GUEST ENTRY by Sedonia Sunset
Thursday, 5/26/2011
Our friend Sedonia Sunset was kind enough to step in and help ritanita with her Anthony trial coverage while away on a trip. Sprocket.
Starting at 11:10 am eastern on via watching live camera feed from WFTV.
Approximately 11:10 am EDT

Baez is trying to get George mad by asking confusing and disingenuous questions about the gas cans and duct tape and various dates, skipping around between June and August. He makes George write things on a calendar, including the date Caylee was reported missing.
George is onto him as far as trying to make him mad, and he is trying very hard to keep his cool. George points out the differing circumstances. Yes, George put duct tape on the old can vent because once it's empty or near empty, fumes escape. There's more than one photo of the gas can that George has testified to (in a prior deposition or hearing), and there's more than one gas can. The photo of the can they asked about in a deposition is not the same photo Jose Baez is showing him right now.
The jury has been sent out so that the judge can ream out Jose Baez for continuing to ask questions about a photo that is NOT IN EVIDENCE.
The judge keeps referring to Tony Lazzaro as Tony LazarrIo.
Now the judge wants Tony Lazzaro to to come back in. Tony left (for lunch)? The judge is pissed off now because he wants to call him in on this matter of the gas cans.
The judge reiterates for the umpteenth time to Jose Baez that he can NOT keep asking the witness questions about a photo that is NOT IN EVIDENCE AT THIS TIME.
Pissed off, the judge orders a 5-minute recess.
Approximately 11:13 am EDT
Back from the break, the jury had some questions about the order of deciding things, but I missed what the questions were. They DO want to watch a Tampa Lightning game on a certain day in a common room. The judge is going to check to see what, if any, news might come out during the game. And they want pretzels in the break room. They also want to know if they can write in and/or keep their OWN personal diaries/journals that they normally keep in their daily lives and whether or not they should or should not do that.
Linda Drane Burdick and Jose Baez both say that they don't want them writing about the case, but they can write about other things. The judge agrees. (Me: How would they know? Are they going to read the jurors personal, very private diaries?)
Approximately 11:34 am EDT
Jury is coming back in. Judge says he can't answer their questions about whether or not alternates can go home once deliberation starts. He tells them they cannot write in their journals anything about the trial. He says their notes they take in the courtroom are locked in a vault each night.
George Anthony is called back into the courtroom (he had been sent out while the judge ripped Jose Baez a new one).
Jose Baez asks if the old, round gas can that George Anthony gave to Law Enforcement on 8/1 had duct tape on it. Yes.
On 7/17/08, did Detective Appy Wells search his shed? Did George Anthony give Detective Wells a tour of the backyard. George Anthony said he probably did, but he doesn't remember specifically if and when. Did George Anthony open the shed at any time for Detective Wells? George Anthony couldn't be sure whom he showed what because in those first few days there were a lot of people there combing the property (Law Enforcement, FBI, media, dogs, etc.) and asking him to show them all sorts of things.
George Anthony doesn't remember if he told any of them about the argument with Casey over the gas cans.
Jose Baez keeps trying to talk about the smell of the car, and the Prosecutor keeps objecting because right now he's ONLY supposed to be asking about the gas cans and duct tape-centric stuff, so it's out of scope.
George keeps saying he doesn't remember whom he told what or IF he told them. Jose Baez keeps badgering him about it. The judge testily tells Baez to move on.
Jose Baez tries to get George Anthony to talk about what he's talked about with his lawer. Objection! Then he asks George if he specifically has been made an exception to the rules of sequestration. SIDEBAR!!! [Note: Normally witnesses who will be testifying cannot be in the courtroom, at least not until they are officially excused. The Anthonys had had a hearing specifically so that they COULD be in the courtroom during all of the trial, even though they are also witnesses, on the grounds that they are also VICTIMS since Caylee was their granddaughter, and victims have a right to be in the courtroom.]
Jose Baez, as usual, has been extremely smug and smarmy throughout all this.
Jose Baez says he has no more questions for him at this time (in other words, the judge told him at the sidebar to shut up now).
Jeff Ashton asks if George Anthony thought, at the time, that the gas cans might have had ANYTHING to do with the death of his granddaughter. No. Did the significance of the gas cans become clear in December 2008? Yes. From August to December, the cans were kept in the shed with all his other garden tools.
Did George Anthony think Caylee was in the care of his daughter and being well taken care of? Yes. Did George Anthony have any reason on 6/24/08 to suspect that his granddaughter was either dead or missing? No. He did not see her on 6/24/08.
Jose Baez asks if he knew on 6/24/08 that the gas cans would become an issue. Objection! George Anthony denies he knew that on 6/24/08. Jose Baez basically keeps accusing him of KNOWING on 6/24/08 that Casey had taken the gas cans, and that he KNEW they would be significant in the murder investigation. He hadn't seen Caylee in 9 days by then, so he must have known. He is basically accusing George Anthony of trying to screw up the investigation because he knew Caylee was already dead (per his Opening Statements).
Approximately 11:43 am EDT

He worked in a car dealership setting appointments back in June of 2008. He and Casey met in June 2007, and they were dating. She said she was an Event Coordinator at Universal. Sometimes she talked about a co-worker, Juliette, and her boss, Tom.
