it was sent.

Baez brought out that she kept it quiet until the detectives came to her house two years later. The relationship was exposed and it was in the media. She went to the Enquirer because "he" told her he would tell her story.

Baez attempted to go into her failure to sign a citation (objection/sustained).

Jeff Ashton then asked her to read from her sworn statement completely through. (February 17)

By this point, she was sniffing... She started to read and Baez objected, saying it wasn't the complete context. We were off to the side bar again! When the side bar broke up, Ashton handed her the statement and she had to read the entire context.

Ashton pointed out that George never said that he knew what happened, and Holloway agreed.

Jose Baez asked more questions then.

He tried to say that George said the statements in a manner that he KNEW it was and accident. She then agreed with Baez!

Jeff Ashton went next, saying that he was confused. He pointed out that George had not said it like he knew. She agreed and Ashton was finished.

Next came Jose Baez with his computer. They went to a side bar. Somehow, it turned out that there were two different statements! Judge Perry sent the jury out for the morning break and allowed the witness to stand down.

The judge pointed out to the attorneys that they couldn't have a break and discuss the issue. The lawyers left, but came back shortly for a discussion with the Perry about it. Jeff Ashton asked for a special instruction. The key point in it was that the testimony could not go to Mr. Anthony's knowledge of the crime. Baez objected saying it went too far. Judge Perry read case law on prior inconsistent statements.

Ashton pointed out that it is the ONLY piece of evidence in the entire case that mentions an accident. It offered no proof of how the child died.

Baez said the language was superfluous. Baez said there were numerous other arguments made than that. Then, when Baez cited what Ashton wrote, he went on to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, literally.

Perry asked Baez if he read the case Ashton brought up. He also asked Baez if he felt it was substantiative evidence. Baez said it only went to impeach George Anthony.

Ashton said that the significance of the statement was not to impeach George Anthony, he'd already been impeached a lot! It was presented to be taken for more than what it is. He did not want the jury to use it in an improper way.

Baez still went on about the statement. He obviously didn't want the last part to be in.

Judge Perry said it was evident an instruction would be needed. He decided that the instruction would say (Baez interrupted to try and get more argument in at that point) that the statement could not to be used as evidence of the defendant's guilt or innocence.

Baez then objected to Perry’s instruction. The jury can infer that George Anthony lied on a specific topic and they could use it to decide the innocence or guilt of Ms. Anthony. (Give it up, Baez, the judge won't change his mind.)
Baez built his whole case around "an accident that snowballed out of control" to blame George.

Ms. Holloway was excused in front of the jury and the jury instruction was read.

The next defense witness was Dominic Casey (again). He was shown a defense exhibit, a map which had been attached to an e-mail and a couple of pages of what appeared to be e-mails. It was an e-mail he sent on November 15, 2008. The map he had accurately depicted the area he searched, within (and he drew a circle in the air). Luke Phillips sent him the map and asked where he searched. Baez then entered it into evidence over Mr. George's objection.

The map had pin points where he searched. Baez asked if his mind was fresher on November 15, 2008 than it is now. Baez then had him verify the locations on a larger map. Casey said the blown up version did not seem accurate. Somehow, the map was shown to the jury with the locations marked.

Frank George then did cross. He asked if Casey had been precise. Casey said it was the general area. He said he'd used the bend in the road as a reference site. He said he headed west to the bend and walked in to the woods about 25 feet and then walked some more. So, in effect, the pins weren't accurate. Casey testified that the map was the one he put the pins in, but that it was the GENERAL AREA where he put the pins in.

Baez said the map was prepared three years ago. Baez said that Orlando is 101 square miles, and that was the only place he searched.

Baez had no further questions.

The witness was excused.

Baez had a stipulation to be read to the jury. The video is one which shows the roll of Henkel duct tape at the command center.

The video was shown to the jury. There was no audio of George Anthony speaking. The tape appeared on a table at the end of the video.

The defense then called George Anthony. When asked if the duct tape was his, he answered it could have or could not have been. George also wanted to know which command center it was as they had so many command centers. Baez gave him an address but George said they never had a command center there. He said that there were two Publix's where they had command centers. George could not tell which one that the video was taken. Baez said the date and then asked if it was his duct tape. George said he had no idea.

Then, Baez brought up that George came from Ohio. He asked if he knew that Henkel duct tape was made in Ohio. George said he didn't know that.

Baez then asked if they had a dog named Mandy when they lived in Ohio. (objection/sidebar/overruled) The dog had to be put down. The dog was buried in their yard. To the best of George's recollection, the dog was wrapped in a blanket. When Baez asked if the dog was put in a plastic bag and wrapped with duct tape, George didn't remember. Then, there was a dog named Beau. He died when Casey was about four years old. He was taken to a vet and didn't remember how he was buried.

Then, Baez asked about Penny and Ginger. He couldn't remember how they were put to rest. Then he asked about Cinnamon. Again, George didn't remember. When asked about Misty, George said he didn't have a dog named Misty.

Baez then asked if, when he spoke to police, did he mention how he buried his pets! (Baez, you've got to be kidding me!)

There was a side bar.

Jeff Ashton asked George Anthony ONE question:

Mr. Anthony, have you ever taken a dead pet and dumped it in a swamp? George said no and Ashton was finished.

Next up was Cindy Anthony. Casey was a toddler when Mandy died. She was asked to bring something she wanted her to be buried with. She brought a blanket. The vet took her away in the back and the dog was brought back to her wrapped in a black plastic bag closed with tape (not duct tape). Beau was also taken to the vet and the vet secured him and he was ready to be buried.

The other pets were not at the vet, but they buried them the same way themselves.

Linda Burdick did the cross. She asked if they euthanized their own pets with chloroform? No. Did you put duct tape on their mouths? No.

Casey was present but she and George did the preparations. It was a family tradition. For one pet, George found the statue of a dog for a marker.

Baez asked if the tape was used to close the bag. They put the tape at thirds on the bag.

There were no further questions.

Lee Anthony was called next.

He discussed the fact that he buried Cinnamon in the back yard. The only other one was a dog his grandmother had who was given to her in a black plastic bag and taped with a clear tape. His parents were in charge of burying the family pets.

No cross.

The jury was excused for lunch until 1:30.

The afternoon session began with Cheney Mason asking about the discovery situation from this morning. Jose Baez asked to approach without the court reporter.

Then, the defense stated that they were finished with their case. Casey Anthony stood to be questioned by the judge as to her desire not to testify.

The jury was then returned and Judge Perry read some stipulations. The defense introduced the records of SureTape, manufacturer of Henkel duct tape. Then, the defense rested their case.

The jury was then sent out so court business could take place.

Linda Burdick announced that the state would present a rebuttal case which would last for a day.

Judge Perry then brought up the discovery issue.

Cheney Mason handled the argument for that. The defense had been informed that Cindy Anthony's work records would be coming in to impeach her testimony as to whether or not she was at work the days of the computer searches.

He indicated that this morning, they received hundreds of pages of records. He objected to this testimony. He pointed out that she had testified July 28, 2009 to this issue. The state had two years to get the information.

He said it was a discovery violation and prejudicial to the case. She was cross-examined by the state on the issue and just now want to bring in new material.

Ms. Burdick said that the documents are a one page document which is a log-in log-out report for the pertinent week.

There is a series of e-mails of Ms. Anthony. They only asked for documents for those two days. They are deleted, received, and sent e-mails for the day.

The last document is an Excel spreadsheet which is broken up into two pages per item. It was the desk top log-in records with detailed records.

She said that Mrs. Anthony did talk about doing chlorophyll searches. However, during her testimony last week, she said that Gentiva would have the records.

Ms. Burdick pointed out that exclusion is the most serious remedy for a discovery violation. The documents came in pieces starting last Monday.

Mr. John Camperlengo came from Atlanta and is prepared to testify concerning these documents. Ms. Sims spoke with him over the lunch hour and would need more time.

Mr. Mason said that Judge Perry had reminded them that this was not to be a trial by ambush. The state, with its resources had time to find the material. Mason then started complaining about all the depositions he did and the documents he'd gone through.

The state should not let the state allow Mrs. Anthony to sit back and testify and then come back and say she testified falsely.

They suspected she was not telling the truth then and allowed her to testify here in the courtroom.

Judge Perry asked both sides if Mrs. Anthony give validation to the hours she was working. Ms. Burdick said they spent the majority of the inquiry talking about the computer searches. At that time she did indicate she made searches for chlorophyll.

Baez said that Cindy did mention chloroform and ingredients of it. Cindy answered then that she "may have" done the searches.

Perry then asked when the state got the records. Ms. Burdick said it was yesterday afternoon. She notified the defense yesterday that she was expecting records from Gentiva. She also mentioned earlier that they were going to have someone come in from Gentiva to testify.

Ms. Burdick said that she knew Cindy would say she did chlorophyll searches, but she did not think that she would discuss her work records to the extent she did.

Jose Baez read from the deposition. Perry then asked Baez if the defense knew that she would testify that her work records were not accurate. He did not immediately answer the question. He said that Mrs. Anthony he was a salaried employee and she could come and go. Perry repeated the question about the fact that her work records were meaningless. Baez said definitely yes. Ms. Burdick said it was an area that she only touched upon and it was HER deposition.

Perry then asked what prejudice the defense would suffer other than having her testimony impeached. Baez said that would mean that they would have presented false evidence. Baez even mentioned calling her to be called up in sur-rebuttal and her pleading the Fifth! Judge Perry pointed out that if that happened, ALL of her testimony would have to be excluded. He does not want a stigma attached to the defense. Perry indicated that counsel only gets into trouble if the witness told them they were going to lie. Baez made more arguments and reminded Judge Perry of what he had told them.

