LOL! I just put that same image on my blog! My thoughts? Casey seems very pleased with herself and not at all concerned about the situation she is in and has put her family in. Why on earth would she and Lee high-five each other? I have no real answer. **sigh**
She is a crazey person. She does'nt care about that little girl. How could anyone do this to their parents, all her lies and expense. Who is paying for all of this, i quess this isn't a concern for her. If I were her Father She would be kicked out of my house. Until she tells the truth and if she chooses not to tell the truth then I quess she will live on the streets. Or I would kick the ---- out of her what a dirty little girl sje is. I hope she gets everything or whatever she did to caylee she gets it two fold.
I'm from the 17th century and have never tried to respond to anything online before; but this entire family just gets to me! The cops need to take Lee out of the equation for a couple weeks and let this whole disfunctional mess of a family implode. He's the glue holding all these idiots together. Last night on Nancy Grace he was ushering George up the driveway after the shoving incident with a concerned bystander; and he meets Cindy half-way and walks her back down the driveway to stake out some more crime scene tape. If he (Lee) were out of the picture entirely, the grandparents would have to take their heads out of their asses and face up to what a monster they raised! I think that's why they're so deep in denial, their house of cards will come crumbling down sooner, rather than later.
So worth a thousand words!! I am a Canadian who has been watching since this thing first exploded. I am so sick at the fact that someone can get away with this. If my mum "SMELLED A DEAD BODY" in my car and I was acting like Casey she would not only lock me up but I would rot until I told the truth. I can not believe how dumb and stupid (really do not like that word but no other way to explain Cindy!!) Cindy looks after going on a 911 tape call and saying how she smelled the dead body then recants it (pizza and magotts made the smell). Then says on a 911 tape as well how she is not giving Casey anymore time to explain why Caylee is gone and she better start talking!! Then now posts her bond!! Please tell me does that not show a mother who is not in the same world as us sane folk? Does it not show a mum who is possibly covering up something? Why is she not charged with obstruction for washing Caylee's clothes found in the trunk of the car? I am pretty sure she knew EXACTLY what she was doing when she went to wash them!! I wish I was closer to help crack the case!! Did you see the lady who took their garbage this AM? I do not understand why the police have not done it all along? The woman said some valid points...everyone throws out personal things assuming they will be buried!! I wonder what she ended up with in the mean time? I also wonder why they did not throw Casey back in the slammer after the gun was found? No second chance!! I wonder if the house is bugged and they want her free so she will talk!! She opened her big flirty mouth to the cute Mr. Dick who was guarding her the first time out!! So maybe the cops are on to something by leaving her out. I just hope they find poor little sweet Caylee's body so she can have a proper resting place. Maybe then Casey will be wishing she took the immunity deal as now she might be looking at capital punishment on top of MURDER 1.
In a nutshell I think Mr. and Mrs. Anthony need to look outside their rosy bubble and see their daughter for what she is (thief, liar and possibly baby killer). Lee should stop showing "EXCITEMENT" with Casey and look outside his rosy bubble as well. Shame what it is going to be when they do find little Caylee, wonder how Cindy will react and feel then?
Thanks for letting me vent!! Great blog site... Stephanie
I am so sick of seeing this nut wearing that t-shirt with Caylee on it. I can't believe she is walking around like this or that she still not in Jail and walking around high fiving her brother like some sorority girl!
I've just started following this case and wondered if anyone looked into the possiblity of Casey selling Caylee. Does anyone know if the the FBI has checked international flights at the time of her disappearance? Just curious.
It is very difficult to watch this night after night with the parents denial and having Casey back home to use the computer and the comforts of her home. I still haven't figured out why the parents cannot get their daughter to tell the truth. After listening to Mr. Padilla about how everyone skirts around the Caylee issue in the home and she is not even concerned about the search of her daughter. I know she is a complete liar along with the theft of monies. The frustration is almost unbearable to see what is happening in this case, however, I do feel eventually the police will have enough to charge her and praying that they find little Caylee so there can be closure for everyone whose heart is breaking over what has happened to this little innocent child.
I just listened again to the 9-11 tape placed by g-ma Cindy Anthony. She clearly says 'my daughter's been missing the last 30 days and now she can't find my granddaughter". My burning question is: Why the hell, when her own daughter Casey went missing for 30 days, didn't she tell the police or file a missing person report on Casey? What mother wouldn't report her own daughter missing??? I think this grandmother is nuts as well, and her own daughter Casey is only doing what her own mother did - not report her daughter missing to the police. This whole case is disgusting and that family makes me ill if I think about them for too long.
Beginning to add up. A possible motive: Casey killed Caylee to keep her parents from getting custody of her because Casey was a poor mother. Selfish brat that she is, Casey would rather kill Caylee than let her parents take her and kick Casey out. Sounds so awful I get cold chills just saying it, but seeing the bizarre actions of Casey..I can believe it.
How in the world are you so concern about putting up tape and signs rather than be out searching with others to find your granddaughter/daughter? Cindy claims she's getting all these tips from Mexico, Texas and Puerto Rico why hasn't she boarded a plane and taken her Carol Brady looking butt to these places to find her? Why? because she and the crack family knows that their jacked up daughter has done something bad to that little girl. That's why the father goes off when he comes out of the house because he knows the people are tapping what he wants to hide away from the truth. Get real people these people are NUTS and they know it. When Natalee Holloway was missing her mother was on the first flight out looking all over the place for her. Here Cindy is more concern over signs and T-shirts. Amazing.
She has to be possessed with demons to do this to her child and not say a word. She may be quiet now and not say a word to anyone, but, God the Father knows and she is going to have to answer to Him regarding that little girl. She hasn't gotten away with anything as far as He is concern.
I have many questions. Nate, did Caylee call anyone Daddy? Did Casey have connections in NY? Did the police check the video from the airport that Casey had been near to see if she had been in the airport with Caylee, or, if they had been planning a trip? The parents are now withholding evedince, isn't that against the law? The whole family should be put in jail for obstruction of JUSTICE! ONE MORE QUESTION MR. PADEA, if you where privi to things that were said in the house , that were incrimanating to Casey, are you allowed to elaborate?
It was inappropriate for Casey and her brother to high five each other once they were inside the jail when there are so many people looking for her daughter.To me it's a slap in the face to the orange county police.The whole family has no respect for the public. And now they are talking about a movie and book deal. I would hate for them to profit from that poor baby's disapearnce.
It was inappropriate for Casey and her brother to high five each other once they were inside the jail when there are so many people looking for her daughter.To me it's a slap in the face to the orange county police.The whole family has no respect for the public. And now they are talking about a movie and book deal. I would hate for them to profit from that poor baby's disapearnce.
I would like to know if the police are able to ask Cindy Anthony about the pants Casey asked her to take out of the trunk of the car to wash. How dirty were they and what type of dirt were on the pants? a small stain, color, Mud, completely dirty, grass stains. green stains, brown stains ? etc.
I live five minutes down the road from all these places being searched so I've been right in the middle of this story since the very beginning. There is so much going on it's hard keeping up with all the breaking news! Obviously casey is not acting like she cares for her lost child which is so sad and cindy Anthony supposedly cares about caylee yet she is doing nothing to search for her. Sitting at home will not bring her back. Unfortunately this has turned into a joke!! Poor caylee, her spirit is wandering around lost because she is not at peace. That's sad because she was a beautiful girl. She deserved better.
Only one time, that I know of, was it mentioned about the possibility that Caylee might have been disposed of in a body of water which might contain alligators. I think that it was stated that there was a body of water near the airport, not sure, but this could be where little Caylee might have been placed. Even if Caylee had ALREADY EXPIRED, and there WERE alligators in that water, well.... I'm sure you get the bleak picture here. She would never be found if this were the case.
You know, this person Casey really needs to call upon the Lord, and confess her sins. I very seriously doubt that she's ever darkened the doors of a church, or had any spiritual upbringing. I don't know, but that's what I think.
God is still on His throne, so perhaps it was His WILL just to go ahead and take Caylee to Heaven, because He saw that she had to live in a very disfunctional family. It would have been horrible for her to find out later on in her life, that her mother didn't really love her or want her. She would have found out that her mother had chosen a wicked lifestyle, rather than choosing her, and being a loving, devoted mother as she should have been. What a heartbreak that would have been for such a little angel to experience. Yes, God knew best, as He always does. She is in a much better place than we all are down her on this wicked earth.
Another point...I think those other children that were supposed to be in that car at the park where Casey and Caylee were visiting, could be tracked down (if they were of school age I mean), through school records, then from the school records make contact with the parent or parents of those particular children. Something might just surface there, who knows. Also, another point - if she was that close to the airport, perhaps she met someone there to take Caylee from her and hop a flight to some other state, or even to another country. If this were the case, I'm sure she didn't want to be seen, so she met this person in the woods to avoid being detected. It seems that Casey is a true Witch, and in centuries past, Witches were burned at the stake. This would be a good punishment for her, don't you think, if she is guiltyof killing her only child? But in my opinion, this self-serving woman just needs to be "broken", and confess her sins, and ask God's forgiveness, and ask Him to save her from an eternity in Hell. Pray for her soul. Oh, the wickedness today!!
What is wrong with that girl, and what in the world is wrong with her parents? Sickening! It's just a shame that none of them care about that little baby. They can say whatever, but they are more worried about their grown daughter and the embarrassment she is causing them. It seems to me that they (Casey's parents) have known for quite some time now what a loose cannon their daughter is. Now, their granddaughter has paid the price because of their lack of action. I helped my son-in-law get my grandsons because my daughter is an idiot. It was alot easier than protecting my daughter, and watching my grandsons pay. Hey, Cindy Anthony, you should have watched out for the helpless one. I could give a hoot how my daughter feels, not when she was not supporting my grandsons and running with the low-life crowd she wanted to run with. Like I told my daughter, Now I don't care if you go shack up with Charles Manson, you're grown, my grandsons can't help themselves, and you wouldn't, so Nanna did!" What in the world is wrong with you grandparents? You can stay true to your crazy daughter and possibly never find your granddaughter, you think we feel sorry for you all. NO!
I was just wondering if the Mom of Casey has ever met this nanny? If she has been the nanny for the last year....should'nt her Mom have seen her at some point???
I think cindy anthony do somthing was wrong, I think cindy anthony was correct that a dead body was in her daughters trunk, and the only way she can come to terms with the truth is if they find caylees body, and if they dont then cindy can just keep lieing to herself about the truth. as for casey anthony, I think she is a self centered evil jealous witch, who intentionally killed her daughter to spite her mother, I think casey, intentions went far beond killing her own daughter, I think this evil, evil, person was intent on offing her parents, why else would she tell her club goer friends that her parents were going to leave the house to her or give her the house, why do you think she was checking out the web sites on chlorform, this sick evil person propably had bigger plans of murder. When is her Mother Cindy going to see the truth as it is. Her daughter is evil, manipulative bitch who purposely waited this long to ensure that what would be found of caylee would be hard to prove she was murdered by her own mother out of jealousy, greed, To you Cindy you know what death smells like, your a nurse, and you know your own Damm daughter killed your grandaughter, look at those babies pictures in your home, do you see her crying out for justice, do you see the pain she must have endured, the fear, look at those pictures cindy anthony into those babies eyes, did she really deserve this, did that poor baby deserve this. and I bet cindy your evil daughter propably threw your grandaughter to the alligators, to ensure no one finds her.EVIL EVIL EVIL
I have been following this horror since the beginning. And I have yet to hear anything about a composite drawing of this so called Nanny. Why haven't the police had Casey work with them on what this Nanny looked like. HUH, I don't get it!! I don't believe there was a Nanny but why no drawing.
This entire family sickens me. I cannot watch yet another night of this dysfunctional family coddle each other and wrap the entire nation up in their twisted game of "let's see how far we can take this and get paid in the mean time." I think the only thing motivating the parents into such support and denial is guilt. I think the brother is certainly looking like the golden child now and probably finally getting some of his parents attention he's always wanted and Casey is nothing but a sociopathic, narcissistic baby killer who should be locked up for life. I've always thought she'd be one to spill the beans via "pillow talk" to someone she can flirt with like Mr. Dick. I said to my husband many times that in my opinion she's a tramp and the only one she'll talk to is who she's bedding. Maybe it is better that she's out now so she'll blab some more to the first cute guy who'll lend an ear. What a tragedy for our world that people like this exist everyday wreaking havoc onto society. My sympathies for the family is gone. They're all sick and need to be stopped.
OMG this whole thing is so sickening. If the bones they found are not of the child then I think its time they start looking in the closest garbage dump. I believe there was a commercial trash bin where Caseys car was found. Its starting to look like the whole family is in on this one. Now they want to write a book and profit off of it,,,PLEASE PEOPLE DO NOT BUY IT!!!!!!
I agree with the Canadian blogger about Lee Anthony's 'EXCITEMENT' with Casey. I have held on to the theory that Lee might be the biological father of Caylee. Why else would there be such secrecy about the paternity. Lee just seems overly affectionate with Casey.
I have been concerned and keep wondering since the beginning of the case about Caylee's father's identity...we all know Casey is a liar, and as far as the child's father having been killed in an automobile accident I doubt that. As controlling as Cindy Anthony is, I am sure she would have wanted to try to get Casey to go through the courts and get child support payments for Caylee. As dysfunctional as the entire family is it has made me consider the possibility as ugly and disgusting as it seems that possibly Lee or George Anthony might have fathered Caylee, and that is why Casey was supported by the family for all this time, so as not to air the family secret.
Any normal family DOES NOT behave like this. A high five? Who does this? Perhaps two people that have been succesful in throwing everyone off the trail so that poor little Caylee's body would never be found. I hope they have the manpower to follow each of the Anthony's everytime they go somewhere. Because maybe, but from the looks of this picture I doubt it, someone will go to visit the body. Eventually. The whole case makes me SICK. I can't imagine the fear this child must have lived with and experienced. What kind of a mother behaves like Casey with her child missing (most likely dead)? The kind that DOESN'T CARE. Caylee is not at fault for coming into this world. Her mother is responsible for that. So she should never have taken anything out on her child due to her OWN STUPIDITY! God bless little Caylee. May you know peace and love now.
Interesting note from 9/9 Nancy Grace interview with the "old roommate". He stated that Anthony went to pick Casey up between 11am - 1pm. Didn't the bank person state the car was there by 7am????!!!
What was she doing for 4 hours until Anthony picked her up if her car was broken down?
How true!!!!!!!!! that picture does speak volumes!!!!!! I don't know how casey anthony can smile,her little girl hasn't been seen in 3months and she is high-fiving her brother!!!!! I don't know what makes her tick? as a mother of 2 sons,i couldn't imagine smiling if one of my sons was missing for an hour let alone for 3 long months, i really believe she is heartless woman. I think the police are very close to cracking this case and then we will see if she is high fiving anyone then annonymous
I just wanted to comment about that picture!!! It does speak volumes about a woman who does not seem to have a heart!!!!! I think the police are very close to finding poor little caylee, and then we will see if casey anthony wants to high five anyone then!!!!!
I think the grand parents are going through absoulte hell .They are not coming out a winner in this situation.I am in denial that Kaylee maybe dead and i am not even a family member. There comes a point when you are under that much stress that you start going in and out of reality. As a mother myself, the thought of a mother killing there own child isn't in my realm of thinking ,If she were my grand daughter until i saw her body i would not be able to accept the fact she is dead either,And i pray, God some how will bring her home alive , against all odds. As far as Casey goes if she were my daughter she would be safer in jail i would beat her with a baseball bat until she told me where she was. As far as Casey goes i hope she reads this because life as she kbows it is over. In jail they will kill,her on the street she is also a sitting duck. This country loves Kaylee..Please God bring this baby home for us..As long as the grand parents belive there daughter they don't have to think about the baby being dead,Please cut them some slack..
Well, this case is really starting to make me sick...I am soooo angry with that family...geez..can't they see how crazy this is making their family they now think this is a joke? Also her lawyer Baez is smiling an awful lot after her visits..geez I beginning to think something is going on there also everyone needs to protest or speak up about the fact that someone is willing to give her money.Don't they think..other crazy people out there may decide to do a copycat crime thinking they will get a million or more also. I do not think they need more money from the people either..none of them are out there seaching...why..cause they are hiding something...they know what happened. As far as the grandparents are concerned ..they need to get charged for acessory after the fact. Washing the pants..gun in the car...and now a steak knife..also washed..Come on cops start putting the pressure on this family.The world needs closure for Caylee. Also I wonder how why and why..geez. God Bless your Soul Caylee..even though your family has let you have a million others willing to stand up for you.Rest in Peace
Ok,here goes, I am not a blogger, but this case drives me absolutely over the edge. The last time Caylee was confirmed seen was on the evening of June 15th. Supposedly there was an argument that evening with Casey and the goofball parents. George claims he saw Caylee and Casey leaving the house on the afternoon of June 16th. They had their backpacks, said their goodbyes and love yous and Casey was going to "work" and Caylee to the sitters. They went out the door and all was well...........I have not believed from the beginning that George was telling the truth about this event. It makes me sick what Casey has done, it almost makes me more sick how the parents and the brother Lee are handling this situation. I am a grandmother and know what makes sense and what doesn't. My child is an adult and knows better, my grandchild is precious and innocent. I can't fathom any of this at all. My child would have to step up to the plate and tell the truth, I would not rest until he did. He would suffer the consequences of lying and what he has done, this would not be handled with kid gloves.
if she supposedly was in some community college or talking about enrolling in unive of central florida, just how was she supposed to do that since i heard she is a high school dropout. also, what have her former principal, teachers, etc. said about her. this whole thing with them is disgusting! that poor, poor, child. not much worse than any form of child abuse!
how can george cindy and lee not know little caylee is gone, i really feel cindy was really hurt and worried in the first 911 calls, then afterward casey told them and that is when the coverup begains, how can you raise your granddauther in your home, and not every heard of the woman who has kept her for one and ahalf years, no home address or phone number (nothing) they all need to be put under the jail, i just hope and pray someone finds the babys body were she can be laid to rest, i am 47 tears old with two sons 22 and 7 and two wonderful grandchildren 2 and 2 months girl and boy, i have never been this stressed over anything in the news like i have this, and i am not alone, just check out all the blogs to see what every one is talking about, stressing over,
First off I would like to say thank you for all the REAL mother's out there, thta actually care about their children and would not ever THINK of harming them let alone accidentally killing them! I just like many other moms out there, I am very cautious about my child. I am a mother of a 3 year old little girl, and I think Casee is a DISGRACE to all MOTHER'S period! The world already looks at us young moms like we have know idea what were doing as far as parenting. First off, how are you this child's mother and you are not trying to do EVERYTHING in your power to give any information to the authorities as far as anyone you have came in contact with before she (realized) that Caylee was missing! Or saying something 2 those cameras or people that are constantly hounding her as she's coming out in public! I don't care I would be getting my point across and letting everyone (cameras/media whoever) know I am in full cooperation with authorties and I AM GOING TO FIND MY CHILD! Seriously I am very out spoken and strong minded and even if I was innocent and told not to say anything at all, I WOULD! Y? because I am innocent and anything that has to do with my child is taken very seriuosly! This would have never dragged on with me and I'm pretty sure with every other mother out there because, if u know you are innocent it would definitely show! And in this case this sorry excuse for a mother is GUILTY! If this was an accident, she should have let that be known from the beginning and be willing to face the consequences with a fight! She deservs to be locked up and the throw away the key! Or....huh, take her out the same way she did Caylee. So she can feel the PAIN, AGONY, and overwhelming FEAR as her life is taken from her. RIP darling bay Caylee, she is with her saviour and is well taken care of know.
I have posted on several, "Caylee' blogs as to who I believe is the biological father of Caylee. Although I use no profanity, nor obscene comments; not one blog publishes my comments. Why is that?
Can't everyone see that this narcistic casey is getting exactly what she wants. All the attention on her. She doesn't care one bit about this little girl nor do her family. Her and Lee high fiving shows this is all about them. Caylee is the only reason people are concerned. It isn't about them. Her and her mom & dad & brother are eating it all up. Now this big book deal. Karma always comes back and I can't wait till it comes and gets all of them. Cindy casey george and lee. This little girl died at the hands of her mom and they go on like this is the norm. I hope they burn. Thanks Mauri
Maybe I missed it, but has Casey Anthony been asked to provide a POLICE SKETCH of the Nanny? If so, why hasn't it been circulated to the media? Have the police asked her to assist in providing a sketch of Gonzales? Did she refuse?
Personally, I think that perhaps the gasoline cans were used to burn the body.
Why would it take almost a month to get lab results on the car from a major crime lab, especially when this is such a high profile case?
Absolutely nothing makes any sense on either side of this matter
This narcistic creep casey and her family do not deserve any kindness. They are all out to get whatever they can from this sad situation. This is exactly what casey wants the attention on her and only her. You reap what you sow and I honestly believe this precious Caylee is dead due to her mom. Then grama and grampa cover up for the murderer. Lee and casey were high fiving over this book deal and all the money these people are gonna get at the cost of this childs life. casey is getting what she wants. KARMA will get her. what pathetic people this family is.
one word "sociopath" all should google "the definition of a sociopath" this will clear things up immediately. Casey's parents need to read through this decription so that they can come to grips with the truth that lies right before them. They must understand that they too are victims and should not carry any guilt. Casey is not right and they cannot fix her. They must find the strength to seek justice for their beautiful grandbaby. She needs you. God will guide you and give you courage. Our prayers are with you.
I heard Nancy Grace mention a new tattoo on Casey Anthony. I do not believe, however; that it is in rememberance of Caylee. I believe it is to celebrate her new life without Caylee.
First this pic doesn't suprise me at all. She was out partying after Caylee came up "missing". She is selfish and has no conscience whatsoever. I am not a mother but even if my dog came up missing I would spend more time looking for her than Casey did. I also have to say that the Anthonys have done their daughter wrong. She has been never had to pay the consequences of her actions because her mom has always bailed her out. I think she did it again. I think they know. How could you not hear the evidence and know that your daughter didn't do this ( why on earth would you tamper with evidence). I think its an attention thing from the Cindy Anthony and Casey Anthony. They both should rot in jail. Poor Caylee. She deserved so much better for a mother and grandmother.
I believe that everyone in the Anthony household is in cahoots as it seems that nobody seems to be able to focus on the fact that Casey is a liar, a thief, and probably a murderer, who, if this IS the case, threw her child away like a piece of trash, and the sooner the rest of the family come to the realisation that this is the kind of person they raised and that their OWN daughter is the one who knows exactly where their grandchild is, but just does not give a damn about anyone other than herself, In my eyes Casey is a monster and I hope she rots in hell. Her poor baby is out there somewhere all alone and her own mother chooses not to help her.Cindy, George, Lee, WAKE UP for gods sake and get Casey to come clean about what she did with her baby, or tell her to go to hell and stop covering for her.
This girl has some serious issues, what kind of a mother refuses to help find her own child. Casey is maintaining her innocence, so why don't police push harder for a lie detector test. If this girl is really telling the "truth" than why not take the test to confirm her story about this alleged nanny. Even if the police cut a deal with her to ask only questions about the nanny it would at least help credit her story if she is telling the truth about the babysitter. This girl is defiantly a huge liar, but it may be possible that parts of her stories are rooted from the truth. The parents are in a very difficult spot, and my heart goes out to them, those protesters should really think about who they are hurting, it is obvious that Casey does not care, but they parents are the ones suffering. Leave the family alone, Casey is thriving off of all this attention, these protesters are not helping in the search for little Caylee. On the other hand the parents are not able to get answers from their daughter, so they should really think about letting their daughter sort out her own mess. This does not mean that they need to abandon her, but let her suffer through the lies she has told. This may be the only way that she will realize the severity of her actions and possibly let the truth slip out. Remember the boy who cried wolf eventually got eaten. I'm sure this girl will have a similar outcome. All the best to Cindy and George, you are in my prayers Liz in Canada, BC
Message to the protesters: You all need to go home and be with your own families, if you are affected by this case and truly want to find this little girl, than join in the search, for every minute you are outside of the Anthony home, you could be a precious resource to the police in helping find this baby girl. It shows extreme distaste and low class to spend your time screaming outside the home. I am disgusted that some of you have brought children into these protests, and to those people doing this. Think about the danger that you are putting your own children in. There has been violence, foul language, and yelling. This is child abuse, you are a risk to your children, what if they get hurt? I am sure that you all have better things to do, like hold your kids in your arms, you gotta think "at least you still have them" Liz Canada BC
Jackie, I feel you've hit the nail on the head about the dumpster.
I bet she chloroformed her & stuck her in the trunk to die, with the rag soaked in chloroform, to keep the oxygen away from her face.
Then went back in a few days to place her remains in the dumpster, & left her car at the scene, with gas; not empty like she said...
I feel this circus is partly to blame on the jurisdiction she's in. Anywhere else (even Barney Fife on Mayberry) would've handled it by now.
You can tell she gets her lying ways from her mother, the way her mother washed the evidence, then acted dumb about it. Oh but only if she hadn't already exposed her real thoughts during that first 911call.
I live in Canada and realize the legal systems may vary slightly. The one thing I would like addressed on Nancy's show is why Cindy sat on a witness stand in court and confirmed her daughter's use of this "nanny". When asked about the length of time she almost hesitated and it appeared that someone prompted the response of "about a year". Well, if she is so involved in her granddaughter's life, how is it she doesn't know what this "nanny" looks like or where she lives? If I were the police, I would be slapping her with perjury and putting pressure on another member of the family. It's pretty clear to all who have followed that there never was a "nanny". Cindy holds her family together; she is the glue for all their dysfunction, who also appears to have an issue with honesty. Perhaps if they start putting pressure on the family as a whole, what happened to Caylee will come out. It's a tragedy that this little girl is missing and her grandparents are so busy pounding in stakes to keep people off their lawn they don't have the time to look for her. If they believed she was abducted why weren't they personally getting into their vehicles to find her or contact this "nanny's" family to find where she was? From all reports, they didn't make any effort. When the "kidnapping" story came up, where was the effort on the part of the parents to work with the FBI to get Caylee back from what would have been incompetent kidnappers. I also feel the police department and FBI have invested enough time and money in all of this to state that they will not continue exhausting tax dollars on a search unless they get cooperation from the family. It's time to put the pressure on the entire family unit to give up what they know or at least get the truth from their daughter as Cindy stated "they have had their episodes of Casey telling half-truths and stories but they always got the truth". It's time to put her money where her mouth is to find her granddaughter. There is no reason that an entire community, nation, police force and other outside agencies should have to chase down blind alleys and false leads to appease a family that will not assist, impedes their progress, and a person of interest who refuses to cooperate when she is the only one who can provide them with the information they need. If they want Caylee found, they need to unite as a family and demand she tell the truth and not enable her by posting bond, allowing her to hide at the lawyer's office and tip-toeing around her at home. It has also not been addressed as to whether the police will be seizing her computer that she is now using or if they reviewed the computers in the residence of the boyfriend. By the way, is he missing any money or credit cards?