They started dating in February 2008. It ended in mid-April 2008. Sometimes she stayed over 4-5 nights a week during that time. Caylee also stayed on almost every occasion. Caylee slept in the bed with them. Casey brought clothes, toiletries, etc., over each time, but did not leave them there.
He identifies a photo of Casey and Caylee taken at his apartment. Casey is wearing a purple top. Caylee is wearing the pink top that was found with her remains (i.e., the shirt had the words "BIG TROUBLE COMES IN SMALL PACKAGES" were on shirt). There is a guitar against the wall. Ricardo says it was probably mid-January since Caylee has bruise on her face. Objection! He's admonished to just answer the question. I missed what came next, but there's a sidebar.
At sidebar, Jose Baez is grinning, but that could be just for show as he says something nasty. Now he's nodding. Jeff Ashton is shaking his head and grousing. Jose Baez is asserting whatever it is he's asserting (I'm getting all this from body language). Sidebar finally over. It looks like a football huddle breaking up.
Approximately 12:01 pm EDT
Ricardo Morales is rolling his eyes as he waits. He's slumped somewhat disrespectfully in the witness chair.
The Prosecutor asks if he ever met George or Cindy Anthony. No. He HAD been over to the house early on for breakfast once.
Did he see Casey on 6/7/08? Yes, Caylee was there. Objection to relevance. On 6/9-10/08 did he see Casey? Yes, she spent the night. Did he see Caylee then, too? Objection. Overruled. Yes. He saw Caylee last on 6/10/08.
When did he first hear of Tony Lazzaro? Objection. Sustained. Did he see Casey any more that week? No. He did not see her again until 7/1/08. Between 6/10/08 and 7/1/08 did he have any contact with her? Yes, but it was minimal, maybe 1-2 text messages. Did she say anything about Caylee being missing, kidnapped, etc.? No. Did anything bad at ALL happen to Casey to make her feel terrible/horrible/upset? No.
Ricardo is asked about where he lived at that time and who else might have been there. His roommate (John Chat?) was there. Amy Huizenga was sleeping on the sofa.; her car had crashed, and his place was close to her work so she could walk. She was looking for a place to live. She was going to move in with Casey into Casey's parents' home.
What were circumstances that he saw Casey on 7/1/08? Casey was in a chair talking to Amy Huizenga when he woke up to go to work. He was surprised because he didn't know she was coming over. Was her demeanor different? Upset, etc.? No. Was her demeanor any different on 7/1/08 than it was on 6/10/08? No, not at all.
Ricardo took a trip on 7/2/02 to Boston for 6-7 days. He came back to Orlando airport and stayed at the airport for his next flight to Puerto Rico to meet up with friends. He flew to Puerto Rico alone. He named his friends that were also going to be there, Amy, John, etc. It was planned ahead. Casey was invited and they were dating when the trip was planned; it may even have been planned before they were dating. Did he believe she was going to go? He did not think so, but she had not been dis-invited.
He came back from Puerto Rico on 7/15/08. Did he see Casey? Yes. She was picking them up at the airport in the afternoon some time. What was her demeanor? Same as always. Casey was happy, smiling, and asking about their trip. She was just the normal Casey. Did she tell him Caylee was missing or kidnapped, or that she was looking for her or that anything terrible/horrible had happened to Casey, herself? No to all questions. There was no indication whatsoever that anything was wrong.
Breaking for lunch until 1:30 EDT.
Approximately 1:25 pm EDT
Camera's back on. Deputies keep going in an out of the area where they keep Casey. As usual, the camera stays focused on it so they can catch Casey walking in. By 1:28 pm EST Casey is back in the courtroom, preening. Then she sticks her finger over her mouth to disguise what she's saying to Baez. Mind you, it's only ONE finger.
approximatelly 1:34 pm EDT
Judge is walking into the courtroom.
Approximately 10:40 pm EDT
Ricardo Morales is back on the stand.
The lawyers have worked out a stipulation about the bruise on Caley's face in the photo. It has nothing to do with the case, and it was not due to neglect, etc. Both sides agree to the stipulation. The Judge will read it to the jury prior to the photo being published. Baez wants the court to instruct the jury not to take the bruise into account in any way. The Judge agrees.
Baez keeps forgetting to talk into the microphone and the judge keeps chiding him about it. I suspect he was just motioned back to the microphone, since he was talking and then jumped back a few feet.
Jose Baez asking for (I think) Ricardo Morales to go out of order since he lives out of state. I think they've agreed.
The Tampa hockey game (Lightning) the jury wants to see is not carried in Orlando, but the judge is going to try to get it taped for them to see.
Prosecutor Frank George is asking Ricardo Morales about photos he had taken of Casey and Caylee. He's asked if he sold them after 7/16/08. Yes, to Globe Magazine. They approached him. It was Aug 2008. He got $4K for the photos. He did not license or sell them to anyone else.
The photo previously detailed is now officially entered into evidence. The judge reads the stipulation as to the bruise not being any part of the case or due to child abuse or neglect. [Note: I have a photo of my (now grown) son at 3 yrs old with a great big shiner due to him having run into the handlebar of his tricycle. It happens.]