Ms. Burdick said that Cindy went on about the topic and was not accusing Mr. Baez of anything. She said she got the discovery as soon as they were aware of the situation.

Baez said that he would need to have his experts examine the documents because they can be misleading. Perry asked Baez if before she took the stand, did he know she was going to say she was home and not as work as her employment records stated. Baez said yes and a whole lot more! Perry repeated the question. Did he know the work records were meaningless? Baez said, yes!

The work records which were introduced were computer generated. It's a time card history report. Were any investigations made to see if anyone tampered with them to question the accuracy of the records.

Baez kept saying she was a salaried employee and that she could come and go and her hours would not compute with her time cards.

With the arguments finished. Judge Perry found that this was NOT a discovery violation. As soon as the State of Florida got the records, they provided them to the defense.

Perry added that trials are a search for the truth!

Finally, Perry asked how long the defense needed to prepare for the testimony of the witness. He also pointed out that both sides have stipulated to the veracity of other Gentiva records, they were not fabricated. Ms. Sims has the balance of the day to talk to the witness.

Perry also said that nobody should be surprised about this after hearing Mrs. Anthony's testimony!

Ms. Sims said that she didn't know how much time she would need. Ms. Burdick indicated the time difference was that it was in central time.

There was an issue that the person who needs to explain them to her has a doctor's appointment in Atlanta. Frank George went out to check on the situation.

Jeff Ashton then said the defense will have an objection to his examination of Mike Vincent, their second witness. Jeff Ashton said he would have him open a can and testify to the odor. This would rebut Dr. Furton, who said that it was the smell of trash. He said the jury would want to smell it (as they did the Velveeta). It would then be possible that the jurors smell it.

Baez said that Furton didn't smell either item. Ashton replied that if the defense didn't rebut the odor, they would pass on it. Perry asked Ashton how many witnesses had testified that the odor was human decomposition. There were four or five. He anticipated that the defense would continue to try and convince the jury that it was the odor of trash.

Perry seemed to feel that there was enough testimony to the odor of human decomposition.

Ashton spent time explaining that the jurors have the right to use their olfactory senses. He cited some case law on the matter. Apparently, this would come up during deliberations if the jurors wanted to smell the can. He felt that if one did it, they all should be required to do it.

Baez accused Ashton of not paying attention during jury selection where this came up. The judge had told them to provide case law and they didn't do it until now. He accused the state of changing the rules of the game in the middle.

Judge Perry read the same decision he read during jury selection. He also referred to some other cases which dealt with odors the jurors would know about. He also cited Florida cases. Not surprisingly, he ruled against the state. That piece of evidence will not go back to the jury to avoid juror experimentation. Needless to say, Mr. Ashton wasn't very happy with the decision. In addition, Mr. Vincent would not be permitted to testify.

They will have the brief testimony of the one witness then recess for the day.

The jurors were brought in and the prosecution presented the first witness in their short rebuttal case.

Alina Burroughs was the first rebuttal witness to take the stand. She is a crime scene technician and photographed items at the Anthony residence during a search. She identified the pictures as the clothing taken from Caylee Anthony's dresser. There were no other questions and no cross. Ms. Burdick introduced them into evidence with no objection.

There were also a series of drawings made by Dominic Casey entered into evidence with no objection.

Burdick also introduced Joe Jordan's records which he testified to. Baez had an objection to them. The exhibit was modified and the defense had no objection.

Jeff Ashton then moved in George Anthony's suicide letter. Baez asked to see the letter and had no objections.

The letter was briefly published to the jury and Judge Perry informed them that they can read it at their leisure during deliberations.

Jeff Ashton informed Judge Perry there were no more witnesses today.

Judge Perry told the jury that the rebuttal case should be completed tomorrow and that closing arguments would be Saturday.

The jury was then excused for the day.

Then, there was a young man at the podium. Matthew Bartlett, 28. He was shown a photograph of himself flipping the bird to someone. He was doing it to Mr. Ashton while court was in session.

Judge Perry held up the sign that was posted outside the door. He asked how far he went in school and he said 12th grade. He read the sign. He understood the sign.

He said he was stupid and was sorry for doing it. He said he didn't think lowly of Mr. Ashton. He said it was a stupid thing he did and he apologized. He was aware that the jury was there.

After getting some information from the young man, he received a tongue lashing from the judge and was held in contempt of court. He was sentenced to 6 days in the Orange County Jail and $400 in fines and court courts of $223 which he said he could pay immediately. The judge gave him 6 months or he could pay it all at once.

He said that he would appeal. Judge Perry swore him in, asked a few pertinent questions, and appointed him a public defender.

Baez said he was preparing for a subpoena duces tecum for Geniva records from July 15, 2008.
The gentleman from Gentiva said he didn't think he could get the records until Wednesday of next week, due to the holiday. Judge Perry said that, unless it was earth shattering, it is what it is.

Court is in recess until 9:00 AM tomorrow unless there is an issue.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Casey Anthony Murder Trial: Day 31

The defense managed to reinforce one point of Jose Baez' opening statement yesterday. This is a family that is that is clearly dysfunctional and lies. This has occurred before, but when Lee and Cindy's testimony didn't match up about the Hoover/Casey fiasco of a search, they proved their point. Of course, Lee was off by a month, but he still punched a hole in his mom's testimony. There were more important matters, though, where even the "great" Cheney Mason couldn't affirm. Roy Kronk, the "morally bankrupt" man who supposedly was a body-snatcher for personal financial gain, failed miserably. Even given the extra time Judge Perry granted him to dig up more dirt on Kronk, all Mason could do was bluster through the previous testimony again and indignantly offer up Mr. Kronk's auto repair bill for the jury to peruse for about one second! Today, we have grief counselor Sally Karioth coming in to testify in general about grief. I'm afraid the jury will be Pop Tarted in and out and not get much of her presentation. I'm usually wrong in my prognostications, but I'm pretty sure that this one won't be. Expect to see more (objection/relevance (or whatever)/jury sent out/sustained) types of entries all over the place!

Judge Perry was on the bench at 8:30 to hear the defense motion to re-hear the motion to declare the death penalty unconstitutional.

The defense team is nowhere to be seen and so far, no Ann Finnel on the phone!

Ann Finnel came up on the phone at 8:32. I didn't take too many notes because we've heard this motion heard before. The only difference this time is the Judge Martinez June 20 decision declaring the Florida death penalty unconstitutional. She rested on her motion.

Judge Perry asked if she had consulted with Casey Anthony. She said that one of her counsel had done so, however. Unfortunately, none of the other members of the defense was there. Casey herself said that she agreed with Ms. Finnel.

Jeff Ashton pointed out that the decision is not a final order and is under appeal In addition, the decision went only to the Evans case.

Ann Finnel read more from the Evans decision.
Cheney Mason was the first defense attorney to arrive in court.

Judge Perry then read case law on the issue. Each of the numerous cases dealt with Ring v Arizona on the Florida sentencing scheme. In every one, the law was declared constitutional and the convicted person was executed.

Casey Anthony didn't look very happy!

Judge Perry reserved ruling until prior to receipt of a verdict if that is the case.

Cheney Mason did not know of any issues to be addressed and court was recessed until 9:00.

Cindy Anthony was called yet again to the stand by the defense.

Jose Baez asked her if she had been aware of an incident involving Lee going into Casey's room at night. Cindy said no.

He tried to ask more questions about the topic and Linda Burdick kept objecting and there was finally a side bar on the issue.

The objection was sustained. Baez moved on to the fact that six months ago she believed Caylee was alive. He mentioned that in February, 2009 there was a memorial and Caylee's remains were cremated. Despite all that, she believed that Caylee was alive (objection/relevant/sustained)

He then asked if her ability to block it all out because of her faith? (objection/sustained)

He then asked if she blocked out the fact that Caylee was dead? (objection/sustained)

On July 14, she had a visit with Casey. It was the one where she said that George blew up at the media in response to a question the media about his opinion was that Caylee died by accidental drowning. (objections/sustained)

Then, he asked why she told Casey about the situation during her jail visit. (objection/relevance/sustained)

Baez then asked if this was a new theory? The new theory was that Caylee drowned in the pool. It wasn't a new theory, according to Cindy, it came from the media. Baez reminded her that she had told Melich about the pool ladder attached to the pool. She had also told other members of LE (objection/leading/sustained)

He tried again and said that it was not new, she was clarifying what happened. Cindy said it wasn't the first time she'd discussed it. The drowning theory had just come out in the media.

George blew up at the media and Casey had heard about it. When Baez said it wasn't true, that it had just happened, Cindy said she could have found out in the jail.

Baez had one more question (objection/sustained).

Linda Burdick got Cindy to say that Casey said "surprise, surprise" about the pool situation. (objection/speculation/overruled) She also pointed out that Cindy had told Casey about it.

Cindy testified that when they came into the jail that day, she was also upset about the media saying Caylee drowned in the pool.

No re-direct.

Well, that went nowhere, fast!

George Anthony was the next witness.

Baez asked him about his law enforcement career when he said that he smelled dead bodies in the woods. (objection/sustained).

Baez properly refreshed George's memory with a previous statement about his saying they found bodies in the woods.

Baez asked how he knew his granddaughter would be found in the woods? George said the statement was about his experience in law enforcement and not the case. He accused Baez of taking his statement out of context. (objection/relevance/side bar/sustained)

Baez then asked if he'd smelled decomposition in the woods, in a house, and in a car before. George testified that he had.