I was watching the show last night as I do every night and could NOT BELIEVE she has been offered a what is it 1.5 million deal and are setting up a defense fund for CASEY!!!!!!!!!!! This has got to be THE MOST DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY I have ever seen in my life, and there is Caylee out there somewhere lying dead.1.5 million for Casey and only 225,000 reward for Caylee? NO this family doesn't want her to be found. Hell no!! they don't. This disgust me so to watch but I keep watching because I love Nancy Grace and I want to be there when she Casey Anthony and the family get theirs!!!!!
The apple didn't fall far from that tree!! This whole family is bizarre. To think this family would set up a defense fund for Casey and consider a 1.5 million deal when their daughter/granddaughter is out there missing and her reward is only 225 thousand. Well that justspeaks volumes to me. Hell no they don't want her found. They wouldn't get anything and her lawyer had a cocky smile on his face last night. This whole thing is making me sick but I love Nancy Grace and will be there when she breaks the news that Caylee's remains have been found.
Here's another tot killer by mother story. What struck me is that this woman was said to have made up numerous stories about where her child was after the tot went missing. Sound familiar? The child was found in the trunk. or
I simply have had enough of these lies of Casey going round and round. Seeing her high five her brother sickened me. Casey acts as if though she is celebrating that Caylee hasn't been found! I know it seems as though to me Cindy (the grandmother)took a 180degree turn since they had their 1st private moment. I mean after all she is the VERY FIRST one that said "IT SMELLS LIKE THERES BEEN A DAMN DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK"(she should know she had to be trained to be a nurse and I'm sure during her traing she had to look at and smell dead bodies) And now to have all this "FAITH" in Casey does not make sense at all!! With all the evidence I DO NOT understand why law Enforcement hasn't arrested her. I can grant(promise)you the Sheriff in our town would have made sure something was done about Casey not only lying, but Sheriff Chuck Wright of Spartanburg would be on her so fast with at least the charge she deserves as bad as I hate to admit it MURDER! I wanted to believe Caylee was alive but my gut along with all the new DNA results, chloroform, lies, tells me other wise. I mean come on she has lied and obviously shown more happiness since Caylee's disappearence than she did in the home videoes of her "ACTING" like she was a good mother. I think its time Police get it together and arrest her before she disappears like her daughter but as we have seen her actions she would go to the end of the world before she ever tells the truth. Her parents are beginning to look suspicious in my mind, I live only 20 minutes away from where Susan Smith murdered her two boys and if people recall she "Acted" like she was crying at least but not Casey Anthony she "I THINK" Murdered LIL CAYLEE maybe for some of the same reasons Susan Smith killed her children, for her own personal gain! Thanks, Paulette
Four things bother me. 1. Where is the car seat? 2. When Cindy and George picked up the car at the impound lot, did it have gas in it? How did they drive a car with NO GAS? 3. If the clerk at the check cashing store, saw the car at 7 a.m, and Casey didn't get picked up until 11 a.m or 1 p.m, where was she? 4. Lee knows what happened and probably told Cindy and George. Is this what all of them are discussing at the attorney's office? No need to look for Caylee!
i feel the great grandfather creeps me out. Correct me if i'm wrong, isn't the grandfater a retired cop? Keeping mouths shut and time,time,time is the essence of an unsolved case. the family is hideing very ugly secrets if you ask me. And i am positive the grandfather KNEW the chloraform would erase any and most of the dna in trunk. I feel they should all be in jail, till lil Caylee is found.
This photo is indicative of the arrogance and the absolute defiance to the justice system. It also shows that the brother is congratulating his sister for being a "WINNER" in this game of convaluded bullcrap. She is a murder and he obviously helped her cover it up. Just as her mother is in denial and her father is pretending to be sooooo heroic in defense of his daughter, this family knows exactly what their stupid daughter/sister did.
So when you look at this picture, you see everything but concern for Caylee. They don't really give a damn. They want a book deal. I'll bet if we could hear them, they'd be saying, "Well, we did it. We got away with it. And now we're gonna make millions from it. Way to go, Little sister, way to go".
I have followed this case since the beginning and like most of you, a million different scenarios have gone through my mind. I lost my 19 year old child to street racing two years ago so I know EXACTLY what denial is and they are NOT in denial. If she were in denial then she would KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Caley is alive and she would would search day an night until that poor baby is found, deceased or alive. I think Casey has 'come clean' to them with some other story full of s@#t. Since the beginning I have believe that this is all a scam. The first thing I asked myself is what is her motive. Well that is an easy one.....MONEY!!!!! All that has happened could easily been staged. First, maybe she was pregnant and lost the child in the first semester without anyone knowing. Burying that child in the yard would not seem to far fetched. As far as the the hair sample and cloraphorme go, I really think there is a way to create that scenario if there was a miscariage and the newborn was taken from the Anthony home where she was buried and transferred to Caseys car. I am absolutely sure that Casey would know that her parents and the community would put up a nice healthy reward. Pathalogical liars are extremely smart and I would NOT under estimate what Casey can devise. It's possible that she is working with another person and that person is holding Caley until a pre determined date at which time perhaps even a third person whould come forward with the child stating that they just 'found' her wandering around. The person holding her is probably NOT named Zeniada but is having Caley call her that so when she is found she will say she was with Zeniada. Does anyone think this is possible??
Also, who was Caley's court appointed guardian when Casey took her? If it was Cindy and her husband and they released that poor child to her daughter knowing full well that she was unstable an unable to care for her then they should be prosecuted with the same negligence as Casey and possibly the police would be able to break her if she knew her parents could be on the line.
Also, as for the checks and money she stole from Amy and her parents, I wonder if the police have been able to capture any security video of her when she was at the banks, stores, ATMs, etc. to see if Caley was with her during the times. Or maybe there is exterior video that will show who she was with and who was driving when she went. And as far as the purchase of the chloraphorme, of course she is not dumb enough to have used the stolen credit cards but she may have purchased one of those one time gift visa cards at one of the many stores she went to so I hope the police are looking for that too. a little carried away. I am just angry beyond belief and I am crying for that poor child as I type this. I hope and pray that Casey's parents hear my words, as a mother who has had to deal with denial at the highest level, I plead to you to reach in your hearts and hear me and so many others and love and pray for your daughter but your little angel is missing and you must subtract Casey from the equasion if you ever want to find your angel. I pray for your darling angel every night and I pray that you will ignore all of the barriers and move forward in the search for your angel.
My opinion over the pic....sadly sick to think someone such as her walks the earth. How do you high five when your child is missing....SICK. I personally believe she is high-fiving over a movie/book deal.
This goes out to Casey, you dam well know what you did with your daughter. Casey isn't going to speak because the bitch hasn't got caught.The bitch isn't going to hang herself. She is just wanting till they find caylee. I pray every night that she is found. And if i lived near by I'd be looking for Caylee too. Casey your going to be sooo sorry. Baker.
Nanastears, I would really like to know all of what Pedilla's guard that was posted in the home with Casey for a week has to say about what she heard. I can't believe NG has not gotten in touch with her..this is a terrible terrible situation for such a beautiful angel.We, all of us that Caylee is not with us needs some closure soon. thank you
ya know, while I was watching Nancy's interview of Nate, I was thinking to myself whether Nate had ever heard Caylee mention the nanny, Zenaida. I know that when my kids were in pre-school, they would talk about their teachers all of the time.
Has anyone thought that perhaps she sold Caylee? Perhaps she gave her away with the issue's at home. Perhaps she intends on receiving money from who ever got her. A person who tells so many stories starts believing them. If she was removed from the country who could know for sure. And who is the one who posted her bond? It just seems to be as much as tells lies she possibly sold her or gave her away.
THIS ENTIRE FAMILY IS CRAZY!! All of them camera hogs, especially Cindy(grandma) she must spend alot of time at the printshop getting purses and handbags made , how about buying a plane ticket to wherever it is she thinks caylee is. Should she not know this babysitter if casey used her for over a year. I know my mother can give a full discription of every person who has ever babysat for me and my youngest child is 8. These people need meds. I believe they all know that baby is dead, that why george looks like his head is about to pop off. The rest of them love the attention.The Anthony's are the WORST PARENTS in recent history to allow this dumbass girl to continue these behaviors for 3 years. My parents would have beat my ass. I had to have a job and take care of my own child by myself. It is called RESPOSIBILITY for your actions. This nasty hooker should have kept her legs closed if she didn't want a child. I will close by saying I pray they find this child so Casey can be punished for what she has done. Cindy never deserved to have Caylee after the job she done of raising Casey.
This case is like a three ring circus. I want to know how a 24 year old girl, Casey Anthoney & her parents, could have the entire justice system of Florida standing their with their head in their hands. I would also like to know why the 51 thousand, missing & murdered, children, in the State of Florida this year alone, did not get all this coverage. The justice system just let this case get totally out of hand. Know one realized it but, this family was playing the justice system from the beginning, starting with the 911 calls, & all the lies & differents stories. On one of the Nancy Grace shows, they, mention stolen gas cans, what date were they stolen, & was this gas stolen to dispose of the baby's body. also another show on Nancy Grace where Cindy Anthoney, was before the judge testifying that Casey had this babysitter about year & a half, well ok, than someone tell me, how this lady Cindy anthoney the Grandmother does not know of the babysitter, which her daughter Casey Anthoney was using to care for her Granddaughter all this time, since the baby was only missing from the Grandmother's site for only a month before the 911 call's. This is also another lie told by Cindy Anthoney. Another caller on the Nancy Grace show asked if having a Police Officer for a father would help her make up these lies. No having a police officer for a parent & two boyfriends that were police Officers, gave her knowledge, & insite, listening to stories told from cases, on how to get away with murder, & walk free. Casey Anthoney druged her daughter, than use those gas cans to burn the body,& the parent's & the brother know the truth, they are just as involved in this murder as their daughter. Now the best of all is that they are going to get paid for their story. How sick is this three ring circus. Casey Anthoney deserves the death penalty for this crime, & charges against the parents for destroying evidence & false information. but the sad part of this story is she will walk free. GOD HELP THE CHILDREN.
I agree with the many others that state/believe this family is dysfunctional. What can Cindy Anthony expect when her pregnant, teenage daughter wants to give the baby up for adoption, but her mother (Cindy) forces her to keep the baby? Then it is Cindy who takes complete care of the kid, with Casey in the background stealing from and lying to everyone. At the point where Cindy’s had enough of Casey, and wants to kick her out, Casey takes the one thing that means the most away from her mother, Caylee, as an “I’ll show you!” The whole bunch of them make me sick!! The way Cindy talked to Casey on the jail telephone, and called her “sweetheart” when the “psycho girl” was giving her mother crap about her circumstances. Casey was so enabled her entire life, it’s no wonder her life turned out the way it has, and, also thanks to Cindy, Caylee is where she is, instead of with some wonderful adoptive family.
1) What was Casey paying her imaginary nanny with? Monopoly money? She hasn't been working for 2 years but can afford a nanny? Nannies are expensive.
2) Casey claims she has been using the nanny for something like 1 1/2 years but just recently moved out of her parents home. How do grandparents that have their daughter and grand-daughter living with them and are heavily involved in raising their grand-daughter, not ever see or speak with the nanny that's been watching the girl for over a year? Makes no sense. Grandparents are covering up.
DNA and "decomposing" trace evidence will eventually tell the tale. You don't get decomp in your car for no reason and the DNA from the hair samples came back to Caylee and have the "ring" on them that tell death and decomp. She definitely didn't "lose" or "sell" this child...but was it accidental or premeditated? Without the body, no one will know and if they find the body, it may be too far decayed to tell a cause of death. Don't know if everyone is aware that "DR. G " will probably be doing the autopsy if the body is found as she is our Medical Examiner here in Orlando.
Does anyone know - Can Orange County put a lien of that 1.5 million she is reportedly negotiating for all of the expenses they have incurred due to her stonewalling? Also, have they tried the low-tech search technique of bloodhounds?
I find that whole family disturbing. i don't know how they can keep going on like there is nothing wrong, the mother, and the grandparents wanting to believe that she had nothing to do with it. i am just waiting for the end of this and for this poor child to be found and put to rest at last.
Ahhh..better get the 'high fives' in while you can Casey..just wait until you are thrown into the prison systems general population..fact, child killers, rapists and child molesters are marked 'woman' in this case. Your day is coming Casey, you will have a well-deserved bullseye right on your back. Wishing you all the worst, you've earned it with one snapshot.
She is high-fiveing her brother because she probably just found out that she'll be receiving a 1.5 million dollar payout from Hollywood for murdering her 3year old daughter and disposing of her body. Now her Brother Lee can trade-in the old mustang for a new one and Casey can get herself a larger pair of sunglasses for her ugly lying face. Has everyone seen the oversized Brittany Spears specials she is wearing now, she thinks she's a star. This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. Kill your child and get paid by Hollywood. This murdering bitch is a product of Satan himself, and what eats away at me is that I believe she is going to get away with it. The only thing that family is concerned about is the murderer in their house, NOT CAYLEE. Casey comes first and Caylee comes last. I wish someone would take the missing Caylee t-shirt that sorry excuse for a mother is wearing, rip it off her body, roll it into a ball and shove it down her throat.
This girl casey is a nut job! I wouldn't let my son go missing for even an hour, is she kidding me! The mother Cindy is a waco!! She has to know what hapeen in my opinion. How could she cover for her phsyco daughter, I know I wouldn't. This family needs to confront the truth....she's DEAD! What ashame. Casey to worried about partying and hanging out and stealing money from family and friends to be a mother so she took care of the problem holding her back, let's face it. I have watched Nacny Grace everynight about this and it's getting real old. I hope for Caylee's sake they find her and that she can be burried properly in peace. That poor little girl, such an addorable little girl gone now.
I have just recently seen the videos of George Anthony assaulting people on PUBLIC property!!!!! So if he can lose his temper like that i am sure his daughter blows up just as easy!!!!!!! He has NO right to touch people that are not on his property!!!!
OMG how can any mother no matter how old she is care so little about there own flesh and blood that she carried for nine months I am a mother of 5 beautiful daughters I lost one in a tragic car accident almost 6 years ago and I still have a hard time dealing with it on a daily basis I dont understand how casy can be so uncaring and cold she should be locked up for life with pictures of her daughter permenetly placed on all the walls of her cell so she can think about what she has done for all eternity!!!
If the grandparents loved little Caylee so much. Then why did it take them a whole month before they check on her. They did not call and or go visit. If Casey said that the baby sitter had her. Then why didn’t they go see her at the baby sitter. You can go with out seeing your grand kids for a month. But not talking to them. I don’t believe that the grandparents are not tell us everything.
i think casey drugged caylee so she could party. sadly she accidently killed her.she was never made to face the music for her mistakes.she stole from her grandmother and her mom convinced her not to press charges. shame she wasn't put in jail for that. caylee would still be alive!! i pray caylee is alive. it hurts my heart to think about her. .
Why do Cindy and George state that they saw Caylee on the 15/16th of June and yet Casey states on police reports that Caylee has been missing since the 9th of June??
Why have the police not asked Cindy for Zenada's phone number. Since Casey and Caylee lived with the grandparents would it not make sense that they too have the nanny's phone number??
Also, when discussing the chloroform did she visit any of the web sites that show how to make chloroform??
I have been watching this very sad story from the beginning. If my child was missing I would do what ever it took to find my child. Casey Anthony didn't want to be a mother anymore and plotted to get rid of her little girl. She does not seem upset at all nor has she even attempted to go out and search for her daughter. She sits at home eating pizza and playing on the computer. YES SHE IS VERY INSANE!! You have numerous volunteers out there searching high and low for this beautiful little girl while Casey sits on her butt!! I find it a bit strange also that her attorney allows her to be in his office from the morning hours into the afternoon hours!! Can anyone answer that for me? I have hired attorneys before and I have never spent most of the day in their office!! It is sad to say, but we might never find out what happened to Caylee. Casey isn't going to talk. Let's pray that Caylee has something to say and helps solve this mystery. As far as Casey's parents, until they finally open up their eyes and take off the "ROSE COLORED" glasses and look at Casey and see what every one else is seeing then maybe people would respect them a bit more.
I just can't believe that the police can't do anything more to make this person that calls herself a mother, TELL THE TRUTH. My rear end would be thrown in jail and the key thrown away for obstructing the police investigation...What is wrong with our court system????? Is not someone responsible for the well being of this child?????
Anthonys will work hard recieving donated money, but they will NOT go out and look for Granddaughter.
If Casey would of told the TRUTH at the beginning , everything else wouldn't of taken place .
This new lawyer they hired ,all he is does repeat himself . He said this in another report.
This family isn't looking for Caylee nor will they.
Cindy and George is distracting the public, saying Caylee is in a different state. I don't believe it . Caylee is in Orlando . Casey's been stealing from her parents for years.
If Cindy and George thinks Caylee alive , then go found her ,and show proof on LIVE TV , so the public can see her .
Cindy and George attitudes changes ,once Casey was out of jail . The bountyhunter said this on Nancy Grace Show , I agree with him , noticed that myself .
This new lawyer to worried about blogs, because public is expressing there feeling . If that's all he's worried about , this man has a problem, himself .
Ask Casey, she knows where the body is , since she hide it .
I'm not buying a book , movie , or anything else, they're selling there granddaughter out . Shame on Anthonys , they're worthless .
The public will Never FORGET this story ,nor will they get Casey ,Cindy , George or Lee. This family is mentally sick.
Casey should go back to jail, until she tells the police the REAL STORY. Caylee doesn't deserve this .
These grandparents didn't even protect there own granddaughter.
Anthonys are making up stories as they go along.
This new lawyer is a joke , he can't say anything , why come on Nancy Grace's show if you can't speak , you should of just stayed home .
Casey's going to be another Vandersloot . In/Out of jail . never be charged for murder .
She need it , why , because she was the last one with her .
I've been folling this story from the beginning and Casey seems please with herself that she's holding the upper hand from policemen.She appers to be proud of the fact that they cant figure her out or her next move. This is like a soap opera,never ending.She need to stay in jail. Poor caylee, so beautiful to have such a rotten non caring mom.
This person, cause I cannot and will not call her a woman nor a mother is highly desensitized to anything beyond herself. She is selfish and only wants for her. Casey. This PERSON has a missing child, presumably DEAD and she is high-five's her brother? How disgusting. I pray every day that Caylee, this precious child is found and put to rest properly. I have no sympathy for the Anthony family whatsoever. I just watched the Nancy Grace show and this new attorney of the Anthony's is playing the sympathy card. Give it up!! These parents should not have this thing living in their home. I don't care if they brought her into the world. I am a parent myself. I would NOT defend my child this way with everything that is stacking up on her. NO WAY. Let her DEAL with the protesters, and the media. They are shielding her like a small child. NO CINDY, NO GEORGE, SHIELD CAYLEE. Bring her life to justice!!!
These people need to get their heads out of their butts and see it for what it truly is. And Nancy Grace was right. There is NO time for denial right now. Spare me! Do the right thing. I know that I know one of the Anthonys if not all know what happened or where Caylee is. Give it up! You are horrid people my God. How do you sleep at night? All of you???
I have been watching this case since day one and I am left speechless each night!!! I have never seen anything like it. Can the pants that mom Cindy washed from the car be tested anyway? I'm sure one washing couldn't have erased everything from them and maybe some evidence will appear. And what about shoes? Didn't I hear there were shoes in the car too? I do hope the investigators are on top of ALL possible evidence!
First where is the composite sketch/drawing of the nanny Zanida? Wouldn't you think the police would put one out if she really existed and wouldn't Casey want to? Also, if Casey hasn't worked for over two years, where did she take Caylee everyday? Somebody, somewhere HAS to know or had to have seen her out and about. Did Caylee ever tell her grandparents where she was at during the day or ever mention this Zanida?
High five means victory! What victory are they celebrating? I would not spend one night under the same roof as Casey. Someone who would do such an unthinkable thing to their own child, what might they do to keep continuing to covering up her story. She needs to be placed where she can no longer put anyone's safety in harms way. This is the saddest thing I have ever heard. I know that no matter where Caylee is, God is at her side. Casey on the other hand needs to start praying to a forgiving God. He is the one who will have her final judgement.
Being a former deputy sheriff like George Anthony, and Cindy Anthony is a nurse who's smelled dead bodies, they are involved with this case of missing and most likely dead Caylee Anthony. Cindy Anthony after opening the car calls 9-11 and says it smells like a dead body in that damn car! Then she goes back out to the car and takes out of the car with George's knowledge of a crime scene being a former deputy sheriff himself, takes out the grey slacks and then washes them. She's destroyed EVIDENCE! on a criminal investigation. I think George Anthony needs to be arrested and jailed for simple asault and see if that information can be given to Casey who will see her Dad going to jail and this will take the limelight off of Casey and then maybe she'll crack! For Casey is the one in charge now and when it's taken away from her, psychologically she's fold. Get upset that it's not all about her. More charges will be brought against Casey Anthony. I pray everynight that the searchers find Caylee's remains which will not be much. She's with God and is one of His angels now. Away from the whole family that's sick!
I have been watching this story ever since it has happen. I really don't understand how someone could kill a child. My God this child is so precious. There is no question about this little baby girl being dead. But the good thing about this is that she is in good hands now...God will keep her safe from any harm. I really believe that if she was my grandchild I could get some information out of the mother rather the law wanted me to or not. I have one grandchild and one on the way..God help their parents if the babys come up missing and they are out partying. The law would not need to talk to them....they wouldn't need a lawyer to hide them...I would beat the hell out of them until they told me...I would be the one going to jail..Thats the truth...I feel that the baby is dead...But God is taken care of her...She should have just gave the baby to her parents and party her ass off...Something more is going on here then what they are telling...But it will come out soon...She needs to be put to death...There are women out there that cannot have babys and would have taken that baby...Also, people need to understand the amount of money that is offered for this baby to be returned or her body to be found...If someone had this baby they would turn her over for that money..."GET REAL GRANDPARENTS OF CAYLEE" God Bless Caylee...
This is just crazy, I have been listening to the parents Cindy and George and you would think that they would get their stories straight, they all contradict themselves all the time!! The sad fact is that Casey isn't talking because she knows the longer she waits the more the authorities won't be able to identify Caylee's body. I honestly think she threw her in a lake to the alligators, because nobody will ever find her then. Also a professional psychologist on Nancy Grace said that Casey cannot attach to people or develop relationships. Well I know for a fact that when an adult cannot attach to other people or develop relationships,it is from how the parents treated Casey when she was a toddler or child. So I feel the dysfunctionalism goes way back in this family. It is sad that Caylee will never experience the normal things a child experiences:Like first day of school, her first tooth coming out all the childhood memories. Casey you took all of that from your daughter, I pray for your soul and I pray that Caylee may soon be found so that sweet baby can be put to rest. Her little soul is in heaven now, and nobody can hurt her anymore.Thank God !!!!
Why am I not surprised? I believe the whole family is whacked out. I am amused to see that Cindy has hired a Criminal defense lawyer. I don't believe for one skinny minute that she did not know that by washing the clothes that smelt like a dead body was not tampering with evidence. But oh, that's right she claims now that she did not mean what she said. The wife of a cop, retired or otherwise and she doesn't know this was tampering.....yeah right!
The parents lost all credibility when they started saying "Maybe it was another dead body in the car." many dead bodies does the average person have in their car?? I have buried a child so I do understand denial but this is not denial, IMHO. This is more like "Ut oh look at the mess we created with this one little lie."
As quoted by Casey " All anyone cares about is Caylee, Caylee, Caylee." You finally said something honest gal!!!
I have been glued to this case since it started, thanks to Nancy Grace for being a voice for Caylee. After everything I've seen regarding this case, to watch Casey and Lee "High Five"was the boiling point. Also Mark Nejame said the Anthony family is victims, wrong Caylee is the victim. One other thing that bothers me is Caylee was 2,she never reach her 3rd birthday.
"No body, no case!" She's taking a page out of Peterson's book. The ex-cop wife serial killer who's 2nd wife drowned in a dry bathtub and who's 3rd wife he murdered and disappeared the body.
This is what I think this creature did in this case. She got tired of being a mom. She figured she couldn't adopt Caylee out. Her parents would never understand that and they're too old to care for such an energetic child. So she chloroformed the baby to death, wrapped her in her favorite cuddle blanket and put her in the trunk of the car. Then she took those two missing gas cans from her parents garage, the one's she later excused to them that she took because her gas gauge wasn't working and she didn't want to run out of gas again.
She drove long enough for the babies body to begin decomposing in the trunk and when she got to where Caylee is now buried, she dug a hole threw the body in, doused the blanket it was wrapped in with the gasoline and set it on fire. Then she buried what was left and came home to party as a single woman. And the decomp odor in the trunk was because she drove such a long way in the heat of summer.
Thinking, no body no case! And she'll just blame the babysitter.
Now her own parents have lost their minds, literally, over all this and are in denial their daughter murdered her own daughter. And all the while this smoke and mirror dance of a murderess and her complicit parents is going on, what's left of little Caylee decomposes even more.
We water board terrorists. Why not lock this bitch down and give her a drink until she tells the truth about what she did to her baby!? Because as it stands she'll walk, with her ovaries in tact at that, and live free to breed and slaughter the next offspring she has, after she decides she'd rather party than be a mother, again!
And I realize there are some that will say if we waterboard this psychotic poor excuse for a mom, all of us will be subject to such treatment. But we already are, given the U.S. Patriot Act and the fact that the "Terrorist" label is subjective and any one of us could have it fit if the authorities decide to. They are already allowed to violate your most basic privacy just as a non-labeled citizen now.
So why do we let killers like Casey and Peterson get away with their crimes because they won't talk and they're so good at hiding the evidence?!When will the victim have rights in a criminal's justice system!?