Now they are showing a photo of Casey, holding a guitar, on Ricardo Morales's sofa. Caylee is sitting next to her. It is entered into evidence and published to the jury. Frank George has no further questions at this time.
Jose Baez struts to the podium. He shows the MySpace parody of a romantic photo of a man and woman on a date that says . The man is approaching the woman and holding (out of her sight) a handkerchief/rag. The caption reads: "Win her over ... With Chloroform". The photo is published to the jury (presumably that means they see it on screens in the jury box, because when they "publish", they push a button on the podium).
Ricardo Morales had posted the photo while he was dating Casey in March 2008. Jose Baez asked why he posted it. Ricardo said it was a joke that he found humorous at the time. He did not discuss it with Casey and does not recall ever talking about chloroform with her.
Up until Globe Magazine talked to him about the photos, he had not talked to the media.
Jose Baez is now back to asking about Casey and Caylee sleeping in bed with Ricardo.
Does Ricardo recall giving a statement to Law Enforcement on 7/25/08. Yes. Jose Baez starts to read a police report, but Frank George objects. He wants Ricardo Morales to be asked about it. He does not want it to be read aloud. In the report Ricardo said there was one time that they were both in his bed. Yes, Ricardo remembers saying that.
Can he testify to ANYTHING that he witnessed on 6/16/08 that he could add to help the investigation/court? No.
Jose Baez got up and asked if he would ever be intimate with Casey while Caylee was in bed with them. Ricardo Morales said he doesn't believe so.
Prosecutor Frank George is back at the podium and asks how many photos Ricardo may have uploaded to his MySpace account. Ricardo doesn't think too many. Frank George asks if he has any idea when he uploaded the chloroform photo. Ricardo doesn't know, but thinks it was early 2008. Does he know what chloroform is? Ricardo says it's a chemical that puts people to sleep if they inhale it. Did he ever search on the computer for it? No, never.
The "one night" issue was that Caylee did NOT stay overnight with them. Did Casey and Caylee stay with him on 6/9/08. Yes. Did they both sleep in the same bed with him? Yes. The question Detective Edwards asked him about was NOT in regard to THAT night. The other question was about when he woke up and Caylee was NOT in the bed with them. Ricardo does not recall the date.
Approximately 1:10 pm EDT
Ricardo Morales reads some lines in a police report to refresh the context for him. For sure the morning Caylee was no longer in the bed was NOT 6/9/08. The night that he IS talking about, Casey's Mom had called ... (objections, hashing out). Casey had received "a call".
Jose Baez keeps harping on Caylee being in the bed with them. Ricardo Morales is (justifiably) confused as to what the hell Jose Baez is asking him. Baez asks if he was able to observe the interaction between Casey and Caylee. Lots of times. Did Caylee ever go hungry? No. Was Casey a good mother? Objection! Sustained. Did he ever see Caylee run to Casey? No. Did they hug, and did it seem genuine? Yes. Did Caylee seem happy? Lots of objections. Did he ever see Casey strike Caylee? Ricardo hesitated, but said no. Did he ever see Casey torture Caylee? No. Casey had trouble getting Caylee to go to sleep. It was just normal mother trying to get a child to go to sleep stuff.
Ricardo Morales is excused.
Approximately 1:21 pm EDT
Melissa E

Prosecutor Frank George is questioning Melissa England. She is 26, and lives in Boston. She has done marketing for a software firm for two-and-a-half years.
Does Melissa know Troy Brown? Yes, in high school, and they dated a couple of years ago. Were they dating in June/July 2008? Yes. She was living in Arlington, VA, at the time. She came down to visit Troy in Orlando on 7/2/08.
Did Melissa know Casey before then? No. Troy had mentioned her, though. From the Orlando airport they dropped her stuff off at his place and went to a place called Voyage (a nightclub; it is pronounced "Voy-Ojz") to meet some of his friends, including Casey.
Casey's demeanor was very friendly and outgoing; Casey asked them about their plans for the weekend. Troy was a valet at a hotel downtown at that time. He had taken 7/2/08 off, but had to work on 7/3/08. Did Casey know that (he was going to work on 7/3)? No. Casey said she was going to be off work and would take Melissa around shopping, etc. Everyone was drinking. Did Casey's demeanor reflect ANYTHING other than happy and outgoing? No. Did she mention she had a daughter? No; Troy had told her previously, though. Did Casey tell her that her daughter was missing or kidnapped, or that she was looking for her, etc.? No. Nothing whatsoever seemed to be wrong with Casey.
Casey mentioned that she was going to get a tattoo the next day and asked if Melissa wanted to go with her. Melissa was not interested in that. Did they exchange phone numbers or email? No. How did Casey get in touch on 7/3/08? Through Troy around noon. They went to JP's house; Casey was already there.
What was Casey's demeanor on 7/3/08? She was very happy, friendly and outgoing to Melissa. No indications of Caylee being missing, kidnapped, etc. Casey was driving Tony's Jeep and said that her own car was in the shop. No details were given on what was wrong with her car.