The wooded area off Suburban Drive; Baez asked if he walked it. George said he walked the perimeter of the fence after Det. Allen asked if he could identify a toy found there. George also said he walked the streets of his neighborhood.

Baez kept trying to ask George if he was in a wooded area. After a number of objections, George mentioned that he was looking at a lot to use for a KidFinders tent. Baez asked if he was going to put the tent in the woods! George said it was a busy area which would attract people.

On July 16, when Melich arrived, he told him that the car had an odor, asked him about an Amber Alert, and was hysterical and upset and wanted the police to do something. After Melich got finished with Casey, Baez said that he spoke again to Melich that Caylee was gone and it had something to do with Casey. George said that Caylee was kidnapped and he was trying to put all the stories and information together. He was upset and falling apart.

Baez then went to the July 24 statement to LE, George told them the car smelled like human decomposition and he was 100% sure. Baez also stated that George said that Casey lived on the edge. George agreed. Then, he also said that Casey took things as far as she could and past that point.

Ashton had a problem with Baez’ question and asked that he read the full statement. Ashton was told to do so on cross. Then, Baez read the entire question. It was a comment about Casey being afraid of her mother and then said that Casey takes things as far as she can take them.

Baez indicated that he only had negative things to say about his daughter to law enforcement.. (objection/overruled) George said he probably did. Then, Baez referred to the jail visitation the next day. He pointed out that he said none of the negatives things to her. George responded that he wanted her to help him and wanted her to be upbeat.

Baez made a nasty comment and then said one day he was throwing her under the bus and the next day... (comment stricken) Baez insinuated that George was working undercover for the police with his daughter. He then asked if he didn't want to bond her out because he didn't want to put the house up for collateral. (stricken) He was then asked if George went to the grand jury to testify against his daughter? (bench conference/objection sustained) George was subpoenaed to testify!

Baez switched back to the smell in the car. He referred to his August 5, 2009 deposition. When asked then, George answered, "not human decomposition, I knew it was decomposition there... and so on." George had backed off his original statement. Ashton made an objection and asked Baez to read the complete context. Baez kept asking to stop and then he told Judge Perry to let him do his direct his own way. The judge made him continue. Baez stopped again, Ashton then made him go on to past the point where he asked himself, "please don't let this be my daughter or my granddaughter."

Baez repeated the question about decomposition and George said that the text that had just been read spoke for itself. He again testified that the trunk smelled like human decomposition. Neither his daughter nor his granddaughter were in the trunk. George then added that the garbage didn't smell like human decomposition. He denied that he said it was the odor of trash and said that trash doesn't smell like decomposition. He again repeated it smelled like human decomposition!

Baez mentioned that George didn't call police and later went to work. He said he was concerned and his emotions were all over the place. He said he knew what he did and he had no regrets about it. (I have to wonder if it was an extreme denial at that point.)

At that point, Baez mentioned the family media blitz. George asked for dates. Baez said he went to the media to support his daughter's innocence.

In late January, 2009, George attempted to commit suicide and left a note. Baez said he expressed guilt. Ashton expressed that the best evidence was the document. He also said he had no objections to it's introduction into evidence. George then testified that he had spent some time in the hospital. He said he wasn't really sure what he did. (Note the door being opened here!)

Baez then asked if the media appearances were to speak to the innocence of his daughter. He brought up the 48 Hours and being paid $20,000. George went off on a tangent against Baez. He said it had nothing to do with guilt or innocence. He did it for awareness of Caylee's being missing.

Baez asked if, while advocating for his daughter's innocence, was he on the Today Show. Baez said that the media appearances stopped when the allegations of excuse came out. George said the rumors were out for three years.

Jeff Ashton objected and we had another side bar.

After the side bar, Judge Perry called for a 15 minute recess.

When court came back into session, Jose Baez stated that there was a stipulation that was being printed.

Baez was now onto the topic of molestation. George said he'd never do a thing like that with his daughter. Baez reminded George of the possible penalties for child molestation a couple of times (objections/sustained) Baez asked if George would never confess to molestation a couple of times. George handled it by saying, more than once, that he would never do that sort of thing to his daughter. Baez then insinuated there was something ELSE he did (objected/sustained)

We moved quickly on to the gas can he reported stolen on June 24, 2008. It was the first time he had reported them stolen. Baez brought out that he knew Casey would take his gas. He said that he didn't know if Casey had taken it that time. Baez asked George if when he gave the gas can to the police, if it had duct tape on it August 1, 2008. George said it possibly did but he didn't remember. He didn't touch it at the time. This occurred after he had an argument with his daughter. Baez insinuated that he couldn't say that because there was no witness to the event!

Ashton, when Baez (as usual) didn't give a reference, was rather short with Baez. Baez went back to a deposition, he said that there was no duct tape on it. Then George was confronted with a picture of the can with the duct tape on it to identify. George denied putting the duct tape on it, he pointed out that the gas can was taken a second time by the police.

I recall reading the deposition and George was all over the place about the tape. The fact is, the duct tape was in the garage and any member of the family could have used it.

Ashton objection to Baez' accusation that George lied about the tape. There was no reference in the deposition given to support the question. Baez took a minute and came back. At the time of the argument with Casey, the can did not have tape on it. George also said that the plastic cap on the vent was missing. George essentially said he could have put the duct tape on it.

Baez had earlier objected to the narrative and was overruled. When he did the same thing again, Perry called the lawyers to the side bar.

Baez said he wanted to clear up ONE LAST THING. When Casey gave him the gas can on June 24, 2008, it had no duct tape. On August 1, it had no duct tape. George said that when it was taken from his shed, he could have put duct tape on it.

When asked to answer yes or no, George said no. Baez asked if the court reporter made a mistake (objection/sustained) None of the rest of the questions then asked made it into testimony.

Baez then read the sentence from the deposition, George's answer was that he didn't put the duct tape on it. George also testified that it came back with duct tape on it (based on the fact he blamed the police for doing it).

Jeff Ashton then cross examined Mr. Anthony.

August 5, 2009, Ashton asked if he believed that someone other than his daughter had killed Caylee. George agreed. Ashton also pointed out that George was upset and they sparred over the gas can issue.

Ashton then asked if George no longer believed... (objection/sustained). He almost got out the entire question that he no longer believed Casey was innocent!

Ashton then went on to the deposition where George stated he didn't believe his daughter killed Cayley.

When George learened that the remains of Caylee were found, he went through the whole gamut of emotional loss. Until that moment, he held out the hope that Caylee was alive. At that point, he broke down on the stand.

Ashton asked if it was about that time he went out and bought a gun. At that point, George was escorted off the stand by his lawyer, Mark Lippman. He needed time to compose himself.

The jury was sent out because there was an objection about the gun question. It was possible George was going to use the gun to force people to tell what they knew about Caylee’s disapperance and then commit suicide. Jeff Ashton said that he intends to introduce the suicide letter to prove that George had no idea who killed Caylee. Jose Baez raised the suicide attempt and Ashton provided case law to the judge. He would not offer it until his case in chief (rebuttal).

Judge Perry read the note and the two cases and asked for a proffer. Baez stated that the suicide note is hearsay and is not a dying declaration.

Ashton said it went to show the state of mind exception to hearsay. It established that as of January 22, 2009, George Anthony does not state any admission of guilt. It is relevant because of what it does NOT contain, the offenses the defense had accused him of.

There was a specific issue raised that Mr. Anthony knew what happened to Caylee and where she was. Ashton read the lines which buttressed his case before the judge.

Baez said that Ashton was creating a self-serving issue. He also said that George took blood pressure medication and a six-pack of beer in a very derisive manner.

Perry pointed out that Baez asked if George attempted to commit suicide. The state did not object. Baez felt that the reason for the suicide attempt was for the jury to decide. George did not have a free pass to write a note that he was innocent.

Perry asked if he thought that he was so guilty because he molested and police were on to him, so he decided to kill himself?

(Which was exactly where Baez was going with this. Without the letter in evidence, he felt free to insinuate whatever motives which would best benefit his client.)

Perry then said a witnesses state of mind is not normally an issue. It is very rare that it becomes an issue. The defense had made Mr. Anthony's state of mind an issue. Ashton said he was very happy for counsel to open the door. Perry indicated that Mr. Ashton was happy to walk through it.

There have been many implications that George had knowledge of the crime. Ashton pointed out Baez even asked if George felt guilt, but didn't want the jury to know what he felt guilt about. He said he planned to ask him about his thoughts and feelings about that time and have him read it. Judge Perry said that we would allow George to read the letter. He also said that he believed it would be admissible but wanted to do more research on it. Ashton can still cross about the suicide.

The suicide note issue will be introduced at rebuttal and Jose Baez was granted a proffer for Ashton's cross.

Under questioning by Ashton, George testified that he bought the gun to confront individuals who he thought knew what happened to Caylee. He based that on what Casey had told him. Someone came to their house and, because Casey was home, it was a violation of her release on bond. It was confiscated before he could use it. January 22, 2009, George went to a motel in Datona Beach with the intent to commit suicide. He wrote a suicide note to his wife and family. After reviewing the letter, he stated that it was a true and accurate statement of his thoughts, intent, and knowledge of that day.

George also sent text messages and called his sisters, his mother, and his father to tell them goodby. He wanted to be with Caylee. He felt he failed her.

In that note, he expressed some of the unanswered questions he had at that time.

Baez objected because most of it was beyond the scope of direct and none of it has anything to do with (lost sound, he turned his microphone off).

Baez then reviewed what he had questioned George about.

Ashton said Baez covered a wide range and scope.