I am the mother of a child that was kidnapped by a a man Edward James. Who now in Orlando area 20 Years later. Though she was thrown from the car in a chase to get her back and was home in an hour. For 3 years after I cried blamed my self. This girl even if she had nothing to do with it, how can she function with her child missing. She looks well rested happy and sadly she doesn't seem to care. On the other hand the grandparents look shook. To the grandparents we prayed for you both and Caylee too, where ever she is God is with her. Please open your eyes before this girl detroys you. Still love her she is your child, but see what she is doing try a little TOUGH LOVE she can not go on like this and drag you down with her our prays for Caylee
Is it my imagination or, was the Anthony's new criminal attorney 'NeeJay'(?), wearing heavy make-up on NG show, last night?? I find it interesting that he launched an attack on 'ANONYMOUS' blog post-ers. It is not us who have something to hide. It is just easier to post under, anonymous than to hassle with opening an account. Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Sarah Wood from Texas! I believe that the description, 'anonymous' is a synonymous term for..'Concerned American (et al) Public,' that obviously has more concern for that missing child than do the Anthonys. And I will repeat my assertion that Lee Anthony is Caylee's father. Pay attention to the name. It seems to be a combination of Casey and Lee. Anyone else notice that? I stress this assertion because I think it could be another motive for Casey to dispose of CAY-LEE.
This has been a most frustrating case to follow. Listening to the comments from the defence lawyers and those that have posted bond for Casey claiming that her constitutional rights have been violated is in itself an abuse of what the constitutional rights are actually there for! Why isn't the biggest statement being said at this point? That it isn't the media that has created the evidence here. It is the crime.
Someone needs to get a hold of that girl Casey Anthony and perform some good old fashion torture to force her into giving up the location of her daughter. For every lie she tells-she loses a finger! Ever seen "Man on Fire" with Denzel Washington? He forces one bad guy after another into fessing up in the parts they played in a child abduction! Very effective-I am sure Casey might start actually thinking about her daughter instead of herself when faced with pain, dismemberment, and death! It makes me sick to think that she is walking around free when that poor innocent little girl more than likely is no longer able to do so. Casey was supposed to love and protect her-she needs to be reinformed of what a mother really is!!! I would die for any of my 3 kids and would be beside myself if anything ever happened to them. Wake up you self centered little Bitch and realize what it is you have done!!! Give your family some peace and the love your daughter deserves-bring her home for everyone! In the end you will have to pay the piper one way or the other-be it in this world or the next! Children are God's gifts to us all and you destroyed her without a second thought! It is nauseating!
Someone needs to get a hold of litle miss Casey Anthony and perform some good old fashioned torture on her! For every lie she tells-she loses a finger! Ever see "Man on Fire" with Denzel Washington? He gets one bad guy after another to fess up to their parts in a child abduction. She might quit thinking about herself and more on her daughter if faced with dismemberment, pain, and death herself. Wake up you Stupid little Bitch and realize what you have done to the greatest gift you will ever recieve. You destroyed the one little person who loved you and trusted you! You were supposed to love, cherish and protect her-you are her mother for God's Sake! Give her the only thing you can at this point-bring her home and let her have a decent funeral and give your family time to mourn and believe she is really gone from this earth. She is not trash you can just throw out-she will be a part of you always!
my name is Erica I am a mother of a 4yr old 10yr old and a 14 yr old.i anything ever happened to one of my children i would do everything in my power to make sure they are found immediately I would loose a lot of sleep to do so. My opinion is that crazy ass mam-ma casey u have no care on finding your little girl u have a face of satisfaction like u are at easy on how you came out in all this but u also know with out you the can not charge u with out evidence u are crazy and need to be put away because u are not just hurting your mom and dad and poor lil caylee but also everyone who it touches worried about you 3yr old daughter u are a physcopath and I think you know were u put her But I also think you could care less if they ever do find her because face it you got LA BELLA VIDA. i pray for no mercy on you.I CAN NOT IMAGINE WHAT A 2 YEAR OLD DID THAT WAS SO BAD BAD ENOUGH FOR YOU TO DO WUT U DID!GOD DOES NOT LIK UGLY AND KARMA CATCHES UP TO EVERYONE
This picture makes me ill! How could a mother be so happy when her beautiful little girl is missing? I have a 3 year old granddaughter, a 6 year old granddaughter and a 1 year old grandson. If any of them ever disappeared I would be so frantic that I would search day and night to find them and NOTHING would stop me. I am sickened with this case. My heart really goes out to Caylee, although I believe she is with the Lord. I think that Casey used the chloroform to make Caylee sleep while she went out clubing but used to much and it killed her. I believe that she realized that she was dead and at some point left her in the trunk until it started smelling and then buried her in the back yard and then dug her up and moved her body elsewhere like in the woods east of their house so her parents wouldn't find her. I think that the call to 9-11 was made by a genuinely panick stucken grandmother and that Casey told her the truth about Caylee after the call. I think that is when they decided to just let the police look for caylee in hopes to find her (remains) and stick with Caseys story that she is just missing. I also feel that that is the reason that Casey had the tattoo of "beautifl life" done after Caylee was gone. It's a memorial tattoo of her daughter and a moment of reality for her, although she is so selfish that her freedom and partying is more important to her. The best thing that could have happened is that Cindy let Casey put Caylee up for adoption or adopt her herself. This whole thing wouldn't have happened. It's sick, sad, and heartbreaking!!! I just hope that they find Caylee soon. That beautiful little girl deserves a proper resting place, and the friends and other family members deserve a place to go greive and remember her. (You are in safe loving arms Caylee. WE ALL LOVE YOU EVEN THO WE HAVE NEVER MET YOU!)
That dirty heffer killed Caylee and now she is out on bond high fiveing!! I have a 4 year old if she is missing 5 minutes I am freakingout. How the hello can someone not call the police when their child is missing? I will tell you because she is a whore and she was so self consumed with partying then she was with being a mother. the only thing she was woried about was getting some ass. Clearly she doesn't know who Caylees father is.The way that family is I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't George. I think those grandparents know more then they are saying. They have already lost a grand child if casey goes to prison they will lose a daughter too. I think she left that baby in the car when she went into the bar and when she came out she was dead. Then she put her in her parents backyard and then went ad burned caylees body. Or maybe thisis a hoax from the lyer thief whore to get money!!!
Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Someone needs to teach this to Casey. She needs to get the same treatmemt she gave that baby. I saw a blog about the woman with the dog that set ouside the anthony home. Yes cayleesbody is out in the rain however she is safe with Jesus. She will never know the hatred her mother ahowed her in the final hours of her life. She is happy!!
I've also been following this case from the very beginning. I get so disgusted as I watch night after night...this whole thing just blows my mind. What I don't understand is how can she refuse to talk to the cops or federal agents? I mean that in itself makes me believe right there that she is guilty. If my child was missing I'd be out there talking to anyone that I felt would be able to help me. Someone needs to slap this bitch around and what the hell is wrong with her parents? Someone out there knows something. For the life of me I just don't get this whole thing. It seems like every tom dick and harry now is coming out of the woodwork now to get their 15 minutes of fame. I hope to God that they find this little girl and that the person responsible is punished to the extent of the law...and we all know who that will be.
Unfortunely, our legal/judice system has to have all its I's dottted and T's crossed before moving forward. I believe that is what they are working towards. She maybe high-fiving now but I do still believe that truth always prevails and it will soon be revealed. Casey will not able to hide behind her lies and her family will have to come out of the denial phase and see the truth that their own child is evil and is capable of harming another (flesh n blood) human being. That has to be the hardest thing in the world to accept that their own child would harm their own. But truth always prevails... the sooner the Anthony's face the truth the easier on their hearts it will be
not only is casey crazy, i think her parents have a screw loose too. with all their media coverage and denials, they have built a virtual prison around themselves. it will be a long time till they can go for a walk or get a newspaper out on their own.
I disagree with Nancy Grace's urging for us to sympathize with the grandparents of Caylee. They lost my sympathy vote when they began their cover-up program for Casey. I believe that their life-long permissiveness with Casey has led to the outcome that we now know as Casey the sociopath and possible child-murderer. I say that it is WAAAAy past time to make that girl take responsibility for her actions. Coddling her definitely has not worked. More and more people become victims of Casey's selfishness . There are many victims in this case, but the Anthonys' nor Casey are the victims. They created this monster. Casey obviously has no shame. I recall the words of her attorney saying that she wanted to hold her head up, because she is innocent. She is not innocent. She has no care for the people who she robbed. These ppl had done NICE things for Casey, which was how they became victims. Her grandmother gives her a birthday check, and she uses it to rob her g-mother blind. Her friend Amy trusted and cared enough for her to loan out her car to Casey. Casey uses the opportunity to rob that girl blind. Anyone see the pattern here?
I am so sick of this family. Now the mom & dad hire a criminal lawyer. Oh yea for publicity. Give me a break. They have never gone to look for Caylee. This narcisistic whore casey is enjoying all of this. In fact the whole family is eating all this up. I feel so sad for PRECIOUS CAYLEE! Not cindy or george or casey or lee, I hope they all rot in their guilt. I wonder if she used her friends car for getting rid of any evidence. She is one person I would like to see face to face. As one mom to another, I have alot I'd love to say to her and then some. ROT IN HELL anthony's. And may CAYLEE be with GOD
perhaps the answer to the mystery lies in who caylees father really is. Casey doesn't tell anyone his name then says he was killed in a car accident. Even though she has lied about just about everything in her life, everyone seems to believe this and leaves it at that. Perhaps she has some secret she is holding over the family to make them stonewall the investigation. I would beging looking into her relationship with her brother LEE for some answers.
I wonder if someone "close" to her might be the Father, and maybe that is the bond holding all this together. Although it was said around the time when she was born the Anthonys were anticipating divorce. So maybe thats why the Anthonys dont want to say anything and are so passive to their daughters decisions because there is more to the story that they dont want in the public eye! Just a thought! Also that could be the reasoning Casey didnt want the little girl at home!
Sorry for my language, but I'm so sick of this BIT**!! How the hell can your daughter go missing, and you think OK IT'S FINE, I WILL LOOK FOR HER MYSELF, LIKE IT'S OK AND SLEEP AT NIGHT!!. All the evidence, and all the lies, the law enforcement, her family, the dumb ass lawyers need to wake the hell up, and put this BIT** behind bars for good, and let the BIT** ROT in the there!!! I'm sick of looking at her live life all carefree and not give a SH** that her daughter is gone!! I want to slap the SH** out of her!!!!!!!!!!
This is the weirdest and frustrating case I've followed.
I have wondered all the while to see what she bought with her parents credit card and if she purchased anything for the child on her spending sprees.
Another bizarre thought I had is Caylee's name. I believe I understand the paternal grandparents haven't been established....but why would Casey make up a name for her baby that is a composite of her name and her brother's? Just a thought.
If she was my daughter...she wouldn't see the light of day until she lead me to that baby.
I want to add, I feel sorry for the neighbors, what a mess!
You don't become a pathological liar overnight. It is obvious Cssey has been like this her whole life. The actions of her parents are ones of guilt. They knew how sick there daughter was and had no business raising a child. They obviously blew up and kicked her out--playing the tough love approach. Now look what happened. Casey Anthony reminds me of the Scott Hackings/Scott Peterson types. When you believe your own lies why would you feel remorse. I would love to see some childhood background or history of this seriously sick individual. Get her off the streets--she'll never come clean. Her parents, as hard as it is need to stop. There pain is overwhelming but I'm sure they are not surprised--there is a dark story surrounding this one.
It breaks my heart that she is not the least concerned about her daughter!I couldn't sleep last night thinking about that little girl! You have all these strangers who care deeply for Caylee & her own mother who seems to not be concerned! And the worst thing is that her the granparents are catching so much heat & its taking the story off of who's to really blame!The mother! I'm praying for Caylee & hope that justice is served!
My thought is that she is practiced in front of the camera, in fact apparently that's her living. Also, same as practice under the roof, looks like an angel (even while doing nothing to support the household), but apparently a very different story away.
I think that it's possible if she was being kicked out and her free ride was ending and Caylee would stay, that she thought if you're not gonna let me stay for free under my own rules, and you don't do what I say, neither can Caylee stay. I'll show you!
P.S. This is an epidemic among that generation. We need to do something to protect the children. I'm fast losing all hope in that generation, and consider it a lost cause. Fortunately, still appreciate those that show forth the right morals. It's easy to see, and differentiate. Nothing is hidden.
Before Caylee disappeared I think Cindy and George had not been able to control Casey. She was out of control lying, stealing and who knows what else. They have been held hostage, so to speak because of Caylee. I think the same dynamics of the relationship is taking place now. Casey is in charge, as usual, they cannot stand up to her. By doing so they are enabling and supporting her in this ridiculous claim of abduction. Their denial of Caylee's probable death perpetuates the possibility to very few that Caylee is alive. I really feel for them, for they are truly victims in this. I think people are really being hard on them. They have done some foolish things, but how would anyone react if this happened in their lives.
None of this makes any sense. Who was paying the nanny? Casey didn't work so she obvously wasn't. What kind of grandmother has her daughter and grandaughter missing for 1 day and night, much less a month and doesn't report it? Expecially since her daughter was so unstable.
So many things I would love to express. First of all... this is the New story from Casey??>>>>>
Casey Anthony has told investigators that Caylee was kidnapped by a babysitter at Blanchard Park.
"The story she gave them was she went to Jay Blanchard Park, Zenaida and her older sister, Samantha, and Samantha's three young children were there and they were driving a silver Ford whatever and one of them jumped her and the other one took the baby and took her and said, 'Hey, this is the script. For the next 30 days, you read this to law enforcement and tell them this is what happened' and they zoomed off," bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said. So, my question is.. If Zenaida gave her a "script" to use..and Casey felt Caylee and her family would be in danger if she told what happened... why on earth would she use Zenaida's name and not use an alias babysitter name like Mary White or something? I think we all know why.. because there was no babysitter watching Caylee, something happened to poor Caylee and she is no longer with us. I wish Goeorge and Cindy could see what is really happening around them. I am sure it is hard to not have your grandchild around any longer and to think your daughter who you love so much would kill her own daughter but come on now... It wasn't your grandchild in the trunk of the car? You think someone elses dead body was in there? Put two and two together... Caylee missing + dead body in trunk. Dna, dogs, shovel, missing child. I know they want to hold on to some hope but it is time to make your daughter grow up and start being accountable for her own actions without you babying and protecting her. She is an adult now and needs to be responsible for her own actions.
Please someone send this picture to Nancy Grace. I think the world needs to stare at this picture for atleast a one hour news cast while they discuss the search for Caylee. I also hope and pray this is shown in court.
Though there is so much evidence that makes this 'look" as if Caley is no longer with us, I still have so much hope that this is just a huge scam gone wrong and Caley will be found. I think the police should set up an anonomous hotline where the public can call without the penalty of getting caught up in this mess. Also, if this is some kind of scam gone bad then the police should publically announce complete immunity for the return of the child IF the individualwho has her is willing to talk and can prove that they did not kidnap or hurt the chld . I don't think Casey's in this alone, but I think that person would be scared to death to come forward with all of the attention to this case. As for the parent's, I think Lee and George are not in denial, they just want their baby girl back,alive or not. As for Cindy Anthony, I think she feels an enormous amount of guilt for all of this and that is why she is so quick to get on every network camera to defend herself. I just get the feeling that there was so much more going on between this mom and daughter than we will ever know. I'm not talking money or stealing gas, that's just a drop in the bucket. If that little angel is found deceased, regardless if it is Casey's doing, I doubt the marriage could stand it as I don't think George, or Lee could forgive Cindy for allowing Casey to take Caley knowing full well that Casey had no means to raise her. And she let so many days go by before she became worried that something was up. She knows her daughter and she should have reported Caley missing the moment her daughter refused to go get Caley to talk to her. Even if Caley was at the nanny's or with someone else, surely Casey could have given her mom that persons phone number. If Casey didn't have a contact number for her or a way to speak with Caley everytime she called, Cindy, or George for that matter, should have called the police to do a well check on Caley and Casey immediately. And maybe if Cindy had threatened Casey with that earlier on, maybe little Caley would have been at her third birthday party. Cindy knew damn well that Casey was beyond unstable yet she didn't become alarmed as to why she couldn't talk to her grand daughter for 30 days????? Whatever the family believes as far as Caley's concerned, if they are not searching because they believe Caley is alive and they are "following up leads", as they say they are, then they need to get off the tv and stop the nonsense with the trespassing signs and the new "Find Caley" clothing line and get busy folloing the leads. Cindy spends most of her day interacting with the media so I have no idea how she has time to do anything. The entire family just needs to stay out of the media so that everyone can focus only on finding Caley. Once we as a nation ignore the families rantings and get the darn camera off Casey and her crap then I just wonder if the answer hasn't been there all along, at the bottom of all this shit. My love to you sweet angel. And to everyone else on this blog, regardless of where you stand in regards to the family, lawyers or Casey, please continue to pray often for Caley and please don't loose hope that she is alive, well and protected. Positive thoughts given to the universe can bring about miracles. And this family needs a miracle!
I was thinking maybe Casey likes all the attention she is getting, you know being on TV and being talked about ALL THE TIME. Maybe this gives her some kind of thrill. What if we all just ignored her, her family and the story. Maybe she would have to do or say something to get attention again. And does anyone know what this is costing the city of Orlando? Seems to me that is must be costing a lot of money, and attention that could be spent on other cases. I'm not saying to stop investigating, but all the other stuff that the picketing and protection is costing. And one other thing, if she would tell what happened or give some real truths I wouldn't be supporting her financial or putting a roof over her head!
Pull the plug on the media circus and all the attention Casey and the grandparents are getting and then we'll see how much high fiving she is doing. Love Nancy Grace but until she takes this off her everynight show I won't be watching anymore. If I watch then I'm part of the problem. CASEY WANTS ATTENTION AND MAN IS SHE GETTING IT. Sadly at the expense of Caylee. To gain money for a defense fund and not for the search of Caylee makes me sick to my stomach. I just can't watch it anymore. We need to get focused on people who have missing loved ones who really want to find them. Caylee is resting in the arms of Jesus.
i think it is a blight on the law enforcement that they have let this wench walk free for so long. as far as the grandparents they r pathetic. i am the mother of 2 sons one 21 ond one 12. a mothers love can only go so far. our 21 yr old has cursed us abused us and stolen from us, so we finally put him out of our house. to think that cindy anthony and her husband would tolerate this sorry excuse for a human being that casey is is beyond me. i would get her OUT of my house. refuse to bail her out of anything and be out looking for my grandchild nite and day! not too long ago my CAT came up missing and i scoured the neighborhood EVERY DAY looking for a cat! i cant imagine a mother not looking for her child or a grandmother or grandfather not looking. to me it is plain as the nose on a persons face that casey murdered caylee!! the smell in the trunk is not the ONLY thing that smells rotten in this case! GET ON THE BALL LAW ENFORCEMENT!! drunk drivers get worse treatment that she has recieved!
I have started to see a theme emerging from the comments that people are sending in, and it seems plausible.
*** What if - Casey Anthony is staging this whole event to attract the kind of deals (=MONEY) that are now being made!!!
She doesn’t seem to have any problems stealing from Friends or Family, nor does she have a problem jumping from one lie to another. Maybe she just felt the need to “Stretch” herself, to reach new heights.
Obviously she could not have known the amount of money that would be involved, but from other cases that have gained this kind of notoriety (O. J. Simpson ring a bell), books, and movies sometime follow.
Anyway, what if this whole thing was planned with the hope it would become as big as it has become, and result in a book and/or movie deal (Currently 1.5 Million $$$).
*** Then - What if - Calyee is suddenly found, unharmed - that is after a deal has been made. Casey would not really be guilty of anything except for the money she is currently charged with stealing, and the door would legally be open for her to PROFIT from this situation.
Now, there are some issues that need to be addressed, such as the human decomposition found in the trunk of the car.
*** What it - the human decomposition was somehow also staged. It appears that so far the police have only been able to derive evidence that points to Casey, with nothing concrete. If someone is holding Caylee, then other people are working with her.
Given all that I have seen, this would certainly explain certain issues:
- There seems to be some big SECRET that Casey (and the family for that matter) is not disclosing. - Maybe someone really is holding Caylee, and is waiting for the right time to let her be found. - Casey does not seem concerned - at all - about the safety of Caylee. According to a roommate, Casey showed no difference in attitude from the time Caylee was last seen, to now.
At any rate, all we can hope for is that Caylee is found alive and well, and that Casey is not able to profit from this.
I have been obsessed with this case from the start. We can only hope and pray that the authorities do have a plan and will charge the baby killer with the murder of which she is guilty and put her in general population so the other inmates can do to her what everyone else wants to do to her. she deserves no better. Although I do hope that Caylee's body is found, I am sure by now the gators have gotten to her - which was surely casey's intention. Caylee is in a much better place now, having seen what a dysfunctional mess the Anthony family is. I just hope they all get charged with having responsibility in this cover-up.
The way Casey acts, so smug, like she has a secret and that it doesn't bother her that it's "killing" her parents not knowing where Caylee is - I think she is punishing them on purpose and did something to "show" them. After all, they had a fight and she was to move out - so she took Caylee and used her to get back at her parents. So sad. I also think the reason she is at her atty office so much during the day is - why would she want to be home with her parents who she hates. That's got to be worse than jail - so she spends as much time away as she can. I don't blame Cindy and George for the way Casey turned out. It's not to their credit the way Lee turned out, so why is it their fault the way Casey turned out? It's most painful to know your child did something and accept it, especially as horrible as this is with Caylee. We can't ignore the decomposing body in the car - and the presence of chloroform.
I have a Sister who is just like Casey Anthony.My Sister has stolen money from our Mother for years and when my Mother finds out about it she lets her off the hook.Then my Sister tried to poison her Husband because she was tired of him.The poison didn't work and she ended up with 3 year's probation but because the poison didn't work she feels that she has done nothing wrong.Also, she says that it is her Husband's fault for not doing everything that she tells him to do. My Mom agrees with her. Now since I have a Sister just like Casey I think that I may know what Casey did to Caylee and what she thinks and why her Parents are in denial. Casey and her Mom got into an argument about Casey not raising Caylee.Probably not the first one. Casey wanted to punish her Mother so she left with Caylee.Then Casey wanted to go out with her friends.Well, she couldn't go back to Mom and ask Mom to watch the baby.So,she put chloroform on a rag and knocked Caylee out.Then she went out with her friends.When she came back for Caylee she found her dead from too much chloroform.So, she got rid of the body. She does not think that she is to blame for Caylee's death.That is why she made the comment,"I know they are going to pin this all on me".She thinks that it is Cindy's fault for puting her foot down.She has never had to take responsibility for anything she has ever done.Her Parent's and her older Brother have always cushioned her and they are doing it now. The Parent's are in denial because they have been in denial for Casey's whole life.For everything Casey has ever done.They don't want to believe that Casey ever does any wrong because that would mean that they have failed as Parent's.They might believe that because they failed as Parent's that Caylee's death is their fault.Also,Cindy may feel at fault for arguing with Casey about raising Caylee which made Casey take Caylee away which started this whole thing.
LMAO!That picture shows just how unconcerned she is about lil Caylee.Casey is a stupid slut that is eating all the attention up.She's probably having an affair w/her lawyer,lol.Her story isn't worth $1.5mil unless that baby is found.She is just buying time and loving every minute of it.God will cut her down soon enough.I have had it with Casey,enough is enough,Caylee deserves to rest in peace.
oh would someone please rip that Caylee shirt of of Casey. It makes me so mad and sick to see her wearing that constantly. Why are Lee and her parents even speaking to her? They should try to pretend she doesn't exist and maybe then she would talk realizing she has nobody. She is a liar, thief, and selfish. How much more proof does the family need to prove that poor little Caylee is gone and probably because of her so called mother? I think even if they find Caylee's body and prove it's her that Cindy will still have an excuse to believe it isn't her. Denial, denial. And what could they possibly be high fiving about? I have a three year old daughter and if she were gone I would probably never be able to smile much less be joking around and high fiving someone. Makes me sick!
Heres what I think they should do. Re-arrest Casey and lock her in solitary until she talks. If that doesn't work, then put her in with the general public. Believe me, many of those women in prison are also mothers who can't wait to get out to be with their children. They will beat the truth out of her! That's what I think anyway
Where are Caylee's clothes? They moved out of the parents house so I assume she took Caylee's things. I do not think they are at the boyfriends because she never spent the nite. Did she pack only her things from home? I mean she did move out...where are Caylee's clothes? That could speak to motive.
little caylee my name is Erica I am a mother of a 4yr old 10yr old and a 14 yr old.i anything ever happened to one of my children i would do everything in my power to make sure they are found immediately I would loose a lot of sleep to do so. My opinion is that crazy ass mamma casey u have no care on finding your little girl u have a face of satisfaction like u are at easy on how you came out in all this but u also know with out you the can not charge u with out evidence u are crazy and need to be put away because u are not just hurting your mom and dad and poor lil caylee but also everyone who it touches worried about you 3yr old daughter u are a physcopath and I think you know were u put her But I also think you could care less if they ever do find her because face it you got la Bella Vida. I pray for no mercy on you.I feel that because Casey's mother was going to take little Caylee from her and cut her off she envied and had hate towards little Cayleebecause she was going to be her moms little girl and she was being forced to FINALLY grow up I pray for her everyday that in all hope we do find little Caylee alive and as a mother I fear that we may not my heart goes out to the grandparents and they will forever be in my prayers and eventually they will see their daughter for what she really is.
Since it is CASEY's legal right to spend 6 hours with the attorney...and we wouldn't want to stomp on her CIVIL rights now would we??????...can you tell us whether or not you could place a "bug" in her ankle bracelet to keep tabs on her. According to big shot JUDGE Anthony Napolitano....on his interview with FOX Orlando....."Police can LIE CHEAT and COMMIT FRAUD" during the investigation of a criminal"..If you don't believe me go to FOX Orlando and watch it yourself. He has been a guest on Nancy Grace........wonder if she knows what a slimeball he is!
This woman is such a sociopath why not put her is solitary w/ ZERO CONTACT, NO TV, NO RADIO, NO PAPERS , NO TALKING TO ANYONE (but her attorney) and watch her break down. This has been proven time & again! TOTAL ISOLATION! (Maybe w/o windows also!)
People who “HAVE TO HAVE ATTENTION” (the drug she is addicted to) will go CRAZY (even more than she already is!) and she might/WILL break.
All the attention she is getting (incl. neg attention) is FILLING UP HER HUNGER & she is HAPPY! It is time for STARVATION till the TRUTH COMES OUT!
