Hello everyone. I have to report to the Metropolitan Courthouse tomorrow at 8:30 am for jury duty. I hate getting up this early. I know I've promised y'all some updates on Spector but real life has been taking over at the Sprocket household and I haven't even caught up on my E-mail yet. When it rains, it pours around here. Mr. Sprocket did buy that old truck, but it is currently taking up residence in our driveway, up on jacks while he waits for parts so he can rebuild the 14 bolt "famous" GM rear end. Mr. Sprocket says, "It's a legend." You can see for yourself how big his newly acquired truck is.
Mr. Sprocket is very excited about this truck and can't wait to fill it up with tools and lots of "stuff," once he gets it back on six wheels of course.
The day before our washing machine was to be delivered, I was peeling up the old square linoleum tiles to replace them with new when part of the under flooring came up with the faded tiles. We then discovered that sometime in the past (before I moved into this old house over 12 years ago), someone had installed particle board over the plywood flooring. This plywood was damp and crumbling apart in a three by five foot section under our washer and dryer. There must have been washer leaks in the past and this wood was never able to dry out. The sub planks and joists are dry, but Mr. Sprocket is in the process of replacing the flooring as I type this. It's a bit complicated because the water and gas lines are coming up through the floor right there. In the mean time, we temporarily set up the washer and dryer outside, with the water hoses and electricity going outside through the dryer vent hole. I'm just grateful I have a washer again. This floor project (and the truck) will take some time since Mr. Sprocket doesn't really have full use or strength back in his right arm yet.
I did call the twin towers jail over a week ago and found out that Spector did have his two visitors for that week. I'm still trying to find out who has visited him but that information may be exempt from the FOI Act. It's estimated that Spector's private "room" is about the size of a walk in closet. That's probably a difficult adjustment for a man who used to live in an eight thousand square foot house on three acres.
When I read an article by Cindy Adams in Page Six that Spector had spoken to Linda Kenny Baden and asked her to join his team to work on an appeal, I wondered if Spector had a phone in his cell; an old article on the medical ward at Twin Towers indicated there were phones in the rooms. According to the operator I spoke to last week, Spector doesn't have his own phone. To make a phone call, Spector has to make a request of the Sheriff's. He then is taken to an area where he can make a phone call.
Another thing that people have asked me about and that's Spector's "weave." We know it isn't on his head, but where is it exactly? Does anyone know if inmates work the property room at the jail? Just wondering.
Some of you have asked what the DA's role will be at Spector's sentencing. I got the facts on that issue from a former LA County prosecutor.
"At the time of the conviction, the judge refers the case to the probation department to prepare a probation report--even in a murder case where the sentence is already mandated by law. In the Spector case, I would think that relatives of the victim, if they desire, would make a statement to the court--and sometimes directly to the defendant. In a murder case the role of the Deputy DA at P & S (probation and sentence) is very limited. That is because in a first degree murder case (without a special circumstance allegation) the sentence is 25 to life and in a second degree murder case the sentence is 15 to life plus enhancements (gun use, prior convictions, etc). If there are other counts the DA might argue for consecutive sentences. But, in reality, in a one count murder case with a gun use allegation, there is little for the DA to do."
Thank you so much, W., for taking the time to answer this question!
Many of you have asked where might Spector be placed, once he's been sentenced. T&T's own CaliGirl9 weighs in on this issue.
"Where will he go? To summarize: he'd first be taken to the county jail, and then likely within 30 days, be transferred to a SoCal intake center (Chino is one). After an evaluation as to which facility would be best, Harv would then be transferred to another facility. I'm still going with my guesses of Vacaville (California Medical Facility), Pleasant Valley (where he might catch valley Fever, a common occurrence) or Soledad, in that order. Corcoran is too tough a place for him, even with the protective housing unit. So it's unlikely he'll be producing music with Charlie Manson. Unless Harv is being treated for drug abuse, in which case he'd end up in Corcoran's drug treatment facility. But I still think CMF's the place. Edmund Kemper is there."
Thank you very much CaliGirl9!