Judge Perry said that the issue of suicide was brought out in the defense's examination of Mr. Anthony. They were a dealing with the logical progression to suicide and the gun had something to do with it. He would allow this line of questioning.

Ashton began with August, 2008. George bought the firearm so he could get answers from people who he felt had information about Caylee being missing. Based on what Casey told him, he was going to force them at gunpoint to tell him what happened to Caylee.

Law enforcement found out he had the gun and explained that it was not permitted in the house while Casey was there. It was a violation of her bond conditions. George never had a change to use it.

January 22, 2009, about six weeks after the remains were found, he traveled to a motel in Datona Beach to commit suicide. George decided to commit suicide because his emotional state was such that it was hard to accept that Caylee was gone. He wanted to be with Caylee. He talked to his parents, his sisters, his son, and his wife to say goodbye for the last time, although he never explained what he was going to do. George also mentioned spending time with Caylee.

In the motel, he wrote a letter and started out writing the letter to his wife Cindy to tell her how he felt and how he didn't want to be in this world anymore. He also had questions about what happened to Caylee. He was drinking and taking pills and he didn't quite remember what he wrote.

Ashton then showed the letter to George Anthony who recognized it as the letter he wrote to his wife and family as he prepared to take his life. If law enforcement hadn't intervened he would have been dead.

Ashton had no further questions.

Jose Baez then did re-direct.

Baez mentioned the "sparring" at the deposition with Mr. Ashton. George remembered that Ashton reminded him of his rights. When asked if the sparring was about the gas cans. George said they talked about a lot of different topics.

Baez mentioned that Casey was out on bond and house arrest. The first day, people came to talk to them about the situation. They were given a list of what could and could not be in the house. He knew that if the firearm was in the house, Casey could go back to jail. When the police came to confiscate the gun, Casey was almost taken back to jail. Baez also asked if, before she got out on bond, George never bought a gun.

Baez mentioned that George bought a six pack of beer. George said he didn't remember how much beer he bought. Baez indicated he was taking blood pressure medication. George said he took a large amount of medication, including pills to calm him down.

Baez mentioned the two search warrants. The one of December 11, 2008 was one where they went through a lot of his things. George went on that everything in the house was associated with him. They searched his car. It wasn't listed on the search warrant and they searched it anyway.

The gas can was confiscated then. George said he was not there when the search warrant was carried out. George said the entire house was turned upside down. Baez asked if the tape from the gas can was taken. George said he didn't know.

Baez asked if he ever saw that gas can again at his home. George went on about when exactly they came home. He accused Baez of making him upset. He rambled on about the house being totally tossed.

Baez brought up the Ritz Carlton and that he stayed there a couple of days. (objection/sustained)

George Anthony said he didn't remember seeing the gas can on the day of the search warrant on December 20. Baez again went over the fact that he had the warrant and a list of items taken.

There was the lunch recess and we would be back to continue the re-direct at 1:30.

The lunch hour was prolonged until nearly 2:00 PM today. George Anthony took the stand and the jury was called in.

George Anthony gave a short "hello" to Baez along with a sour expression.

Baez started off by discussing the second search warrant served on December 11, 2008. Baez asked if he had a confrontation with the police and was asked to step outside. George said that it had happened.

One later, he was subpoenaed for his fingerprints. (objection/sustained)

LE confiscated more items from the home and the next day the State Attorney's office issued a subpoena for his fingerprints. He was asked how often something like this happened. (objection/sustained) Baez asked if he submitted voluntarily, or if they had to subpoena him.

This was also about the time when the news of the Hoover video became public. (objection/sustained). Baez changed it to early in January.

George said he did not know about the video when it was released. Baez asked if he went to D. Casey what he was doing in the woods. He said he never did.

Baez asked if he knew he was being investigated. (objection/rephrase) Baez asked if the pressure was getting to him. George stated that from July, 2008, he was totally cooperative with LE. George was asked if his cooperation ended December 20 when he asked police to leave the home. George went on about the grief he was going through.

Baez pressed about the confrontation December 20. George said he was upset that day. He said that he didn't stop cooperating and others were being investigated as well.

Baez then went on to the suicide. Baez made it sound like he had told everyone that he was going to commit suicide, even him. After the alleged attempt, Baez pointed out that he immediately left the hospital to go to Putnam County. George said he didn't. Baez also wanted to know a date. George said he had no idea.

Baez was finished and Jeff Ashton did re-cross. He brought up the Larry King appearance. (objection/overruled) The purpose of the appearance was about the disappearance of his granddaughter and its effect on their lives. They were on their way home when they got the call that remains had been found.

When they arrived in town, they were taken to the Ritz Carlton. Someone arranged it on their behalf. He did not have a small window of privacy there (they did have some time on the plane) to deal with the news.

They talked to Mr. Baez later that evening and had dinner with him. (Baez asked to approach)

Ashton asked if George cooperated with LE, Mr. Baez, and anyone who could help him find Caylee. George agreed. Ashton also brought up that the 19th of December when final confirmation of Caylee's identification occurred. This gave the jury the opportunity to think about George’s behavior with the police during the search of the house the next day.

Ashton was finished and Jose Baez took over.

Baez then asked who paid for their stay was the GMA people. George said he didn't know who paid. He testified that he had to do nothing for that.

Finally, George Anthony was let off the stand.

Jose Baez then called Brandon Sparks to the stand. He is Roy Kronk's estranged son.

He is a 5-year veteran of the US Coast Guard. He goes to sea 3-4 months at a time. Baez asked if he became reacquainted with his father in 2008. Sparks said that he had reached out to him when he was rehabilitated from (objection/sustained).

In October, 2009, Sparks recalled a conversation he had with his father. He spoke with his father regularly in 2009. He lives in Washington now, but in 2008 he lived in Virginia Beach.

They mostly talked by cellular phone. In July-December 2008, he spoke about the case with his father (objection/hearsay). Baez asked if his father spoke to him about the case. Kronk told him he knew where the remains were in November, 2008. He never named the name. He also called on December 11. Sparks asked why he waited so long, but Kronk wouldn't say. Sparks said he made other statements about the case as well.

Baez then asked for his phone number. Baez then referred to records. It was stipulated that they are Brandon Sparks cell records. Sparks had voluntarily provided them.

Brandon said Kronk had found Caylee's skull prior to December 11. He alluded to a call from his father around Thanksgiving. Other than that, Sparks said he holds no ill will against his father.

Baez was done.

Linda Burdick stated he had followed both his father and his mother in the Coast Guard. She pointed out that It wasn't until October, 2009 when he signed a statement regarding the call. Ms. Burdick showed him the phone records and asked him to identify the calls between his father and him. Sparks found that easy to do since they were highlighted.

Burdick asked him if when he contacted his father, he didn't tell his mother about it. Sparks said that was so.

This must have been totally understood by many jurors. They already knew that he had been estranged from his father from the age of 8. How many of them know of families where fathers are excluded from the lives of their children. How many of them know how, in so many of those cases, the custodial parent poisons the child against the absent parent?

Burdick then had him identify the specific call in November that he was referring to. He said he couldn't due to the numerous calls between them and because he'd forgotten about it. He realized he'd had the November conversation when he got the December 11 call. Sparks did see him on TV that day. She reminded him that Kronk was not before the press until later on.

Baez did re-direct.

Sparks said that he made the statement in 2009 when the defense investigator (Mort Smith) located him. He also said that law enforcement never spoke to him.

Jose Baez was finished.

Linda Burdick asked if Roy Kronk had told him he had taken the skull from some sort of scene. Sparks testified that he just said he located the skull, that he’d called LE, he was going to be on TV, and he hadn't seen him since he was 8 years old.

Baez asked if his father told him he was going to be rich and famous. Brandon said he did.

The witness was excused.

Roy Kronk was then called to the stand. Baez went back to December 11, 2008.

Baez reminded him of his first report where he said the skull rolled out of the bag. Then, he gave a recorded interview with LE.

He showed Kronk the statement where he said he put the meter stick in the eye socket. Kronk agreed that it wasn't there. He reiterated that the skull dropped out of the bag.

Baez indicated that in that statement, he never mentioned he called LE 3 times. Ms. Burdick objected that Mr. Mason examined Kronk it for hours and hours and had already asked the question yesterday and her objection was sustained. Baez then asked if, in January, 2009, he recalled being asked what he said about calling Crime Line in August. Kronk responded... (objection/hearsay/sidebar/).

Referring to the time he spoke to LE December17 at his home, Baez asked if that was when he changed his story. Kronk said that he'd realized his mistake earlier and was correcting it at that time.

Baez said that the reason he changed his story because he'd said he'd seen the skull in August and his new story didn't match.

Kronk said that when he made the original statement, he was overwhelmed. (objection/sustained)

Baez then pointed out that he forgot to mention putting his meter stick in the eye socket (objection/sustained) Asked again (objection/sustained) Baez said Kronk made seven statements. He asked when he remembered (objection/sustained)

Kronk was excused.

Baez’ next witness was Dep. Eduard Turso. He was the first responding male officer to the scene on Suburban Drive December 11, 2008. Turso testified that Kronk never told him he called Crime Line. He never told Kronk not to say anything.

The witness was excused. He was on the stand for such a short time, I couldn't even grab a screen cap!

Next up, was Yuri Melich. On December 11, 2008 he spoke to Roy Kronk for ten to fifteen minutes. He reviewed the statement. He then conducted a recorded interview on tape. Kronk never advised Melich that he called four times prior in August. He learned of the calls January 17, 2008.