While driving through the mountains of North Carolina, I stopped to get a bag of peaches at a roadside stand. Within minutes, we were discussing Caylee Anthony's disappearance. The world is not large anymore. Someone out there knows if Caylee is dead, or someone knows where she is if she is alive. I personally believe that Caylee is dead in a field thanks to her 'mother" and I use that term reservedly. There are too many questions that no one is willing to answer. If it were up to me, the entire family would be euthanized for their own good, and it would be too gentle a way to go for them. Cindy and George Anthony have engaged a criminal defense attorney to protect THEM? What? A website to raise money for a defense fund? What? I cut my teeth in a criminal defense firm with a rapist murderer who was headed to Raiford and "old Sparky". If you have ever worked with people of this ilk, you know what they say, do and think. Jose Baez knows everything. The hard part for him to to sleep at night and pray that God forgives him for what he is obligated to do under the law. Cindy, George, Lee and Casey are addicts. They are self absorbed, narcissistic and blameless for everything they do. Check out an Al Anon meeting. Cindy and George and Lee are poster children for enablers. They all need to be thrown in jail to not be seen or heard from ever again, just like what they did to little Caylee. They all make me SICK.
I can't believe people actually buy her story. You can see she isnt at all concerned with her daughter in this picture. Smiling and high fiving her brother.. come on. She looks to me like she can't believe her parents are buying her story and she might get away with it. What I don't understand is how can you not prosecute someone when they have chloroform in their trunk and its illegal. They have found proof of decomposing. I think she will get away with it. All I can say is that if Caylee is still alive its a miracle. Especially if there is decomposing in the car.
I personally am sick of hearing about Casey's "civil rights" when it comes to her being arrested and let go so many times. Even though she's 3, what about Caylee's rights? I do not feel that she is alive and have not felt so since the story broke. This family is hiding a huge secret and all should be held accountable. I have a pregnant teenager, unmarried and I hope that she would never go to the extremes that this "mother" has to cover up her misdoings!! I hope that my daughter knows that she can count on her father and I in hard times if she needs any kind of help!
the main thing that stands out to me is that cindy and george both said the car smelled like a dead body, cindy is a nurse, george a retired police officer. both have most likely smelled dead bodies many times before. i am also a nurse, and once you have smelled a dead body you never forget it! you don't mistaken anything else for it because there is no smell like it.
It just gets me so MAD that this idiot, coniving B is getting away with all of her LIES !! I have been listening to & watching this case, & I just can't help myself to keep up on what is happening !! Well Casey got what she wanted, to be the center of attention !! Cause she was so jealous of her own daughter !! HOW IN THEIR MIND WOULD GIVE THEIR KID T SOMEONE, & WAIT 30 DAYS TO READ A SCRIPT !!! She has everyone going in CIRCLES !! & has the NERVE TO GIVE HIGH 5's !! I do kind of blame her mother in a way, cause she seemed to always cover-up for Casey !! & she just let things go too far !! Cindy must be kicking herself in the head, for waiting too long to do something with CASEY !! But all said & done, I do think that poor little CAYLEE is dead, cause it has been too long now !! But we ALL NEED CLOSURE, THAT POOR LITTLE, SWEET GIRL NEEDS TO BE FOUND !! I think that CASEY BURNT THE BODY, WITH THE 2 GAS CANS SHE HAD TAKEN FROM HER DAD, & BURIED THE BONES !!! PLUS, with the storms Florida had, probably will never be found !!
to Anon. I am here in the mountains and you are exactly right......the world is no longer separated by the miles.....especially with the internet. All the comments you made speak for millions of people....I just wonder how in this COUNTRY (LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME THE BRAVE)that WE THE PEOPLE can't do something to CHANGE this law.....I don't recommend torture or a police state but common sense, decency and respect for others and '"the right thing to do" come into play. It is disgusting the way these people have worked the system, and mocked the law. My faith is intact.........and I KNOW that they will get their punishment. It is common sense, decency, respect for others and THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Sleep tight Jose!
Cindy is still & always will cover-up for CASEY, first she said the car smelled like a DEAD BODY was in it, than a 12 day old pizza was the smell, than she said that at the towing place, maybe they put a DEAD BODY in the trunk !! Even the father GEORGE, said that the DEAD BODY that was in the trunk, was not CAYLEE !! EXCUSE ME, But HOW MANY DEAD BODIES WERE IN THERE?? !! WHAT IS CASEY's CAR A DUMPING PLACE FOR DEAD BODIES !!
Casey spends six hours a day at her attorney's office, but won't talk to police? I think she is on her back doing another guy, this one is Jose Baez. Any attorneys out there??? Do you spend six hours a day with clients? She is a slut. I wish her old boyfriend Tony could be wired and pay her a visit.. sweet talk her and maybe she might tell where her daughter is? This is so sad, what a darling girl.
Ya know, In Caseys own words she has ALREADY ADMITTED that Caylee is dead. Re-read the text of the jail conversation with Kristina. It says: ________ QUOTE: "Does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?" Kristina asks.
"No," Casey Anthony said. "Nothing."
"OK, so why do you want to talk with Tony?" Kristina asks. "You probably don't want to tell me, do you?"
Has anyone else caught this?? I think the police should call her on it!
Someone needs to beat the truth out of that bitch!
I refuse to call her a psychopath or crazy because that is all we need is for her to get away with it on an "IM crazy" plea!!! She knew EXACTLY what she was doing! PREMEDITATED MURDER TO REMOVE AN OBSTICAL FROM HER PARTYING. SHE IS SELFISH, SELF CENTERED, AND DESERVES THE DEATH PENALTY!!!
Maybe we should all flood the PD with calls demanding justice for precious little Caylee. I pray they find her remains soon!
Casey bought the chloraform because she wanted to go out and party. She doesn't have money for a nanny or a sitter but she could afford a $10 bottle using her parents credit cards adn friends stolen checks to purchase whatever she needed. She probably thought she would knock her daughter out for a little while so she could go out and have fun and in turn she accidentally killed her with too much cloraform! Then she had to dispose of the body. Considering the high humidity, animals and hurricane season I would think it hard to find the body at this point unless Casey tells police where to find it. A shovel, and two gas cans being used by Casey is awefully suspicious. It make me sick the parents continue to protect the daughter who even stole from them and their family. They are enablers and will continue to be enablers as long as they are allowed contact with her.
Casey needs to be locked up and have the key thrown away. What kind of human being could be so COLD hearted, and so happy with herself HIGH-FIVING her brother. SICK!!! Does her brother know what happened to caylee? Its heartbreaking to imagine what Caylee has been thru up to this point, if she is alive. My opinion is she is dead, and it breaks my heart. HOW can a mother live with herself, knowing what happened to her baby! I would rather die than have something happen to my kids, and my grandson.I hope and pray Caylee is alive. I can't believe casey is actually considering telling her story to pay for her legal fees and all. What a selfish B****. WHAT ABOUT CAYLEE! To top it off it will just be one lie after another these people are paying for. She doesn't know truth from lie. Satan has a HOLD on her! Caylee is an angel and has been touched by millions. God bless her and bring her home safely. If she is deseased than I know she is in heaven with Jesus and is looking down on the world. There are no tears in heaven, but the world is crying for you Caylee.
I believe that the boyfriend who was fired from the police force knows more than what he's saying. I believe that someone has told her to keep quiet giving her the thought no body, no case.
I'm sure the phantom nanny Zanieda didn't work for free. As questioned in other posts, why would unemployed Casey ever have the need for a nanny anyway? If this was on the up and up and Zanieda performed nanny duties for over a year then certainly someone in the Anthony household, particulary Casey, would be able to produce at least one cancelled check (stolen or otherwise), receipts or any financial records proving that Zanieda was employed and paid by Casey.
Why doesn't George or Cindy just grab a frickin hose and water down the protesters instead of physically confronting them? It's all so stupid. Furthermore, why are they even at home, why are they not out there checking out and following up on the tips and Caylee "sightings?" Cindy announced that she thought Caylee was possibly in either Texas, Puerto Rico or even Mexico. Why aren't they at these places looking for her if they are so convinced she is still alive instead of fighting with protestors and incessently pounding no trespassing signs in their yard.
Casey is a textbook narcissistic, pathological lying, theiving, murderous sociopath who without conscious more than likely fed her daughter to the alligators for reasons only her criminally insane mind can justify.
My heart and prayers go out to Caylee where ever she may be. May the arms of the Lord keep her. The reason this case is getting so much attention is the fact that Casey won't "own" what she has done. The grandparents aren't the only ones in denial...Casey is also. I believe she thinks that whatever she did to or with her daughter that she had every right to do. I believe that in her mind she actually thinks she did nothing wrong. I believe Casey will NEVER say what happened with Caylee and even if she did there will only be more lies to have to sort through, because we all know the truth eludes her. The problem I have is with the brother. He knows. He may not have participated until after the fact but he knows. Why else would they be talking in code while on the phone when Casey was first in jail? Why would he refuse to a lie detector test? Just where was he during that first month of Caylee disappearence? Where does his cell phone pings show his where-a-bouts? I believe that this is the real reason why they hired a criminal attorney, because they know they can face charges as well. Currently, I would rather have the police not to charge Casey for the crime until they have all the slam dunk evidence they need to secure this case...cuz' I sure would hate to see her get accuited...we don't need another in a life time is enough.
I know that some people deal with grief better than others...but...i would absolutly be crawling on the floor screaming if my child were missing...and thinking of all the horror he/she might be going through..Is casey afraid to talk because she might possiby say the wrong thing? And if casey does a deal for 1.5 million...should we look for it in the fiction section? and shame on them for high-fiving..shouldnt that be saved for when and if they find Caylee alve??
I have several comments. 1. Prison is the only place she will get what she really deserves. Those moms will beat her every single day until she is dead. Guaranteed. 2. The police should read these blogs and use some of the ideas in their investigation. They're not perfect and cannot possibly think of everything. The public's advices would help a lot. 3. As other posters have said, is there a sketch of this Xenaida woman? There can't possibly be that many people with that name in the US. Have they found and interviewed any of them? 4. The pants Cindy washed. We all know that somethings just don't come off in 1 washing, sometimes not even 2. Especially blood. Did they do any forensic testing anyways? 5. Did they do any forensic testing on any shoes? You can take samples of dirt, grass, etc and get a pretty good idea where the person was. What type of area to search in, etc. 6. The stolen gas cans. Have they looked for any "burned" areas in their searches? 7. Have they done any type of Luminol testing in the trunk, the Anthony yard, house, dumpster of the check cashing place? The stuff that shows blood and body fluids even after being cleaned up, even with bleach, it still shows. 8. Are cadaver dogs being used in the search? As one poster wrote, a cadaver dog pointed out a dead body in water. If that's possible, are they trying? 9. The chloroform. Did they find a website on her computer that she made a purchase from? any emails with a reciept from the purchase? 10. Did they bother checking videos from the check cashing place or other businesses in that area that might have shown something on the outside of the store? It's probably too late now cuz as Nancy said, a lot of them get taped over after a time. 11. Have George, Cindy, Lee, roomates, freinds looked back at any conversations with Caylee and remembered something that they didn't think strange at the time? stories of the babysitter, things mom did or said, where they went, what they did, etc. Two year olds can talk and love to talk about their day. 12. The million dollar offers? I personally would not pay for pay per view to see a bunch of lies. Nor will I buy a book that I know is nothing but lies. Everyone knows the bitch doesn't tell the truth about anything so you're stupid if you pay money for lies. 13. Caylee's real father. The car accident was probably a lie as well. Casey herself probably doesn't know who the real dad is and just made up that story to avoid questions and pressures. If he was real, why in the hell would you keep his parents from seeing their granddaughter? There's another babysitter she could've used so she could go whoring and partying. 14. George and Cindy KNOW she killed their grandbaby. It's just too hard psychologically for them to come to grips with it so they live in denial cuz to admit it would hurt way too much. They're afraid of facing the truth. 15. who knows what goes on in their house. They may very well be treating her like shit in there and pressuring her every single day for the truth. Or they could be watching/listening for every little thing out of her mouth that may be a clue. They may be trying to put the puzzle together themselves. 16. Has anyone heard from any psychics? I know not everyone believes and I'm not sure I do either but every little thing helps.
This picture of the high five,just shows you, that Casey has her family right where she wants them ,shame on her brother also.looks like they are having lots of fun.not thinking at all of caylee. Grand parents seem more worried about protesters than thir Grand daughter.Ive been told thir has never been a perfect murder, Scott Peterson was the closest and he was caught, We all need to bind together and ask God to reveal where this childs body is. We know her spirit is with him, Pray we find Caylee and evidence to put Casey away , She will have to repent and confess all and be sorry or the eternal life she will have will be hell.Her Judgement will come and she will be judged by a just God and he will have no mercy on her soul.
I posted a few times early yesterday and I've since noticed that a few of you have the same questions/concerns that I have that have never been answered. This is one thing that I haven't heard yet. If this supposed nanny, Zenaida Gonzles had Caley all the time then certainly her finger prints would be ALL OVER EVERYTHING of Caley's such as toys, kiddie cups, shoes, etc. I'll bet the family got ahold of that stuff before the cops did and cleaned everything. If they did, it shouldn't be too hard to find out if they had recently been cleaned, probably with bleach OR maybe clorophorm??? Hopefully the cops got their hands on Caley's things before Cindy did because it would definitely disprove the nanny store if no other prints are found that belong to someone in the family or close friends. I hope they follow this up if they haven't!!!!
This woman has narcissistic personality disorder. She's not happy unless she's serving herself. She truly beleives the rules don't apply to her. Her parents should have been getting her help A LONG TIME AGO!!!! they knew she had mental issues and a clear compulsive lying problem, but did nothing to help her get well. As a 25 year old single mother, I am appalled by the behavior of this mother. If my 2 year old was missing for 30 minutes I would be frantic! But the obvious reason she is not frantic is because she knows Caylee isn't coming home, at least not alive. And the worst part is she seems to be happy about it. maybe it was an accident. But what kind of person chloroforms her baby so she can party? give her to the grandparents for the night... or FOREVER! Or maybe she did intentionally kill her. I just can't see how any mom could drive around with their childs dead body in their trunk and then proceed to bury their own daughter. its baffling to me. I look at my daughter's face every day and know that I could never do her any harm. Casey Anthony is pure evil. A parent's job is to protect their child at all costs. And it turns out that the one thing Caylee needed protection from was her own mother. What a tragedy.
I think Caylee will not be found. the same with Stacy Peterson. It makes it more difficult to get a guilty verdict. grandparents are desperately trying to save Cassie. Callie is gone, either in dumpster, water, or fire. God forbid. I pray the family does not make one dollar from this horror reality show. They are all in it after the fact. Their primary focus is on Cassie. also, their never was a "nanny" maybe occasionaly some one "baby sat " for her. per pete's sake the child lived with her grandmother, no sitter required.
I've been following this story since day one and i think this woman gots mayor problems! She looks like she doesn't care about her little girl being found. She needs God in her life......
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS FAMILY! How can they stand to have a baby killer living in there home, family or not. If it was my daughter I would knock the truth out of her and if that didn't work I would let her ROT in jail! I would feel like a failure having a daughter like casey. But I know I would never have to worry about that. My Grandson is my world and I would do EVERYTHING possible to keep him safe. Cindy Anthony knew her daughter was a BAD mother and unstable, why didn't she take caylee away from casey before kicking her out of her house. How about child protective services? Ever think of that cindy. I really do believe Lee has everything to do with all this!!! CASEY you need GOD, Your whole family does. Repent and know the truth. Do it for Caylee, she is what matters. YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM, and I am so SICK of the way your family and lawyer, and others make you look like the poor poor victim. F*** THAT! The world does need to get together and pray for Caylee. With God all things are possible!!!!!!!!
I suggest letting Casey listen and watch the videos that people have made for Caylee on youtube.Because it is soooooooo hard to sit through any of them and not fall apart.Well,Casey probably wont,but then again the videos are heart wrenching.
Everyone........ We all need to start a campaign against the Anthony's appearance on 20/20 and collecting a nice check......I suggested they(ABC NEWS) make it out to Tim Miller of Equisearch.........not the money grubbing Anthony's. Write to Allyssa Apple at 20/20 ABC New York. They are doing it for ratings..........and the Dysfuntionals are doing it for fame, and disgusting. For Caylee's sake......thank you.
Listen, I wouldn't be high-fiving anybody, I'd be crying and puking my guts up knowing my daugter was missing and I might never see her again. Personally, I think that this family has been enabling Casey for years. This nutcase didn't turn into this emotionally exempt, selfish, lying waste of space person that she is, overnight, they just didn't know how far she'd really go.
What I want to know is this: since Casey seems to be sticking to her unbelievable story about giving Caylee to this pretend babysitter, why haven't we seen any "police sketches" of what these people look like and the fact that Cindy Anthony hasn't stressed to her daughter that she needs to get those out to the public so we can look for Caylee? Gee, I know why. Because they already know what happened to Caylee or at the least, they now realize that their daughter is nothing but a BIG LIAR. To me, if Casey would go so far as to put out "fake" police sketches, that would be just another nail in her (Casey) soon to be coffin, the coffin the jury will put her in when she goes to trial for murder and they use all this circumstantial evidence against her. Just my opinion.
does Casey still fear the safty of her daughter Kaylee? What do the "kidnappers" have to gain. Kaylee is in danger? If Casey thinks that by being an Idiot, a liar, and a thief that her daughter will be safe? We all know the sad truth. This is evil in its entirety.
PLEASE!!! How did they get Susan Smith to 'break' after she drove her two sons into a lake while strapped in their little car seats? What ever they used, they need to try that on Casey Anthony. Because susan told the police her sons had been abducted by a black stranger. What method did the cops use on Susan to stop lying and tell the truth?
I'm watching the release of the cops talking to her while she's telling lies. I don't care what they say there are more in on this. There in NO WAY this chick is that clever NO AT ALL. She keeps saying she don't know where she is? WEll, if you drop a dead body somewhere in a dumpster or woods you wouldn't know what happen to her after you left her there. Hello, she is twisted in her head! as long as she takes the truth and twist it in her mind she's okay. She is nuts and her parents needs to stop drinking the koolaide also.
I just finished listening to the police tapes. I couldn't believe the way she lies so easily and has an answer to everything or thinks she does. If you really pay attention her dates and time lines change each time they ask her a question. She even pronounces Zenaida different several times. There should only be one pronunciation for her since she knew lady so well. I believe her family and her attorney has told her not to say anything different and I also think Casey believes she will get away with this. I hope she's wrong.
Casey needs to be locked in a room with a couple of "Sista's" then you will get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! No questions asked, just start whamming on that azz and she will tell you everything you need to know.
Cindy needs to be locked in the room with a couple of "Big Ma's" then she will stop being so stupid and allowing her daughter to play her like a fiddler on the roof! they'll set her straight.
The father needs to be locked in a room with "Madier" call the Po-Po!
This case needs some flavor and not the two body guards they hired off the streets of Sanford. I mean straight from the "Big D" aka Detroit, this case would be settled. LOL
For every lie she tells "Beat Down"
I'll bet you then girlie-girl will stop tripping. She needs a good ole fashion azz kicking, they all do.
All I can say is that Casey is the devils child and her parents are right along with her. I have a 6yr old granddaughter and if this has happened I wouldn't have let it gone on for thirty plus days. When I did find my daughter she would have been taken right to the police station and not left until she told the truth..She would not have been allowed back into my home!! They know what Casey did and until they come clean themselves they deserve all the negative protesters outside their home but my heart goes out to the poor neighbors who don't derserve it. Not one of them Anthonys have a consious or a heart. I do not believe sweet innocent Caylee will ever be found and may God have her in his arms.
I have a theory: The nutjob Casey probably sedated Caylee with the chloroform and left here in a car with pizza while she went out to the club. Casey gets tipsy and forgets about the child? By the time she does too late child died from heat stroke. Now here is where it gets thick: Casey Calls Daddy Lee the x-det. He covers things up cause he might be the childs biological father? and nasty secret will be in the news. Casey's Moron Mother helps by washing up the scene, after all she does not want the family secret exposed, her hospital reputation and Daddy Lee the X cop! Seems that no one in that family is upset and crying for this little lost baby Caylee. Most families would be in such sadness and despair at this point. The Anthony's don't look wraught and tired in their search, because they have a part played in this child's dissapearence, and that is why they won't take a lie detector test. May God's wrath come down on them all, and Caylee's beautiful soul rest in peace.
From the beginning I've followed this story. I've created every imaginable scenaro in my head to give the girl some credit & reasonable explanation. I myself was a Mom at 17 & single. I was my child's caretaker & protector, even without a clue of what life would hold. I certainly did not have the advantage of a 24/7 babysitter, even though I lived at home. I was allowed 1 night of babysitting per month. I moved away from home when my child was slightly over a year old.
Life turned out okay, daughter is married & 35 with two adorable children. To this day, if I have a disagreement with my daughter & we don't talk for a few days, I am practically a nut case, for fear of never resolving the petty little issue.
The story began when Casey was pregnant & wanted to give her child up for adoption. She was not given an option by her parents & forced into something she was not capable of being, A "Mother".
I commend the detectives working on this case & after listening to the tapes can understand, they knew from the initial interview Caylee was missing because of Casey. Afterall, Casey never did call to report her missing, her Mother finally caught up with her & began demanding answers & then called the police. Had her Mother, not located her, she would still be in a "safe place" such as her boyfriends house.
Thank God for Cindy calling the police & Casey stealing money from Amy. That got the ball rolling & authorities involved.
I work in a law firm which does not handle criminal law. I can tell you, we do not have client's sitting in our office for 6 hours each day. Our attorneys have other cases that need attention & paying by the hour, generally, you want to keep things short.
Casey will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I understand Florida has the death penalty & she will walk the walk never accepting responsibility. I have to feel confident that the attention on this case has the prosecutors developing an excellent prosecution & she will not see the light of day ever again.
To George & Cindy, please consider opening your eyes, admitting the truth that Casey is quite possibly the biggest monster that anyone of us can believe. Leave Casey to her dillusional behavior, have a service for Caylee. Accept the truth, move on, dedicate your life to saving other innocent children that are not wanted by their mothers. Be an advocate for Caylee.
Have the Anthony's have hired a Private Investigator, you know, to go to Texas and Puerto Rico to search for Caylee? THAT IS if they really want to find Caylee. They have money to bail the child killer out of jail, but they can not invest some money on a Private Investigator. I'm not surprised that Casey does not want to take a Polygraph test. If you just murdered a beautiful little 2 year old girl about 3 months ago would you want to take one.? The devil and his family live in Orlando.
Isn't George Anthony a retired homicide detective? A thought just occurred to me, could he be or is abusive of Cindy, making her a doormat & that is where quite possibly Casey learned the behavior of manipulating her Mother? I think Cindy has probably spent many years trying to make everyone happy, keeping the peace, always believing everything was her fault, wondering where she went wrong when she finally exposed Casey as the true failure that she became. Pondering this thought, how many 22 year olds out in the real world have a "nanny"? Doesn't the "nanny" usually come to the employer's home? Oh right, Casey had an imaginary job, hence the "imaginary nanny". Normally when parent's are paying for child care you usually have a paper trail of cancelled checks for the "IRS".
I am so thankful for all the wonderful new technology that will help to convict her. Thank you scientists for DNA testing & evidence. Take a sample of Casey's hair & run some drug tests on her to disprove that the "drugs" made her do it. I'm betting she was stone cold sober when she laid Caylee to rest permantently in a swamp.
Just curious Casey, why don't you have your party face on in the mugshots? You looked so much happier conducting your own investigation at Club Fusion.
Generally when you loose your dog, you are frantic until you find him or her & are seeking help in looking. But no, not Casey she just paces for awhile, the imaginary nanny disconnects her phone & you're scared so you go to Tony's house & don't mention a thing.
There are probably plenty of us out here that would be more than happy to send money for your prosecution, but raise money for your defense fund, you can't be serious?
Casey, when the big prison doors shut behind you, remember only trust yourself. Don't steal from your fellow cell mates, because you are going to want them on your side. Make sure you do a lot of high fives & they will think you are a team player!
PLEASE HAVE MERCY The Caylee Anthony story is a tragady without saying, but please, can we hear some other story on Nancy Grace's program? I'm am sure there are other lost children and other dirty deeds being done in this world these days. Nancy has the resources and to personel to give us some NEW stories. One or two updates per week on the Anthony case would suffice till something REALLY NEW comes to light. Thank you and please have mercy on your viewers.
After hearing those tapes........and I would dispute that her rights were violated.... I think they were kinder than they should have been to her....but one more day before Baez the defense devil came onto the scene......ONE MORE DAY, and perhaps they would have been able to get info about what happened to Caylee, espcially where her ramains are. ONE MORE DAY and maybe she would have fallen in "love" with the good cop.........and spilled the beans........boy does that psycho LOVE to talk it up eh? What makes those defense attorney's do they sleep at night......How can Casey's "civil liberties" and civil rights supercede the rights of the victim.....CAYLEE MARIE???? Something smells like a dead this damn scenario.... Sleep tight JOSE!
Im Yesenia from Orlando, I live right up the street from these animals.. I really believe Cindy DIDN'T know what was going on in the beginning, the reaction of the dead body smell in the car was way to cincere.. I believe somewhere along the lines she found out the truth & to avoid losing her Granddaughter & daughter- now its a pizza with bugs that makes the smell of death.. The woman in that family are manipulating the men to believe their fairy tales, its insane! I think in her mind if she can't have it her way no one will be happy- & she did just that..
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 232 Newer› Newest»LOL! I just put that same image on my blog! My thoughts? Casey seems very pleased with herself and not at all concerned about the situation she is in and has put her family in. Why on earth would she and Lee high-five each other? I have no real answer. **sigh**
She is a crazey person. She does'nt care about that little girl. How could anyone do this to their parents, all her lies and expense. Who is paying for all of this, i quess this isn't a concern for her. If I were her Father She would be kicked out of my house. Until she tells the truth and if she chooses not to tell the truth then I quess she will live on the streets. Or I would kick the ---- out of her what a dirty little girl sje is. I hope she gets everything or whatever she did to caylee she gets it two fold.
I'm from the 17th century and have never tried to respond to anything online before; but this entire family just gets to me! The cops need to take Lee out of the equation for a couple weeks and let this whole disfunctional mess of a family implode. He's the glue holding all these idiots together. Last night on Nancy Grace he was ushering George up the driveway after the shoving incident with a concerned bystander; and he meets Cindy half-way and walks her back down the driveway to stake out some more crime scene tape. If he (Lee) were out of the picture entirely, the grandparents would have to take their heads out of their asses and face up to what a monster they raised! I think that's why they're so deep in denial, their house of cards will come crumbling down sooner, rather than later.