There are a few trials that I've got my eye on. I've been told that jury selection in the Cameron Brown retrial is set for 8:30 am on Wednesday, July 8th. I'd like to see this trial but that 8:30 am start time will be tough. KFI's Steve Gregory reports there is a possibility of moving the Sandra Cantu case to Los Angeles County. If that happens, it will be interesting to see if the current judge will stay on the case and also if there is a ruling to let cameras in the courtroom. We will just have to wait and see what happens. I plan on covering the Clarkson civil case but that won't get off the ground until sometime next year. There is a "penis identification" cold case that I was thinking of covering that might start sometime in May. That all depends on what happens tomorrow and if I get on a jury or not.
Another thing that will depend on what happens tomorrow is my scheduled trip to tour the L.A. County Sheriff's Crime Lab. Back in January, I was extended an invitation by Dr. Lynne Herold to take a tour when the Spector trial reached a verdict. Hopefully, I'll get through jury service tomorrow without being placed on a trial so Mr. Sprocket and I can visit the Crime Lab on Thursday. If I do get on a trial that will have to be rescheduled. I'll give you an update at the end of the day, tomorrow.
I almost forgot! Dominick Dunne went to the Dominican Republic over the weekend to receive more stem cell treatments for his bladder cancer. I believe he's back in New York now. I know he would really appreciate it if you left him some well wishes at Dominick's Diary. He reads there daily and could use some cheering up.
Update: April 28th, 2009, 7:00 PM
I am in the beginning stages of voir dire on a case that might last around seven days. The Judge indicated that they hope to seat a jury by tomorrow. I will know tomorrow if I'm selected or excused from service. Once my involvement in this case is completed, I will post my jury service experiences.
Hey there, thanks for these tidbits. I would think the number of calls allowed in jail are limited, otherwise it would get out of hand. And I doubt that inmates would be allowed to work in the property room, too tempting. Just a gut feeling. Some people come in when first arrested with plenty $ and goodies on them. Not that I personally would know of course.....
When I lived in New Orleans I met a licensed electrian who came down to help out after Katrina, he had purchased an ambulance and decked it out to be a traveling electrian's shop. Had all kinds of racks and bins and stuff for anything he might need to carry around. Hopefully your "better half" can do as well. I also had to replace the subfloor under an old Montgomery Ward water heater last year, so by brand name you know it was an old one. It was a funky thing called a low-boy, has a white metal front--so it looks like a washer and hides the heater--and only sits counter-high so you can locate it in the kitchen at the end of the counter run, like in a corner. Only seen in limited parts of the country...but not a bad idea for smaller houses.
Wes J.
I will tell Mr Dunne that I hope the trips to Dominican Republic are not too taxing on him....amazing that a relatively poor country would have one over on the US re: a bona-fide medical treatment. I bet the verdict cheered him up a bit. For sure he will be watching the Anthony Marshall/Brook Astor estate trial in NYC, opening arguments were today.
Hello Sprocket!
FGS when it rains, it does pour, doesn't it? Another old adage is things happen in threes. Let's see....Sprocket's laptop screen #1, Sprocket's washing machine #2, Sprocket's sub-floor #3. OK you should be done. Except if you want to count Mr. Sprocket's "rear end" that would be #4, wait or is that his #1? Either way take care and hang in there you two!
Interesting about Spector's future home, will they announce that at sentencing? Hope LKB told Phil she will be WAY TOO BUSY working pro bono for Casey Anthony to help him out, besides her specialty is forensics. Aren't there attorney's who specialize in Appeals? I suppose if he won the right to a new trial in a few years she might be free for a new trial.
I am hoping one of you guys covers the Dr. William Ayres child molestation trial in San Mateo County. Doron Weinberg is representing him. Starts June 1. Weinberg used his work on the Spector case at a hearing last week to ask for a three week delay in the Ayres trial. Word is that he was fumbling and not acting very confident.