Melich was asked if he clarified with Kronk the story of the skull rolling out of the bag. Melich interviewed him again on January 17, 2008. Melich said Kronk added additional information. (Melich didn't say he changed his story.) Baez brought the transcript up for Melich to examine.

Linda Burdick had an objection and there was a side bar. The objection was sustained.

Baez repeated the question and the only information gleaned was that there were four calls made by Kronk. (Three to 911, one to Crime Line)

To this day, I can’t figure out what the importance was that Roy Kronk didn’t tell everybody in the Universe that he made those four calls. Does anybody know?

The next witness called by Dorothy Sims was Dr. Sally Karioth. She gave a rather colorful history of her training. Jeff Ashton objected to the narrative about her education and Judge Perry had her shorten it down without side topics!

Lets just say, she's trained in theater and is quite a character.

She said that she does clinical counseling and does not dispense medications. She is a full professor at FSU. She had the tendency to wander off topics, but she did say that she teaches courses about death and grief. Jeff Ashton kept having to object to keep her on track. Eventually, we got through her CV.

She did say she'd testified one or two dozen times at trial. Ms. Simms tendered the witness as an expert in grief and trauma.

Jeff Ashton objected and asked to voir dire her. Heasked if she has been published in peer reviewed journals. She said about a half of dozen. She named a number of things she had written, but I will spare you the titles.

She was asked for the name of the peer reviewed journals where her articles were published. She said Southeast Research Journal, Parents Magazine Book (not peer reviewed, well, she said it was peer reviewed by Barnes and Noble!), Florida Department of Public Health (online journal, reviewed by the PH department), Healing Adjuncts...(book, reviewed by pediatric nurse practitioners) (I gave up with writing these out. I don't think she knows what a peer-reviewed journal is!)

We were then treated to a side bar. When it was over, Ashton asked about her experience in testifying about grief. This time, she said she had testified a dozen times. There were about 6 civil trials, 6 criminal, and a maritime case.

Ashton got out that she had testified in one trial about a child who died in a boot camp. She interviewed a sister prior to testify. She also got a report and other information.

Jeff Ashton objected, but Judge Perry accepted her as an expert in grief.

Sims then interviewed the witness.

She said that different people who have lost someone grieve differently. Jeff Ashton then objected to the general nature of the testimony.

After a side bar, Ms. Sims continued with the witness.

Sims gave the hypothetical that a 22 year old mother of an almost three-year-old child, has an amazing bond with the child, and loses the child. Sims wanted to know how such a mother would grieve. Jeff Ashton objected and had a case to cite when they went back to the side bar.

Ms. Karioth said that some take to their beds, they keep everything close. She has seen mothers who clean out the rooms and give everything away or put them in boxes and the child is not spoken of. One parent will say the memories help, others say it's too much.

Some go to cemetery every day. College kids sometimes grieve with risky behavior. In a car accident, there could be survivor guilt and the survivor would exhibit the risky behaviors of the deceased. (She got a tad bit off track here.)

Sims added that a family that lives in denial and exhibits continued risky behavior...(Another objection/facts not in evidence/sidebar)

Dorothy Sims then added many facts from the case. (You all know what they pretty much are!) It was a very lengthy list, including that the father picks up the car which smells. It went on and on.

Ms. Karioth said that there are two ways that people grieve, families who are supported and grieve in a healthy way and those who don’t. Another family, like the one described; the result would make it hard for other people to understand.

Jeff Ashton objected here. The doctor can't deal with other people.

Dr. Karioth then went on to discuss denial. It would not be atypical for there to be no discussion within the family.

Sim's added the 31 days and described Casey's behavior. Karioth said it would be important to look at the behavior of everybody in those days. Her behavior reflected being a reluctant griever. They will do the same risky behaviors their deceased friend did. Retail behavior and partying would be a close bond between mad and sad.

(She got off the topic, she talked about the behavior if a friend died.)

Then came the term, "bereavement overload."

Ashton then objected to the sustained narrative. Sustained.

Sims asked how long this behavior or appearing fine and normal would last. Her answer didn't really coincide with the question and I didn't "get it" at all! Karioth then said that some people continue with grief responses for years and years and years. They often isolate themselves. The term "affective hysteria" was tossed out there.

She said she had seen people lose someone, make arrangements, and go work the next day. Denial is a tool as long as one can believe what one is saying. Objection/non-responsive

That was it for Ms. Simms. Jeff Ashton asked if being very happy and very sad consistent with grief. Karioth added mad to the list. Ashton asked her if there are any of these that are not consistent with grief. He mentioned an interest in sex, she said it would make someone feel better.

Ashton asked if there is anything she can say that is INCONSISTENT with grief.

She said that ANYTHING that could happen would be consistent with grief, either healthy or unhealthy.

He also asked if she could look at a set of actions and diagnose grief. She mentioned a test she could give. However, she said that she couldn't apply this information to the facts of this case.

Ashton asked her when she was contacted about this case. She said that she received an e-mail at the end of May, the beginning of June to consult. She didn't know there was a trial. She was in London at the time. When she came into the courtroom, she didn't know anything about the case. She looked up some information about the case, but she was in London and the case was not covered there.

She knew that she was being asked to talk about general grief and loss and how it would affect individuals. In this case, it was about a woman who lost her daughter.

She worked on the Susan Smith case and testified to the fact that some can't understand how a parent is unhappy and think that their children are the same way. (Let’s hope that some juror picked up on the Susan Smith case!)

Dorothy Sims called for another side bar.

Okay, my keyboard stopped working at this point and I gave up trying to keep track of this “unusual testimony. Here’s a quick summary!

After the side bar, Jeff Ashton then asked Dr. Karioth to explain the type of grief in an “hypothetical” situation. He then went into the stories Casey Anthony told her mother and friends. You all know the story well! At the end, he added for her to assume that the mother had killed the child.

All Dr. Karioth could say was that such a person would be in need of treatment!

Sims objected to the last part, saying that there was no evidence in the record. Jeff Ashton said that he disagreed! There was a side bar and eventually, the jury was sent out.

When the jury returned at 5:23, Ashton discussed denial and if could also be caused by guilt or shame. There was talk of compartmentalization and how a person could put all their bad traits, such as lying in to a compartment and continue on as though it never existed. There was more of this, but I didn’t get it all down and, quite frankly, bored me to tears.

One fine statement Jeff Ashton made was when he said that it is hard to break the bond between a mother and her child. Dr. Karioth said it was a bond that never breaks.

With that, Judge Perry sent the jury out for the day and recessed court. Linda Burdick had a brief issue she discussed with the judge at the side bar.

Judge Perry then stated that the defense will be resting tomorrow and the prosecution needs to be ready with witnesses for their rebuttal case. Closing arguments will be made on Saturday.

As to when the jury will begin to deliberate, Perry said that it would be up to the jury.

So, it seems that the defense still has Krystal Holloway/River Cruz on tap for tomorrow and the defense will rest. Then, we will be on quite a ride in the rebuttal case. There are at least two things I will be waiting for. George Anthony’s suicide note and the testimony of the people from Gentiva HQ!

See you all tomorrow at 8:30 or 9:00!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Casey Anthony Murder: Day 30

Yesterday was one long day! When the clock said it was 6:00 PM, I hit the wall. Things started not to make sense. Oh! Wait! It wasn't me. It was a combination of the final two witnesses of the day, James Hoover and Dominic Casey.
This "dynamic duo" were to be the ones who were going to start the defense theory that Caylee's remains were not on Suburban Drive in November. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out.

Neither Hoover nor D. Casey were able to definitively say where they were in the woods. Under direct examination by Jose Baez, James Hoover tried to circle a huge area to tell where they searched. He admitted that he didn't exactly know where Caylee's little remains were found. He couldn't get a straight sentence out of his mouth to the point that Linda Burdick had to keep asking questions. He wasn't polite with Ms. Burdick, either. It was a pitiful performance.

When Ann Finnel stepped up to the plate to question Dominic Casey, he wasn't much better. He also couldn't explain where he had been. Thanks to Frank George who provided a "clean slate" on which to doodle. As time went on, he moved his marks farther and farther from the remains site. Do you see the tiny, circled x at the upper left hand corner of the map?? That was Mr. Casey's final "guestimate" as to where he went into the woods the first. That Somehow, the three infamous pavers got lost in the shuffle.

As for Dr. Furton, all I can say is simpler is better. I believe if Jeff Ashton had asked him what color the sky was, he would have answered that it depended on weather conditions, prevailing winds, time of year, and, by the way, he'd need to read what somebody's research said or ask a student to do a PowerPoint presentation.

If it weren't for Caylee Marie, I wouldn't even bother with this bunch.

Down And Dirty Day For The Defense

Court began a bit early at about 8:54 this morning. Immediately, the attorneys joined Judge Perry at the side bar. The jury was brought into the courtroom a couple of minutes after 9:00.

Cheney Mason called the first defense witness to the stand. It was Joe Jordan, author of the infamous e-mail we heard about yesterday. If you’ve read his depositions you will be aware that he said that he had changed his mind after visiting the site and seeing where Caylee was found.

In the summer of 2008, Jordan began volunteering for TES. He was a team leader. He was one of the searchers who was assigned to Suburban Drive.

The weasel and map came out and Mr. Jordan was called down to mark where he had searched. Ms. Burdick again objected to the aerial map which had been marked and she handed Mason a fresh aerial view photograph.

Jordan was unable to recall how many times he searched Suburban Drive. He wasn’t always a team leader. Jordan marked on the map where he and his team searched the first day. He and about 3 other searchers went into the woods. They went about 5' into the woods and there was standing water, a pink baby blanket, and a water cooler which he marked for TES. He didn't know if the items were picked up. They searched another area the first day as well.