What happened to the SCRIPT Casey was given
So worth a thousand words!! I am a Canadian who has been watching since this thing first exploded. I am so sick at the fact that someone can get away with this. If my mum "SMELLED A DEAD BODY" in my car and I was acting like Casey she would not only lock me up but I would rot until I told the truth. I can not believe how dumb and stupid (really do not like that word but no other way to explain Cindy!!) Cindy looks after going on a 911 tape call and saying how she smelled the dead body then recants it (pizza and magotts made the smell). Then says on a 911 tape as well how she is not giving Casey anymore time to explain why Caylee is gone and she better start talking!! Then now posts her bond!! Please tell me does that not show a mother who is not in the same world as us sane folk? Does it not show a mum who is possibly covering up something? Why is she not charged with obstruction for washing Caylee's clothes found in the trunk of the car? I am pretty sure she knew EXACTLY what she was doing when she went to wash them!! I wish I was closer to help crack the case!! Did you see the lady who took their garbage this AM? I do not understand why the police have not done it all along? The woman said some valid points...everyone throws out personal things assuming they will be buried!! I wonder what she ended up with in the mean time? I also wonder why they did not throw Casey back in the slammer after the gun was found? No second chance!! I wonder if the house is bugged and they want her free so she will talk!! She opened her big flirty mouth to the cute Mr. Dick who was guarding her the first time out!! So maybe the cops are on to something by leaving her out. I just hope they find poor little sweet Caylee's body so she can have a proper resting place. Maybe then Casey will be wishing she took the immunity deal as now she might be looking at capital punishment on top of MURDER 1.
In a nutshell I think Mr. and Mrs. Anthony need to look outside their rosy bubble and see their daughter for what she is (thief, liar and possibly baby killer). Lee should stop showing "EXCITEMENT" with Casey and look outside his rosy bubble as well. Shame what it is going to be when they do find little Caylee, wonder how Cindy will react and feel then?
Thanks for letting me vent!! Great blog site...
I am so sick of seeing this nut wearing that t-shirt with Caylee on it. I can't believe she is walking around like this or that she still not in Jail and walking around high fiving her brother like some sorority girl!
I've just started following this case and wondered if anyone looked into the possiblity of Casey selling Caylee. Does anyone know if the the FBI has checked international flights at the time of her disappearance? Just curious.
It is very difficult to watch this night after night with the parents denial and having Casey back home to use the computer and the comforts of her home. I still haven't figured out why the parents cannot get their daughter to tell the truth. After listening to Mr. Padilla about how everyone skirts around the Caylee issue in the home and she is not even concerned about the search of her daughter. I know she is a complete liar along with the theft of monies. The frustration is almost unbearable to see what is happening in this case, however, I do feel eventually the police will have enough to charge her and praying that they find little Caylee so there can be closure for everyone whose heart is breaking over what has happened to this little innocent child.
We need a torture chamber for her, bet that would wipe the "you can't touch me" smile off of her face!!
I just listened again to the 9-11 tape placed by g-ma Cindy Anthony. She clearly says 'my daughter's been missing the last 30 days and now she can't find my granddaughter". My burning question is: Why the hell, when her own daughter Casey went missing for 30 days, didn't she tell the police or file a missing person report on Casey? What mother wouldn't report her own daughter missing??? I think this grandmother is nuts as well, and her own daughter Casey is only doing what her own mother did - not report her daughter missing to the police. This whole case is disgusting and that family makes me ill if I think about them for too long.
Just a thought but...has anyone considered that Caylee might be in a storage unit somewhere?
And..did any of the hair found in the trunk have any traces of Chloroform in it???
Beginning to add up. A possible motive: Casey killed Caylee to keep her parents from getting custody of her because Casey was a poor mother. Selfish brat that she is, Casey would rather kill Caylee than let her parents take her and kick Casey out. Sounds so awful I get cold chills just saying it, but seeing the bizarre actions of Casey..I can believe it.
This ENTIRE family is on CRACK!
How in the world are you so concern about putting up tape and signs rather than be out searching with others to find your granddaughter/daughter? Cindy claims she's getting all these tips from Mexico, Texas and Puerto Rico why hasn't she boarded a plane and taken her Carol Brady looking butt to these places to find her? Why? because she and the crack family knows that their jacked up daughter has done something bad to that little girl. That's why the father goes off when he comes out of the house because he knows the people are tapping what he wants to hide away from the truth. Get real people these people are NUTS and they know it. When Natalee Holloway was missing her mother was on the first flight out looking all over the place for her. Here Cindy is more concern over signs and T-shirts. Amazing.
She has to be possessed with demons to do this to her child and not say a word. She may be quiet now and not say a word to anyone, but, God the Father knows and she is going to have to answer to Him regarding that little girl. She hasn't gotten away with anything as far as He is concern.
After watching Nancy Grace tonight I am just sickened by all of this...
I have many questions. Nate, did Caylee call anyone Daddy? Did Casey have connections in NY? Did the police check the video from the airport that Casey had been near to see if she had been in the airport with Caylee, or, if they had been planning a trip? The parents are now withholding evedince, isn't that against the law? The whole family should be put in jail for obstruction of JUSTICE! ONE MORE QUESTION MR. PADEA, if you where privi to things that were said in the house , that were incrimanating to Casey, are you allowed to elaborate?
It was inappropriate for Casey and her brother to high five each other once they were inside the jail when there are so many people looking for her daughter.To me it's a slap in the face to the orange county police.The whole family has no respect for the public. And now they are talking about a movie and book deal. I would hate for them to profit from that poor baby's disapearnce.
It was inappropriate for Casey and her brother to high five each other once they were inside the jail when there are so many people looking for her daughter.To me it's a slap in the face to the orange county police.The whole family has no respect for the public. And now they are talking about a movie and book deal. I would hate for them to profit from that poor baby's disapearnce.
SOMEONE NEEDS TO SLAP THIS GIRL Has anyone stopped and thought why would she need a nanny when she has no job. Hello cindy what is wrong with you.
I would like to know if the police are able to ask Cindy Anthony about the pants Casey asked her to take out of the trunk of the car to wash. How dirty were they and what type of dirt were on the pants? a small stain, color, Mud, completely dirty, grass stains. green stains, brown stains ? etc.
I live five minutes down the road from all these places being searched so I've been right in the middle of this story since the very beginning. There is so much going on it's hard keeping up with all the breaking news! Obviously casey is not acting like she cares for her lost child which is so sad and cindy Anthony supposedly cares about caylee yet she is doing nothing to search for her. Sitting at home will not bring her back. Unfortunately this has turned into a joke!! Poor caylee, her spirit is wandering around lost because she is not at peace. That's sad because she was a beautiful girl. She deserved better.
Only one time, that I know of, was it mentioned about the possibility that Caylee might have been disposed of in a body of water which might contain alligators. I think that it was stated that there was a body of water near the airport, not sure, but this could be where little Caylee might have been placed. Even if Caylee had ALREADY EXPIRED, and there WERE alligators in that water, well.... I'm sure you get the bleak picture here. She would never be found if this were the case.
You know, this person Casey really needs to call upon the Lord, and confess her sins. I very seriously doubt that she's ever darkened the doors of a church, or had any spiritual upbringing. I don't know, but that's what I think.
God is still on His throne, so perhaps it was His WILL just to go ahead and take Caylee to Heaven, because He saw that she had to live in a very disfunctional family. It would have been horrible for her to find out later on in her life, that her mother didn't really love her or want her. She would have found out that her mother had chosen a wicked lifestyle, rather than choosing her, and being a loving, devoted mother as she should have been. What a heartbreak that would have been for such a little angel to experience. Yes, God knew best, as He always does. She is in a much better place than we all are down her on this wicked earth.
Another point...I think those other children that were supposed to be in that car at the park where Casey and Caylee were visiting, could be tracked down (if they were of school age I mean), through school records, then from the school records make contact with the parent or parents of those particular children. Something might just surface there, who knows. Also, another point - if she was that close to the airport, perhaps she met someone there to take Caylee from her and hop a flight to some other state, or even to another country. If this were the case, I'm sure she didn't want to be seen, so she met this person in the woods to avoid being detected.
It seems that Casey is a true Witch, and in centuries past, Witches were burned at the stake. This would be a good punishment for her, don't you think, if she is guiltyof killing her only child? But in my opinion, this self-serving woman just needs to be "broken", and confess her sins, and ask God's forgiveness, and ask Him to save her from an eternity in Hell. Pray for her soul. Oh, the wickedness today!!
She is high-fiving him b/c she is gonna get rich off of this. Someone wants to make a tv movie out of this sad situation.
What is wrong with that girl, and what in the world is wrong with her parents? Sickening! It's just a shame that none of them care about that little baby. They can say whatever, but they are more worried about their grown daughter and the embarrassment she is causing them. It seems to me that they (Casey's parents) have known for quite some time now what a loose cannon their daughter is. Now, their granddaughter has paid the price because of their lack of action. I helped my son-in-law get my grandsons because my daughter is an idiot. It was alot easier than protecting my daughter, and watching my grandsons pay. Hey, Cindy Anthony, you should have watched out for the helpless one. I could give a hoot how my daughter feels, not when she was not supporting my grandsons and running with the low-life crowd she wanted to run with. Like I told my daughter, Now I don't care if you go shack up with Charles Manson, you're grown, my grandsons can't help themselves, and you wouldn't, so Nanna did!" What in the world is wrong with you grandparents? You can stay true to your crazy daughter and possibly never find your granddaughter, you think we feel sorry for you all. NO!
I was just wondering if the Mom of Casey has ever met this nanny? If she has been the nanny for the last year....should'nt her Mom have seen her at some point???
the whole family is waiting on more money offer. i think casey n her mother know everything that happen.
I think cindy anthony do somthing was wrong, I think cindy anthony was correct that a dead body was in her daughters trunk, and the only way she can come to terms with the truth is if they find caylees body, and if they dont then cindy can just keep lieing to herself about the truth. as for casey anthony, I think she is a self centered evil jealous witch, who intentionally killed her daughter to spite her mother, I think casey, intentions went far beond killing her own daughter, I think this evil, evil, person was intent on offing her parents, why else would she tell her club goer friends that her parents were going to leave the house to her or give her the house, why do you think she was checking out the web sites on chlorform, this sick evil person propably had bigger plans of murder. When is her Mother Cindy going to see the truth as it is. Her daughter is evil, manipulative bitch who purposely waited this long to ensure that what would be found of caylee would be hard to prove she was murdered by her own mother out of jealousy, greed, To you Cindy you know what death smells like, your a nurse, and you know your own Damm daughter killed your grandaughter, look at those babies pictures in your home, do you see her crying out for justice, do you see the pain she must have endured, the fear, look at those pictures cindy anthony into those babies eyes, did she really deserve this, did that poor baby deserve this. and I bet cindy your evil daughter propably threw your grandaughter to the alligators, to ensure no one finds her.EVIL EVIL EVIL
I have been following this horror since the beginning. And I have yet to hear anything about a composite drawing of this so called Nanny. Why haven't the police had Casey work with them on what this Nanny looked like. HUH, I don't get it!! I don't believe there was a Nanny but why no drawing.
This entire family sickens me.
I cannot watch yet another night of this dysfunctional family coddle each other and wrap the entire nation up in their twisted game of "let's see how far we can take this and get paid in the mean time."
I think the only thing motivating the parents into such support and denial is guilt. I think the brother is certainly looking like the golden child now and probably finally getting some of his parents attention he's always wanted and Casey is nothing but a sociopathic, narcissistic baby killer who should be locked up for life. I've always thought she'd be one to spill the beans via "pillow talk" to someone she can flirt with like Mr. Dick. I said to my husband many times that in my opinion she's a tramp and the only one she'll talk to is who she's bedding. Maybe it is better that she's out now so she'll blab some more to the first cute guy who'll lend an ear. What a tragedy for our world that people like this exist everyday wreaking havoc onto society. My sympathies for the family is gone. They're all sick and need to be stopped.
OMG this whole thing is so sickening. If the bones they found are not of the child then I think its time they start looking in the closest garbage dump. I believe there was a commercial trash bin where Caseys car was found. Its starting to look like the whole family is in on this one. Now they want to write a book and profit off of it,,,PLEASE PEOPLE DO NOT BUY IT!!!!!!
I agree with the Canadian blogger about Lee Anthony's 'EXCITEMENT' with Casey.
I have held on to the theory that Lee might be the biological father of Caylee. Why else would there be such secrecy about the paternity.
Lee just seems overly affectionate with Casey.
I have been concerned and keep wondering since the beginning of the case about Caylee's father's identity...we all know Casey is a liar, and as far as the child's father having been killed in an automobile accident I doubt that. As controlling as Cindy Anthony is, I am sure she would have wanted to try to get Casey to go through the courts and get child support payments for Caylee. As dysfunctional as the entire family is it has made me consider the possibility as ugly and disgusting as it seems that possibly Lee or George Anthony might have fathered Caylee, and that is why Casey was supported by the family for all this time, so as not to air the family secret.
Any normal family DOES NOT behave like this. A high five? Who does this? Perhaps two people that have been succesful in throwing everyone off the trail so that poor little Caylee's body would never be found. I hope they have the manpower to follow each of the Anthony's everytime they go somewhere. Because maybe, but from the looks of this picture I doubt it, someone will go to visit the body. Eventually. The whole case makes me SICK. I can't imagine the fear this child must have lived with and experienced. What kind of a mother behaves like Casey with her child missing (most likely dead)? The kind that DOESN'T CARE. Caylee is not at fault for coming into this world. Her mother is responsible for that. So she should never have taken anything out on her child due to her OWN STUPIDITY! God bless little Caylee. May you know peace and love now.
Interesting note from 9/9 Nancy Grace interview with the "old roommate". He stated that Anthony went to pick Casey up between 11am - 1pm. Didn't the bank person state the car was there by 7am????!!!
What was she doing for 4 hours until Anthony picked her up if her car was broken down?
How true!!!!!!!!! that picture does speak volumes!!!!!! I don't know how casey anthony can smile,her little girl hasn't been seen in 3months and she is high-fiving her brother!!!!! I don't know what makes her tick? as a mother of 2 sons,i couldn't imagine smiling if one of my sons was missing for an hour let alone for 3 long months, i really believe she is heartless woman. I think the police are very close to cracking this case and then we will see if she is high fiving anyone then
I just wanted to comment about that picture!!! It does speak volumes about a woman who does not seem to have a heart!!!!! I think the police are very close to finding poor little caylee, and then we will see if casey anthony wants to high five anyone then!!!!!
I think the grand parents are going through absoulte hell .They are not coming out a winner in this situation.I am in denial that Kaylee maybe dead and i am not even a family member. There comes a point when you are under that much stress that you start going in and out of reality. As a mother myself, the thought of a mother killing there own child isn't in my realm of thinking ,If she were my grand daughter until i saw her body i would not be able to accept the fact she is dead either,And i pray, God some how will bring her home alive , against all odds. As far as Casey goes if she were my daughter she would be safer in jail i would beat her with a baseball bat until she told me where she was. As far as Casey goes i hope she reads this because life as she kbows it is over. In jail they will kill,her on the street she is also a sitting duck. This country loves Kaylee..Please God bring this baby home for us..As long as the grand parents belive there daughter they don't have to think about the baby being dead,Please cut them some slack..
Well, this case is really starting to make me sick...I am soooo angry with that family...geez..can't they see how crazy this is making their family they now think this is a joke?
Also her lawyer Baez is smiling an awful lot after her visits..geez I beginning to think something is going on there
also everyone needs to protest or speak up about the fact that someone is willing to give her money.Don't they think..other crazy people out there may decide to do a copycat crime thinking they will get a million or more also. I do not think they need more money from the people either..none of them are out there seaching...why..cause they are hiding something...they know what happened. As far as the grandparents are concerned ..they need to get charged for acessory after the fact. Washing the pants..gun in the car...and now a steak knife..also washed..Come on cops start putting the pressure on this family.The world needs closure for Caylee. Also I wonder how why and why..geez. God Bless your Soul Caylee..even though your family has let you have a million others willing to stand up for you.Rest in Peace
Ok,here goes, I am not a blogger, but this case drives me absolutely over the edge.
The last time Caylee was confirmed seen was on the evening of June 15th. Supposedly there was an argument that evening with Casey and the goofball parents. George claims he saw Caylee and Casey leaving the house on the afternoon of June 16th. They had their backpacks, said their goodbyes and love yous and Casey was going to "work" and Caylee to the sitters. They went out the door and all was well...........I have not believed from the beginning that George was telling the truth about this event. It makes me sick what Casey has done, it almost makes me more sick how the parents and the brother Lee are handling this situation. I am a grandmother and know what makes sense and what doesn't. My child is an adult and knows better, my grandchild is precious and innocent. I can't fathom any of this at all. My child would have to step up to the plate and tell the truth, I would not rest until he did. He would suffer the consequences of lying and what he has done, this would not be handled with kid gloves.
if she supposedly was in some community college or talking about enrolling in unive of central florida, just how was she supposed to do that since i heard she is a high school dropout. also, what have her former principal, teachers, etc. said about her.
this whole thing with them is disgusting! that poor, poor, child. not much worse than any form of child abuse!
how can george cindy and lee not know little caylee is gone, i really feel cindy was really hurt and worried in the first 911 calls, then afterward casey told them and that is when the coverup begains, how can you raise your granddauther in your home, and not every heard of the woman who has kept her for one and ahalf years, no home address or phone number (nothing) they all need to be put under the jail, i just hope and pray someone finds the babys body were she can be laid to rest, i am 47 tears old with two sons 22 and 7 and two wonderful grandchildren 2 and 2 months girl and boy, i have never been this stressed over anything in the news like i have this, and i am not alone, just check out all the blogs to see what every one is talking about, stressing over,
First off I would like to say thank you for all the REAL mother's out there, thta actually care about their children and would not ever THINK of harming them let alone accidentally killing them! I just like many other moms out there, I am very cautious about my child. I am a mother of a 3 year old little girl, and I think Casee is a DISGRACE to all MOTHER'S period! The world already looks at us young moms like we have know idea what were doing as far as parenting. First off, how are you this child's mother and you are not trying to do EVERYTHING in your power to give any information to the authorities as far as anyone you have came in contact with before she (realized) that Caylee was missing! Or saying something 2 those cameras or people that are constantly hounding her as she's coming out in public! I don't care I would be getting my point across and letting everyone (cameras/media whoever) know I am in full cooperation with authorties and I AM GOING TO FIND MY CHILD! Seriously I am very out spoken and strong minded and even if I was innocent and told not to say anything at all, I WOULD! Y? because I am innocent and anything that has to do with my child is taken very seriuosly! This would have never dragged on with me and I'm pretty sure with every other mother out there because, if u know you are innocent it would definitely show! And in this case this sorry excuse for a mother is GUILTY! If this was an accident, she should have let that be known from the beginning and be willing to face the consequences with a fight! She deservs to be locked up and the throw away the key! Or....huh, take her out the same way she did Caylee. So she can feel the PAIN, AGONY, and overwhelming FEAR as her life is taken from her. RIP darling bay Caylee, she is with her saviour and is well taken care of know.
I have posted on several, "Caylee' blogs as to who I believe is the biological father of Caylee.
Although I use no profanity, nor obscene comments; not one blog publishes my comments. Why is that?
Can't everyone see that this narcistic casey is getting exactly what she wants. All the attention on her. She doesn't care one bit about this little girl nor do her family. Her and Lee high fiving shows this is all about them. Caylee is the only reason people are concerned. It isn't about them. Her and her mom & dad & brother are eating it all up. Now this big book deal. Karma always comes back and I can't wait till it comes and gets all of them. Cindy casey george and lee. This little girl died at the hands of her mom and they go on like this is the norm. I hope they burn. Thanks Mauri
Maybe I missed it, but has Casey Anthony been asked to provide a POLICE SKETCH of the Nanny? If so, why hasn't it been circulated to the media? Have the police asked her to assist in providing a sketch of Gonzales? Did she refuse?
Personally, I think that perhaps the gasoline cans were used to burn the body.
Why would it take almost a month to get lab results on the car from a major crime lab, especially when this is such a high profile case?
Absolutely nothing makes any sense on either side of this matter
This narcistic creep casey and her family do not deserve any kindness. They are all out to get whatever they can from this sad situation. This is exactly what casey wants the attention on her and only her. You reap what you sow and I honestly believe this precious Caylee is dead due to her mom. Then grama and grampa cover up for the murderer. Lee and casey were high fiving over this book deal and all the money these people are gonna get at the cost of this childs life. casey is getting what she wants. KARMA will get her. what pathetic people this family is.
one word "sociopath" all should google "the definition of a sociopath" this will clear things up immediately. Casey's parents need to read through this decription so that they can come to grips with the truth that lies right before them. They must understand that they too are victims and should not carry any guilt. Casey is not right and they cannot fix her. They must find the strength to seek justice for their beautiful grandbaby. She needs you. God will guide you and give you courage. Our prayers are with you.
I heard Nancy Grace mention a new tattoo on Casey Anthony. I do not believe, however; that it is in rememberance of Caylee. I believe it is to celebrate her new life without Caylee.
First this pic doesn't suprise me at all. She was out partying after Caylee came up "missing". She is selfish and has no conscience whatsoever. I am not a mother but even if my dog came up missing I would spend more time looking for her than Casey did. I also have to say that the Anthonys have done their daughter wrong. She has been never had to pay the consequences of her actions because her mom has always bailed her out. I think she did it again. I think they know. How could you not hear the evidence and know that your daughter didn't do this ( why on earth would you tamper with evidence). I think its an attention thing from the Cindy Anthony and Casey Anthony. They both should rot in jail. Poor Caylee. She deserved so much better for a mother and grandmother.
I believe that everyone in the Anthony household is in cahoots as it seems that nobody seems to be able to focus on the fact that Casey is a liar, a thief, and probably a murderer, who, if this IS the case, threw her child away like a piece of trash, and the sooner the rest of the family come to the realisation that this is the kind of person they raised and that their OWN daughter is the one who knows exactly where their grandchild is, but just does not give a damn about anyone other than herself, In my eyes Casey is a monster and I hope she rots in hell. Her poor baby is out there somewhere all alone and her own mother chooses not to help her.Cindy, George, Lee, WAKE UP for gods sake and get Casey to come clean about what she did with her baby, or tell her to go to hell and stop covering for her.
This girl has some serious issues, what kind of a mother refuses to help find her own child. Casey is maintaining her innocence, so why don't police push harder for a lie detector test. If this girl is really telling the "truth" than why not take the test to confirm her story about this alleged nanny. Even if the police cut a deal with her to ask only questions about the nanny it would at least help credit her story if she is telling the truth about the babysitter. This girl is defiantly a huge liar, but it may be possible that parts of her stories are rooted from the truth. The parents are in a very difficult spot, and my heart goes out to them, those protesters should really think about who they are hurting, it is obvious that Casey does not care, but they parents are the ones suffering. Leave the family alone, Casey is thriving off of all this attention, these protesters are not helping in the search for little Caylee. On the other hand the parents are not able to get answers from their daughter, so they should really think about letting their daughter sort out her own mess. This does not mean that they need to abandon her, but let her suffer through the lies she has told. This may be the only way that she will realize the severity of her actions and possibly let the truth slip out. Remember the boy who cried wolf eventually got eaten. I'm sure this girl will have a similar outcome. All the best to Cindy and George, you are in my prayers
Liz in Canada, BC
Message to the protesters:
You all need to go home and be with your own families, if you are affected by this case and truly want to find this little girl, than join in the search, for every minute you are outside of the Anthony home, you could be a precious resource to the police in helping find this baby girl. It shows extreme distaste and low class to spend your time screaming outside the home. I am disgusted that some of you have brought children into these protests, and to those people doing this. Think about the danger that you are putting your own children in. There has been violence, foul language, and yelling. This is child abuse, you are a risk to your children, what if they get hurt? I am sure that you all have better things to do, like hold your kids in your arms, you gotta think "at least you still have them"
Canada BC
Jackie, I feel you've hit the nail on the head about the dumpster.
I bet she chloroformed her & stuck her in the trunk to die, with the rag soaked in chloroform, to keep the oxygen away from her face.
Then went back in a few days to place her remains in the dumpster, & left her car at the scene, with gas; not empty like she said...
I feel this circus is partly to blame on the jurisdiction she's in. Anywhere else (even Barney Fife on Mayberry) would've handled it by now.
You can tell she gets her lying ways from her mother, the way her mother washed the evidence, then acted dumb about it. Oh but only if she hadn't already exposed her real thoughts during that first 911call.
I live in Canada and realize the legal systems may vary slightly. The one thing I would like addressed on Nancy's show is why Cindy sat on a witness stand in court and confirmed her daughter's use of this "nanny". When asked about the length of time she almost hesitated and it appeared that someone prompted the response of "about a year". Well, if she is so involved in her granddaughter's life, how is it she doesn't know what this "nanny" looks like or where she lives? If I were the police, I would be slapping her with perjury and putting pressure on another member of the family. It's pretty clear to all who have followed that there never was a "nanny". Cindy holds her family together; she is the glue for all their dysfunction, who also appears to have an issue with honesty. Perhaps if they start putting pressure on the family as a whole, what happened to Caylee will come out. It's a tragedy that this little girl is missing and her grandparents are so busy pounding in stakes to keep people off their lawn they don't have the time to look for her. If they believed she was abducted why weren't they personally getting into their vehicles to find her or contact this "nanny's" family to find where she was? From all reports, they didn't make any effort. When the "kidnapping" story came up, where was the effort on the part of the parents to work with the FBI to get Caylee back from what would have been incompetent kidnappers. I also feel the police department and FBI have invested enough time and money in all of this to state that they will not continue exhausting tax dollars on a search unless they get cooperation from the family. It's time to put the pressure on the entire family unit to give up what they know or at least get the truth from their daughter as Cindy stated "they have had their episodes of Casey telling half-truths and stories but they always got the truth". It's time to put her money where her mouth is to find her granddaughter. There is no reason that an entire community, nation, police force and other outside agencies should have to chase down blind alleys and false leads to appease a family that will not assist, impedes their progress, and a person of interest who refuses to cooperate when she is the only one who can provide them with the information they need. If they want Caylee found, they need to unite as a family and demand she tell the truth and not enable her by posting bond, allowing her to hide at the lawyer's office and tip-toeing around her at home. It has also not been addressed as to whether the police will be seizing her computer that she is now using or if they reviewed the computers in the residence of the boyfriend. By the way, is he missing any money or credit cards?
