Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Case Against Casey Anthony, An Editorial by ritanita

I watched the coverage of the Texas Equusearch search for the remains of Caylee Anthony this weekend. It was heartening to see so many people engaged in the search through some miserable terrain. I was so saddened by the lack of results. This little girl needs to be brought home for a proper burial and unfortunately, that is not likely to happen any time soon.

"We can bring in the entire military and there's still a small chance that she would ever be found," EquuSearch founder Tim Miller said.

I also followed the controversial search Monday by Leonard Padilla in the Econ River in Blanchard Park. That search also yielded no results. However, it did manage to host yet another confrontation between the Anthony's and Leonard Padilla. You can watch the raw video here.

Watching that video made me decide, for once and for all, that I'VE HAD ENOUGH!

I've had enough of the Anthony family dysfunction. Let them rant and rave, steal posters, accost people whenever they want. Let Cindy go on talking about the "live search" and the victimization of her precious daughter, Casey.

I've had enough of Casey's attorney Jose Baez, who seems to relish the limelight a bit too much for someone who is defending a first degree murder case.

I've had enough of trying to figure out how many phantom Zenaidas can dance on the head of a pin!

I am waiting for more documents to be released so I can read for myself.

I am waiting for pretrial motions to be made.

I am waiting for a fair jury to be impaneled.

I am waiting for the trial to take place.

I am waiting for full testimony about the forensics in the case.

I am waiting for witnesses to tell the truth on the stand.

I am waiting for the defense to make their case.

I am waiting for a fair verdict from an impartial jury.

These things are what really count here.


CNN Find Caylee Blog


donchais said...

I second that!

Susan said...

The only known antidote to the Anthony family.

ritanita said...

It's time for the unending nuttiness of the family and squabbling among seach leaders to end. I'm going for JUSTICE!

katfish said...


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your editorial. My question is what is Nejames doing? How can he get positive pr when Cyndi is performing? Has he lost control....he sure did on Nancy's show last week.


shari said...

Hopefully a gag order will be granted on all parties concerned and justice will prevail. It's going to be very hard to get a fair and impartial jury here in the Orlando area, or anywhere in Florida for that matter. Cindy and George do not help by their "out of control" appearances and foul mouthed ranting at anyone who happens to disagree with them. I respect their continued belief in Caylees being alive. They will have to face their worst fears eventually, but in their own time. They need to turn off the tv coverage and listen to their lawyer's advice.

ritanita said...

Anonymous, I think NeJames is trying his best to get some decent PR for the Anthony's. His hosting a sign-up for TES was just one example. Good luck to him!

shari, it's too bad Baez messed up his dates! LOL! Was that an accident? If so, the gag order might have been in place since all this latest tripe has hit the press.

At this point, I do hope the gag order goes through, we who are following the case to trial need a blessed period of silence.

BTW, we haven't heard a peep from LE in so long! They are the smart ones, they gag themselves. They know better.

Anonymous said...

This whole mess could have been solved a long time ago if authorities had put Casey in a regular jail cell the first time instead of a private one. Betcha Casey would have "broke" within days.

snailwalker said...

i think and pray that cindy/lee do not need to hurt anymore....casey sould be put in with the other prisoners and not be pampered anymore she can't see the suffering her parents are going through it needs to stop just becuz she won't talk or help..that lawyer not helping by letting this go on ...what's in it for him???? the turth will set you's killing her mom/dad and the longer it goes it will be worse..someone has to step in......PS i think every mom wants a picture of their child with them someone should send her some!!!!! keep the faith

barskin said...

Bravo, ritanita!! Enough already!!

cake fairy said...


Anonymous said...

Does anybody know who the father is to this child. I have not seen all the coverage but most and have never heard if there is a father. Could she be with him or was this Immaculate Conception?

shari said...

well today (Friday, 11/14) we now have Dr. Henry Lee here in Orlando working for Jose Baez and looking over Caseys car ( which apparently still smells like decomposition) Now I wouldn't believe Dr. Lee if his tongue came notarized, quoting Judge Marilyn Milian of Peoples Court, because of the Phil Spector trial. The question that I am pondering is who is paying for this??? Dr. Lee definitely DOES NOT WORK CHEAP> what say you all???

katfish said...

WOW! Henry Lee coming on board completes the 3 ring circus in the Casey A. defense team.
What happened, Larry K. not give them the answers they wanted? You can be sure HL will.
Good question about how they are getting paid....we know the Anthony's don't have the money...Grandparents can't help...Casey stole their money....maybe Casey meant she had $50,000 saved instead of $5,000.Yeah that's probably it.

Anonymous said...

Small wonder their daughter is in deep doodoo! They are both psycho!!

ritanita said...

I guess Henry Lee whited out the names Michael Peterson and Phil Spector from his resume!

Is he hoping to redeem his public rep with Casey?

Anonymous said...

ENOUGH OF PAID "SO CALLED" EXPERT WITNESSES. ONCE THEY ARE PAID, THEY ARE PREDJUDICED TO THE SIDE THEY ARE PAID BY. Where are morals? There is a missing child. What about her rights?????????????????
I am so sick of Cindy and Casey. They play off of each other. Cindy explains Casey's ability to just not even think twice about where little Calyee is........she doesn't care. Mom will take care of it. She always has. SOMEONE, PLEASE STEP UP TO HONESTY - EXPERT WITNESSES AND FAMILY - AND HELP FIND THIS BABY. Let her rest in peace. Her life was full of torture and arguments - let her death be peaceful................

Anonymous said...

Why is it that when a so-called "expert witness" is paid by one side or the other, they take the stance that the side they are paid by is the only correct stance to take???? Huh, Dr. Lee??? Instead of respectful knowledge, they are all of a sudden only a "prove the guilty innocent" tag man. What a shame that poor little Caylee is STILL MISSING and all of the evidence points to a mom that didn't give a crap about her. Cindy and Casey feed off of each other. Poor George. WAKE UP. Someone created this monster...................