Later in the day, he had a dog handler bring a dog up to the Suburban Dr. site. He also said that, on another occasion, he brought a dog in. Jordan didn't know it they were cadaver dogs.
He did inform LE about the dog searches. It wasn't a search, he just had the police dog from Panama City sniff two of the items they had located.

Mason asked Jordan if he was ever taken out to the site to show him how far he was from the remains site. He said he brought Brent Churchill out and he showed him the area. Mason then laid out the tape measure on the floor. Jordan was asked to testify as to the distance. There were objections. Jordan couldn't answer because it wasn't a straight route into the woods.

Jordan didn't recall if he went to the area a third time. He did know that the remains were found in December. He also remembered writing an e-mail to Yuri Melich. Jordan said he didn't remember the contents of the e-mail and Cheney Mason had him read a copy. He conveyed that he believed he was in the area where the remains were located. He remembered he said he had two cadaver dogs there. He also remembered that he told Melich that he remembered saying he thought that the body had been moved.

Mason asked Jordan how many people searched the area. (objection/sustained) They then used the map. He showed the pathway and was asked for his best estimate as to the number of people. Jordan said the didn't see anyone else other than TES people search the area, just the 4 or 5 people on his team.

He was interviewed in November, 2009. Mason mentioned that Cpl. Edwards asked about 100 searchers in the area. It didn't refresh his memory. He said he only remembered his team searching the one pathway. Mason wanted to know how many people searched from there to the privacy fence. Jordan said there weren't 100 people.

Mason asked if he searched up Hopespring Drive. He said he saw a lot of people and the media trucks at the house as they drove by.

Mason asked if he knew what was done with his e-mail. Jordan didn't know.

Linda Burdick did cross examination. First, she moved the useless weasel out of the way.

Prior to searching with TES in August and September, Jordan sent e-mails to Allen and Melich with ideas.

TES required them to keep paperwork and document the individuals who went on the search. They had a place to mark where they searched and a place to mark if there was follow-up needed. He also needed to be debriefed by TES. Ms. Burdick then showed Jordan the TES paperwork he had turned in.

Burdick pointed out that he took very detailed notes on his forms. She then asked to use the documents as a demonstrative aid.

Jordan identified page 1 and Burdick pointed out the names of the searchers who went with him. The first place on Suburban they searched was down at the dead end behind the school. They had two dogs which were not fresh when they checked the articles. The areas they did not search were not highlighted on the map. The entry about "two humerus bones" was investigated and they were not human bones.

There was also a comment about the water being too deep to search when they entered the brush. He was concerned about snakes and stepping on remains. He said that the area needed to be re-searched when the water went down.

They then went to the last page and the highlighted areas were where they searched. The lines marked items they found for later investigation. He did not highlight some of the areas where he found some of the items were located because the area was not well searched.

When he e-mail he sent to Melich and Allen, Jordan did not know where the remains were found. He based his opinion on the media and speculation. He said he made a mistake.

Cheney Mason then conducted re-direct.

Mason brought up that Mr. Churchill showed him where the remains were found. When he went out there, the scene had been completely processed. When he saw the tents in the media, he thought it was an area where he searched. The water he saw was clear and he could see the bottom.

Mason then questioned his integrity. Mason asked if he was threatened with felony prosecution. Jordan started to take the Fifth, and Linda Burdick called for a side bar. Ms. Burdick argued that Jordan explained to Mason in deposition and to the jury that he made a mistake.

Judge Perry asked what Davis vs. Alaska said and Ms. Burdick cited it. There was a discussion of the statute of limitations. In this case it is three years. He then went on to say that the proper procedure would have been to proffer the question and then thy could have dealt with it out of the presence of the jury. It was proper to bring up the granting of use immunity. It would have been up to the state to go into the details as to what the immunity was given for.

He then asked Mason what his line of questioning was going to be. Mason said that with that response, he wouldn't go on.

Burdick asked that the question be stricken, but that Mr. Mason could question him on other issues of bias.

Judge Perry then reviewed the text of the interview in which he took the Fifth. Then, he ascertained that the defense had subpoenaed him to testify. Perry indicated that Mason's question did not require the taking of the Fifth and Mr. Jordan had a knee-jerk reaction and did so. Perry asked Mr. McClellan, Kronk's attorney about the situation and he said he was offered use immunity concerning the contents of the tape. (It should be pointed out that no charges were ever filed against Jordan.)

Perry said that he would instruct the jury to disregard the Fifth comment, but that Mason cannot ask him about why he was offered immunity, or about the surreptitious taping because he doesn't have immunity for possible prosecution.

Mr. McClellan was asked to speak with his client and then the judge called for a 15 minute recess.

After the break, the witness and Mr. McClellan were called back into the courtroom. Perry said that the response would be stricken because it was non-responsive to the question asked.

Mr. Mason then asked for a side bar.

Finally, we were underway. The jury was returned and the direct examination of Joseph Jordan continued.

Judge Perry instructed the jury to disregard the two questions that Mason asked. The questions had been withdrawn and they were not to take the answers into consideration.

Mason had no more questions.

Ms. Burdick had no questions at this time.

Apparently, she could call him later in the rebuttal case. Mason opened the door to the sealed tape recording. Should Ms. Burdick decide to do so, she could call him in the state’s rebuttal case and discuss why he made the tape. He could then testify to the fact that he didn’t trust the defense and the direction they were taking the conversation. He taped it for his own protection, not realizing if was a 3rd class felony.

Jose Baez then called George Anthony to the witness stand

Baez’ first question was if he knew a woman by the name of Krystal Holloway. George answered that he knew her as River Cruz. He considered her a friend and would help find his granddaughter by working at the command center. He considered her another volunteer.

Anthony denied having a romantic relationship or affair with her. He said the suggestion was “funny”. He never borrowed money from her. He went to her house on two or three occasions. George explained he went to her condominium and one has to go through a security gate. The first time he went there, it was because she told him she had a brain tumor and needed to comfort her. He became very connected to her and he felt it was the least he could do to offer compassion.

He visited her during the day. When Baez asked if he was supposed to be working, Jeff Ashton objected and there was a side bar. The objection was overruled. George said he'd just started a new job and his employer was lenient about his hours. George said she had told Cindy as well about her medical issues. Cindy knew he had visited her.

When asked if he told her “it was an accident that snowballed out of control,” George said he never confided anything about that to anyone but his immediate family. Baez asked if George, while being romantic with her, told her that. When he repeated the question, Baez left out the romantic part, George answered he hadn't. George also agreed he sent the text message to her and he left her a letter whose contents he didn't remember. It was to cheer her up and make her feel comfortable about her life.

Finally, Baez asked if he told her not to tell anyone about his affair with her. George reaffirmed he never had an affair with her and mentioned that she had a past and mentioned she had been arrested for fraud... (he was told to stop).

Baez asked how often he spoke to her on the phone from October to January, 2009. George said he didn't know.

Baez was finished.

Jeff Ashton asked when he met her. He answered it was sometime during mid-October, 2008. After Caylee's remains were found, the friendship ended. When asked if he ever told River Cruz that he threw Casey up against a wall and screamed, "where is Caylee?" George said it never happened.

The defense then called Cindy Anthony to the stand.

Baez asked if she ever instructed Dominic Casey and Jim Hoover to go to Suburban Drive to search for Caylee. Cindy replied that she hadn’t. She also said that she couldn't recall if she ever said she'd had "her people" in the area to Yuri Melich. She was upset that he was in her home on the 20th of December. Cindy did recall telling Melich that a blanket was missing.

She also claimed that the police did not leave a list of items seized on the 11th. They eventually got it. Cindy said they took 70 items on the 11th. She thought it had to do with the sticker.

Baez then asked if she ever told Lee that she had sent Casey and Hoover to Suburban Drive around November, 2008 and December, 2008. She said that her only knowledge of the search was after the remains were found.

There was no cross examination.

Next up was Lee Anthony. Baez asked if he had an argument with his mother about her having sent Casey and Hoover to Suburban Drive. Lee testified that Cindy told him that she sent Dominick into the woods because she had a psychic tip she wanted to follow up on. It was later in the year, before he went bact to work in October, 2008. (That’s unfortunate! The searches weren’t until November!) Lee also said that he was quite angry with his mother because it was the first time anyone in the family mentioned the possibility of a dead Caylee.

Frank George did the cross. Mr. George asked about the date when Cindy told him; Lee said the argument fueled his decision to go back to work. He understood that he had the argument before the events took place in November.

Baez asked on re-direct why he was angry. Lee said his parents had left him out of the loop and that they considered that Caylee was dead.

On re-cross, Mr. George asked him if he believed what his sister had told him. Lee answered "yes and no" and smiled.

Lee was excused.

The next defense witness was Yuri Melich (again!).

Baez asked Melich about the December 20, 2008 search warrant. Melich affirmed that Cindy Anthony had mentioned that she had her "people" walk the Suburban Drive area during. When he looked over his report, he affirmed his memory and said there was another officer with him there at the time.

Next up was Roy Kronk. Cheney Mason asked about Kronk's employment as a meter reader for Orange County. Kronk said he read water meters in 2008. He stated that they were assigned their routes the night before and that he worked all over Orange County.

On August 11, he was assigned to read meters out near Hopespring Dr. He said he was not familiar with the Anthony residence since it was his first time on that particular route. Kronk said that he started out on his own that day. Late in the afternoon, two of his co-workers joined him.

Mason asked him what he remembered about August 11, 2008. Kronk said he remembered seeing a rattlesnake. He went into the woods to relieve himself because there were no facilities on his route.