Does she know Amy Huizenga? Yes, she had met her the night before. Melissa did not know her before, but had heard of her through Troy. Did Casey tell her anything about Amy Huizenga? There was a story about how Amy had lost money the night before while she was sleepwalking [in other words, Casey STOLE money from Amy and then TOLD her that she (Amy) had been sleepwalking]. Objection! Jose Baez wants to approach the bench.
Approximately 1:24 pm EDT
[It's hard for me to imagine the jury liking Jose Baez with his constant smirking.]
Melissa has a tattoo, birthmark, scar or hickey on her neck. It's hard to say from this distance what it is. Could be melted chocolate
Approximately 1:39 pm EDT
Objection (regarding Amy losing money while sleepwalking) sustained.
Casey and Melissa went to Target and then to a mall. Casey got a phone call while at Target. She was arguing with someone on the phone for about 10 minutes. Melissa says Casey was speaking harshly and sounded irritated [hence the description of "arguing"]. She referenced that it was about money and she heard the word "nanny". Melissa thought it was Casey's Mom on the phone, and Casey verified it.
Did Melissa know if Casey was dating someone? Yes, they were using her boyfriend's car. Casey talked about him a lot, said the relationship was new, but that she really liked him. Casey did not talk about her daughter.
They went to mall. Casey bought stuff, but Melissa did not. Casey was on the phone a LOT throughout the day, mostly texting. Casey said one message was from work and they needed something from her, despite her being on "vacation". They talked about their work and how event planning was stressful. Casey did not give details of her "work" call. The topic of her daughter never came up while they were at the mall.
They went to Troy's sister's place so Melissa could get ready to go out. Casey stayed with her. Casey never mentioned Caylee until Troy's sister asked about her. Casey said that she was thinking about leaving Orlando because the public school system wasn't so great and she wanted Caylee to get a better education.
She and Casey went out to the restaurant where Amy worked (Amy was working there at the time and served them). Melissa had asked some superficial questions about Caylee. She had impression that Caylee was fine. The usual questions about Casey's demeanor vis-a-vis Caylee missing/kidnapped, etc., are asked.
Casey talked a lot about Tony Lazzaro; she was excited about her new relationship. They went back to JP's house [I don't know who "JP" is]. Casey got call from someone and lied about having a flat tire or something like that to get out of doing something. Then she threw the phone down on the dashboard and said: "Oh my God, I'm SUCH a good liar!"
They went to a place called "Chillers". Casey's demeanor the same (i.e., happy, upbeat, outgoing). Everyone was having a good time. Did Casey make or receive calls? Yes. There were several times that Casey was on and off the phone. Melissa did not know if the calls were incoming or outgoing. Casey was upset after one of the calls; she was crying and seemed very distraught. Melissa did not ask what was going on, but Troy told her it was Casey's brother on the phone. Objection! Sustained.
Casey's mood changed over the course of the evening. She was VERY upset, crying often, and there were several phone calls. She was not doing well and wanted to leave. She WAS taking the calls. Did her mood change? Sometimes she tried to get back into a good mood, but then there would be more phone calls and she finally wanted to leave. They all left. Melissa went to JP's house. Casey did not. They said goodbye to Casey outside the bar.
Melissa and Troy were planning to go bowling on Sunday and invited Casey to bring Tony and Caylee. Casey thought that was a great idea. They never saw each other again (until today).
Approximately 1:44 pm EDT
Jose Baez takes the podium. Baez asks about where Melissa lives and if the state is paying for all her expenses to be here. Yes.
Can she tell the jury how Caylee Anthony died? No. Can she tell them anything about when or where Caylee died? No.
Jose Baez is not asking questions, he's just repeating that the DA asked her various questions, but he says them in a question tone of voice. He keeps saying things like "She didn't tell you anything about when she was 10 years old and--" OBJECTION! He tries again about did she tell her anything about any of the horrors--OBJECTION! He tries again and is practically pulled over to the subsequent sidebar with a great big hook.
Approximately 1:50 pm EDT
The sidebar over, Jose Baez says Miss England barely knew Casey and had only met her that weekend? She doesn't know anything about how good a mother Casey was, whether she loved her daughter or her daughter loved her? She only knows how she was on that holiday weekend? Miss England agrees. She is excused.
Time for a mid-afternoon recess until 3:10pm Eastern.
Approximately 3:15 pm EDT
So far, Melissa England is the only witness who got in that Casey was upset while they were out that night, and that Lee kept calling her. [He was probably yelling at her to get her to cough up Caylee. ]
The Judge is back on the bench.
The next w

Troy met Casey through a friend of friend of an ex-girlfriend at a birthday party in 2007. He didn't see Casey often. He saw her more when she started dating his good friend, Ricardo Morales. He was never Ricardo's roommate. He knows OF Tony Lazzaro; they met two times. He met Tony Lazzaro at a house party in 2008. Troy saw Casey that night. He knows who Caylee is; he saw her in late 2007 at Ricardo Morales's house with Casey.
After 6/9-10/08 when did Troy see Casey again? Late June, he thinks. Did he communicate with Casey in June? Yes, she said something in a FaceBook message. Troy is handed a printout of a FaceBook conversation. His and Casey's names are on the email addresses. Does it appear to be a true conversation between them then? Yes. It is entered into evidence. A sidebar is requested by Jose Baez.
