Friday, September 4, 2009

Cameron Brown Retrial: Status Update and a Conversation With Alan Jackson

I felt well enough to go back to court today, although the moment I walked inside the building I started coughing again. I was very fortunate that it wasn't so bad that Judge Pastor or the bailiff's asked me to step outside.

There were several defense witnesses who testified today but the jaw dropper was the last witness, who was first interviewed by Los Angeles County Sheriff's Homicide Detectives six months ago. The quick version is, he flip-flopped in his testimony on the stand from the tape recorded interview with detectives. That first interview with detectives revealed some very interesting assertions. In that initial hour-and-a-half interview, he told detectives that Cameron Brown told him what happened to Lauren at Inspiration Point and he relayed to detectives what he remembered Brown said to him about Lauren's death.

I also have some information on the allegation that Dr. Hayes was fired from Harvard because of "academic misconduct."

I promise that I will try to get my entry up covering this day by sometime Monday. It all depends on some sewing orders I need to finish and get in the mail. In addition, I may have to help Mr. Sprocket on diagnosing what's wrong with our car (it's sick at the moment) and to top it off, he seriously pulled his biceps femoris muscle in his right leg (one of his hamstring muscles) a couple of days ago and I have to work on him several times a day because he's still in quite a bit of pain. So as you can see, my plate is very full right now.

The other news I have to report is that as luck would have it, Katie and Lisa who I met at the Spector retrial, came to watch Cameron Brown testimony today. Katie told me that Mr. Jackson was out in the hallway during the break and I rushed out to say hello. When he saw me he gave me a big smile and a hug. Standing right beside him was Stephan Schliebe, senior criminalist at the LA Co. Sheriff's crime lab, who I met when I took the tour. (Stephan's desk is right beside Dr. Lynne Herold's.) It was nice to see him too, and I gave him a big hug.

Mr. Jackson told me that he recently saw a show (or read an article; I can't remember exactly) about how blogs are becoming more recognized as news sources these days. He said that what the (show or article) was reporting was, that if it can be shown that the blog has 1,000 followers, then it can qualify for press accreditation. He said that he immediately thought of me when he heard that. I thanked him so much for the information and that I would look into it.

So T&T is asking our loyal readers to click on the link in the column to the RIGHT that indicates you are a regular FOLLOWER and to try to stop by the blog on a regular basis. If we can document that we have over 1,000 followers, that will help us towards being recognized as a reporting news source.


Ronni said...

Sprocket, perhaps you could move the "follow" button up a bit in your side bar. It's wa-a-a-y down there...

Thanks for your posts....

Sprocket said...

It did dawn on me that I needed to move it up a bit. Thank you Ronni.

Anakerie said...

Okie dokie.. I'm officially a follower.. lol.. Now, my question is do I have to come here every day or keep reading the blog in my google reader? I have no idea how the counters work with the rss readers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sprocket! Acredited news!!??!! That's definitely you! I just joined!
Waiting to hear more on Cameron Brown case, but you take care of Mr. Sprocket!!


Deidre Bowen said...

Oh this is the best news yet!!! Let's do this Sprocket!

Anonymous said...

I suppose I am a follower (even a contributor). I stop by at least once every day.

David From TN

shari said...

This is so awesome Sprocket....I get tired of hearing "negatives" about bloggers when the so called "real media" gets things wrong, or spins the way they want to portray something. We here, keep you on your toes LOL!! We ask questions and you answer unbiasly (word??) and usually find out the answer if you don't know it...Much more credible than "news agencies" in my opinion..Glad you got to see AJ....he has followers all over the country because of you.

Pepper said...

Thank you for covering this case. There is very little news coverage on this case. Seems like it is lasting a long time, considering it isn't very high profile.

Appreciate you keeping us informed!

Anonymous said...

Allan Jackson huged you! I would have fainted dead away. You lucky duck. He is one of the finest prosecutors I have ever watched...Lana had quite a champion. Hope he runs for higher office.

Please do a repeat for dummies so I am sure I am counted as a follower. I check in daily.

September MOO

Anonymous said...

I'm an "official" T&T follower now, too, Sprocket... You deserve your professional creds!

Anonymous said...

Sprocket- thanks for all the hard work on this case. We all understand that you have other things going on now, but we hope that you can report on the defense this week. We noticed your posting was not updated yet from last week too. You seem to be a good first hand witness to the trial, so please report the other side of the story for all.