Mason asked if he knew the location of the nearest gas station!

Kronk recalled that he knew about the case and he discussed it with his roommate, but not very often.

Mason asked if Kronk knew where the Anthony house was. He said it was his first day on the route. He also said nothing unusual happened that day.

He said he relieved himself and walked straight out of the woods. As he walked out, he saw an object that looked a little odd to him. He said he didn't really see a bag. He didn't lift a bag. He said he was never closer than 20-30' from the object and thought it looked like something. Then, they saw the rattlesnake and got interested in that.

He did not tell his co-worker, Mr. Dean that he had seen a skull. Dean did get a shovel and pick up the rattlesnake. Kronk said that he told Dean that he saw an object that looked like a skull, but they were more interested in the snake. They went back to their office and showed everybody the dead rattlesnake and the went home.

He called Orange County and they told them to call Crime Line. Nobody ever responded to him, even though he'd told them he saw something that looked like a skull.

He worked August 12, but didn't remember which route he had. That day, he just went home.

On the 13th, he called the Sheriff's office again. He was told that an officer would meet him on Suburban Drive. Two officers came out, one was Officer Cain. Kronk said he never took them into the woods. He pointed to the area where he believed he had seen it.

Mason went over the scenario (probably with the records). According to Mason, he called 911. Kronk explained he lived in Osceola County. Ms. Burdick explained that Kronk had called the non-emergency number.

Mason mentioned that he had reported seeing "something white" and "a gray bag" and Kronk agreed. Kronk also mentioned it could be Caylee and told them the general areas where it was.

Mason went through the second call as well, in excruciating detail. In that call he mentioned a gray "pool cover" and mentioned a fallen tree...white board... At this point, Ms. Burdick objected to Mason reading from the call. It was sustained. He was reading from a document not in evidence.

Roy Kronk's lawyer prepared him well for this grilling. He answered the questions with yes/no or short, responsive answers. He maintained his composure.

Kronk said that he drew a map for the officer. He didn't remember if he drew in the privacy fence. Mason stepped up and showed him the map he drew. The map was drawn December 17, 2008. It was entered into evidence. When it was published, Kronk described the various items he observed. An x marked the spot where he thought he may have seen a skull. Kronk didn't know the distance from the street. On August 13, he never took the officers to the spot.

Kronk never smelled anything peculiar. He never lifted the bag. On August 11, Kronk never went into the woods and after that, he never went back into the woods. He also said he never told the deputies that he had found a bag with bones in it. (Especially Dep. Cain)

On August 11, 2008, he never went into the woods, he just saw the item he thought could be a skull through the veil of the trees. He said that where he went into the woods, it was dry. He was aware of the reward being offered for Caylee. It was $250,000.

Kronk said he was aware that, on August 11, there were media trucks on Hopespring Drive. He said that he DIDN'T find a bag of bones. He said he saw something that appeared to look like a skull. He never told anybody in the media trucks or in the area. He told his roommate. He had said that he had seen something white, that looked like a skull sticking out of a bag. Kronk had no idea if the bag he saw in August was the same as the one he saw in December.

Cheney Mason then went to his deposition to impeach the witness. When Kronk answered the question just asked, he answered in the affirmative. On August 11, he tried to point out the item to his co-workers, he said they were more interested in the snake. (In his deposition, he said essentially the same thing! Where was the impeachment?)

Judge Perry called the lunch recess until 1:30.

Cheney Mason continued with his direct. He started out by asking Kronk more about the phone calls he made. Mason asked if he'd told an operator that he'd stood over a bag and looked down at a skull.

Mason introduced Kronk's calls into testimony with stipulations. The first is a call to 911 on August 11, 2008. The second call was also made to 911. The third call, also to 911.

In the call on the 11th, he mentioned he was aware the Anthony home was in the area. He reported he saw something white and a gray bag. He accidentally said they lived on Good Hope road.

The second call, on the 12th, he reported what had happened the day before. He mentioned the fallen tree with a white board on it. He was advised to call the tip line, but he was concerned about remaining anonymous if the body were found.

The third call, on the 13th, Kronk now knew the name of the school. He reported that he was waiting for officers to join him at the site.

What totally confused me was that Mason had asked if he ever said he was standing OVER the bag. As I listened, Kronk never said it. As to the impeachment questions, they were going nowhere either!

After Kronk made the call on the 11th, he did nothing because he made it at 9:30 PM. On the 12th when he called, he watched a little TV and went to bed as it was made after 9:00 PM.

Mason then asked about a statement January 6, 2009, which was a recorded conversation with Yuri Melich. He was asked if he had ever been on the street before. Kronk said he had been there one day with his supervisor and on the 11th. By the end of the day, he realized that the Anthony's lived on Hopespring Drive.

Roy Kronk admitted he thought it was a good idea to search for a body. He was asked about a co-worker, Mr. Deen and if they had an argument about who had the idea about searching there for a body.

There were more quotes, from the statement, none of which went to impeach Mr. Kronk.)

Kronk stated that he did not have the same route the other days and he made his calls after work.

On the 13th, he talked to Dep. Cain and a female officer. Kronk explained that when he said he looked DOWN at a skull-like object, he meant that he was looking from a higher elevation. He also said that he never got 6-8 feet from the item to point it out to Dep. Cain. He said he never went that close to the skull. He said that Dep. Cain went down near the water, looked left and right, slipped and chewed Kronk out for half an hour. Cain never got within 6-8 feet. In the statement to Melich, he also said that in the interview.

At that point, Ms. Burdick had an objection. Judge Perry asked Mason for the document so he could rule.

We were treated to our first after-lunch side-bar.

Mason then went to the period of August 13 to December 11. He asked Kronk if he tried to work with LE to find the skull. He didn't. Mason then went into the fact that he got $15,000 for the picture of the snake and the interview with a TV station. Kronk collected $5000 from Crime Line. He indicated that the county paid his lawyer for a while and then stopped.

Kronk denied calling his son, Brandon Sparks in November to tell him he would soon be famous.

Between August 13, and December 11, Kronk only went to the area only when he had that route. He didn't search the area those times.

No law enforcement officer inspected his car, no cadaver dog sniffed it, he was never asked to give DNA samples. He didn't know if he was investigated. He allowed Det. Melich to take a photograph of his phone. He never knew his phone records were subpoenaed. He never had contact with the people working on the case between August 13 and December 11, 2008.

Finally, Mason got to December 11. He was on the same route, but never got to the Anthony home. He went to the area by himself and went into the woods. He wasn't searching. He did find the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony.

He said he'd never gone near the area, so he couldn't be sure if they were in the same place. When asked again, he explained that the area was flooded, in December it looked different.

Between August and December, he never contacted LE. He let it drop.

Kronk, on December 11, was able to get near the bag. When he saw the white object, he put his stick into the eye socket and lifted it up gently (pivoted it gently) and put it down again when he realized it was a skull. He called his area supervisor. He said he needed him at the site and needed him there.

The deputies arrived quickly. He didn't remember who he spoke to. He didn't ask if he was entitled to the $250,000 reward. He didn't remember if he discussed it at all. He was challenged with telling a deputy, he said he couldn't remember.

Mason kept asking questions. At one point, he said he was angry that nobody had done anything about finding the skull.

Kronk said he was jokingly talking about the reward with his supervisor. A comment with about his ex-wife was said somewhat jokingly due to problems he had with her.

Kronk said he'd gone into the woods that day to relieve himself and hadn't read any meters yet.

He spoke with detectives about the reward from Crime Line, not the other one.

When accused of joking about finding the body, Kronk reaffirmed that they were joking about the money.

Mason kept repeating his questions from earlier. It was getting very wearying to me. I kept waiting for someone to object/asked and answered.

Then, Mason went back to August. Kronk kept saying he never got near it because it was in the water. Mason kept trying to trip him up by going from August 11 to December 11 and back and forth throughout the questioning

Then, Kronk again denied the phone call to his son. IT NEVER HAPPENED! He said that he called Brandon on December 11 to tell him he was going to be on TV and he could see him for the first time since he was 8 years old.

This was painful to watch. I'm not saying anymore, it's repetitive and to no avail.

Just as I typed that, Mason asked to recess for a few minute.

We were treated to a long break, but Cheney Mason had that time to try and dig for more testimony to impeach Roy Kronk.

Mr. Mason was back at the podium to take a few more whacks at Mr. Kronk.

Next Mason was on to categories.

1. His son: Kronk said the call Mason referred to never happened. In the pertinent period of time, he called him a number of times. He couldn't give his son's number, but gave his own. Kronk said he didn't believe he ever told his son he was going to be rich and famous. (On the "rich" he meant that when his son got out of the Coast Guard, they may work together.)

2. Money: Mason asked if he made comments to any of the detectives such as "Roy has to eat, too." Kronk said no. Mason brought up an interview with a number of detectives. There was a conversation with Melich about his needing money but keeping a low profile. Kronk said he probably said that line jokingly.

3. Changing story. Mason asked about his conversations with LE about his changing story. Kronk said he'd made a mistake and later changed it. Again, there was a document to impeach. There apparently was a comment about the skull rolled out when he poked the bag. Kronk said it was in his original statement. He didn't say he'd lifted the bag and held it waist high. It wasn't in any of his statements. Then, the comment about lifting the skull with his stick wasn't in his statement either. Kronk said that he had conversations with LE and mentioned it and didn't write it down. Kronk said, the skull did NOT roll out of the bag when he lifted it. When he moved the bag, he gently lifted the skull. He wouldn't have even done that if he'd known. (Also, if the skull had rolled out of the bag, the skull wouldn’t have been full of debris and had roots growing through it.)