[I only read Twitter briefly, but someone said that the attorneys appear to be playing a sidebar drinking game today]
Approximately 3:41 pm EDT
The objection to entering the printout into evidence overruled. It is published to the jury. The FaceBook message says (regarding Amy moving into the house with Casey): "She still has yet to move into the house. Hell, in the past 9 days I haven't even been living at the house. Drama. I'll fill you in later."
Troy did not ask Casey what the drama was. He says Amy is HIS friend. She and Casey became friends when Casey started dating Ricardo Morales because they were in the same social circle.
He knew they were looking to move in together somewhere. Based on his knowledge, did he know Amy Huizenga was going to move in with Casey (to the house?). Objection; clarified. He knows there were conversations about it.
Troy went out of town and came back on 6/18/08. He did not see Casey again until 7/2/08. He is asked who Melissa England is. He says he was seeing her at the time and she flew in for the weekend. He was working at what was the Sheridan downtown hotel as a valet parker.
Did Melissa stayed with him when she came down? Yes. How long had her trip been planned? He thinks maybe a month before it, but isn't sure. She came down on 7/2/08. They went to his sister's house and later they went out to Voyage and then another bar after that.
Did he see Casey at Voyage? Yes. He, Melissa, Amy and Casey were there. Casey's demeanor was normal. She was in a good mood. Was she angry or sad that night? No. The usual questions about Casey talking about Caylee missing, etc., are asked. Nope, she never said a word or gave any indication that anything was wrong. Did they talk about Caylee? No, not that night.
Then the whole group went to Mako's. Melissa and Casey seemed to hit it off. Casey was friendly. How late did they stay out? Probably 1:00 am, but he's not sure. Did he know Melissa and Casey were going to spend the next day together? Yes.
On 7/3/08 did he see Casey in morning or noontime? He doesn't recall. What did he do when he got up? He doesn't remember. Did he see Casey before going to work? Yes, she dropped him off at work using Tony Lazzaro's car. He knows she had issues with her own car, but he didn't know specifically what was wrong with it.
Did he speak with Melissa during the course of the day? No. They spoke after work. He got off work at 10:00 pm or 11:00 pm. Troy, Melissa, Amy and Casey went to Ricardo Morales's house and then from there took a taxi to some downtown bars. What was Casey's demeanor THAT night? He mentions the phone calls that she said were from her brother, and said that Casey was visibly upset and crying. She'd be okay off the phone, but would get upset again when on the phone. There were multiple phone calls within an hour or two. Then she wanted to leave. They went back to Ricardo's house and Casey went off and did her own thing.
Did he have contact with Casey after that? There were phone calls regarding the trip to Puerto Rico that they were planning. Was Casey part of the plan to go? She was, but never gave a direct answer; she just talked like she MIGHT be going. On 7/10/08 she said she wasn't going to go because she needed to find a place to live and find a car. She did not mention Caylee.
When he returned on 7/15/08 from Puerto Rico, she picked them up from the airport. The usual questions about her demeanor are asked. Casey never gave any indication that anything was wrong. She seemed normal.
Approximately 3:42 pm EDT
Jose Baez takes podium.
Does Troy have any info that might help the jury know how, where or when Caylee died? No.
Troy Brown is excused.
The next witness is Iassen Donov. He is

Iassen met Casey when she was dating his friend, Brian Snow, and they were introduced. Did he see her in June 2008? Yes, near end of month. Buffalo Wild Wings was where they were. He also mentions an Ale House, so it's unclear [to me] which place he is talking about. What was Casey's demeanor? No difference. She was just being typical Casey, social, happy, and talkative. Did she talk about Caylee being missing, etc.? No. They were out as a group for 2-3 hours that night. He had been at Caylee's second birthday party, but he never saw her again. Was there anything special about the night at the Ale House? No.
What did he know about Casey's employment in June 2008? She was an Event Coordinator at Universal. He didn't ask her much about it. Did he ever have reason to doubt she worked there? No. Did she ever mention childcare issues? Iassen had asked Casey what she did with Caylee while she worked. Casey said she had a nanny that she'd known for six years. Had Casey ever mentioned the nanny before? No.
Attorneys for both sides are discussing something, but it's not a sidebar. Prosecutor Frank George gives Iassen a piece of paper called "LL". It's a transcript of an AOL instant chat between him and Casey Anthony.
Iassen's screen name is doorknob375. Casey's screen name is Caseyomarie. The dates of the chats were 6/13/08, 6/19/08, 6/20/08 and 7/14/08. Iassen has previously reviewed these messages. Are they a true and accurate representation of their chats? Yes. The Defense objects to moving it into evidence, as much of it is irrelevant. Overruled. It is moved into evidence.
Approximately 4:01 pm EDT
The Prosecutors are discussing something about the chats.
Frank George asks the date of the current chat on the screen. Iassen answers that it is 6/13/08. The topic of the conversation is Casey moving out of her parents' house soon. She mentions she's been looking at apartments. She wanted to move within a week. Casey says she has a nanny and loves her. [It's not clear to me now if they are talking 6/13/08 or 7/13/08].
