~Lenny Harper
Since The News of the World report on Haut de la Garenne, a battle has been being waged as to the veracity of the report. Some claim it is the type of sensationalism you would find in the likes of The National Enquirer; others say there is too much truth to the article.
Needless to say, a couple of the usual media suspects are busy playing semantics and spin.
Senator Syvret says: Further to my comment concerning purported remarks made to BBC Jersey by the Police, it is precisely as I suspected.
I gain the impression from the vibe on the grapevine that the Jersey police response to the NotW story has been to say they know nothing about the story, have not yet studied it, and cannot, therefore, offer any firm opinion as to its accuracy.
A statement from the police to the effect they know nothing about the particular story, and cannot, therefore confirm or deny its accuracy- in the hands of BBC Jersey becomes “police deny accuracy of News of the World report”.
Surprise, JEP played the same word game yesterday!
Either way, the report has also sparked a debate as to whether or not it was intentionally leaked by police.
Sadly, for most, Lenny retires at the end of August. You may remember I asked the Senator if this report was being held back until Lenny Harper retires – his response was, “Yes.”
How easy will it be for the “oligarchy” to sweep this whole sordid scandal under the rug again, once the tenacious Mr. Harper is gone?
From all I have read, many do not trust Lenny’s replacement, Deputy Chief Constable David Warcup. There is a sense that he fits right in with the “oligarchy” keeping information from the public.
A commenter on the Senator’s blog said: In a letter, Deputy Chief Constable David Warcup claims crimes are not released (to the public)for 'operational reasons' and the force does not have to 'justify' such decisions.
So, Lenny, who has been open and honest with the public and the media leaves; Warcup takes over. Will we ever see the hard, cold facts of the investigation? Or, will the tea party in the States of Jersey continue?
For all the personal threats and obstruction Lenny has faced during this investigation, he has remained professional, dignified and above all, steadfast and honest – a true hero to many.
A Personal Message From Lenny Harper
"As I enter the last few weeks of my police service I think it is now time to say a huge and heartfelt "thank you" to all of you who have expressed their support on this and other blogs, to those many, many, more who have stopped myself and my family in the street, restaurants, and elsewhere, and to the dozens and dozens who have taken the time to write. Your comments and kind thoughts have made me feel very fortunate and humble, and has easily made up for the handful of people who, working to their own agenda, have twisted the truth, and far worse, denigrated those among you who have suffered so much. I will take away many happy memories of this island, not least the high calibre and integrity of those I have worked with in the force, as good as anywhere in the world, but most of all I will remember the overwhelming support and kindness of the mass of ordinary people in Jersey. I will miss you all.
Thank you. Lenny."
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