Mason asked if today's version was that the skull rolled out or it didn't. Kronk said that it didn't.

Mason went back to the December statement, he said it dropped out. Kronk said it upset him so much that he left and went back to his trunk. The skull was where it was when he lifted the bag.

Kronk said he had no idea how many statement he gave to LE. Mason informed him that he never told them he never put the meter stick in the hole. Kronk said he believed he did and even mentioned it in his NBC interview.

Mason then asked if he'd told Melich that he'd called in August about finding the skull. Kronk said he did. He wasn't told to keep it a secret (that he made the 3 calls). Kronk said he was never told to keep it a secret.

This must be the 3rd or 4th time he's gone through this line of questioning. Kronk kept saying NO, SIR!

Kronk was asked about keeping a low profile. Ms. Burdick objected/sustained.

Mr. Kronk was asked if he had a computer. He said LE did not do any research on his computer.

Mason had ONE more thing to talk about. He asked Kronk about his day off on December 10, 2008. Kronk said his clutch went out and it had to be repaired. He needed over $1000 for repairs. Mason asked if he mentioned to someone, perhaps his son, that he needed money? Kronk said that he could have. Mason said that the next day, he went to Suburban and discovered the body. Kronk said YES SIR!

Mason then showed Kronk the bill for his car repairs. It was offered into evidence. Linda Burdick said she had no objection.

The bill was then projected for all to see.

If you though you read something before during Mr. Kronk's testimony, you're right. I was tempted to edit it down, but it would have taken the flavor out of Mr. Mason's totally disorganized and repetitive questioning.

Linda Burdick cross-examined the witness.

Kronk said his didn't know Casey, Cindy, George, Lee Anthony. He didn't know James Hoover or Dominick Casey.

He lived in St.Cloud in Osceola county and got his job with Orange County in May, 2008. He became familiar with the places using a GPS. After his training, he started reading meters. It wasn't until August 11, 2008 that he was even in their neighborhood, except once during training. He wasn't assigned the area again until December 11, 2008.

Then, Ms. Burdick went through the entire story, incorporating everything Kronk had testified to. She did a wonderful job. Kronk kept affirming what she had said.

Ms. Burdick mentioned he needed money for his clutch. She asked if he needed money in June, July, August? He said he did.

Mr. Kronk had no access to the Anthony family home except their meter in the front yard.

He never had access to Casey's car, to the inside of the home, the family computer, Caylee Anthony's clothing, diapers, pull ups, laundry bags and so on and so on. Oh, and the duct tape!

The witness was excused subject to recall.

Jose Baez called the next witness, David Deen. He was with Roy Kronk on August 11, 2008 when he first spotted the skull.

They parked under the trees on Suburban to hang out in the shade. Deen and his co-workers didn't discuss the media. He and Roy Kronk talked about the fact that the little girl's body might be in the swamp.

Kronk went into the woods to use the restroom. Then, he walked along the lines and said he saw a skull in there. Deen was headed that way until he stepped on a dead rattlesnake. At that time, he found the snake more interesting than the rattlesnake.

Kronk had told them, but when he came back to the truck, he didn't mention it so they didn't take him seriously.

Deen discussed the case in the office and it was in the news every day. (Lots of objections/sustained). Kronk didn't push the issue of the skull. He never mentioned telling the media about it.

When he got back to the office, the snake was the center of attention.

The subject never came up again between him and Roy Kronk.

Baez nattered on about when Kronk didn't say anything until Ms. Burdick objected/heresay, leading/sustained.

The next he heard of the skull until December 11, 2008. Baez attempted to get Deen to testify about what Roy said to him, what his demeanor was, and so on. (objection/sustained multiple times)

Baez tried to get the testimony as an excited utterance. Judge Perry asked how Kronk sounded and Deen said that he spoke in a normal tone of voice.

Deen told Kronk that he knew she was in there, referring to August 11. Roy Kronk was the only one to see a skull.

Baez mentioned the snake. Deen put it in his freezer until the police came and took it for an autopsy.

Deen said that Kronk went about 25 feet into the woods that day.

On cross, Linda Burdick had Deen point out that it was his idea to have Kronk to look in the woods and the December 11 statement was said just because he thought it was a good place to put a body and what Casey had said about her being close to home.

In August, the area was swampy. This was before Hurricane Fay hit Orlando.

On re-direct, Baez asked if the woods were dry enough for Mr. Kronk to go in 25 feet. Deen said that it was dry where he went. Deen said the vegetation was so dense, he couldn't see where the water was.

Baez asked if he heard George Anthony say she's close to home... (objection/sustained)

With that, Mr. Deen left the stand.

Alex Roberts was the next witness. He is the senior meter reader and supervised Roy Kronk. Kronk did read the Anthony meter on August 11, 2008.

On December 11, 2008 he was supervising Roy Kronk. That day, Kronk didn't read any meters in the area of Suburban Drive.

When he arrived at the scene, Kronk was smoking a cigarette and leaning against the truck. Baez asked him what Kronk said (objection/hearsay/Baez/impeachment/sidebar/sustained)

Baez then asked if Kronk had ever told him he called police three times. No (objection/sustained)

There were no more questions and Mr. Deen was excused.

The next witness was Sgt. Dennis Moonsammy. He is the supervisor at the Woman's Detention Center where Casey Anthony is housed.

Baez tried to ask if Casey was being kept under special circumstances (objection/relevance/sustained).

Then Judge Perry said that there was a not-to-brief legal matter they had to discuss. The jury was sent "home" for the evening to prepare for a special event.

Jose Baez was permitted to proffer the testimony for the record.

Moonsammy testified that Casey is in protective custody. She is a high profile inmate. She has to be in her cell 23 hours a day. She's allowed to take a shower, go to the recreation area, watch TV in her free hour. She's been in PC for two years.

She is a model inmate. When he sees her and speaks to her every day per the rules. She's been very pleasant, smiling, never a problem.

Baez asked if her behavior seems unusual. Moonsammy said that he paid little or no attention to the inmates behavior unless it's real bad or they become uncontrollable. Her behavior is to him, the same as the other inmates in the area.

Baez asked if he has engaged her in conversation otherwise. He said she engaged in conversation with him and was always happy.

This behavior has been constant since the beginning. She is never up or down, always pleasant.

The prosecution had no questions.

Marlene Baker was called to testify under the same situation.

She formerly worked in the Lima dorm where Casey is housed. She observed her from October, 2008 until 2010. She viewed her on a daily basis for a year and a half. Her demeanor was pleasant. Even waking her up out of her sleep, she was pleasant. She was in PC when she was there as she still is.

The cells are 6x8 and she was in there 23 hours a day. It can cause inmates a lot of stress. Being an inmate in a small area where being confined can cause problems.

Casey's would cry sometimes when she was upset, otherwise she was pleasant. She didn't cry much. She quite often smiled around her.

This witness was dismissed.

Judge Perry stayed with his ruling that the testimony was irrelevant to the facts of the case. Baez also wanted to include that the proffered testimony goes to the theory of the defense.

Baez also wanted to proffer the testimony of Jesse Grund. Baez mentioned one of the motions in limine concerning what he would testify to. Then, the defense said they could discuss this at side bar for 5 minutes instead.

Jesse Grund then proffered his testimony. He testified that shortly after Caylee was born, he felt uncomfortable around Lee. He seemed stand-offish, surly, and so on.

He asked Casey about it and she told him that she felt uncomfortable around Lee because she woke up one night and he was standing at the foot of her bed. He also groped her once. She didn't want him around Caylee.

Grund also stated that, at the time, he believed Casey.

The state had no questions.

The state objected due to hearsay. Jeff Ashton read from the rules. The testimony was about something that was told to him in 2006.

The defense asked to argue their side in the morning so they could prepare.

Judge Perry said it was not permissible hearsay, but that he wanted to do more research tonight.

Ms. Finnel wants to argue her motion tomorrow at 8:30 by phone.

They then spoke about the grief counselor. The state agreed to a proffer of her testimony because there was her report had no facts of the case. They didn't depose her.

Baez ranted on a bit about a proffer and that he was tired of it. He expected her to testify in general about grief.

Jeff Ashton said that she was to be deposed by Skype when the Bill Rodriguez situation came up. She was sitting at a neighbor's house for over an hour. At that time, he said that the defense agreed to a proffer. Ashton got really hot about it and said that the defense had said they had no problem with the proffer at that time. He also said there was nothing he could ask her to prepare for her hypotheticals.

Baez was very snippy saying if he gave them an inch, they take a yard! He ranted on and on about how he and Mr. Ashton were tired and they didn't do it! (Maybe he should remember that she wasn’t deposed because of the discovery violation with Rodriguez!)

Judge Perry asked if the witness was going to testify to hypotheticals. Had the witness interviewed Ms. Anthony?

Baez sat that she will be here tomorrow morning. Perry said he had no idea about what the witness was going to be asked. He had given the attorneys case law dealing with testimony about grief. He said that some of her testimony may be admissible, some of it will not be admissible, depending on what is asked, based upon the testimony that has been offered in the case.

Perry said that the jury may go in and out like Pop Tarts. Essentially, the questions and hypotheticals will need to be well thought out based on the testimony.

Cheney Mason said that there would be about 6 witnesses after the grief counselor.

Ms. Finnell's motion is for the record. It will be heard by anyone who has ears.

With that, today’s court session was over. The death penalty motion will be argued tomorrow at 8:30 AM. Court will be in session at 9:00 AM.