Did Iassen want to start a relationship with Casey at that time? He says maybe. Casey indicated that she might be interested. That was the context of some of their conversations.
Has he ever heard of Fusion? Yes. It is a sushi restaurant by day, and a lounge by night. Was he invited there in June 2008? Yes, many times, via Instant Messenger. Did he ever attend? No.
Prosecutor Frank George has no further questions.
Jose Baez asks how long Iassen knew Casey. Iassen answers he's known her since 2007, for about one-and-a-half years before she was arrested. Did he think she had a nanny all that time? He didn't know until the instant messages. He knew Casey worked at Universal in 2007 and Sports Authority in 2008. Now he knows none of that is true. Is he shocked? He agrees that it was shocking then and now. She was friendly, nice, and outgoing, before and after Caylee died. Did he tell Law Enforcement that she was NOT a heavy drinker, and that she usually left early and drank light? Yes.
Approximately 4:09 pm EDT
The next witness is Dante Salat

Dante lived in Sawgrass apartments at 2867 S. Conway Road, #218. He moved there in 2005 and stayed until late 2008/2009 when he moved to different apartment in the same complex. Now he lives in Ventura Country Club. Has Casey ever been to his apartment at Sawgrass? Yes, in 2006/2007 at #218.
Did Dante see Casey in June/July 08? Yes, at the Miller's Ale House on 7/1/08 with others (he named several guys). They talked. Casey's demeanor was completely normal. He defined normal as "someone free of worry". The usual kidnapping/missing/dead questions are asked. He answers "No" to everything. They spent maybe 60-90 minutes together that night. She did not talk about work, and he didn't know if she was working. She never talked about Caylee. That's the only time he saw her that month; there were no texts, phone calls, etc.
Jose Baez is now at podium. Baez makes more statements in the form of questions [which sounds like TESTIFYING or putting words into witnesses' mouths to ME]. Baez says Dante has known Casey to be a nice, caring, giving person for 11 years? He's seen her interact with Casey many times and saw the love between them and how much Casey loved Caylee? Saw her hug and kiss her and give her lots of affection? Yes. Did it appear to be fake? No, it was genuine. Has he ever seen Caylee looking neglected or abused? Did he see her be abused or tortured? No. He never saw a change in Casey's behavior before and after 6/16/08.
Does Dante it find it shocking, having known how much Caylee and Casey loved each other, that there was no change in Casey's behavior after 6/16/08? Objection/Overruled. Yes. Witness is excused.
Approximately 4:24 pm EDT

Christopher has known Casey since 2005. They met at a kids' football game at an elementary school. He saw her in mid-May 2008 when she came to his parents' house where he was living. She brought Caylee. His parents were not there. Casey stayed the night. She came over again around Mother's Day. Objection!. Sidebar. [Note: Wouldn't Mother's day be BEFORE mid-May or at least before "around mid-May"? I think the dates are the subject of the sidebar since Jose Baez said something with the number 9 in it.]
Back from sidebar. The judge tells the jury to disregard the last question and response as far as Casey staying all night.
Did Christopher see her in June of 2008? Not that he can remember. Did he ever see her drive a black Jeep Cherokee? He thinks it was Mother's Day [in other words, she was driving Tony's Jeep when she stayed the night with this guy].
Does Christopher remember talking to Law Enforcement on 6/30/08. Yes. He doesn't remember if he told them that he saw her in June 2008. A transcript would, indeed, refresh his memory. After seeing a transcript, he says he was mistaken. He DID see Casey in June 2008 at his parents' house. Was Calee with her? No. It was probably mid-June, 6/17/08. The usual questions about Casey mentioning Caylee being missing,etc., were asked. Nope. Did he ask about the car she was driving? She said it was a friend's because hers had broken down.
Did Christopher see her again in June? He doesn't think so. In July? Yes. At Buffalo Wild Wings. He saw her there, but didn't know she would be there. He knew the guys (Shawn Daly and Iassen Donov) by face. Objection/Overruled. Casey seemed upbeat and happy. Objection/Overruled. There was nothing to indicate anything was wrong.
He found out about Caylee in mid-July via text message which said that Caylee had been missing for 30 days. Then Casey's brother sent a text message. Christopher started to elaborate, but was chided by the judge, saying it was a yes or no answer question. Did he ever receive a call from Casey? Yes, from the Corrections Facility. Objection [I think]. Sidebar. Christopher keeps elaborating when he should just be saying yes or no [I don't think he's doing it on purpose, he's just trying to be truthful and that's his style].
Approximately 4:30 pm EDT
The Prosecution is withdrawing the last question and has no further questions.
Jose Baez comes up to the podium. Christopher gulps and looks like he might have peed his pants in the meantime.
Did Christopher advise Law Enforcement that Casey didn't like to go out too much or drink too much because she didn't like to leave her child with her mother and father? Yes. He's known Casey and Caylee for quite a while.? He's seen the affection between them? Caylee was very loving and wanting to interact with Casey? He never saw her being neglected, punished, tortured, etc.? Did their affection appear genuine? Yes to all these questions. He saw quite a bit of love between them? Yes.
Christopher Stutz is excused.