Hi Sprocket,
It was good to hear from you again. I know exactly what you are going through with the floor, linoleum, tile, particleboard, wet! Went through the same darn thing. But I had an extra touch of Formosa termite infestation. It was a nightmare
The truck looks great, a little advertising on the side and of course plenty of security locks and Mr. Sprocket can go anywhere to do anything
I personally am most anxious to hear how that insect Spector is reacting/coping in his new pad and new menus............... Ho ho ho......... from Filet Mignon to Pickle Loaf!
Has Rochelle visited?
Is she alone in the castle now?
Does Phil Spector have a television?
Is there of pitcher of Spector with out his wig?
Thanks for the update Sprocket
waiting for the next one!
Carol in Vancleave Mississippi
Thanks for the news - have been missing the daily updates - if you hear anything about a camera in the courtroom for sentencing - do please share. I would love to hear what Judge Fidler has to say.
Thank you so much for the update, Sprocket!
I want to email you, but will wait until you clear out the backlog!
Did anyone else catch the tasteless Phil Spector joke on last week's "30 Rock"?
Jenna (Jane Krawkowski) a singer of unbelievable vanity and narcissism, is stopped by a fan.
He says, "I have all your albums, even the one you did with Phil Spector!"
She replied, "I still think that one would have sold better if he had shot me in the face."
Good luck on jury duty!
Weeks ago, I tossed out the idea that Spector might be sent to the protective unit at Corcoran after conviction. I had envisioned Charles Manson walking up to him and saying; "Phil, I've always been a big fan of yours. I'm your best friend here."
It is probable that he will go to a place like Vacaville. Phil Spector will not be in the general population at San Quentin or Soledad.
David From TN
I would imagine that Spector, who has always been a complete and total control freak, is at this point pretty upset with the tables turned and being controlled in every way.
And interesting he has chosen Linda Kenny Baden. I was always under the impression that she was his big Mommy figure.
Sprocket, all the best to you and your endeavors,
Even if the civil trial is a ways off, the Clarkson attorneys will likely put a "forensic accountant" on the case, sniffing for all the assets....as well they should. All the wild numbers and theories out there, it has got me confused as to whether there is still big money or whether he is down to his last million or so.
Rochelle I know you're reading this. What is it like living in a big empty Castle?
Who's gonna pay the light bill, ?
How many letters have gone to Obama to get your freeky sugar daddy out of jail?
I wonder if Lana spirit comes back to haunt you. I hope she does
Thanks Sprocket, for your time and devotion keeping us informed about this evil man
Wow Sprocket, that is some fancy truck. Hope it gets up and running soon and your floor gets fixed. It's amazing how one thing always leads to another. ACHHH! Anyhow, hope you get that cool field trip to the lab with Dr. Herold..that sounds amazing. Here in Orlando, I would love to tour Dr. G's lab. Not that easy to get in on the inside scoop of things.. LOL Toodles
Thanks for keeping us updated, Sprocket! Was wondering if you or anyone knows if Chelle has made any of her typical looney comments or is she keeping her trap shut? The remarks from the fiancee of the Craigslist's killer reminds me of our very own "Trial Bride".
Regarding Phillip's ultimate destination, I'm agreeing with CaliGirl9's first instinct, which is Vacaville, a relatively mild place, where I think Charlie Manson is to this day. The CDC "Substance Abuse Treatment Facility" at Corcoran is terribly overcrowded, with many low-risk prisoners sharing dorm-like cubicles in a converted gymnasium, and an "open yard." I've seen it.
Even so, the SATF is only one of a number of buildings at Corcoran, a vast treeless wasteland surrounded by high fencing and gun towers; a barren, desolate collection of concrete human bunker-warehouses in the middle of nowhere in California's Central Valley. Strictly hard time, with a lot of arbitrary discipline and frequent total lockdowns. I'd like to see Spector go there, but odds are against it.
thanks for updates...good luck on jury duty.