I was watching the show last night as I do every night and could NOT BELIEVE she has been offered a what is it 1.5 million deal and are setting up a defense fund for CASEY!!!!!!!!!!! This has got to be THE MOST DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY I have ever seen in my life, and there is Caylee out there somewhere lying dead.1.5 million for Casey and only 225,000 reward for Caylee? NO this family doesn't want her to be found. Hell no!! they don't. This disgust me so to watch but I keep watching because I love Nancy Grace and I want to be there when she Casey Anthony and the family get theirs!!!!!
The apple didn't fall far from that tree!! This whole family is bizarre. To think this family would set up a defense fund for Casey and consider a 1.5 million deal when their daughter/granddaughter is out there missing and her reward is only 225 thousand. Well that justspeaks volumes to me. Hell no they don't want her found. They wouldn't get anything and her lawyer had a cocky smile on his face last night. This whole thing is making me sick but I love Nancy Grace and will be there when she breaks the news that Caylee's remains have been found.
Here's another tot killer by mother story. What struck me is that this woman was said to have made up numerous stories about where her child was after the tot went missing. Sound familiar? The child was found in the trunk.
I simply have had enough of these lies of Casey going round and round. Seeing her high five her brother sickened me. Casey acts as if though she is celebrating that Caylee hasn't been found! I know it seems as though to me Cindy (the grandmother)took a 180degree turn since they had their 1st private moment. I mean after all she is the VERY FIRST one that said "IT SMELLS LIKE THERES BEEN A DAMN DEAD BODY IN THE TRUNK"(she should know she had to be trained to be a nurse and I'm sure during her traing she had to look at and smell dead bodies) And now to have all this "FAITH" in Casey does not make sense at all!! With all the evidence I DO NOT understand why law Enforcement hasn't arrested her. I can grant(promise)you the Sheriff in our town would have made sure something was done about Casey not only lying, but Sheriff Chuck Wright of Spartanburg would be on her so fast with at least the charge she deserves as bad as I hate to admit it MURDER! I wanted to believe Caylee was alive but my gut along with all the new DNA results, chloroform, lies, tells me other wise. I mean come on she has lied and obviously shown more happiness since Caylee's disappearence than she did in the home videoes of her "ACTING" like she was a good mother. I think its time Police get it together and arrest her before she disappears like her daughter but as we have seen her actions she would go to the end of the world before she ever tells the truth. Her parents are beginning to look suspicious in my mind, I live only 20 minutes away from where Susan Smith murdered her two boys and if people recall she "Acted" like she was crying at least but not Casey Anthony she "I THINK" Murdered LIL CAYLEE maybe for some of the same reasons Susan Smith killed her children, for her own personal gain! Thanks, Paulette
Do you think she sold Caylee for money???
Four things bother me.
1. Where is the car seat?
2. When Cindy and George picked up the car at the impound lot, did it have gas in it? How did they drive a car with NO GAS?
3. If the clerk at the check cashing store, saw the car at 7 a.m, and Casey didn't get picked up until 11 a.m or 1 p.m, where was she?
4. Lee knows what happened and probably told Cindy and George. Is this what all of them are discussing at the attorney's office? No need to look for Caylee!
i feel the great grandfather creeps me out. Correct me if i'm wrong, isn't the grandfater a retired cop? Keeping mouths shut and time,time,time is the essence of an unsolved case. the family is hideing very ugly secrets if you ask me. And i am positive the grandfather KNEW the chloraform would erase any and most of the dna in trunk. I feel they should all be in jail, till lil Caylee is found.
This photo is indicative of the arrogance and the absolute defiance to the justice system. It also shows that the brother is congratulating his sister for being a "WINNER" in this game of convaluded bullcrap. She is a murder and he obviously helped her
cover it up. Just as her mother
is in denial and her father is pretending to be sooooo heroic in defense of his daughter, this family knows exactly what their stupid daughter/sister did.
So when you look at this picture, you see everything but concern for
Caylee. They don't really give a damn. They want a book deal. I'll bet if we could hear them, they'd be saying, "Well, we did it. We got away with it. And now
we're gonna make millions from it.
Way to go, Little sister, way to go".
I have followed this case since the beginning and like most of you, a million different scenarios have gone through my mind. I lost my 19 year old child to street racing two years ago so I know EXACTLY what denial is and they are NOT in denial. If she were in denial then she would KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Caley is alive and she would would search day an night until that poor baby is found, deceased or alive. I think Casey has 'come clean' to them with some other story full of s@#t. Since the beginning I have believe that this is all a scam. The first thing I asked myself is what is her motive. Well that is an easy one.....MONEY!!!!! All that has happened could easily been staged. First, maybe she was pregnant and lost the child in the first semester without anyone knowing. Burying that child in the yard would not seem to far fetched. As far as the the hair sample and cloraphorme go, I really think there is a way to create that scenario if there was a miscariage and the newborn was taken from the Anthony home where she was buried and transferred to Caseys car. I am absolutely sure that Casey would know that her parents and the community would put up a nice healthy reward. Pathalogical liars are extremely smart and I would NOT under estimate what Casey can devise. It's possible that she is working with another person and that person is holding Caley until a pre determined date at which time perhaps even a third person whould come forward with the child stating that they just 'found' her wandering around. The person holding her is probably NOT named Zeniada but is having Caley call her that so when she is found she will say she was with Zeniada. Does anyone think this is possible??
Also, who was Caley's court appointed guardian when Casey took her? If it was Cindy and her husband and they released that poor child to her daughter knowing full well that she was unstable an unable to care for her then they should be prosecuted with the same negligence as Casey and possibly the police would be able to break her if she knew her parents could be on the line.
Also, as for the checks and money she stole from Amy and her parents, I wonder if the police have been able to capture any security video of her when she was at the banks, stores, ATMs, etc. to see if Caley was with her during the times. Or maybe there is exterior video that will show who she was with and who was driving when she went. And as far as the purchase of the chloraphorme, of course she is not dumb enough to have used the stolen credit cards but she may have purchased one of those one time gift visa cards at one of the many stores she went to so I hope the police are looking for that too. a little carried away. I am just angry beyond belief and I am crying for that poor child as I type this. I hope and pray that Casey's parents hear my words, as a mother who has had to deal with denial at the highest level, I plead to you to reach in your hearts and hear me and so many others and love and pray for your daughter but your little angel is missing and you must subtract Casey from the equasion if you ever want to find your angel. I pray for your darling angel every night and I pray that you will ignore all of the barriers and move forward in the search for your angel.
My opinion over the pic....sadly sick to think someone such as her walks the earth. How do you high five when your child is missing....SICK. I personally believe she is high-fiving over a movie/book deal.
This goes out to Casey, you dam well know what you did with your daughter. Casey isn't going to speak because the bitch hasn't got caught.The bitch isn't going to hang herself. She is just wanting till they find caylee.
I pray every night that she is found. And if i lived near by I'd be looking for Caylee too. Casey your going to be sooo sorry. Baker.
I would really like to know all of what Pedilla's guard that was posted in the home with Casey for a week has to say about what she heard. I can't believe NG has not gotten in touch with her..this is a terrible terrible situation for such a beautiful angel.We, all of us that Caylee is not with us needs some closure soon. thank you
ya know, while I was watching Nancy's interview of Nate, I was thinking to myself whether Nate had ever heard Caylee mention the nanny, Zenaida. I know that when my kids were in pre-school, they would talk about their teachers all of the time.
Just wondering!
Has anyone thought that perhaps she sold Caylee? Perhaps she gave her away with the issue's at home. Perhaps she intends on receiving money from who ever got her. A person who tells so many stories starts believing them. If she was removed from the country who could know for sure. And who is the one who posted her bond? It just seems to be as much as tells lies she possibly sold her or gave her away.
THIS ENTIRE FAMILY IS CRAZY!! All of them camera hogs, especially Cindy(grandma) she must spend alot of time at the printshop getting purses and handbags made , how about buying a plane ticket to wherever it is she thinks caylee is. Should she not know this babysitter if casey used her for over a year. I know my mother can give a full discription of every person who has ever babysat for me and my youngest child is 8. These people need meds. I believe they all know that baby is dead, that why george looks like his head is about to pop off. The rest of them love the attention.The Anthony's are the WORST PARENTS in recent history to allow this dumbass girl to continue these behaviors for 3 years. My parents would have beat my ass. I had to have a job and take care of my own child by myself. It is called RESPOSIBILITY for your actions. This nasty hooker should have kept her legs closed if she didn't want a child. I will close by saying I pray they find this child so Casey can be punished for what she has done. Cindy never deserved to have Caylee after the job she done of raising Casey.
This case is like a three ring circus. I want to know how a 24 year old girl, Casey Anthoney & her parents, could have the entire justice system of Florida standing their with their head in their hands. I would also like to know why the 51 thousand, missing & murdered, children, in the State of Florida this year alone, did not get all this coverage. The justice system just let this case get totally out of hand. Know one realized it but, this family was playing the justice system from the beginning, starting with the 911 calls, & all the lies & differents stories. On one of the Nancy Grace shows, they, mention stolen gas cans, what date were they stolen, & was this gas stolen to dispose of the baby's body. also another show on Nancy Grace where Cindy Anthoney, was before the judge testifying that Casey had this babysitter about year & a half, well ok, than someone tell me, how this lady Cindy anthoney the Grandmother does not know of the babysitter, which her daughter Casey Anthoney was using to care for her Granddaughter all this time, since the baby was only missing from the Grandmother's site for only a month before the 911 call's. This is also another lie told by Cindy Anthoney. Another caller on the Nancy Grace show asked if having a Police Officer for a father would help her make up these lies. No having a police officer for a parent & two boyfriends that were police Officers, gave her knowledge, & insite, listening to stories told from cases, on how to get away with murder, & walk free. Casey Anthoney druged her daughter, than use those gas cans to burn the body,& the parent's & the brother know the truth, they are just as involved in this murder as their daughter. Now the best of all is that they are going to get paid for their story. How sick is this three ring circus. Casey Anthoney deserves the death penalty for this crime, & charges against the parents for destroying evidence & false information. but the sad part of this story is she will walk free.
I agree with the many others that state/believe this family is dysfunctional. What can Cindy Anthony expect when her pregnant, teenage daughter wants to give the baby up for adoption, but her mother (Cindy) forces her to keep the baby? Then it is Cindy who takes complete care of the kid, with Casey in the background stealing from and lying to everyone. At the point where Cindy’s had enough of Casey, and wants to kick her out, Casey takes the one thing that means the most away from her mother, Caylee, as an “I’ll show you!” The whole bunch of them make me sick!! The way Cindy talked to Casey on the jail telephone, and called her “sweetheart” when the “psycho girl” was giving her mother crap about her circumstances. Casey was so enabled her entire life, it’s no wonder her life turned out the way it has, and, also thanks to Cindy, Caylee is where she is, instead of with some wonderful adoptive family.
2 things about the supposed nanny.
1) What was Casey paying her imaginary nanny with? Monopoly money? She hasn't been working for 2 years but can afford a nanny? Nannies are expensive.
2) Casey claims she has been using the nanny for something like 1 1/2 years but just recently moved out of her parents home. How do grandparents that have their daughter and grand-daughter living with them and are heavily involved in raising their grand-daughter, not ever see or speak with the nanny that's been watching the girl for over a year? Makes no sense. Grandparents are covering up.
Could Casey given Caylee up for a legal adoption? If so, wouldn't that be covered under the Privacy Act? She wouldn't have to tell anyone.
DNA and "decomposing" trace evidence will eventually tell the tale. You don't get decomp in your car for no reason and the DNA from the hair samples came back to Caylee and have the "ring" on them that tell death and decomp. She definitely didn't "lose" or "sell" this child...but was it accidental or premeditated? Without the body, no one will know and if they find the body, it may be too far decayed to tell a cause of death. Don't know if everyone is aware that "DR. G " will probably be doing the autopsy if the body is found as she is our Medical Examiner here in Orlando.
Does anyone know - Can Orange County put a lien of that 1.5 million she is reportedly negotiating for all of the expenses they have incurred due to her stonewalling? Also, have they tried the low-tech search technique of bloodhounds?
I find that whole family disturbing. i don't know how they can keep going on like there is nothing wrong, the mother, and the grandparents wanting to believe that she had nothing to do with it. i am just waiting for the end of this and for this poor child to be found and put to rest at last.
This particular picture makes me want to hurt Casey. I hate her & her family.
Ahhh..better get the 'high fives' in while you can Casey..just wait until you are thrown into the prison systems general population..fact, child killers, rapists and child molesters are marked 'woman' in this case. Your day is coming Casey, you will have a well-deserved bullseye right on your back. Wishing you all the worst, you've earned it with one snapshot.
She is high-fiveing her brother because she probably just found out that she'll be receiving a 1.5 million dollar payout from Hollywood for murdering her 3year old daughter and disposing of her body. Now her Brother Lee can trade-in the old mustang for a new one and Casey can get herself a larger pair of sunglasses for her ugly lying face. Has everyone seen the oversized Brittany Spears specials she is wearing now, she thinks she's a star. This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. Kill your child and get paid by Hollywood. This murdering bitch is a product of Satan himself, and what eats away at me is that I believe she is going to get away with it. The only thing that family is concerned about is the murderer in their house, NOT CAYLEE. Casey comes first and Caylee comes last. I wish someone would take the missing Caylee t-shirt that sorry excuse for a mother is wearing, rip it off her body, roll it into a ball and shove it down her throat.
ok so lets give her a 1.5 million dollar deal for movie and book rights, what is wrong with america.the whole family is crazy.
This girl casey is a nut job! I wouldn't let my son go missing for even an hour, is she kidding me! The mother Cindy is a waco!! She has to know what hapeen in my opinion. How could she cover for her phsyco daughter, I know I wouldn't. This family needs to confront the truth....she's DEAD! What ashame. Casey to worried about partying and hanging out and stealing money from family and friends to be a mother so she took care of the problem holding her back, let's face it. I have watched Nacny Grace everynight about this and it's getting real old. I hope for Caylee's sake they find her and that she can be burried properly in peace. That poor little girl, such an addorable little girl gone now.
I have just recently seen the videos of George Anthony assaulting people on PUBLIC property!!!!! So if he can lose his temper like that i am sure his daughter blows up just as easy!!!!!!! He has NO right to touch people that are not on his property!!!!
OMG how can any mother no matter how old she is care so little about there own flesh and blood that she carried for nine months I am a mother of 5 beautiful daughters I lost one in a tragic car accident almost 6 years ago and I still have a hard time dealing with it on a daily basis I dont understand how casy can be so uncaring and cold she should be locked up for life with pictures of her daughter permenetly placed on all the walls of her cell so she can think about what she has done for all eternity!!!
If the grandparents loved little Caylee so much. Then why did it take them a whole month before they check on her. They did not call and or go visit. If Casey said that the baby sitter had her. Then why didn’t they go see her at the baby sitter. You can go with out seeing your grand kids for a month. But not talking to them. I don’t believe that the grandparents are not tell us everything.
i think casey drugged caylee so she could party. sadly she accidently killed her.she was never made to face the music for her mistakes.she stole from her grandmother and her mom convinced her not to press charges. shame she wasn't put in jail for that. caylee would still be alive!! i pray caylee is alive. it hurts my heart to think about her.
There are still too many questions.
Why do Cindy and George state that they saw Caylee
on the 15/16th of June and yet Casey states on police reports that Caylee has been missing since the 9th of June??
Why have the police not asked Cindy for Zenada's phone number. Since Casey and Caylee lived with the grandparents would it not make sense that they too have the nanny's phone number??
Also, when discussing the chloroform did she visit any of the web sites that show how to make chloroform??
I have been watching this very sad story from the beginning. If my child was missing I would do what ever it took to find my child. Casey Anthony didn't want to be a mother anymore and plotted to get rid of her little girl. She does not seem upset at all nor has she even attempted to go out and search for her daughter. She sits at home eating pizza and playing on the computer. YES SHE IS VERY INSANE!! You have numerous volunteers out there searching high and low for this beautiful little girl while Casey sits on her butt!! I find it a bit strange also that her attorney allows her to be in his office from the morning hours into the afternoon hours!! Can anyone answer that for me? I have hired attorneys before and I have never spent most of the day in their office!! It is sad to say, but we might never find out what happened to Caylee. Casey isn't going to talk. Let's pray that Caylee has something to say and helps solve this mystery.
As far as Casey's parents, until they finally open up their eyes and take off the "ROSE COLORED" glasses and look at Casey and see what every one else is seeing then maybe people would respect them a bit more.
I just can't believe that the police can't do anything more to make this person that calls herself
a mother, TELL THE TRUTH. My rear end would be thrown in jail and the key thrown away for obstructing
the police investigation...What is wrong with our court system?????
Is not someone responsible for the well being of this child?????
Anthonys will work hard recieving donated money, but they will NOT go out and look for Granddaughter.
If Casey would of told the TRUTH at the beginning , everything else wouldn't of taken place .
This new lawyer they hired ,all he is does repeat himself . He said this in another report.
This family isn't looking for Caylee nor will they.
Cindy and George is distracting the public, saying Caylee is in a different state. I don't believe it . Caylee is in Orlando .
Casey's been stealing from her parents for years.
If Cindy and George thinks Caylee alive , then go found her ,and show proof on LIVE TV , so the public can see her .
Cindy and George attitudes changes ,once Casey was out of jail . The bountyhunter said this on Nancy Grace Show , I agree with him , noticed that myself .
This new lawyer to worried about blogs, because public is expressing there feeling . If that's all he's worried about , this man has a problem, himself .
Ask Casey, she knows where the body is , since she hide it .
I'm not buying a book , movie , or anything else, they're selling there granddaughter out . Shame on Anthonys , they're worthless .
The public will Never FORGET this story ,nor will they get Casey ,Cindy , George or Lee.
This family is mentally sick.
Casey should go back to jail,
until she tells the police the
REAL STORY. Caylee doesn't deserve
this .
These grandparents didn't even
protect there own granddaughter.
Anthonys are making up stories as they go along.
This new lawyer is a joke , he can't say anything , why come on Nancy Grace's show if you can't speak , you should of just stayed home .
Casey's going to be another Vandersloot . In/Out of jail . never be charged for murder .
She need it , why , because she
was the last one with her .
God Bless Caylee !!!!!!
I've been folling this story from the beginning and Casey seems please with herself that she's holding the upper hand from policemen.She appers to be proud of the fact that they cant figure her out or her next move.
This is like a soap opera,never ending.She need to stay in jail.
Poor caylee, so beautiful to have such a rotten non caring mom.
This person, cause I cannot and will not call her a woman nor a mother is highly desensitized to anything beyond herself. She is selfish and only wants for her. Casey. This PERSON has a missing child, presumably DEAD and she is high-five's her brother? How disgusting. I pray every day that Caylee, this precious child is found and put to rest properly. I have no sympathy for the Anthony family whatsoever. I just watched the Nancy Grace show and this new attorney of the Anthony's is playing the sympathy card. Give it up!! These parents should not have this thing living in their home. I don't care if they brought her into the world. I am a parent myself. I would NOT defend my child this way with everything that is stacking up on her. NO WAY. Let her DEAL with the protesters, and the media. They are shielding her like a small child. NO CINDY, NO GEORGE, SHIELD CAYLEE. Bring her life to justice!!!
These people need to get their heads out of their butts and see it for what it truly is. And Nancy Grace was right. There is NO time for denial right now. Spare me! Do the right thing. I know that I know one of the Anthonys if not all know what happened or where Caylee is. Give it up! You are horrid people my God. How do you sleep at night? All of you???
I have been watching this case since day one and I am left speechless each night!!! I have never seen anything like it. Can the pants that mom Cindy washed from the car be tested anyway? I'm sure one washing couldn't have erased everything from them and maybe some evidence will appear. And what about shoes? Didn't I hear there were shoes in the car too? I do hope the investigators are on top of ALL possible evidence!
How can someone that stupid seem to be getting away with murder... OJ all over again!!
First where is the composite sketch/drawing of the nanny Zanida? Wouldn't you think the police would put one out if she really existed and wouldn't Casey want to? Also, if Casey hasn't worked for over two years, where did she take Caylee everyday? Somebody, somewhere HAS to know or had to have seen her out and about. Did Caylee ever tell her grandparents where she was at during the day or ever mention this Zanida?
High five means victory! What victory are they celebrating? I would not spend one night under the same roof as Casey. Someone who would do such an unthinkable thing to their own child, what might they do to keep continuing to covering up her story. She needs to be placed where she can no longer put anyone's safety in harms way. This is the saddest thing I have ever heard. I know that no matter where Caylee is, God is at her side. Casey on the other hand needs to start praying to a forgiving God. He is the one who will have her final judgement.
Steelnpearls from north Texas:
Being a former deputy sheriff like George Anthony, and Cindy Anthony is a nurse who's smelled dead bodies, they are involved with this case of missing and most likely dead Caylee Anthony. Cindy Anthony after opening the car calls 9-11 and says it smells like a dead body in that damn car! Then she goes back out to the car and takes out of the car with George's knowledge of a crime scene being a former deputy sheriff himself, takes out the grey slacks and then washes them. She's destroyed EVIDENCE! on a criminal investigation.
I think George Anthony needs to be arrested and jailed for simple asault and see if that information can be given to Casey who will see her Dad going to jail and this will take the limelight off of Casey and then maybe she'll crack! For Casey is the one in charge now and when it's taken away from her, psychologically she's fold. Get upset that it's not all about her. More charges will be brought against Casey Anthony.
I pray everynight that the searchers find Caylee's remains which will not be much. She's with God and is one of His angels now. Away from the whole family that's sick!
I have been watching this story ever since it has happen. I really don't understand how someone could kill a child. My God this child is so precious. There is no question about this little baby girl being dead. But the good thing about this is that she is in good hands now...God will keep her safe from any harm. I really believe that if she was my grandchild I could get some information out of the mother rather the law wanted me to or not. I have one grandchild and one on the way..God help their parents if the babys come up missing and they are out partying. The law would not need to talk to them....they wouldn't need a lawyer to hide them...I would beat the hell out of them until they told me...I would be the one going to jail..Thats the truth...I feel that the baby is dead...But God is taken care of her...She should have just gave the baby to her parents and party her ass off...Something more is going on here then what they are telling...But it will come out soon...She needs to be put to death...There are women out there that cannot have babys and would have taken that baby...Also, people need to understand the amount of money that is offered for this baby to be returned or her body to be found...If someone had this baby they would turn her over for that money..."GET REAL GRANDPARENTS OF CAYLEE" God Bless Caylee...
This is just crazy, I have been listening to the parents Cindy and George and you would think that they would get their stories straight, they all contradict themselves all the time!! The sad fact is that Casey isn't talking because she knows the longer she waits the more the authorities won't be able to identify Caylee's body. I honestly think she threw her in a lake to the alligators, because nobody will ever find her then. Also a professional psychologist on Nancy Grace said that Casey cannot attach to people or develop relationships. Well I know for a fact that when an adult cannot attach to other people or develop relationships,it is from how the parents treated Casey when she was a toddler or child. So I feel the dysfunctionalism goes way back in this family. It is sad that Caylee will never experience the normal things a child experiences:Like first day of school, her first tooth coming out all the childhood memories. Casey you took all of that from your daughter, I pray for your soul and I pray that Caylee may soon be found so that sweet baby can be put to rest. Her little soul is in heaven now, and nobody can hurt her anymore.Thank God !!!!
Why am I not surprised? I believe the whole family is whacked out. I am amused to see that Cindy has hired a Criminal defense lawyer. I don't believe for one skinny minute that she did not know that by washing the clothes that smelt like a dead body was not tampering with evidence. But oh, that's right she claims now that she did not mean what she said. The wife of a cop, retired or otherwise and she doesn't know this was tampering.....yeah right!
The parents lost all credibility when they started saying "Maybe it was another dead body in the car." many dead bodies does the average person have in their car?? I have buried a child so I do understand denial but this is not denial, IMHO. This is more like "Ut oh look at the mess we created with this one little lie."
As quoted by Casey " All anyone cares about is Caylee, Caylee, Caylee." You finally said something honest gal!!!
I have been glued to this case since it started, thanks to Nancy Grace for being a voice for Caylee. After everything I've seen regarding this case, to watch Casey and Lee "High Five"was the boiling point. Also Mark Nejame said the Anthony family is victims,
wrong Caylee is the victim. One other thing that bothers me is Caylee was 2,she never reach her 3rd birthday.
"No body, no case!"
She's taking a page out of Peterson's book. The ex-cop wife serial killer who's 2nd wife drowned in a dry bathtub and who's 3rd wife he murdered and disappeared the body.
This is what I think this creature did in this case.
She got tired of being a mom. She figured she couldn't adopt Caylee out. Her parents would never understand that and they're too old to care for such an energetic child. So she chloroformed the baby to death, wrapped her in her favorite cuddle blanket and put her in the trunk of the car.
Then she took those two missing gas cans from her parents garage, the one's she later excused to them that she took because her gas gauge wasn't working and she didn't want to run out of gas again.
She drove long enough for the babies body to begin decomposing in the trunk and when she got to where Caylee is now buried, she dug a hole threw the body in, doused the blanket it was wrapped in with the gasoline and set it on fire. Then she buried what was left and came home to party as a single woman. And the decomp odor in the trunk was because she drove such a long way in the heat of summer.
Thinking, no body no case! And she'll just blame the babysitter.
Now her own parents have lost their minds, literally, over all this and are in denial their daughter murdered her own daughter. And all the while this smoke and mirror dance of a murderess and her complicit parents is going on, what's left of little Caylee decomposes even more.
We water board terrorists. Why not lock this bitch down and give her a drink until she tells the truth about what she did to her baby!?
Because as it stands she'll walk, with her ovaries in tact at that, and live free to breed and slaughter the next offspring she has, after she decides she'd rather party than be a mother, again!
And I realize there are some that will say if we waterboard this psychotic poor excuse for a mom, all of us will be subject to such treatment. But we already are, given the U.S. Patriot Act and the fact that the "Terrorist" label is subjective and any one of us could have it fit if the authorities decide to. They are already allowed to violate your most basic privacy just as a non-labeled citizen now.
So why do we let killers like Casey and Peterson get away with their crimes because they won't talk and they're so good at hiding the evidence?!When will the victim have rights in a criminal's justice system!?
Do you think a gator got this poor little girl?
God Bless her Grandparents.Give them some peace soon.
Read the Secret.
do you think a gator got htis poor little girl? God Bless her Grandparents. Give them peace soon. Read The Secret.
I am the mother of a child that was kidnapped by a a man Edward James. Who now in Orlando area 20 Years later. Though she was thrown from the car in a chase to get her back and was home in an hour.