Approximately 4:51 EDT
The next wit

Matthew has known Casey since 2002. He's been in semi-regular contact with her. In June 2008 there was a phone call, then he saw her the same day. Her boyfriend was looking for an apartment, and she wanted to know if he was still in that line of work and if they could look at the apartments. It was 6/17/08 or 6/19/08; he wasn't sure.
Objection to relevancy. Goes to state of mind. When he saw Casey, did he also meet her boyfriend? Yes, in the leasing office of apartment complex. He thinks it was 6/17/08. Did she tell him about Caylee being missing, etc.? No. There was no indication of stress or trouble. Casey was joyful, happy, and exuberant; she had a happy demeanor.
Matthew did not show Casey the apartment because she did not have any ID with her. He DID show her boyfriend.
He had no contact with Casey after that day until 7/7/08. She called him then about lunch at Subway. It was just the two of them. Did she talk about Caylee? He said he asked about Caylee. Casey said Caylee was in Sanford on a play date with a friend who had a child. Did she give any more info than that about where Caylee was? No.
Did he know if she had a job then? He doesn't really remember. How was her demeanor at the Subway? It was the same as before; she was happy, asking how he'd been, etc.
Objection to something.
Frank George has another question for Matthew. Does he remember giving an interview with Law Enforcement on 7/17/08. Yes, with Detective Lee. Did Detective Lee ask him specifically which day it was that he met Casey and Tony at Crane's Landing apartments? Matthew is still unsure, but he thinks it was 6/17/08; he knows it's all written down. He's being shown transcript to refresh memory. They pause to let a very loud train pass outside. The day he showed them the apartment was actually 6/19/08, not 6/17.
For a change in pace, Cheney Mason takes the podium with his folksy schtick, apologizing for being confused at least once a day ['cause he's old, get it?]. He asks if Matthew met Caylee. Matthew says yes. Caylee did not appear to be mistreated or unhappy. The witness qualifies all of his answers with "at the times I've seen her".
Does Matthew know how, where or when Caylee died? No. The witness snickers because Cheney Mason was being ... Cheney Mason, and the questions apparently seemed ABSURD to him, especially the way Cheney Mason was asking them (practically thundering). Witness is excused. He leaves, shaking his head in disbelief. [I've heard others comparing Cheney Mason to Foghorn Leghorn if that helps with picturing his style]
The jury is dismissed for the day, but there are more matters for the lawyers and Judge to discuss.
[BTW, the WFTV's live feed that I'm watching seems to be a few minutes behind based on the time of Twitters I've read that contained information before I heard the same information.]
Approximately 5:36 pm EDT
Judge has a list of DVDs that the jury brought with them that they want to watch to pass the time (along with the 200 and something DVDs that they already do have). He needs an answer from the lawyers in the morning as to whether they are acceptable.
Then theres a list of DVDs they want their families to bring them. He says it's kind of hard to object to Cary Grant and Irene Dunne or William Powell and Carole Lombard in "My Man Godfrey". He'll approve them.
Cheney Mason wants to renew a previously denied motion requesting copy of the Grand Jury testimony of George Anthony.
The Defense objects to the line of questioning of all Casey's friends about her demeanor, using lots of words that all basically mean that she has a lack of remorse, and it's improper to argue lack of remorse in the guilt phase. Mason will be moving for a mistrial based on all of that. Note, it was not A MOVE for it, but he said he WILL be making a move.
Jeff Ashton makes a joke about not being as old as Cheney Mason, but getting there.
Jeff Ashton doesn't think it's grounds for a mistrial. He thinks it's necessary for the initial phase in that Casey's first and second version of what happened was that Caylee was kidnapped. The Defense says she died from drowning. Ashton says that the testimony clearly shows that the child did not die of drowning, and it was to rebut the claims that the child died from that.
Evidence of flight or destruction of evidence would be admissible, but not consciousness of guilt if she doesn't respond to people.
The Judge asks Jeff Ashton if it's being offered to show a lack of remorse, which WOULD be grounds for a mistrial. Ashton says no, that might be a side-effect, but it's not the REASON it's being offered. The Judge stands behind its previous rulings (i.e., it's not to show lack of remorse (so far), so it is not grounds for a mistrial.
The judge is going to review George Anthony's Grand Jury transcript. The Prosecution helpfully offers that they have one.
Jeff Ashton asks for a list of Defense questions that try to elicit hearsay evidence so they can deal with it now and not have to object to them and take up the court's time. Jose Baez says it's past the deadline for Motions In Limine. Jeff Ashton says it's based on Counsel's behavior.
Judge Perry says there's an issue about working on Memorial Day having to do with Sheriff's budget and wants input to consider. Cheney Mason says something, but I didn't understand a single word of it; it was like he was speaking gibberish. I don't think he was near a microphone. Linda Drane Burdick doesn't think there would be a problem for them, but some people may have made plans for the holiday.
What Judge Perry wants at the close of business next week is that he's going to ask them their best estimates of when they think they'll be wrapping up. [I'm not sure if that's directed to just the Prosecution or both sides.]
The Judge informed Jose Baez that he did sign an order giving the Defense an additional 100 hours of investigation funds, not the 200 he requested.