Charles Manson is at Corcoran, but yes, he used to be at Vacaville. It is a relatively mellow place because most everyone is medicated! LOL
I'm still sticking with my Soledad guess (CTF, not Salinas Valley) because it's now a medium-custody facility and it does have an established administrative segregation housing section (that unit used to house Juan Corona and Sirhan Sirhan, bad cops, child molesters, and gay/transgendered inmates [still with male genitals] before Corcoran was built). Once it's known how well or how poorly 'ol Harv is "programming" it's possible his custody level is decreased and he's moved to a setting such as CTF's South Facility which is where Level 1 "honor inmates" go, and it's pretty low-key. The inmates live in a dormitory setting (based on his crime Harv's probably initially a Level 3, but my bet is after evaluation by intake personnel he ends up a Level 1 or 2 pretty quickly, mostly because of his age).
The possible cog in all of this is the civil trial. If Spector wishes to participate in the civil trial, he will remain in SoCal, and I don't know much about the SoCal facilities. Here in San Jose there is a trial going on and the defendant has been housed in Santa Clara County's jail right next to the courthouse since 2001, even though he's been convicted (and sentenced) for felony assault and using stolen credit cards. This was done so he could be closer to his attorney. Spector may ask the same favor of the courts, and where he's at is a lot easier to deal with than prison.
He will not be permitted to have his weave in prison either, and will wear prison-issued soft-soled shoes. No lifts or heels.
CaliGirl, thanks for your guess as to where Spector will be living. I'm glad he won't have his high heel shoes, and his pageboy/clown hairdo's!
Your information is great. I'm curious about this '' penis identification'' case Sprocket mentioned, is there any information about it any place?
Is Lorena back into the swing of things?
The "Penis Identification" case:
I'm still waiting to hear back from the prosecutor for more specifics.
Re; penis identification case!!!
Omg... did someone find it severed from the body?
A Tattoo?
Sprocket, don't keep us suspended in curiosity!Whats it all about ????
We are eager to see how Doron Weinberg conducts himself in the difficult child molestation trial involving Dr. William Ayres.
We hear Weinberg is not very comfortable or prepared for the Ayres case.
I too would like to see Sprocket cover the notorious Dr. Ayres child molestation trial.
It starts June 1 and promises to be quite sensational. Weinberg, however, appears to be ill-prepared.
CaliGirl9 is right on with PS's motive to stay in county lock-up under the guises of the civil lawsuit. It's cushier and close to visitors that he would want to see...it certainly would not be because he can vigorously defend himself in the suit, or plans to take the stand. His appearance at the defense table is such a subject of derision and ill will that if I were his attorney on the case, I would not even want him there.
I am curious as to why he never had the surgery to get his voice back. That would be a good thing to have regardless of where one ends up.
Harvey will eventually be allowed to wear a bandana. Lots of inmates wear 'em. His choices are red and blue. But it's a privilege and he'll have to earn it! LOL
I won't be covering Ayres. One of our other bloggers will cover it or, we will have a guest blogger covering it.
Good morning all. Please read the following article that I found this morning regarding the wigless convict:
Thanks for the update, CaliGirl9. Sounds as if PS will take up semi-permanent residence in his private accommodations in LA County for the duration of the civil trial. I await the day he gets on the big barred bus and goes to a real jail, even as a Level 1; for a reclusive compulsive loner, a "dormitory setting" ought to be a major lifestyle adjustment. Who will be his "Chelle?"
As for his presence in court, his defense team might appreciate the appearance of the defendant. The one-time celebrity and "teen mogul," he'd be in simple denims or a "court suit," frail, old, bald, and crazy. Might work for him, especially if he does the "tremor" thing and has to croak his responses.
See you in court, Phillip.
Just a few thoughts on PS. My hubby was saying that with PS going to spend his life behind bars, maybe he will be less stressed. No more faux castle to worry about, no new cars to buy/lease, no troublesome financial music promos, limited $ for his commissary needs, no wife to support now,no worry over what to wear to court. Just take meds, get plenty of rest and no alcohol to worry about upsetting him. And, a certain amount of privacy is allocated to him. A man who could have done so much to help others wasted his fortune and his life. All that anger and all that talent, it is a waste, not to mention the life that was lost as well. Just some thoughts from my better half.
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