For 3 years after I cried blamed my self. This girl even if she had nothing to do with it, how can she function with her child missing. She looks well rested happy and sadly she doesn't seem to care. On the other hand the grandparents look shook. To the grandparents we prayed for you both and Caylee too, where ever she is God is with her. Please open your eyes before this girl detroys you. Still love her she is your child, but see what she is doing try a little TOUGH LOVE she can not go on like this and drag you down with her our prays for Caylee
Is it my imagination or, was the Anthony's new criminal attorney 'NeeJay'(?), wearing heavy make-up on NG show, last night??
I find it interesting that he launched an attack on 'ANONYMOUS' blog post-ers.
It is not us who have something to hide. It is just easier to post under, anonymous than to hassle with opening an account.
Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Sarah Wood from Texas!
I believe that the description, 'anonymous' is a synonymous term for..'Concerned American (et al) Public,' that obviously has more concern for that missing child than do the Anthonys.
And I will repeat my assertion that Lee Anthony is Caylee's father. Pay attention to the name. It seems to be a combination of Casey and Lee.
Anyone else notice that? I stress this assertion because I think it could be another motive for Casey to dispose of CAY-LEE.
This has been a most frustrating case to follow. Listening to the comments from the defence lawyers and those that have posted bond for Casey claiming that her constitutional rights have been violated is in itself an abuse of what the constitutional rights are actually there for! Why isn't the biggest statement being said at this point? That it isn't the media that has created the evidence here. It is the crime.
Someone needs to get a hold of that girl Casey Anthony and perform some good old fashion torture to force her into giving up the location of her daughter. For every lie she tells-she loses a finger! Ever seen "Man on Fire" with Denzel Washington? He forces one bad guy after another into fessing up in the parts they played in a child abduction! Very effective-I am sure Casey might start actually thinking about her daughter instead of herself when faced with pain, dismemberment, and death! It makes me sick to think that she is walking around free when that poor innocent little girl more than likely is no longer able to do so. Casey was supposed to love and protect her-she needs to be reinformed of what a mother really is!!! I would die for any of my 3 kids and would be beside myself if anything ever happened to them. Wake up you self centered little Bitch and realize what it is you have done!!! Give your family some peace and the love your daughter deserves-bring her home for everyone! In the end you will have to pay the piper one way or the other-be it in this world or the next! Children are God's gifts to us all and you destroyed her without a second thought! It is nauseating!
Kris-Casper Wyoming
Someone needs to get a hold of litle miss Casey Anthony and perform some good old fashioned torture on her! For every lie she tells-she loses a finger! Ever see "Man on Fire" with Denzel Washington? He gets one bad guy after another to fess up to their parts in a child abduction. She might quit thinking about herself and more on her daughter if faced with dismemberment, pain, and death herself. Wake up you Stupid little Bitch and realize what you have done to the greatest gift you will ever recieve. You destroyed the one little person who loved you and trusted you! You were supposed to love, cherish and protect her-you are her mother for God's Sake! Give her the only thing you can at this point-bring her home and let her have a decent funeral and give your family time to mourn and believe she is really gone from this earth. She is not trash you can just throw out-she will be a part of you always!
my name is Erica I am a mother of a 4yr old 10yr old and a 14 yr old.i anything ever happened to one of my children i would do everything in my power to make sure they are found immediately I would loose a lot of sleep to do so. My opinion is that crazy ass mam-ma casey u have no care on finding your little girl u have a face of satisfaction like u are at easy on how you came out in all this but u also know with out you the can not charge u with out evidence u are crazy and need to be put away because u are not just hurting your mom and dad and poor lil caylee but also everyone who it touches worried about you 3yr old daughter u are a physcopath and I think you know were u put her But I also think you could care less if they ever do find her because face it you got LA BELLA VIDA. i pray for no mercy on you.I CAN NOT IMAGINE WHAT A 2 YEAR OLD DID THAT WAS SO BAD BAD ENOUGH FOR YOU TO DO WUT U DID!GOD DOES NOT LIK UGLY AND KARMA CATCHES UP TO EVERYONE
This picture makes me ill! How could a mother be so happy when her beautiful little girl is missing? I have a 3 year old granddaughter, a 6 year old granddaughter and a 1 year old grandson. If any of them ever disappeared I would be so frantic that I would search day and night to find them and NOTHING would stop me.
I am sickened with this case. My heart really goes out to Caylee, although I believe she is with the Lord. I think that Casey used the chloroform to make Caylee sleep while she went out clubing but used to much and it killed her. I believe that she realized that she was dead and at some point left her in the trunk until it started smelling and then buried her in the back yard and then dug her up and moved her body elsewhere like in the woods east of their house so her parents wouldn't find her. I think that the call to 9-11 was made by a genuinely panick stucken grandmother and that Casey told her the truth about Caylee after the call. I think that is when they decided to just let the police look for caylee in hopes to find her (remains) and stick with Caseys story that she is just missing. I also feel that that is the reason that Casey had the tattoo of "beautifl life" done after Caylee was gone. It's a memorial tattoo of her daughter and a moment of reality for her, although she is so selfish that her freedom and partying is more important to her.
The best thing that could have happened is that Cindy let Casey put Caylee up for adoption or adopt her herself. This whole thing wouldn't have happened. It's sick, sad, and heartbreaking!!!
I just hope that they find Caylee soon. That beautiful little girl deserves a proper resting place, and the friends and other family members deserve a place to go greive and remember her.
(You are in safe loving arms Caylee. WE ALL LOVE YOU EVEN THO WE HAVE NEVER MET YOU!)
That dirty heffer killed Caylee and now she is out on bond high fiveing!! I have a 4 year old if she is missing 5 minutes I am freakingout. How the hello can someone not call the police when their child is missing? I will tell you because she is a whore and she was so self consumed with partying then she was with being a mother. the only thing she was woried about was getting some ass. Clearly she doesn't know who Caylees father is.The way that family is I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't George. I think those grandparents know more then they are saying. They have already lost a grand child if casey goes to prison they will lose a daughter too. I think she left that baby in the car when she went into the bar and when she came out she was dead. Then she put her in her parents backyard and then went ad burned caylees body. Or maybe thisis a hoax from the lyer thief whore to get money!!!
Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Someone needs to teach this to Casey. She needs to get the same treatmemt she gave that baby. I saw a blog about the woman with the dog that set ouside the anthony home. Yes cayleesbody is out in the rain however she is safe with Jesus. She will never know the hatred her mother ahowed her in the final hours of her life. She is happy!!
I've also been following this case from the very beginning. I get so disgusted as I watch night after night...this whole thing just blows my mind. What I don't understand is how can she refuse to talk to the cops or federal agents? I mean that in itself makes me believe right there that she is guilty. If my child was missing I'd be out there talking to anyone that I felt would be able to help me. Someone needs to slap this bitch around and what the hell is wrong with her parents? Someone out there knows something. For the life of me I just don't get this whole thing. It seems like every tom dick and harry now is coming out of the woodwork now to get their 15 minutes of fame. I hope to God that they find this little girl and that the person responsible is punished to the extent of the law...and we all know who that will be.
Unfortunely, our legal/judice system has to have all its I's dottted and T's crossed before moving forward. I believe that is what they are working towards. She maybe high-fiving now but I do still believe that truth always prevails and it will soon be revealed. Casey will not able to hide behind her lies and her family will have to come out of the denial phase and see the truth that their own child is evil and is capable of harming another (flesh n blood) human being. That has to be the hardest thing in the world to accept that their own child would harm their own. But truth always prevails... the sooner the Anthony's face the truth the easier on their hearts it will be
not only is casey crazy, i think her parents have a screw loose too. with all their media coverage and denials, they have built a virtual prison around themselves. it will be a long time till they can go for a walk or get a newspaper out on their own.
I disagree with Nancy Grace's urging for us to sympathize with the grandparents of Caylee.
They lost my sympathy vote when they began their cover-up program for Casey.
I believe that their life-long permissiveness with Casey has led to the outcome that we now know as Casey the sociopath and possible child-murderer.
I say that it is WAAAAy past time to make that girl take responsibility for her actions.
Coddling her definitely has not worked. More and more people become victims of Casey's selfishness .
There are many victims in this case, but the Anthonys' nor Casey are the victims. They created this monster.
Casey obviously has no shame.
I recall the words of her attorney saying that she wanted to hold her head up, because she is innocent.
She is not innocent. She has no care for the people who she robbed.
These ppl had done NICE things for Casey, which was how they became victims.
Her grandmother gives her a birthday check, and she uses it to rob her g-mother blind.
Her friend Amy trusted and cared enough for her to loan out her car to Casey.
Casey uses the opportunity to rob that girl blind.
Anyone see the pattern here?
BTW, who is paying for Casey's defense attorney.
He acts like he has the hots for Casey. So maybe he doesn't need cash reimbursement.
I am so sick of this family. Now the mom & dad hire a criminal lawyer. Oh yea for publicity. Give me a break. They have never gone to look for Caylee. This narcisistic whore casey is enjoying all of this. In fact the whole family is eating all this up. I feel so sad for PRECIOUS CAYLEE! Not cindy or george or casey or lee, I hope they all rot in their guilt. I wonder if she used her friends car for getting rid of any evidence. She is one person I would like to see face to face. As one mom to another, I have alot I'd love to say to her and then some. ROT IN HELL anthony's. And may CAYLEE be with GOD
perhaps the answer to the mystery lies in who caylees father really is. Casey doesn't tell anyone his name then says he was killed in a car accident. Even though she has lied about just about everything in her life, everyone seems to believe this and leaves it at that. Perhaps she has some secret she is holding over the family to make them stonewall the investigation. I would beging looking into her relationship with her brother LEE for some answers.
I wonder if someone "close" to her might be the Father, and maybe that is the bond holding all this together. Although it was said around the time when she was born the Anthonys were anticipating divorce. So maybe thats why the Anthonys dont want to say anything and are so passive to their daughters decisions because there is more to the story that they dont want in the public eye! Just a thought! Also that could be the reasoning Casey didnt want the little girl at home!
Sorry for my language, but I'm so sick of this BIT**!! How the hell can your daughter go missing, and you think OK IT'S FINE, I WILL LOOK FOR HER MYSELF, LIKE IT'S OK AND SLEEP AT NIGHT!!. All the evidence, and all the lies, the law enforcement, her family, the dumb ass lawyers need to wake the hell up, and put this BIT** behind bars for good, and let the BIT** ROT in the there!!! I'm sick of looking at her live life all carefree and not give a SH** that her daughter is gone!! I want to slap the SH** out of her!!!!!!!!!!
This is the weirdest and frustrating case I've followed.
I have wondered all the while to see what she bought with her parents credit card and if she purchased anything for the child on her spending sprees.
Another bizarre thought I had is Caylee's name. I believe I understand the paternal grandparents haven't been established....but why would Casey make up a name for her baby that is a composite of her name and her brother's? Just a thought.
If she was my daughter...she wouldn't see the light of day until she lead me to that baby.
I want to add, I feel sorry for the neighbors, what a mess!
You don't become a pathological liar overnight. It is obvious Cssey has been like this her whole life. The actions of her parents are ones of guilt. They knew how sick there daughter was and had no business raising a child. They obviously blew up and kicked her out--playing the tough love approach. Now look what happened. Casey Anthony reminds me of the Scott Hackings/Scott Peterson types. When you believe your own lies why would you feel remorse. I would love to see some childhood background or history of this seriously sick individual. Get her off the streets--she'll never come clean. Her parents, as hard as it is need to stop. There pain is overwhelming but I'm sure they are not surprised--there is a dark story surrounding this one.
It breaks my heart that she is not the least concerned about her daughter!I couldn't sleep last night thinking about that little girl! You have all these strangers who care deeply for Caylee & her own mother who seems to not be concerned! And the worst thing is that her the granparents are catching so much heat & its taking the story off of who's to really blame!The mother! I'm praying for Caylee & hope that justice is served!
The Anthonys have sold the souls.
Casey, when you are convicted of murder and the judge tells you,
I will high five too
My thought is that she is practiced in front of the camera, in fact apparently that's her living. Also, same as practice under the roof, looks like an angel (even while doing nothing to support the household), but apparently a very different story away.
Smile - you're on candid camera-ooooh!
I think that it's possible if she was being kicked out and her free ride was ending and Caylee would stay, that she thought if you're not gonna let me stay for free under my own rules, and you don't do what I say, neither can Caylee stay. I'll show you!
P.S. This is an epidemic among that generation. We need to do something to protect the children. I'm fast losing all hope in that generation, and consider it a lost cause. Fortunately, still appreciate those that show forth the right morals. It's easy to see, and differentiate. Nothing is hidden.
Before Caylee disappeared I think Cindy and George had not been able to control Casey. She was out of control lying, stealing
and who knows what else. They have been held hostage, so to speak because of Caylee. I think the same dynamics of the relationship is taking place now. Casey is in charge, as usual, they cannot stand up to her. By doing so they are enabling and supporting her in this ridiculous claim of abduction. Their denial of Caylee's probable death perpetuates the possibility to very few that Caylee is alive. I really feel for them, for they are truly victims in this. I think people are really being hard on them. They have done some foolish things, but how would anyone react if this happened in their lives.
Want me to post pictures of steel bars?
None of this makes any sense. Who was paying the nanny? Casey didn't work so she obvously wasn't. What kind of grandmother has her daughter and grandaughter missing for 1 day and night, much less a month and doesn't report it? Expecially since her daughter was so unstable.
So many things I would love to express.
First of all... this is the New story from Casey??>>>>>
Casey Anthony has told investigators that Caylee was kidnapped by a babysitter at Blanchard Park.
"The story she gave them was she went to Jay Blanchard Park, Zenaida and her older sister, Samantha, and Samantha's three young children were there and they were driving a silver Ford whatever and one of them jumped her and the other one took the baby and took her and said, 'Hey, this is the script. For the next 30 days, you read this to law enforcement and tell them this is what happened' and they zoomed off," bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said.
So, my question is.. If Zenaida gave her a "script" to use..and Casey felt Caylee and her family would be in danger if she told what happened... why on earth would she use Zenaida's name and not use an alias babysitter name like Mary White or something? I think we all know why.. because there was no babysitter watching Caylee, something happened to poor Caylee and she is no longer with us.
I wish Goeorge and Cindy could see what is really happening around them. I am sure it is hard to not have your grandchild around any longer and to think your daughter who you love so much would kill her own daughter but come on now... It wasn't your grandchild in the trunk of the car? You think someone elses dead body was in there? Put two and two together... Caylee missing + dead body in trunk. Dna, dogs, shovel, missing child. I know they want to hold on to some hope but it is time to make your daughter grow up and start being accountable for her own actions without you babying and protecting her. She is an adult now and needs to be responsible for her own actions.
Please someone send this picture to Nancy Grace. I think the world needs to stare at this picture for atleast a one hour news cast while they discuss the search for Caylee.
I also hope and pray this is shown in court.
Though there is so much evidence that makes this 'look" as if Caley is no longer with us, I still have so much hope that this is just a huge scam gone wrong and Caley will be found. I think the police should set up an anonomous hotline where the public can call without the penalty of getting caught up in this mess. Also, if this is some kind of scam gone bad then the police should publically announce complete immunity for the return of the child IF the individualwho has her is willing to talk and can prove that they did not kidnap or hurt the chld . I don't think Casey's in this alone, but I think that person would be scared to death to come forward with all of the attention to this case. As for the parent's, I think Lee and George are not in denial, they just want their baby girl back,alive or not. As for Cindy Anthony, I think she feels an enormous amount of guilt for all of this and that is why she is so quick to get on every network camera to defend herself. I just get the feeling that there was so much more going on between this mom and daughter than we will ever know. I'm not talking money or stealing gas, that's just a drop in the bucket. If that little angel is found deceased, regardless if it is Casey's doing, I doubt the marriage could stand it as I don't think George, or Lee could forgive Cindy for allowing Casey to take Caley knowing full well that Casey had no means to raise her. And she let so many days go by before she became worried that something was up. She knows her daughter and she should have reported Caley missing the moment her daughter refused to go get Caley to talk to her. Even if Caley was at the nanny's or with someone else, surely Casey could have given her mom that persons phone number. If Casey didn't have a contact number for her or a way to speak with Caley everytime she called, Cindy, or George for that matter, should have called the police to do a well check on Caley and Casey immediately. And maybe if Cindy had threatened Casey with that earlier on, maybe little Caley would have been at her third birthday party. Cindy knew damn well that Casey was beyond unstable yet she didn't become alarmed as to why she couldn't talk to her grand daughter for 30 days????? Whatever the family believes as far as Caley's concerned, if they are not searching because they believe Caley is alive and they are "following up leads", as they say they are, then they need to get off the tv and stop the nonsense with the trespassing signs and the new "Find Caley" clothing line and get busy folloing the leads. Cindy spends most of her day interacting with the media so I have no idea how she has time to do anything. The entire family just needs to stay out of the media so that everyone can focus only on finding Caley. Once we as a nation ignore the families rantings and get the darn camera off Casey and her crap then I just wonder if the answer hasn't been there all along, at the bottom of all this shit.
My love to you sweet angel. And to everyone else on this blog, regardless of where you stand in regards to the family, lawyers or Casey, please continue to pray often for Caley and please don't loose hope that she is alive, well and protected. Positive thoughts given to the universe can bring about miracles. And this family needs a miracle!
I was thinking maybe Casey likes all the attention she is getting, you know being on TV and being talked about ALL THE TIME. Maybe this gives her some kind of thrill. What if we all just ignored her, her family and the story. Maybe she would have to do or say something to get attention again. And does anyone know what this is costing the city of Orlando? Seems to me that is must be costing a lot of money, and attention that could be spent on other cases. I'm not saying to stop investigating, but all the other stuff that the picketing and protection is costing. And one other thing, if she would tell what happened or give some real truths I wouldn't be supporting her financial or putting a roof over her head!
Pull the plug on the media circus and all the attention Casey and the grandparents are getting and then we'll see how much high fiving she is doing. Love Nancy Grace but until she takes this off her everynight show I won't be watching anymore. If I watch then I'm part of the problem. CASEY WANTS ATTENTION AND MAN IS SHE GETTING IT. Sadly at the expense of Caylee. To gain money for a defense fund and not for the search of Caylee makes me sick to my stomach. I just can't watch it anymore. We need to get focused on people who have missing loved ones who really want to find them. Caylee is resting in the arms of Jesus.
i think it is a blight on the law enforcement that they have let this wench walk free for so long. as far as the grandparents they r pathetic. i am the mother of 2 sons one 21 ond one 12. a mothers love can only go so far. our 21 yr old has cursed us abused us and stolen from us, so we finally put him out of our house. to think that cindy anthony and her husband would tolerate this sorry excuse for a human being that casey is is beyond me. i would get her OUT of my house. refuse to bail her out of anything and be out looking for my grandchild nite and day! not too long ago my CAT came up missing and i scoured the neighborhood EVERY DAY looking for a cat! i cant imagine a mother not looking for her child or a grandmother or grandfather not looking. to me it is plain as the nose on a persons face that casey murdered caylee!! the smell in the trunk is not the ONLY thing that smells rotten in this case! GET ON THE BALL LAW ENFORCEMENT!! drunk drivers get worse treatment that she has recieved!
I have started to see a theme emerging from the comments that people are sending in, and it seems plausible.
*** What if - Casey Anthony is staging this whole event to attract the kind of deals (=MONEY) that are now being made!!!
She doesn’t seem to have any problems stealing from Friends or Family, nor does she have a problem jumping from one lie to another. Maybe she just felt the need to “Stretch” herself, to reach new heights.
Obviously she could not have known the amount of money that would be involved, but from other cases that have gained this kind of notoriety (O. J. Simpson ring a bell), books, and movies sometime follow.
Anyway, what if this whole thing was planned with the hope it would become as big as it has become, and result in a book and/or movie deal (Currently 1.5 Million $$$).
*** Then - What if - Calyee is suddenly found, unharmed - that is after a deal has been made. Casey would not really be guilty of anything except for the money she is currently charged with stealing, and the door would legally be open for her to PROFIT from this situation.
Now, there are some issues that need to be addressed, such as the human decomposition found in the trunk of the car.
*** What it - the human decomposition was somehow also staged. It appears that so far the police have only been able to derive evidence that points to Casey, with nothing concrete. If someone is holding Caylee, then other people are working with her.
Given all that I have seen, this would certainly explain certain issues:
- There seems to be some big SECRET that Casey (and the family for that matter) is not disclosing.
- Maybe someone really is holding Caylee, and is waiting for the right time to let her be found.
- Casey does not seem concerned - at all - about the safety of Caylee. According to a roommate, Casey showed no difference in attitude from the time Caylee was last seen, to now.
At any rate, all we can hope for is that Caylee is found alive and well, and that Casey is not able to profit from this.
I have been obsessed with this case from the start. We can only hope and pray that the authorities do have a plan and will charge the baby killer with the murder of which she is guilty and put her in general population so the other inmates can do to her what everyone else wants to do to her. she deserves no better. Although I do hope that Caylee's body is found, I am sure by now the gators have gotten to her - which was surely casey's intention. Caylee is in a much better place now, having seen what a dysfunctional mess the Anthony family is. I just hope they all get charged with having responsibility in this cover-up.
The way Casey acts, so smug, like she has a secret and that it doesn't bother her that it's "killing" her parents not knowing where Caylee is - I think she is punishing them on purpose and did something to "show" them. After all, they had a fight and she was to move out - so she took Caylee and used her to get back at her parents. So sad. I also think the reason she is at her atty office so much during the day is - why would she want to be home with her parents who she hates. That's got to be worse than jail - so she spends as much time away as she can. I don't blame Cindy and George for the way Casey turned out. It's not to their credit the way Lee turned out, so why is it their fault the way Casey turned out? It's most painful to know your child did something and accept it, especially as horrible as this is with Caylee. We can't ignore the decomposing body in the car - and the presence of chloroform.
I have a Sister who is just like Casey Anthony.My Sister has stolen money from our Mother for years and when my Mother finds out about it she lets her off the hook.Then my Sister tried to poison her Husband because she was tired of him.The poison didn't work and she ended up with 3 year's probation but because the poison didn't work she feels that she has done nothing wrong.Also, she says that it is her Husband's fault for not doing everything that she tells him to do. My Mom agrees with her.
Now since I have a Sister just like Casey I think that I may know what Casey did to Caylee and what she thinks and why her Parents are in denial.
Casey and her Mom got into an argument about Casey not raising Caylee.Probably not the first one.
Casey wanted to punish her Mother so she left with Caylee.Then Casey wanted to go out with her friends.Well, she couldn't go back to Mom and ask Mom to watch the baby.So,she put chloroform on a rag and knocked Caylee out.Then she went out with her friends.When she came back for Caylee she found her dead from too much chloroform.So, she got rid of the body.
She does not think that she is to blame for Caylee's death.That is why she made the comment,"I know they are going to pin this all on me".She thinks that it is Cindy's fault for puting her foot down.She has never had to take responsibility for anything she has ever done.Her Parent's and her older Brother have always cushioned her and they are doing it now.
The Parent's are in denial because they have been in denial for Casey's whole life.For everything Casey has ever done.They don't want to believe that Casey ever does any wrong because that would mean that they have failed as Parent's.They might believe that because they failed as Parent's that Caylee's death is their fault.Also,Cindy may feel at fault for arguing with Casey about raising Caylee which made Casey take Caylee away which started this whole thing.
(Picture caption)
"See?! I told you. No body, no case!"
LMAO!That picture shows just how unconcerned she is about lil Caylee.Casey is a stupid slut that is eating all the attention up.She's probably having an affair w/her lawyer,lol.Her story isn't worth $1.5mil unless that baby is found.She is just buying time and loving every minute of it.God will cut her down soon enough.I have had it with Casey,enough is enough,Caylee deserves to rest in peace.
oh would someone please rip that Caylee shirt of of Casey. It makes me so mad and sick to see her wearing that constantly. Why are Lee and her parents even speaking to her? They should try to pretend she doesn't exist and maybe then she would talk realizing she has nobody. She is a liar, thief, and selfish. How much more proof does the family need to prove that poor little Caylee is gone and probably because of her so called mother? I think even if they find Caylee's body and prove it's her that Cindy will still have an excuse to believe it isn't her. Denial, denial. And what could they possibly be high fiving about? I have a three year old daughter and if she were gone I would probably never be able to smile much less be joking around and high fiving someone. Makes me sick!
Heres what I think they should do. Re-arrest Casey and lock her in solitary until she talks. If that doesn't work, then put her in with the general public. Believe me, many of those women in prison are also mothers who can't wait to get out to be with their children. They will beat the truth out of her! That's what I think anyway
I really look forward to Halloween, and giving the little Angels some candy when they come visit me, innocently and adorable in Their Costumes.
I have yet to see tears out of this woman's eyes
Where are Caylee's clothes? They moved out of the parents house so I assume she took Caylee's things. I do not think they are at the boyfriends because she never spent the nite. Did she pack only her things from home? I mean she did move out...where are Caylee's clothes? That could speak to motive.
little caylee
my name is Erica I am a mother of a 4yr old 10yr old and a 14 yr old.i anything ever happened to one of my children i would do everything in my power to make sure they are found immediately I would loose a lot of sleep to do so. My opinion is that crazy ass mamma casey u have no care on finding your little girl u have a face of satisfaction like u are at easy on how you came out in all this but u also know with out you the can not charge u with out evidence u are crazy and need to be put away because u are not just hurting your mom and dad and poor lil caylee but also everyone who it touches worried about you 3yr old daughter u are a physcopath and I think you know were u put her But I also think you could care less if they ever do find her because face it you got la Bella Vida. I pray for no mercy on you.I feel that because Casey's mother was going to take little Caylee from her and cut her off she envied and had hate towards little Cayleebecause she was going to be her moms little girl and she was being forced to FINALLY grow up I pray for her everyday that in all hope we do find little Caylee alive and as a mother I fear that we may not my heart goes out to the grandparents and they will forever be in my prayers and eventually they will see their daughter for what she really is.
Just a question.......
Since it is CASEY's legal right to spend 6 hours with the attorney...and we wouldn't want to stomp on her CIVIL rights now would we??????...can you tell us whether or not you could place a "bug" in her ankle bracelet to keep tabs on her. According to big shot JUDGE Anthony Napolitano....on his interview with FOX Orlando....."Police can LIE CHEAT and COMMIT FRAUD" during the investigation of a criminal"..If you don't believe me go to FOX Orlando and watch it yourself. He has been a guest on Nancy Grace........wonder if she knows what a slimeball he is!