Court is recessed until 8:30 am when they will hear motions. Oops. Wait. Not just yet.
Linda Drane Burdick says something about Jose Baez, but is not near a microphone.
They need to make sure Tony Lazzaro comes back tomorrow.
The Judge says some people are being hounded for interviews (referring to the incident where the camera people and reporters were impeding the progress of the Defense lawyers to the point where Jose Baez tripped over the camera and swore at them). The Judge says they have designated interview zones. He asks the press to respect people's right not to give interviews if they don't want to do so, but says he has no control over what happens off of the State's property.
Tony Lazzaro is brought back in for proffered testimony to see if it will be allowed to ask him the same questions in front of the jury. Jose Baez asks him about the shared secrets that he and Tony had discussed earlier in his prior testimony. Was the secret that she shared that she had been abused by her father? No. Lee Anthony TRIED to sexually abuse her. What was Tony's response to that? He was shocked. What did he say to her? He doesn't remember; it was comforting, though. Did he kind of brush off the conversation? He said he probably tried to change the subject so she wouldn't dwell on it, but he doesn't remember. That's just how he thinks he would handle it because he doesn't really know how to deal with that.
Jose Baez asks if he recalls any discussions with Casey in reference to abuse by her father. Tony does recall her saying she was DISCIPLINED by her father. He doesn't remember exactly what she said it was, but it sounded like discipline to him. It was definitely not sexual abuse. With Lee, for sure. It was a short discussion. He doesn't recall the details of it, but he does recall the word "hitting", but not the word "abuse".
Judge asks him when Casey told him about Lee Anthony's abuse. He says around the time he went to New York, either before 6/30/08 or after 7/5/08. What did she say Lee Anthony did to her? Lee tried to feel her up. Did she say WHERE he tried to feel her up? On her chest. Anyplace else? No. Did she say what her approximate age was? He doesn't recall. Did she mention if it was recent or in the past when she was a child of tender years ("child of tender years" being legally defined as 12 and below)? Tony says it was definitely in the past. She did not attach an age. Did she say whether he was successful in Lee Anthony trying to feel her up? Lee was not successful; he just made an attempt. Over at the Defense table, Casey is shaking her head and muttering.
Judge Perry asks about George Anthony in as much detail as possible. All Tony Lazzaro can remember is "hitting". Anything more "pacific" than "hitting"? Not to Tony's knowledge. Did Casey say WHEN it occurred? As a child. Anything else that he can recall? No.
Jose Baez asks Tony if he remembers their phone deposition regarding George Anthony. Yes. Does he remember him asking "So you don't know if it's physical or sexual, you just don't recall"? In the deposition, Tony Lazzaro doesn't recall. Baez asks if Tony was referring to the deposition taking place in 2011, as opposed to being asked the questions in 2008. (Tony had said it would have been easier to ask the questions closer to 2008.)
Tony Lazzaro is excused FOR THE NIGHT. Judge Perry is still annoyed that Tony disappeared earlier when they wanted to recall him to the stand. The Judge still refers to him as Tony LazzarIo.
Okay NOW they are in recess until 8:30 am.
Casey seems pissed off about Tony Lazzaro's answers.
Thank you so much, Sedonia Sunset for all the fine work you did. It is very much appreciated!
Edited by Days Like This 5/30/11 for minor typos
Thank you Sedone! Great summary!
Thanks for the witty summary. I am just about through my marathon viewing of InSession dvr recordings. It is amazing to watch -- Baez's ridiculous questioning, Casey's numerous male friends and the OMG moment about the exclamation of I am such a good liar! Casey sure loved Target.
Is anyone making a big deal about the night that Caylee disappeared from Ricardo Morales' bed? I heard on In Session that Cindy Anthony says that she never called Casey in the middle of the night and had her bring Caylee home. If not, where did Casey bring Caylee? Was she selling her for sex?
Casey is one evil person. A liar, a thief, and a murderer. How can Cindy or George not know? Remember the Memorial, and George asking people to write to Casey and send her money? And Lee, saying CMA over and over? These people live on another planet.
Good point by the previous Anonymous poster's comment about the whereabouts of Caylee on the days that she was NOT with Casey, WHERE did Caylee go? WHO really had her?
Also, WHERE was Casey getting money from during all this time while she was NOT working?
They said that Caylee was becoming more "vocal," so did Casey have to "shut her up" so that she would not blow her cover of whatever it was that she was hiding or doing behind her parents' back...possibly for money? Or as a spoilt brat, was Casey simply cold-heartedly keeping Caylee, the "apple of the grandparents' eye" away from them to get some sick satisfaction out of it, possibly to get more attention for herself from them?
Also, when Casey realized that Caylee was becoming a huge hindrance in her social/sex life (while she was bed hopping per the testimony), and at times taking attention away from Casey herself, did Casey start scheming Caylee's demise with the planting of "abuse" stores in Tony's mind about her family to deflect any suspicions from herself?
Casey is so comfortable spewing lies that the defense team should not ignore this, but take the opportunity to warn their own family members and friends to be wary of people like her in their own everyday lives! This case is something straight from the Twilight Zone! The public MUST be protected from the likes of Casey!
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