This woman is such a sociopath why not put her is solitary w/ ZERO CONTACT, NO TV, NO RADIO, NO PAPERS , NO TALKING TO ANYONE (but her attorney) and watch her break down. This has been proven time & again! TOTAL ISOLATION! (Maybe w/o windows also!)
People who “HAVE TO HAVE ATTENTION” (the drug she is addicted to) will go CRAZY (even more than she already is!) and she might/WILL break.
All the attention she is getting (incl. neg attention) is FILLING UP HER HUNGER & she is HAPPY! It is time for STARVATION till the TRUTH COMES OUT!
While driving through the mountains of North Carolina, I stopped to get a bag of peaches at a roadside stand. Within minutes, we were discussing Caylee Anthony's disappearance. The world is not large anymore. Someone out there knows if Caylee is dead, or someone knows where she is if she is alive. I personally believe that Caylee is dead in a field thanks to her 'mother" and I use that term reservedly. There are too many questions that no one is willing to answer. If it were up to me, the entire family would be euthanized for their own good, and it would be too gentle a way to go for them. Cindy and George Anthony have engaged a criminal defense attorney to protect THEM? What? A website to raise money for a defense fund? What? I cut my teeth in a criminal defense firm with a rapist murderer who was headed to Raiford and "old Sparky". If you have ever worked with people of this ilk, you know what they say, do and think. Jose Baez knows everything. The hard part for him to to sleep at night and pray that God forgives him for what he is obligated to do under the law. Cindy, George, Lee and Casey are addicts. They are self absorbed, narcissistic and blameless for everything they do. Check out an Al Anon meeting. Cindy and George and Lee are poster children for enablers. They all need to be thrown in jail to not be seen or heard from ever again, just like what they did to little Caylee. They all make me SICK.
I can't believe people actually buy her story. You can see she isnt at all concerned with her daughter in this picture. Smiling and high fiving her brother.. come on. She looks to me like she can't believe her parents are buying her story and she might get away with it. What I don't understand is how can you not prosecute someone when they have chloroform in their trunk and its illegal. They have found proof of decomposing. I think she will get away with it. All I can say is that if Caylee is still alive its a miracle. Especially if there is decomposing in the car.
I personally am sick of hearing about Casey's "civil rights" when it comes to her being arrested and let go so many times. Even though she's 3, what about Caylee's rights? I do not feel that she is alive and have not felt so since the story broke. This family is hiding a huge secret and all should be held accountable. I have a pregnant teenager, unmarried and I hope that she would never go to the extremes that this "mother" has to cover up her misdoings!! I hope that my daughter knows that she can count on her father and I in hard times if she needs any kind of help!
the main thing that stands out to me is that cindy and george both said the car smelled like a dead body, cindy is a nurse, george a retired police officer. both have most likely smelled dead bodies many times before. i am also a nurse, and once you have smelled a dead body you never forget it! you don't mistaken anything else for it because there is no smell like it.
It just gets me so MAD that this idiot, coniving B is getting away with all of her LIES !! I have been listening to & watching this case, & I just can't help myself to keep up on what is happening !! Well Casey got what she wanted, to be the center of attention !! Cause she was so jealous of her own daughter !! HOW IN THEIR MIND WOULD GIVE THEIR KID T SOMEONE, & WAIT 30 DAYS TO READ A SCRIPT !!! She has everyone going in CIRCLES !! & has the NERVE TO GIVE HIGH 5's !! I do kind of blame her mother in a way, cause she seemed to always cover-up for Casey !! & she just let things go too far !! Cindy must be kicking herself in the head, for waiting too long to do something with CASEY !! But all said & done, I do think that poor little CAYLEE is dead, cause it has been too long now !! But we ALL NEED CLOSURE, THAT POOR LITTLE, SWEET GIRL NEEDS TO BE FOUND !! I think that CASEY BURNT THE BODY, WITH THE 2 GAS CANS SHE HAD TAKEN FROM HER DAD, & BURIED THE BONES !!! PLUS, with the storms Florida had, probably will never be found !!
to Anon.
I am here in the mountains and you are exactly right......the world is no longer separated by the miles.....especially with the internet.
All the comments you made speak for millions of people....I just wonder how in this COUNTRY (LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME THE BRAVE)that WE THE PEOPLE can't do something to CHANGE this law.....I don't recommend torture or a police state but common sense, decency and respect for others and '"the right thing to do" come into play.
It is disgusting the way these people have worked the system, and mocked the law. My faith is intact.........and I KNOW that they will get their punishment. It is common sense, decency, respect for others and THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
Sleep tight Jose!
Cindy is still & always will cover-up for CASEY, first she said the car smelled like a DEAD BODY was in it, than a 12 day old pizza was the smell, than she said that at the towing place, maybe they put a DEAD BODY in the trunk !! Even the father GEORGE, said that the DEAD BODY that was in the trunk, was not CAYLEE !! EXCUSE ME, But HOW MANY DEAD BODIES WERE IN THERE?? !! WHAT IS CASEY's CAR A DUMPING PLACE FOR DEAD BODIES !!
I'm convinced the entire Anthony family knows whats happened to poor Cayee.
Casey spends six hours a day at her attorney's office, but won't talk to police? I think she is on her back doing another guy, this one is Jose Baez. Any attorneys out there??? Do you spend six hours a day with clients? She is a slut. I wish her old boyfriend Tony could be wired and pay her a visit.. sweet talk her and maybe she might tell where her daughter is? This is so sad, what a darling girl.
Ya know, In Caseys own words she has ALREADY ADMITTED that Caylee is dead. Re-read the text of the jail conversation with Kristina. It says:
"Does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?" Kristina asks.
"No," Casey Anthony said. "Nothing."
"OK, so why do you want to talk with Tony?" Kristina asks. "You probably don't want to tell me, do you?"
"Tony had nothing to do with Caylee," Casey Anthony said."
Has anyone else caught this?? I think the police should call her on it!
Someone needs to beat the truth out of that bitch!
I refuse to call her a psychopath or crazy because that is all we need is for her to get away with it on an "IM crazy" plea!!! She knew EXACTLY what she was doing! PREMEDITATED MURDER TO REMOVE AN OBSTICAL FROM HER PARTYING. SHE IS SELFISH, SELF CENTERED, AND DESERVES THE DEATH PENALTY!!!
Maybe we should all flood the PD with calls demanding justice for precious little Caylee. I pray they find her remains soon!
Casey bought the chloraform because she wanted to go out and party. She doesn't have money for a nanny or a sitter but she could afford a $10 bottle using her parents credit cards adn friends stolen checks to purchase whatever she needed. She probably thought she would knock her daughter out for a little while so she could go out and have fun and in turn she accidentally killed her with too much cloraform! Then she had to dispose of the body. Considering the high humidity, animals and hurricane season I would think it hard to find the body at this point unless Casey tells police where to find it. A shovel, and two gas cans being used by Casey is awefully suspicious. It make me sick the parents continue to protect the daughter who even stole from them and their family. They are enablers and will continue to be enablers as long as they are allowed contact with her.
Casey needs to be locked up and have the key thrown away. What kind of human being could be so COLD hearted, and so happy with herself HIGH-FIVING her brother. SICK!!! Does her brother know what happened to caylee? Its heartbreaking to imagine what Caylee has been thru up to this point, if she is alive. My opinion is she is dead, and it breaks my heart. HOW can a mother live with herself, knowing what happened to her baby! I would rather die than have something happen to my kids, and my grandson.I hope and pray Caylee is alive.
I can't believe casey is actually considering telling her story to pay for her legal fees and all. What a selfish B****. WHAT ABOUT CAYLEE! To top it off it will just be one lie after another these people are paying for. She doesn't know truth from lie. Satan has a HOLD on her!
Caylee is an angel and has been touched by millions. God bless her and bring her home safely. If she is deseased than I know she is in heaven with Jesus and is looking down on the world. There are no tears in heaven, but the world is crying for you Caylee.
I believe that the boyfriend who was fired from the police force knows more than what he's saying. I believe that someone has told her to keep quiet giving her the thought no body, no case.
I'm sure the phantom nanny Zanieda didn't work for free. As questioned in other posts, why would unemployed Casey ever have the need for a nanny anyway? If this was on the up and up and Zanieda performed nanny duties for over a year then certainly someone in the Anthony household, particulary Casey, would be able to produce at least one cancelled check (stolen or otherwise), receipts or any financial records proving that Zanieda was employed and paid by Casey.
Why doesn't George or Cindy just grab a frickin hose and water down the protesters instead of physically confronting them? It's all so stupid. Furthermore, why are they even at home, why are they not out there checking out and following up on the tips and Caylee "sightings?" Cindy announced that she thought Caylee was possibly in either Texas, Puerto Rico or even Mexico. Why aren't they at these places looking for her if they are so convinced she is still alive instead of fighting with protestors and incessently pounding no trespassing signs in their yard.
Casey is a textbook narcissistic, pathological lying, theiving, murderous sociopath who without conscious more than likely fed her daughter to the alligators for reasons only her criminally insane mind can justify.
My heart and prayers go out to Caylee where ever she may be. May the arms of the Lord keep her.
The reason this case is getting so much attention is the fact that Casey won't "own" what she has done. The grandparents aren't the only ones in denial...Casey is also. I believe she thinks that whatever she did to or with her daughter that she had every right to do. I believe that in her mind she actually thinks she did nothing wrong. I believe Casey will NEVER say what happened with Caylee and even if she did there will only be more lies to have to sort through, because we all know the truth eludes her. The problem I have is with the brother. He knows. He may not have participated until after the fact but he knows. Why else would they be talking in code while on the phone when Casey was first in jail? Why would he refuse to a lie detector test? Just where was he during that first month of Caylee disappearence? Where does his cell phone pings show his where-a-bouts? I believe that this is the real reason why they hired a criminal attorney, because they know they can face charges as well.
Currently, I would rather have the police not to charge Casey for the crime until they have all the slam dunk evidence they need to secure this case...cuz' I sure would hate to see her get accuited...we don't need another in a life time is enough.
I know that some people deal with grief better than others...but...i would absolutly be crawling on the floor screaming if my child were missing...and thinking of all the horror he/she might be going through..Is casey afraid to talk because she might possiby say the wrong thing? And if casey does a deal for 1.5 million...should we look for it in the fiction section?
and shame on them for high-fiving..shouldnt that be saved for when and if they find Caylee alve??
I have several comments.
1. Prison is the only place she will get what she really deserves. Those moms will beat her every single day until she is dead. Guaranteed.
2. The police should read these blogs and use some of the ideas in their investigation. They're not perfect and cannot possibly think of everything. The public's advices would help a lot.
3. As other posters have said, is there a sketch of this Xenaida woman? There can't possibly be that many people with that name in the US. Have they found and interviewed any of them?
4. The pants Cindy washed. We all know that somethings just don't come off in 1 washing, sometimes not even 2. Especially blood. Did they do any forensic testing anyways?
5. Did they do any forensic testing on any shoes? You can take samples of dirt, grass, etc and get a pretty good idea where the person was. What type of area to search in, etc.
6. The stolen gas cans. Have they looked for any "burned" areas in their searches?
7. Have they done any type of Luminol testing in the trunk, the Anthony yard, house, dumpster of the check cashing place? The stuff that shows blood and body fluids even after being cleaned up, even with bleach, it still shows.
8. Are cadaver dogs being used in the search? As one poster wrote, a cadaver dog pointed out a dead body in water. If that's possible, are they trying?
9. The chloroform. Did they find a website on her computer that she made a purchase from? any emails with a reciept from the purchase?
10. Did they bother checking videos from the check cashing place or other businesses in that area that might have shown something on the outside of the store? It's probably too late now cuz as Nancy said, a lot of them get taped over after a time.
11. Have George, Cindy, Lee, roomates, freinds looked back at any conversations with Caylee and remembered something that they didn't think strange at the time? stories of the babysitter, things mom did or said, where they went, what they did, etc. Two year olds can talk and love to talk about their day.
12. The million dollar offers? I personally would not pay for pay per view to see a bunch of lies. Nor will I buy a book that I know is nothing but lies. Everyone knows the bitch doesn't tell the truth about anything so you're stupid if you pay money for lies.
13. Caylee's real father. The car accident was probably a lie as well. Casey herself probably doesn't know who the real dad is and just made up that story to avoid questions and pressures. If he was real, why in the hell would you keep his parents from seeing their granddaughter? There's another babysitter she could've used so she could go whoring and partying.
14. George and Cindy KNOW she killed their grandbaby. It's just too hard psychologically for them to come to grips with it so they live in denial cuz to admit it would hurt way too much. They're afraid of facing the truth.
15. who knows what goes on in their house. They may very well be treating her like shit in there and pressuring her every single day for the truth. Or they could be watching/listening for every little thing out of her mouth that may be a clue. They may be trying to put the puzzle together themselves.
16. Has anyone heard from any psychics? I know not everyone believes and I'm not sure I do either but every little thing helps.
This picture of the high five,just shows you, that Casey has her family right where she wants them ,shame on her brother also.looks like they are having lots of fun.not thinking at all of caylee. Grand parents seem more worried about protesters than thir Grand daughter.Ive been told thir has never been a perfect murder, Scott Peterson was the closest and he was caught, We all need to bind together and ask God to reveal where this childs body is. We know her spirit is with him, Pray we find Caylee and evidence to put Casey away , She will have to repent and confess all and be sorry or the eternal life she will have will be hell.Her Judgement will come and she will be judged by a just God and he will have no mercy on her soul.
Does the little girl have life insurance?
I'm fed up with Lee. Quite certain LE has covered it, but they take lots of pics, lots. Camera/memory cards?
I posted a few times early yesterday and I've since noticed that a few of you have the same questions/concerns that I have that have never been answered. This is one thing that I haven't heard yet. If this supposed nanny, Zenaida Gonzles had Caley all the time then certainly her finger prints would be ALL OVER EVERYTHING of Caley's such as toys, kiddie cups, shoes, etc. I'll bet the family got ahold of that stuff before the cops did and cleaned everything. If they did, it shouldn't be too hard to find out if they had recently been cleaned, probably with bleach OR maybe clorophorm??? Hopefully the cops got their hands on Caley's things before Cindy did because it would definitely disprove the nanny store if no other prints are found that belong to someone in the family or close friends. I hope they follow this up if they haven't!!!!
This woman has narcissistic personality disorder. She's not happy unless she's serving herself. She truly beleives the rules don't apply to her. Her parents should have been getting her help A LONG TIME AGO!!!! they knew she had mental issues and a clear compulsive lying problem, but did nothing to help her get well. As a 25 year old single mother, I am appalled by the behavior of this mother. If my 2 year old was missing for 30 minutes I would be frantic! But the obvious reason she is not frantic is because she knows Caylee isn't coming home, at least not alive. And the worst part is she seems to be happy about it. maybe it was an accident. But what kind of person chloroforms her baby so she can party? give her to the grandparents for the night... or FOREVER! Or maybe she did intentionally kill her. I just can't see how any mom could drive around with their childs dead body in their trunk and then proceed to bury their own daughter. its baffling to me. I look at my daughter's face every day and know that I could never do her any harm. Casey Anthony is pure evil. A parent's job is to protect their child at all costs. And it turns out that the one thing Caylee needed protection from was her own mother. What a tragedy.
I think Caylee will not be found. the same with Stacy Peterson. It makes it more difficult to get a guilty verdict. grandparents are desperately trying to save Cassie.
Callie is gone, either in dumpster, water, or fire. God forbid.
I pray the family does not make one dollar from this horror reality show. They are all in it after the fact. Their primary focus is on Cassie.
also, their never was a "nanny" maybe occasionaly some one "baby sat " for her. per pete's sake the child lived with her grandmother, no sitter required.
I've been following this story since day one and i think this woman gots mayor problems! She looks like she doesn't care about her little girl being found. She needs God in her life......
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS FAMILY! How can they stand to have a baby killer living in there home, family or not. If it was my daughter I would knock the truth out of her and if that didn't work I would let her ROT in jail! I would feel like a failure having a daughter like casey. But I know I would never have to worry about that. My Grandson is my world and I would do EVERYTHING possible to keep him safe. Cindy Anthony knew her daughter was a BAD mother and unstable, why didn't she take caylee away from casey before kicking her out of her house. How about child protective services? Ever think of that cindy. I really do believe Lee has everything to do with all this!!!
CASEY you need GOD, Your whole family does. Repent and know the truth. Do it for Caylee, she is what matters. YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM, and I am so SICK of the way your family and lawyer, and others make you look like the poor poor victim. F*** THAT!
The world does need to get together and pray for Caylee. With God all things are possible!!!!!!!!
I suggest letting Casey listen and watch the videos that people have made for Caylee on youtube.Because it is soooooooo hard to sit through any of them and not fall apart.Well,Casey probably wont,but then again the videos are heart wrenching.
We all need to start a campaign against the Anthony's appearance on 20/20 and collecting a nice check......I suggested they(ABC NEWS) make it out to Tim Miller of Equisearch.........not the money grubbing Anthony's.
Write to Allyssa Apple at 20/20 ABC New York. They are doing it for ratings..........and the Dysfuntionals are doing it for fame, and disgusting.
For Caylee's sake......thank you.
Listen, I wouldn't be high-fiving anybody, I'd be crying and puking my guts up knowing my daugter was missing and I might never see her again. Personally, I think that this family has been enabling Casey for years. This nutcase didn't turn into this emotionally exempt, selfish, lying waste of space person that she is, overnight, they just didn't know how far she'd really go.
What I want to know is this: since Casey seems to be sticking to her unbelievable story about giving Caylee to this pretend babysitter, why haven't we seen any "police sketches" of what these people look like and the fact that Cindy Anthony hasn't stressed to her daughter that she needs to get those out to the public so we can look for Caylee? Gee, I know why. Because they already know what happened to Caylee or at the least, they now realize that their daughter is nothing but a BIG LIAR. To me, if Casey would go so far as to put out "fake" police sketches, that would be just another nail in her (Casey) soon to be coffin, the coffin the jury will put her in when she goes to trial for murder and they use all this circumstantial evidence against her. Just my opinion.
does Casey still fear the safty of her daughter Kaylee? What do the "kidnappers" have to gain. Kaylee is in danger? If Casey thinks that by being an Idiot, a liar, and a thief that her daughter will be safe? We all know the sad truth. This is evil in its entirety.
PLEASE!!! How did they get Susan Smith to 'break' after she drove her two sons into a lake while strapped in their little car seats? What ever they used, they need to try that on Casey Anthony. Because susan told the police her sons had been abducted by a black stranger.
What method did the cops use on Susan to stop lying and tell the truth?
I'm watching the release of the cops talking to her while she's telling lies. I don't care what they say there are more in on this. There in NO WAY this chick is that clever NO AT ALL. She keeps saying she don't know where she is? WEll, if you drop a dead body somewhere in a dumpster or woods you wouldn't know what happen to her after you left her there. Hello, she is twisted in her head! as long as she takes the truth and twist it in her mind she's okay. She is nuts and her parents needs to stop drinking the koolaide also.
I just finished listening to the police tapes. I couldn't believe the
way she lies so easily and has an
answer to everything or thinks she does. If you really pay attention her
dates and time lines change each time
they ask her a question. She even
pronounces Zenaida different several
times. There should only be one
pronunciation for her since she knew lady so well.
I believe her family and her attorney has told her not to say
anything different and I also
think Casey believes she will get
away with this. I hope she's wrong.
Casey needs to be locked in a room with a couple of "Sista's" then you will get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
No questions asked, just start whamming on that azz and she will tell you everything you need to know.
Cindy needs to be locked in the room with a couple of "Big Ma's" then she will stop being so stupid and allowing her daughter to play her like a fiddler on the roof! they'll set her straight.
The father needs to be locked in a room with "Madier" call the Po-Po!
This case needs some flavor and not the two body guards they hired off the streets of Sanford. I mean straight from the "Big D" aka Detroit, this case would be settled. LOL
For every lie she tells "Beat Down"
I'll bet you then girlie-girl will stop tripping. She needs a good ole fashion azz kicking, they all do.
All I can say is that Casey is the devils child and her parents are right along with her. I have a 6yr old granddaughter and if this has happened I wouldn't have let it gone on for thirty plus days. When I did find my daughter she would have been taken right to the police station and not left until she told the truth..She would not have been allowed back into my home!! They know what Casey did and until they come clean themselves they deserve all the negative protesters outside their home but my heart goes out to the poor neighbors who don't derserve it. Not one of them Anthonys have a consious or a heart.
I do not believe sweet innocent Caylee will ever be found and may God have her in his arms.
I have a theory: The nutjob Casey probably sedated Caylee with the chloroform and left here in a car with pizza while she went out to the club. Casey gets tipsy and forgets about the child? By the time she does too late child died from heat stroke. Now here is where it gets thick: Casey Calls Daddy Lee the x-det. He covers things up cause he might be the childs biological father? and nasty secret will be in the news. Casey's Moron Mother helps by washing up the scene, after all she does not want the family secret exposed, her hospital reputation and Daddy Lee the X cop! Seems that no one in that family is upset and crying for this little lost baby Caylee.
Most families would be in such sadness and despair at this point. The Anthony's don't look wraught and tired in their search, because they have a part played in this child's dissapearence, and that is why they won't take a lie detector test. May God's wrath come down on them all, and Caylee's beautiful soul rest in peace.
From the beginning I've followed this story. I've created every imaginable scenaro in my head to give the girl some credit & reasonable explanation. I myself was a Mom at 17 & single. I was my child's caretaker & protector, even without a clue of what life would hold. I certainly did not have the advantage of a 24/7 babysitter, even though I lived at home. I was allowed 1 night of babysitting per month. I moved away from home when my child was slightly over a year old.
Life turned out okay, daughter is married & 35 with two adorable children. To this day, if I have a disagreement with my daughter & we don't talk for a few days, I am practically a nut case, for fear of never resolving the petty little issue.
The story began when Casey was pregnant & wanted to give her child up for adoption. She was not given an option by her parents & forced into something she was not capable of being, A "Mother".
I commend the detectives working on this case & after listening to the tapes can understand, they knew from the initial interview Caylee was missing because of Casey. Afterall, Casey never did call to report her missing, her Mother finally caught up with her & began demanding answers & then called the police. Had her Mother, not located her, she would still be in a "safe place" such as her boyfriends house.
Thank God for Cindy calling the police & Casey stealing money from Amy. That got the ball rolling & authorities involved.
I work in a law firm which does not handle criminal law. I can tell you, we do not have client's sitting in our office for 6 hours each day. Our attorneys have other cases that need attention & paying by the hour, generally, you want to keep things short.
Casey will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I understand Florida has the death penalty & she will walk the walk never accepting responsibility. I have to feel confident that the attention on this case has the prosecutors developing an excellent prosecution & she will not see the light of day ever again.
To George & Cindy, please consider opening your eyes, admitting the truth that Casey is quite possibly the biggest monster that anyone of us can believe. Leave Casey to her dillusional behavior, have a service for Caylee. Accept the truth, move on, dedicate your life to saving other innocent children that are not wanted by their mothers. Be an advocate for Caylee.
Have the Anthony's have hired a Private Investigator, you know, to go to Texas and Puerto Rico to search for Caylee? THAT IS if they really want to find Caylee. They have money to bail the child killer out of jail, but they can not invest some money on a Private Investigator. I'm not surprised that Casey does not want to take a Polygraph test. If you just murdered a beautiful little 2 year old girl about 3 months ago would you want to take one.? The devil and his family live in Orlando.
Isn't George Anthony a retired homicide detective? A thought just occurred to me, could he be or is abusive of Cindy, making her a doormat & that is where quite possibly Casey learned the behavior of manipulating her Mother? I think Cindy has probably spent many years trying to make everyone happy, keeping the peace, always believing everything was her fault, wondering where she went wrong when she finally exposed Casey as the true failure that she became. Pondering this thought, how many 22 year olds out in the real world have a "nanny"? Doesn't the "nanny" usually come to the employer's home? Oh right, Casey had an imaginary job, hence the "imaginary nanny". Normally when parent's are paying for child care you usually have a paper trail of cancelled checks for the "IRS".
I am so thankful for all the wonderful new technology that will help to convict her. Thank you scientists for DNA testing & evidence. Take a sample of Casey's hair & run some drug tests on her to disprove that the "drugs" made her do it. I'm betting she was stone cold sober when she laid Caylee to rest permantently in a swamp.
Just curious Casey, why don't you have your party face on in the mugshots? You looked so much happier conducting your own investigation at Club Fusion.
Generally when you loose your dog, you are frantic until you find him or her & are seeking help in looking. But no, not Casey she just paces for awhile, the imaginary nanny disconnects her phone & you're scared so you go to Tony's house & don't mention a thing.
There are probably plenty of us out here that would be more than happy to send money for your prosecution, but raise money for your defense fund, you can't be serious?
Casey, when the big prison doors shut behind you, remember only trust yourself. Don't steal from your fellow cell mates, because you are going to want them on your side. Make sure you do a lot of high fives & they will think you are a team player!
The Caylee Anthony story is a tragady without saying, but please, can we hear some other story on Nancy Grace's program? I'm am sure there are other lost children and other dirty deeds being done in this world these days. Nancy has the resources and to personel to give us some NEW stories. One or two updates per week on the Anthony case would suffice till something REALLY NEW comes to light. Thank you and please have mercy on your viewers.
After hearing those tapes........and I would dispute that her rights were violated.... I think they were kinder than they should have been to her....but one more day before Baez the defense devil came onto the scene......ONE MORE DAY, and perhaps they would have been able to get info about what happened to Caylee, espcially where her ramains are. ONE MORE DAY and maybe she would have fallen in "love" with the good cop.........and spilled the beans........boy does that psycho LOVE to talk it up eh?
What makes those defense attorney's do they sleep at night......How can Casey's "civil liberties" and civil rights supercede the rights of the victim.....CAYLEE MARIE????
Something smells like a dead this damn scenario....
Sleep tight JOSE!
Has anyone thought about getting a phychic to find little Caylee ?
Im Yesenia from Orlando, I live right up the street from these animals.. I really believe Cindy DIDN'T know what was going on in the beginning, the reaction of the dead body smell in the car was way to cincere.. I believe somewhere along the lines she found out the truth & to avoid losing her Granddaughter & daughter- now its a pizza with bugs that makes the smell of death.. The woman in that family are manipulating the men to believe their fairy tales, its insane! I think in her mind if she can't have it her way no one will be happy- & she did just that..
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